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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1944)
TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 29, 1944 THE BATTALION PAGE 3 —BACKWASH— The Lowdown On Campus distractions By Alfred Jefferson There’s a wild and woolly west ern in store for those who go to Guion Hall Wednesday or Thurs day. It is to be “Frontier Bad- men,” with Robert Paige, Ann Gwynne, and Noah Beery, Jr. Be lieve it or not, this one is really good! It is a story about Abilene’s cattlemen in the days following the Civil War, and the story is very interesting. There’s plenty of action. A number of other good actors in the cast turn out a good performance. The Lowdown: A good picture. There is enough to the plot for anyone to enjoy it, not just the cowboy fans. The double feature for Satur day promises some pretty good en tertainment, though there are no great stars, and the pictures are not box-office killers. The main feature is Jack Benny’s “The Mean est Man in the World.” If you like Benny at all, you will go for this. The comedy is good, the story has enough to keep you interested, and LOUPOT’S Where You Always Got a Fair Trade If You Have Bonds, Don’t Sell Them ★ ★ ★ It’s just as important to hold on to them as it is to buy them. ★ ★ ★ -Buy Bonds Keep Them ★ ★ ★ and You Back the Attack Priscilla Lane is a good point. The second feature, “Captive Wild Woman,” is a horror production, something along the werewolf line. You know, with the hypoder mic needles and the latest medical equipment used by a mad scientist to make a gorilla woman. The go rilla-gal is Acquanetta, who looks much too good to waste as experi mental material for this nutty doc tor. Evelyn Anker and John Car- radine play the othei* leads. The Lowdown: Not a bad double bill; as good a way as any to spend the day. Today and tomorrow at the Campus, “You Can’t Ration Love” is the feature. This is a little out landish, but you will forgive that because it is so well presented. The story is built around a group of co-eds who attempt to “ration the passion,” as one of their posters so aptly puts it. The leads are played by Betty Rhodes, who looks as if she had come right off the cam pus of some school and really does a good job, by the way, and John nie Johnston, a sinjger who is pret ty good. There are a lot of good comedy scenes, and some good songs. The Lowdown: Not a must, but one you won’t regret seeing. One of the great pictures of the year comes to the Campus next Thursday and Friday. It is “The Story of Dr. Wassell,” starring Gary Cooper and Laraine Day. Everyone who sees this likes it. Cooper’s acting is at least as good, and probably better, than in “For Whom the Bells Toll” and “Ser geant York.” This is the true story of a country doctor’s romance and his life in the Navy. He was men tioned in one of the President’s fireside chats, and was decorated by the Navy for conspicuous gal lantry in staying with his wounded men and helping them escape from Japanese soldiers. Much praise is due to Laraine Day, who played his sweetheart; Signe Hasso, the nurse who helped him all the way through; and Carol Thurston, the native girl who also did a huge amount of nursing and other work for the men. Carol Thurston fell in love with Dennis O’Keefe, one of the wounded men, and gave her life to be with him. The episode where she tells him of her love just as they are about to be killed by a Jap patrol is one of the most stir ring parts of the picture. The rest of the cast did a fine job, and to gether they produced a fine pic ture . The Lowdown: Don’t miss this. It’s one you won’t forget. LET US SUPPLY YOUR SCHOOL NEEDS Pocket Slide Rules Professional Grade Drawing Equipment Wrico Lettering Sets COLLEGE BOOK STORE At North Gate (Continued from Page 2) to leave. Sure glad I met you. Don’t be bashful. These people aren’t watching us. Will you come again? Be up to see you next weekend. Don’t think it ain’t been charming. So long Joe. So long gal. This girl didn’t tell the same boy goodbye that she said hello to Friday. These two part perfunctor ily. That couple clings. He looks like he has been clung-to. The best bye is a waving bye. The best buy is a bird-dogged late-date. Music Murmurs 111 USIC for dances comes in different size cans. Some cans are harder to open than others. Some music is easier to dance to than other music. Rare but beautiful are the dotes that lifts one onto the bars of rythmn and makes dancing effortless. Fletcher Henderson played lis- tenable but not danceable tunes. The dancers at the two weekend dances made the comment that Henderson’s music made it a task to swing and sway. How can a stag properly sweat a late date when he has to concentrate to keep with the music ? Noticed Noticeables T HE SLICK FLOOR in Sbisa. . . . The just right floor at the Grove. . . Seniors paying full price for the all-service dance Couples on campus benches look ing for the moonlight. . . . More girls visiting than in a long while. . . . Girls without dates . . . Un couth sophomores being uncouth at the doors of the mess hall. . . Lassies at football practice Satur day .... Scrimmage at football practice — between the A and B squads . . . Sweethearts in rain coats. . . . Cold-cuts for Sunday supper again . . . Autumn gray creeping into the summer azure. . . . . Leather goods in abundance at the dances. Monotony Breaker? J UST TO BREAK the monotony of the next four weeks and to give the corps something to look for ward to before football season, would it be out of place to have a corps ball the weekend of September 8 and 9 featuring the music of the Aggieland Orchestra ? The Aggieland hasn’t had a workout for some time and the corps is wondering if there is still an Aggieland Orchestra. DO YOUR PART—BUY BONDS FCg^ICTORY ' buy UNITED STATES WAR DNDS AND STAMPS m >r - Jack Buie, Vet Med. Student, Marries Dallas Girl Sunday Marjorie Booker, Dallas, and Jack Buie, student at A. & M. from Kilgore, were married Sun day night in Bryan. . Mrs. Buie graduated from St. Mary’s Academy in Dallas, June 2, 1944 and since has been modeling for Goldstein-David and Roos Friedman. She is the daughter of Ray C. Booker, 1534 Padgitt St., Dallas, Texas. Buie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Buie of Kilgore, Texas, and is a graduate of Kilgore High School. He entered A. & M. in the fall of 1939 and is now a senior in veterinary medicine. James Winnie acted as best man and v Pat Harding, Orange, Texas, and Kittie Sue Jinkins, Galveston, Texas, attended the bride as bridesmaids. Guests at the wedding included C. L. Harding, Paul Fleming, C. F. Ray, T. P. Patterson, Barney Myatt, James Jarrett, Robert Raplee, Firman Williams, J. A. Parkhurst, A. C. Jones, and George Struckhausen. HELP BRING VICTORY BUY WAR BONDS Consolidated School Holds Budget Hearing The A. & M. Consolidated Ind. School District will hold its an nual budget hearing Thursday night, August 31, 1944, at 8:00 o’clock in the music room of the High School building. The financial statement for the 1943-1944 school year will be pre sented and the budget for 1944-45 will be discussed. A $66,000.00 total expenditure is planned for the coming year with a possible in crease of four to six thousand dollars on teachers salaries if and when the state legislature approves an increase in the rural aid salary schedule for 1944-45. All interested citizens of the community are invited* to attend this meeting. Some phrases are worn thin from people’s trying to get them in,edgewise. Dial 4-1181 Opens 1 p.m. TODAY and WEDNESDAY Laughs,! Girls! Music! love! 'The tuneful love- ond-laugh hit from Paramount . . . with Six Big Song Hits I p starring Batty Johnnla Rhodes Johnston Dlractad by LESTER FULLER ¥ THURSDAY and FRIDAY i ■ ■ Paramount presents s GARY COOPER IN I CECIL B. DeMILLE’S S “The Story of • Dr. Wassell” SJ IN TECHNICOLOR Laraine Day • Signe Haseo Dennis O’Keefe • Carol Thurston pB Carl Esmond • Stanley Ridges Produced and directed by CECIL B. DeMILLE Plus Cartoons and Fox News Tax Included Box Office Opens at 1:0$ P. M Closes at 8:30 LAST DAY “SEE HERE, PRI VATE HARGROVE” — with — Robert Walker Donna Reed also Cartoon and News WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY 70F BOLDEST BANDITS IN A LAWLESS LAND!