The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 22, 1944, Image 5
TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 22, 1944 THE BATTALION PAGE 5 100 Gridders On Hand For First Drill and some special work with the-f linemen. - Because of the workouts which were held for the first two months of the summer, the squad was in •good shape Monday afternoon. In fact, the boys were so spirited in the initial drill that Coach Nor ton closed the session with a short ten minute scrimmage, running the ooys who were here this summer against some newcomers. Afternoon drills will be held at 5 o’clock each day until the days -start getting shorter. Those boys who are not in school will work out each morning at 10 o’clock. These morning drills will give the new men a chance to catch up ^with those men who were here this summer. Coach Norton has five weeks in which to iron out all of the mis takes and get his team ready for the first game, against Bryan Army Air Field, September 23. ^ About 20 new gridders arrived at jDoilege Monday and participated in the drill. Most of this group were freshmen, but some old faces were seen among them. Among this jgroup just arrived was Damon ‘Greek” Tassos, regular guard on A Company and B Battery Play For Intramural Softball Championship competition+one With the softball completed, A Company and B Bat tery have emerged as champions of their leagues. A Company com pleted its schedule with a perfect record while B Battery ended with ■ Used Cars Wanted -We pay cash for any make or model used car. Brazos Motor Co. * STUDEBAKER DEALER 'At the “Y” - Ph. 2-7009 the 1943 team. Others who have seen previous service on the grid iron at Aggieland were Grant Dar nell, Ed Shira, and “Sleepy” League. With the addition of these men, Coach Norton has all of the mater ial he expects to have on hand this fall. A few more boys -will prob able come in. but the Aggie men tor can start figuring now on what he will have next fall. Two familiar faces were absent from the initial practice. They were Monte Moncrief, giant tackle who will play in the College All Star game in Chicago August 30, and “Uncle Billy” James, line coach. Both James and Moncrief will be in the fold by September 1. With Moncrief in Chicago, Tas sos and Butch Butchofsky, block ing back, were the only two re turning regulars in uniform Mon day. It is around tese men Coach Norton wil Ibuild his 1944 edition of the “Kiddie Korps.” SEE OUR LINE OF GIFT ITEMS Full Supply of Vet Student Needs WE ARE STILL BUYING - - - Books, Campaign Hats, Slide Rules, and a few other items. Compare our prices. Loupot’s Trading Post “Trade With Lou — He’s Right With You” 0Y*R3-FU*.STOftAOe HATTERS ozL’xcan. . 214 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN, TEXAS defeat on their record. The playoff for the Corps Champion ship between the two teams will be held tomorrow afternoon at six o’clock. * “Pop” Kidd’s B Battery Fresh men have proved to be another dark horse in the intramural sys tem. They got under way in a slow and unsure way but took the lead and kept it without much competi tion. Their last game was with A Battery which ended with a score of 8 to 3. The only team to defeat the champions was G Company by a score of 20 to 9. B Battery tal lied up a total of 66 runs as com pared to a total of 37 made by their opponents. Their final game of the season will be tomorrow night when they meet the A Com pany Indians for the Corps Cham pionship. Not satisfied with merely win ning the football crown in their league, B Battery, under the coaching of Tommy Walker, has won the softball crown. They have played all their games and won them all. The League A champion has not yet been determined and it is any team’s chance to win it. At the present C Battery is in the lead with four victories and one defeat against her. The playoff between B Battery and the League A cham pions will probably be held before the end of the month. Army Builds P. 0. For Overseas Mail In New York City the Army is getting ready for the Christmas mail rush by building the nation’s largest one-story post office. The Engineer’s Corps has tele scoped a year’s construction job into little more than three months to have the building ready by Sep tember 1, just two weeks before the start of the Christmas mail ing season to overseas troops. The site is in Long Island City, just across the East* River from Manhattan’s midtown skyscraper belt, on the land formerly occupied by the Madison Square Garden bowl. The project will cost $3,- 500,000.’ The flood of mail through New York during this particular period will total nearly 90,000,000 par cels to troops on 11 fronts, on the computation of Col. R. E. Eggle ston, postal officer of the New York Port of Embarkation. That’s more than went to the same areas in 1943. The new building’s 528,000 square feet of floor space will be staffed during the Christmas mail ing season by 10,000 postal em ployees, and 2,500 enlisted men. .Even after this mailing period ends, 4,000 men will be on duty. Military mail, which was taxing available facilities last year, has been doubled in 1944. A similar, although smaller^ ► Intramurals Softball—League A Organization Won Lost ; A Company 6 0 j G Battery 2 3 < B Company 5 1 ( C Company 1 6 F Battery 0 6 D Company 5 2 E Troop 2 2 Softball—League B Organization Won Lost A Battery 4 2 Band 3 3 G Company 3 3 B Battery 5 1 C Battery 1 6 F Company 3 3 D Troop 3 3 Basketball—League A Organization Won Lost C Battery 4 1 A Battery 1 3 F Company 3 1 D Troop 0 2 B Company 3 2 C Company 1 4 D Company 2 1 Basketball—League B Organization Won Lost B Battery 5 0 G Company 0 3 F Battery 2 1 G Battery 1 2 A Company 2 0 Band 0 2 E Troop 0 2 Volleyball—League A Organization Won Lost E Troop 2 2 F Battery 1 1 G Company 1 2 A Battery 1 3 D Company 5 0 C Battery 0 2 Band 1 • 1 Volleyball—League B Organization Won Lost F Company 4 1 G Battery 2 2 A Company 2 1 C Company 3 1 D Troop 1 3 B Battery 2 2 B Company 0 4 Tennis—League A Organization Won Lost A Battery 5 1 B Company 0 3 C Battery 2 4 D Company 5 2 G Company 1 4 F Company 2 4 E Troop 5 1 Tennis—League B Organization Won Lost A Company 2 3 B Battery 1 5 C Company 0 4 D Troop 2 3 G Battery 7 0 Band 4 1 F Battery 2 3 For 50 years the New York City building is under construction near San Francisco to serve war thea ters in the Pacific area. The New York project will serve as a funnel through which will pass all mail originating in Amer ica for men in the following sta tions: Newfoundland, Northwest Canada, Greenland, Iceland, the Am advertised in Life and Esquire gantner WIKIES Keep cool and enjoy , _ 0 f a swim the pleasure ox •+ of Gantner in a suit or Wikies. Boxer-style swim trunks of Zelan treated poplin, arable water- repellant. Other Wikies of Satin Rayon, Cotton Garbardine and fine quality all wool. $1.95 to $5.95 ■» t r WiM8£aiEV~STON6- QAMSBV CLOrM£RS College and Bryan