• VOLUME 44 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 29, 1944 NUMBER 25 Gilchrist Speaks At Chick Meeting Forty-Eight Are Candidates for Degrees at End of This Semester Vets, Ag., and Science Students Head List According to the Registrar’s of fice, there are now 48 candidates for degrees to be conferred at the end of this semester. There are 17 Master Degrees and five Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degrees, while the remainder are all Bachelor of Science Degrees. B. S. Degrees are distributed among the following courses as follows: five in both science and agriculture, four in electrical en gineering, three in veterinary science, two each in liberal arts, chemical engineering, and civil en gineering while mechanical en gineering, architecture, and agri cultural education have one each. H. L. Heaton, Registrar, also made an announcement to the ef fect that there will be approximate ly 1700 students in school this fall with about 650 of the total being composed of new students. English Instructor Resigns To Study For Ph. D. at Harvard James K. Howard, former in structor in English here, has re turned to the campus for a two- day visit after spending two and one-half weeks in Mexico City. Howard has left A. & M. to study toward his Ph. D. in English at Harvard. He received his M.A. and B.A. in English at Texas U. and was an instructor on the English staff here for three years. Dances Success; Corps Ball Planned As final statistics were being collected on the results of the Second Regimental Ball and all service dance last weekend, plans were already being made for the final ball of the season on Septem ber 22. L. M. Collins, head of Student Activities, declared he was very pleased with the outcome of the dances, adding that they were two of the most successful ever held on the campus. The men of the Sec ond Regiment cooperated splendid ly in making their dance a huge success, said Collins, and I believe that they had a very enjoyable weekend. The turnouts were excel lent for both the Regimental Ball and the all-service dance making the affair a very successful one financially, also, said Collins. In regard to the final ball to be held on Friday night, September 22, Collins said that as yet no orchestra had been secured but that he expected to complete ar rangements with some band in the next few days. As scheduled the dance will be held the night before the Aggie-Bryan Field Football game and it is hoped that students will invite their parents and girl friends to the campus over the weekend both for the dance and the game the following day. “Aggie Of The Week” . ♦ . Head Yell Leader “Andy” Jones Will Lead Corps At Grid Games This Fall A. & M. Professors Give Main Speeches By Dick Goad As head*yell leader of the corps, A. C. “Andy” Jones will be a fa miliar figure to humping fresh men and members of the corps during the coming football season. With H. Q. Sibley, Bob Seyle, and Dan McGurk assisting, Andy will lead the corps in the various Ag gie yells and the amount of school spirit on the campus will be de termined largely by his success in this position. At present a cadet major in the second battalion, cavalry, Jones was also listed on last semester’s distinguished student’s list. A Texan by birth and a Floridian by present address, Andy was born in Atlanta, Georgia on July 12, 1924, although the legal residence of his parents at that time was Dallas, Texas. Later, at the age of ten, his family moved to Miami, Florida, their present home. Inci dentally, Andy was only one of two boys bom to Mrs. Jones on that July day. The other member of the duo is now a senior at West Point. Andy made the long trek from Miami to College Station in 1941, entering A. & M. as a Fish in (See AGGIE, Page 7) P. 0. W.’s Work On Graduate Degrees A notice from the War Prison er’s Aid Committee of the Young Men’s Christian Association con cerning two Aggie-Exes has been received'in the office of the Grad uate School. These men are Edwin G. Batte, who received his Bach elor of Science in Entomology in 1942, and Roy J. Chappell, Jr., who received his B. S. in Petroleum Engineering in 1941. Both of these men are now prisoners of war and wish to begin work immediate ly on their graduate work. It is the policy of the WPAC to keep prisoners’ minds occupied with constructive work, but there is a great deal of restriction on what materials can be sent over seas to Germany. Therefore, books on plant physiology were careful ly selected and sent through the Former Student’s Association to * Batte, who wished to do his grad uate work in Horticulture and biology. Although Chappell did his reg- (See DEGREES, page 4) Press Club To Meet In “jf” Wed. Night There will be a meeting of the A. & M. Press Club in the Cabinet room of the Y. M. C. A. Wednes day evening at 7:15. Plans for the banquet and other activities during the remainder of the semester will be discussed at the meeting, said Dick Goad, club president. Goad urged that all members of the Battalion Staff attend this par ticular meeting. Season Athletic Books Go On Sale; Coupons Include Two Corps Trips Coupon books, entitling the pur chaser admission to all Aggie ath letic activities next semester, will be sold for six dollars. This price will be included in the fees for next semester and its purchase will be optional. The book will allow admission to four football games to be play ed here next semseter and will be valid for the Rice game also. Two of the tickets in the book are lab eled for corps trips and an Aggie may see either of the games for $1.42, 42<* of which is tax. Former Associate Professor Here Dies . John Hickman Brown, who was associate professor of industrial education at A. & M. from 1920 to 1924, died at Corpus Christi Friday. For a good many years Brown had been well known as a creator of fine furniture, especially new and modern patterns. At the time of his death, he was governor of District 129 of Rotary International. Redecorated Home Ready for Gilchrist President Gibb Gilchrist an nounced Monday afternoon that he and Mrs. Gilchrist are planning to move into the President’s home, 100 Jones Street, on September 5 but qualified the statement by say ing that their plans were made to move on that date but circum stances might arise which would require postponement. During the past several weeks the house has been redecorated throughout and a study has been added. The study has been built out over what was formerly a porch. Gilchrist said that the study would be for the purpose of re ceiving A. & M. students on busi ness matters. Gilchrist’s present residence is on Throckmorton Street, College Station. President Gibb Gilchrist, A. H. Demke, Professor D. H. Reid, and Professor E. D. Parnell will be among a large number of A. & M. men to speak at the twenty-first annual convention and training school of the Texas Baby Chick Association in San Antonio this week. President Gilchrist will speak on “Agriculture at Aggieland” Wed nesday afternoon. His address will be part of a discussion of the fu- (See GILCHRIST, Page 8) The Student Branch ASME will hold a meeting at 7:15 p. m., Thursday, August 31, in the Me chanical Engineering Lecture Room. Major J. H. Caddess, a for mer instructor in the Mechanical Engineering Department who has just returned from 32 months of active duty in Australia, India, and China will speak. Major Caddess has a number of films as well as many interesting experiences in store for the mem bers. All engineering students are wel come at this ASME meeting. Stu dents who sign the roll will be ex cused from call to quarters. Famed French Pianist, Casadesus, To Play On Town Hall Program Dec. 14 Listed among the eight sched uled Town Hall features for the 1944-45 season is the famous French pianist, Robert Casadesus, who will play here on December 14. Since his American debut in 1935, Casadesus has won country wide acclaim for his extraordinary piano playing in solo recitals and appearances with leading Ameri can orchestras. He has reaped sim ilar praise for his recordings that he has made within the past few years for Columbia. When the pianist came to the United States for the first time in January, 1935, he made his debut with the New York Phil harmonic-Symphony Orchestra un der the direction of Hans Lange Robert Cassadesus * * 4c tion” Concerto. In the audience was Arturo Toscanini, who was so impressed with the performance that he went back stage, warmly (See TOWN HALL, Page 7) Student Branch ASME To Meet Thur. Night