The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 01, 1944, Image 3
FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 1, 1944 THE BATTALION PAGE 3 « * .a * ♦ •4 0 « * The Lowdown On Qampus ’Distractions By Alfred Jefferson Guion’s offering for Sunday will be “Hers To Hold”, starring Deanna Durbin and Joseph Got ten. This is one of Deanna’s first pictures in which she plays a grown girl, and not an angelic lit tle child prodigy. In this, she plays an unhappy rich girl who falls for a dashing aviator, and goes to work in a defense plant to land him. She still has a wonderful voice, and gets a chance to use it plenty. Charles Winninger adds to the large amount of good comedy considerably. The Lowdown: One of Deanna’s best. Monday and Tuesday you will see another good one at Guion. It will be “The Heavenly Body” with Hedy Lamarr, 'William Powell, and James Craig. Powell, here Hedy’s ?bsent-minded, but loving, husband, plays an astronomer who predicts the collision of a comet with the moon. When Hedy begins seeing an astrologer to have her future told, Powell begins to have troubles. She refuses to let him kiss hef on Tuesdays, and finally decides that he is not her true love. The astrologer tells her that she will meet her true love on a certain day, and she meets James Craig, the air-raid warden. You’ll laugh yourself sick when you see the things Powell does to get her back. The Lowdown: A very good com edy. Saturday’s double feature at the Campus will be made up of an old good picture, and a new sad ef fort. The one you’ll want to see again is “Springtime in the Rock ies” with Betty Grabble, John Payne, Carmen Miranda, and Harry James and his Music Mak ers. Need I say more ? There are a number of good songs, and the love story is pretty good, too. The other feature is “The Ghost That Walked Alone”, a screwy comedy about a couple on a honey moon. The couple are played by Arthur Lake (of the “Blondie” series) and Lynn Roberts. As usual, there is the “other woman”, played here by Janis Carter. It’s just another filler. The Lowdown: You’ll like Gra- ble, and you’ll be able to sit through the other one, so why not go? Sunday and Monday the Campus is presenting “The Sullivans,” a dramatic story of the five brothers who lost their lives on the same ship. Anne Baxter plays the ‘wife of the youngest, who. was the only boy to be married. Thomas Mitchell does a wonderful job as their fath er. The picture covers their whole life, and the scenes are very good. The Lowdown: This is a good piece of acting, but the story is terribly sad. Most people will like it, but they’ll come out fully sorry for the wife, mother, and father who gave their loved ones. —BACKWASH— (Continued from Page 2) ject of weather will be closed with the question regarding whether you do or whether you don’t like dill pickles with mince pie. Thoughtful Thoughts To cure yourself of the tobacco habit, marry a girl who objects to smoking—provided you can find one ... As ye sew, so shall ye rip. ... It used to be that when a man made $50 a week, his wife also made $50. The same fifty! Now the wife’s out making another $50 at a defense plant. . . . The violinist is always up to his chin in music. . . . The College Station resident is always up to his neck in water. . . . Few people can en joy the scenery along a detour. . . . There are few Aggies that do not enjoy the scenery along a de tour. . . . The Aggies know all the detours. . . . Don’t run into debt with your boot maker or you can’t call your sole your own. . . . How can love be blind when people in love see more in each other than other people do. . . Why do lovers always close their eyes when they kiss ? That’s The Spirit? How many Aggies have classes from five to six? How many Ag gies study from five to six? How many Aggies loaf from five to s : \? How many Aggies are at football practice from five to six? How many students at A. & M. are Aggies? Seldom, if ever, have there been more than 100 boys out to watch the football team practice. How does the arithmetic stack up? There are about 1500 men in school. That adds up to about 1/15 of the corps watching grid prac tice. Are we so good that we can get by on 1/15? Wake up Army! What’ll They Do? A professor once addressed a teachers conference and made a few remarks on the subject of in toxicants which nearly lost him his job. Maybe there was wisdom in the substance of his speech. He expressed a few personal opin ions upon the college student prob lem and for this reason must re main anonomous. The core of his idea was that he wanted to know the reaction of his son to alcohol before the boy left home for college. Heck, he says. I want to know if my boy is the type that when he takes a drink wants to cry, or to climb a brick wall, or to scrap for a scrap, or if he gets the giggles, or if he is the kind that wants to pinch a pretty girl. That brings the main topic to the front. Girls. One can’t speak of girls without thinking of wolves, then he immediately remembers that the governmem is releasing I amunition for hunters this fall, j Includes shot gun shells and rifle : bullets. Looks like the hunting will be good this fall. Duck season isn’t too far off. Rationing Passion The movie at the Campus Thea tre Tuesday and Wednesday which for some unknown reason they called “You Can’t Ration Love” recalls an old Aggie problem in reverse. Now if we could only find this Adams College. (Editor’s note —TSCW is like that only worse. Any Aggie that values his—well, that doesn’t want to be mobbed had better stay away from Tessie- land, especially if he wears sen ior boots. Those TSCW women are either wolverines, wolverettes or just plain man crazy.) (Editor’s note—What are we waiting for Army? Let’s go to TSCW.) Problematically it isn’t so much of a question of shortages as it is one of distribution. Shoot the distribute to me, John Paul. HELP BRING VICTORY BUY WAR BONDS —TOWN HALL— (Continued from page 1) then returned to the United States and won the unanimous praise of the most critical audience in the world—a Metropolitan Opera au dience—when she appeared in her American debut title role of “Mig- non.” English audiences heard Rise Stevens for the first time when she sang before Queen Mary at the music festival at Glyndbourne that same year. One of Miss Stevens’ latest tri umphs was in the picture “Going My Way.” This was her first movie and in it she was co-starred with Bing Crosby. It has become one of the greatest hits of the thea trical world, breaking box office records everywhere it has played, and it is still doing a large business. Most recent among her many experiences in singing is that of making a recording of a service man’s favorite song for every pur chaser of the prescribed number of bonds named at many bond GUION HALL Phone 4-1168 ADMISSION IS ALWAYS—9c and 20c—Tax Included Box Office Opens at 1:00 P. M.—Closes at 7:45 FRIDAY and SATURDAY Double Feature raft D\H j«» (MBi in flm to HoM\ m with CHARLES WINNINGER EVELYN ANKERS GUS SCHILLING NELLA WALKER LUDWIG STOSSEL DEANNA Sings... \ "Begin die Beguine”, "Say a Pray’r for the Boys Over There”, ’'Kashmiri Song”, "SeguidilU-” COMING MONDAY and TUESDAY rallies for the United States Trea sury Department. Town Hall feels that Miss Ste vens’ name on the list of per formers for the year adds much to the enjoyment in store for the patrons. A legend relates that the largest lead-silver mine in the world was discovered in Idaho by a peevish burro pawing the earth while his master slept. Dial 4-1181 Opens 1 p.m. LAST DAY THE STORY OF DR. WASSELL SATURDAY ONLY Double Feature Janis CARTER • Lynne ROBERTS Screen Play by Clarence Upson Young • Directed by UW LANDERS • Produced by JACK PIN A COLUMBIA P 1C T U R E and “SPRING TIME IN THE ROCKIES” - - starring - - John Payne Betty Grable SATURDAY PREVUE Starts 9:30 SUNDAY and MONDAY Also Cartoon and Fox News