The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 08, 1944, Image 8

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—A. H.—
(Continued from page 1)
the present time they are killing
« an average of 150 head of cattle
and about fifty hogs a week. At
J one time, when there were 10,000
Aggies, sailors, marines, and air
corps men on the campus, the
slaughter house killed an average
of 400 head.
The slaughter house was erect
ed in 1941 and all meat killed
there is government inspected. All
of the cattle and hogs killed are
Office in Parker Building
Over Canady’s Pharmacy
Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas
bought from ranchers in and
around the college.
—Attend San Antonio Agrgie Dance—
(Continued from page 1)
able music at this ball.
This is the first of several dances
which have been planned for the
fall semester. Others have been
tentatively set to coincide with
the home football games of the
All social activities of the Col
lege are presentetd by the Com
mittee on Student Activities. Mem
bers of this committee are Bob
Butch of sky, chairman; Bill Grif
fin, Charles Haenisch, Tom Alley,
and Dan Hightower.
from now to the end of the term can be
supplied from our large stock of fine qual
ity merchandise. Or your needs for next
semester can also be found in our store.
IF YOU HAVE a gift to buy, don't fail to see our
list of items. Our large selection of these
things affords you pleasure in making a
Books — Supplies — Outlines
Desk Materials — Pennants — T-Shirts
Aggie Jewelry — Trench Coats
Aggie Stickers — Clothing
“An Aggie Institution”
The Aggies are playing everything this year.
Economics Course
Completed by Girls
Approximately thirty girls have
completed the home economics
course offered by Consolidated
School this summer. The course
turned out to a very successful one,
according to Mrs. Carl W. Landiss,
Home Economics teacher at Con
Starting immediately after the
spring semester of school, the girls
and their parents conferred with
Mrs. Landiss about projects to be
undertaken during the summer
course. While the girls did most
of the work in their homes, sev
eral meetings were held at the
school as means to check on the
girls’ projects. About August 31,
a display was held at the school
to show the girls’ work. Projects
were not limited to one certain
kind. There were displays of can
ned goods which have been put up
during the summer, and displays
of some of the girls’ excellent
handiwork, done along the sewing
Not all girls attending school
were eligible for the summer
course. Those who took the course
were required to have had one se
mester of home economics. And
those who successfully completed
this summer course will receive one-
half credit in their school work in
home economics. The minimum
amount of hours required in the
course was one hundred hours al
though most of the girls did many
more hours of work. Mrs. Landiss
said that those girls who will re
ceive credit for their work have
not been named yet. This will be
done the first week of school this
fall after the reports on their
work have been checked.
—Attend San Antonio Aggie Dance—
Hillel Club Plans
Meeting Following
Sunday Services
At 10:30 a.m. the Hillel Club
will hold its regular Sunday Serv
ices. The services will be held in
the cabinet room of the “Y”. Plans
have been made for the High Hol
iday services and they will be
announced at the meeting of the
club following the services.
Members who are to be on the
campus during either the Rash
Hashanah or Yom Kippur services
are urged to be present at the
meeting in order that they might
make their plans to attend the
“The meeting Sunday is very
important and everyone please
attend”, said Herschel Lippman,
president of the club.
—Attend San Antonio Aggie Dance—
(Continued .From Page 1)
lege offered to make its engineer
ing collection of some 11,000 vol
umes available to engineers
through this library. This collec
tion is to be transferred from
Cushing Library, and is expected
to be done within the next two
months. Besides this service, the
college agreed to construct a
building to house the library and
staff. However, the war put a
block, into this idea and as a re
sult the library is now housed
where it is now located. In 1941,
the library was operated under the
control of the Engineering Experi
ment Station, and was so until the
end of the fiscal year, August 31,
1944. It is now under the supervi
sion of the Department of Engi
neering, P. S. Ballance, libra
rian, was sent here in 1941, to
set up the library and to organize
its proceedings.
Work toward furnishing the
reading room of the library has
been in process for several months.
Ballance said that the library is
not ready to accommodate large
crowds yet, but that the library
is open to circulate books to those
who wish them. The books avail
able now are periodicals and
technical volumes. Magazines are
circulated, but soon they will be
bound into volumes for easy ref
erence. Since the library is main
tained by the college, all students
and faculty of A. & M. are free to
use the resources offered by the
engineering library. In addition
to this number using the library
facilities, there are some five thous
and registered engineers who take
advantage of the circulation.
Books now in the shelves total
about 8000 and with the addition
of part of the technical collection
from Cushing Library, the number
is expected to reach about 10,000.
The library is a subscriber to a
large number of the periodicals
available over the country. Besides
technical books, the library is
working on maintaining a special
collection of maps and charts of
the country. Ballance said that this
collection will be a specialty of the
library and will be complete as
they maintain it. At present there
is considerable difficulty in secur- -
ing these maps and charts because
of military and other restrictions.
However, whenever possible this
collection will be maintained at
This library will be of great value
to those engineers and students
over the State of Texas. In the
years to come, volumes will be
come rare, and the knowledge of
books will become indespensible.
With such a resource of knowledge
available on the campus in the fu
ture, for full time circulation, cer- '
tainly no one will pass up the op
portunity to deepen this advantage.
With the post war planning be
ing completed, this library will
rank as one of the technical
achievements of the time.
A. & M. Alteration
North Gate
Start Getting Your Clothes
Ready for Next Term
Let Us Alter Them
Work Guaranteed
We don’t carry a stock
of the above styles—but
we do have a fine selec
tion of Regulation Uni
forms . . . Shirts . . .
Slacks . . . Field Jack
ets .. . Trench Coats . . .
Shoes .. . Socks and Ties.
Prepare for your Fall
wardrobe now — our
stocks are complete.
C paldropaff
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Station -o- Bryan