The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 08, 1944, Image 1
•* « r % I » VOLUME 44 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 8, 1944 NUMBER 28 Post War Planning Committees Submit f "' k ' llts In ‘ eres “' d m , i • n , , „ In Joining Singing tentative Reports to Executive lomm. cadets Meet Monday In a letter of November 16, from the president of the college, authorization was given by and provided by the Academic Council for the appointing of a committee on postwar planning and policy. This committee was to meet in conferences and as a result of their meetings, were to submit re ports to the Executive Committee, the President, and to the Academic Council. Committees from the various de partments of the college system were named and various men ap pointed to them from a central committee. This central committee was made up of the following men: Geo. B. Wilcox, E. R. Alex ander, J. W. Barger, P. W. Burns, C. W. Crawford, C. C. Doak, L. P. Gabbard, T. F. Mayo, John Milliff, W. C. Porter, T. R. Spence, G. H. Winkler, S. R. Wright, I. P. Trot ter. In a letter from Wilcox, explain ing the need of breaking up the central committee for analysis and close discussion of the the prob lems under consideration, the cen tral committee was broken up in to sub-committees. This was done with the primary object in mind as stated by Wilco^. It was the duty of these committees under direction of their chairmen to clearly understand their subject of discussion and make their var ious reports to executive commit- (See POST WAR, Page 4) Situated on the campus here at A. & M. is the Texas Engineers Library, organized in 1941. The library is now housed in the M. E. Shops building, taking up a space of two rooms in the lower portion of the two-story structure. These two rooms comprise the periodical room and the reading room. Ad joining the periodical room are the offices of the librarians and staff. How the library came ot be maintained here on the campus is quite a story in itself. In 1937, the State Legislature of the State of Texas, created the Texas State Board of Registration for Profes sional Engineers. This board is re sponsible for the registration of all engineers who wish to practice their profession in the State of Batt Press Awards Presented byBoIton Wednesday, September 6, at 7:00 o’clock in Aggieland Inn, the Press Club held its regularly scheduled semester banquet for members of the Battalion staff and 38 guests. Dick Goad, president of the club, serving as master of ceremonies, presented W. L. Penberthy, Head of the Physical Education Depart ment, who was the speaker of the evening. “I feel that every gradu ate from A. and M. should carry with him four important elements,” the speaker said. “These are a thorough technical training in his chosen field, training in a profit able use of his spare time, a fine attitude toward his fellowman and life in general, and a spirit of un selfish service.” Penberthy then added that each graduate should leave things to his college, and named the three items he considers of paramount importance: a name to be considered because of influ ence and good deeds, an example to be followed, and a mark to be shot at. The speaker included in his remarks the interest he has in A. and M. students and the good the student can do if he budgets (See BANQUET, Page 5) Texas. It maintained a registra tion fee of twenty-five dollars and an annual renewal fee of five dol lars. By 1941 the board has accumu lated a surplus of money and the legislature authorized that a part, not to exceed $60,000, of this sur plus be expended for the establish ment of a library for the profes sional engineers of Texas. In order that this library be of maximum usefulness, it was decid ed to organize this library at A. & M. College, since it is the largest engineering school in the state. In competition with other institutions, the college made a proposal that it would house and staff this library without expense to the board. In addition, the col- (See ENGINEERS, Page 8) All boys interested in the Sing ing Cadets are to report to the Assembly Hall Monday evening at five o’clock. W. M. Turner is the new director of the cadets and the meeting is for the purpose of organizing the club for the coming semester. Turner calls attention to the fact that membership in the Sing ing Cadets is open to freshmen as well as upperclassmen. - —Attend San Antonio Aggie Dance— Aero Head Attends Meetings in Dayton R. M. Pinkerton, head of the Aeronautical Engineering depart ment left Wednesday, September 6, for a series of meetings of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences. This is a meeting of the heads of all aeronautical departments of the colleges and the heads of the large aircraft factories in the United States. Pinkerton will journey to Day- ton, Ohio, where he is expected to arrive sometime today, September 8. The meetings he will attend will be held at Wright and Pat terson Fields in Dayton, and are expected to last over a period of two days, beginning Friday. After attending the meetings in Dayton Pinkerton will confer with officials of the Westinghouse Com pany. Matters discussed l}ere will be concerned with the wind tunnel project to be built here at the A. & M. airport. He is expected to return to College on Wednesday of next week. —Attend San Antonio Aggie Dance— Script Sales Slow For Gridiron Dance Script sales for the Aggie Gridiron Dance in San Antonio after the Aggie-Texas game are lagging it wsfs announced yester day by Dick Smith, president of the San Antonio A. & M. club. An invitation to the. students of Texas Tech has been extended by letter through their student news paper, the Toreador, at the request of the San Antonio club. The dance which is scheduled to begin at 11:30 will be held in the Rose Room of Hotel Gunter in San Antonio. Music will be furnished by the 13 piece Aggieland Orches tra and script sells at $2.00 for couple or stag, including tax. Texas Engineers Library Is Technical Information Center Aggieland Orchestra Engaged to Play Final Semester Corps Ball September 22 A. H. Department Feeding 15 Animals Feeding of fifteen steers, and twelve bulls and heifers is being done by the Animal Husbandry Department. These animals are to be shown and judged at the Livestock Expositions in Houston and Fort Worth. The Houston Ex position will be held in February and the Fort Worth Exposition will be held in March. One of the steers raised by the college took the first prize as grand champion at the Fort Worth Exposition in 1941. There are some promising calves in the barn which are being groomed to repeat the 1941 deed. Raising calves to become cham pions is not the only work done by the Animal Husbandry Depart ment. This department operates the slaughter house which is located in the rear of the Animal Indus tries building. This slaughter house kills all the meat used in the college mess halls and a large portion of the meat consumed by the city of Bryan. At (See A. H., Page 8) Aggieland’s autumn social season gets off to a start Friday night, September 22, when the Aggieland Orchestra furnishes the music for the Final Semester Corps Ball. This dance will be held in connec tion with the week-end activities which will be climaxed the follow ing afternoon when the Aggie foot ballers open the season against Bryan Army Air Field. Tickets for the ball can be pur chased only at the door the night of the dance, no advance sale be ing planned. The price of admis sion will be $1.20 tax included. The Aggieland Orchestra, now expanded to 13 members, will be gin rehearsals immediately under the direction of W. M. Turner, newly appointed director of the Singing Cadets and Aggieland Or chestra. This organization has ac quired many of the latest popular songs, and these, together with several new arrangements of old favorites, will be featured at the dance. In dances earlier this semes ter, the orchestra proved a big hit, and they promise even more dance- (See AGGIELAND, Page 8) —Attend San Antonio Ajfgie Dance— Thirty Begin Flying At College Airport —Attend San Antonio Aggie Dance— Consolidated Begins Semester Activities Fall work of the A. and M. Con solidated School will open Mon day morning, September 11, at 9:00 o’clock. Students in all grades should report for registration and assignment of classrooms. All be ginning students and new students will be required to have a vaccina tion certificate and new students sholld have their report cards or certified credits from their pre preceding school. School buses will make their reg ular bus routes the same as last year beginning Monday morning. Registration in all departments should be completed by eleven o’clock Monday and busses will re turn the children in time for lunch at home. Regular school time will be observed beginning Tuesday morning. School will open at 9:00 o’clock, noon period will be from 11:55 A. M. to 12:45 P. M. and dismissal time will be 4:09 in the afternoon. The first, second and third grades will be dismissed at 2:00 o’clock for the first four (See CONSOLIDATED Page 3) Barney Myatt has been elected to the presidency of the Flying Club, and A. C. (Andy) Jones has been elected as the vice-president. Jack Ross was elected secretary- treasurer. Monday afternoon at Easterwood Airport, six of the members took their first lesson. They took their lesson in Interstate training planes, and when all the available planes are made air worthy, there will be nine available for flight instruction. Eight of these are Interstate and one of them is a Taylor Cub. At the present time the club is made up of about thirty men, and the president, Myatt, says that anyone who wants to join the club can. There is a membership charge of five dollars and all fees are fly ing are handled by the club. At the present time the charge to the student is more than one fourth cheaper than if he went out to the field and took lessons from one of the regular instructors. Any student interested in join ing the club should attend the next meeting. The date of the next meeting will be announced in a later issue.