The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 18, 1944, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Books Received By
College Library
A Selected List
Agriculture and its Sciences
Organic syntheses, edited by A.
H. Blatt: Collective Volume II.
World Trade in Agricultural
Products, by Henry C. Taylor and
Anne Dewees Taylor.
Fundamental Organic Chemis
try, edited by F. Degering and
Bainbridge and Menzies , Essen
tials of Physiology. Ninth Edition,
edited by H. Hartridge.
Psychotherapy in medical prac
tice, by Maurice Levine.
The food you eat; a practical
guide to home nutrition, by Sam
uel Glasstone.
Allergy Anaphylaxis and Im
munotherapy, by Bret Ratner.
Engineering and its Sciences
Television; today and tomorrow,
by Lee de Forest.
The D. U. technical series, Line
Charts for Engineers, by Rose.
Time Bases; a timely and prac
tical study of a great variety of
wave form generator circuits . . .
of considerable value to those en
gaged in cathode ray tube oscillo
scope work, by 0. S. Puckle.
The technique of Radio design;
information helpful in solving prob
lems arising in the development
and testing of radio receiving ap
paratus of all types, by E. E. Zep-
Your Career in Chemistry, by
Norman V. Carlisle.
Electronic Interpretations of
Organic Chemistry, by A. E. Rem-
Strategic materials, in hemi
sphere defense; What they mean
to you, by M. S. Hessel, Walter
Murphy and F. A. Hessel.
Optical crystallography; the the
ory of the passage of light through
crystals and fragments . . . con
struction and manipulation of po
larizing microscopes and acces
sories, by Ernest E. Wahlstrom.
Encyclopedia of substitutes and
synthetics, edited by Morris D.
Schoengold with the collaboration
of America’s foremost chemical and
industrial laboratories—New—Un
usual; Thousands of raw materials,
chemicals, processes, substitutes,
synthetics. Planned and laid out
for war time needs.
Modern Turbines; practical
working data on the selection and
characteristics of turbines for pow
er-plant engineers and operators,
mechanical, electrical and marine
engineers, by Louis E. Newman;
Keller, and others.
General Reading
The Seed Beneath the Snow, a
novel, by Ignazio Silone.
Pick Out the Biggest, by Frank
The Listening Post, by Thomas
B. Morgan.
Flatland, by A. Square.
Physics and Philosophy, by Sir
James Jeans.
Khaki is More Than a Color, by
Sergeant M. H. E. Marsden.
The Baltic Riddle, by Gregory
How to Become An Officer; U.
S. Army, by Major Arthur Voll-
jWhite Mammoths; the dramatic
story of Russian Tanks in Action,
by Alexander Poliakov.
The World of Yesterday; an
autobiography, by Stefan Zweig
(2 copies).
How Good a Detective Are You?
by H. A. Ripley.
Mystery Puzzles, by Austin Rip
Bim-Bash Baruk of Egypt, by
Sax Rohmer.
Old Nameless; the epic of a U.
S. Battlewagon, by Sidney Shalett.
The Aftermath, 1918-1928, by
the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill
(2 copies).
Audubon’s America.
The Christian Fellowship, by
Nels F. S. Ferre.
Texas; the Lone Star State, by
Rupert Norval Richardson.
Teaching Physical Education in
the Elementary School, by E. Ben
ton Salt and others.
Fountainheads of Freedom; with
the collaboration of Herbert W.
Schneider, by Irwin Edman.
Social Sciences
The Structure of Morale, by J.
T. McCurdy.
A Preface to Peace, by Harold
Callender, N. Y. Times foreign cor
Economic Equilibrium, employ
ment and natural resources, by L.
R. Nienstaedt.
Let us now Praise Famous Men,
by James Agee, and Walter Evans.
• Time and Time Keepers, by Wil
lis I. Milham.
Patents and Industrial Progress;
a summary, analysis and evalua
tion of the record on patents of
the temporary national economic
committee, by George E. Folk.
The Pillars of Security, by Sir
William H. Beveridge.
The Spirit of Enterprise, by Ed
gar M. Queeny.
Agriculture and its Sciences
Physical Biochemistry, by Henry
H. Bull.
Man in Structure and Function,
by Fritz Kahn (2 copies).
Drying and dehydration of foods,
by H. W. Von Loesecke, U. S. Dept,
of Agriculture.
Effects of Alcohol on the Indi
vidual; a critical exposition of
present knowledge — Volume I—
Alcohol Addiction and Chronic Al
coholism, edited on behalf of the
scientific committee of the Re
search council on problems of Al
cohol, by E. M. Jellinek.
Food Enough, by John D. Black,
(Science for War and Peace Se
An Introduction to Biophysics,
by Otto Stuhlman, Jr.
Food Poisoning, by G. M. Dack.
Exploring Tomorrow’s Agricul
ture; Co-operative Group Farming
—A Practical Program of Rural
Rehabilitation, by Joseph W. Eat
Engineering and its Sciences
The Chemistry of Large Mole
cules, edited by R. E. Burk and
Oliver Grimmitt; Prominent scien
tists report on recent developments
in the chemistry and physio-chem
istry of Plastics and Elastics. Vol
ume I—Frontiers in Chemistry,
published under the auspices of
Western Reserve University.
The Theory of Electricity, Sec
ond Edition, by G. H. Livens.
X-Ray Crystallography, by M.
J. Buerger.
Handbook of Plastics, by H. R.
Simonds and C. Ellis.
Synthetic Resins and Rubbers:
The chemistry of synthetic resin
ous materials and the raw materi
als from which they are made.
Covers: Theories of Polymer For
mation, Condensation, Polymers,
Vinyl Polymers, Synthetic Rubbers,
Resins from Natural Products, Ap
plication of Synthetic Resins, by
Paul O. Powers.
Marconi: Pioneer of Radio, by
Douglas Coe, illustrated by Kreigh
Circuit Analysis of A.C. Power
Systems ,by Edith Clarke—Volume
I, Symmetrical and Related Com
ponents; Solutions of practical
problems . . . instructions for the
construction and use of equivalent
circuits, including many examples
for use in analytic calculations and
with AC or DC calculating tables
. . . charts and tables to reduce the
time required for calculations. Al
pha, Beta, and Zero components
are here fully and simply described
for the first time in any book.
Micromeritics, The Technology
of Fine Particles. Second Print
ing; by J. M. Dallavalle.
The Chemical Front, by Williams
Electricity and its Application
to Civilian and Military Life, by
Charles A. Rinde.
The Separation of G'ases, by M.
Treatment of Experimental Data,
by Archie G. Worthing and Joseph
The Physics and Chemistry of
Surfaces. Third Edition, by Neil
Kensington Adam.
The Nature of Thermodynamics,
by P. W. Bridgman. Second print
Servicing Sound Equipment: A
complete guide covering the care,
operation and servicing of all sound
reproducing equipment; sound pic
tures, public address, radio-tele
vision. Fifth Edition, by James
Ross Cameron.
General Reading
If Sugar Bums, by John C.
Krantz, Jr.
Whitman, by Edgar Lee Mas
Accountancy as a Career, by
Lawrence W. Scudder (Kitson Ca
reers Series).
Advanced Cost Accounting—^Vol
ume II of Cost Accounting, by
Charles F. Schlatter (The Wiley
Accounting Series).
Auditing Developments During
the Present Century (Dickinson
Lectures in Accounting) by Wal
ter A. Staub.
Lytton Strachery, by Max Beer-
bolm (The Rede Lecture of 1943).
The Barbary Coast, an unflinch
ing account of the sink-hole de-
prav and vice that once made San
Francisco’s underworld the most
dangerous spot in America, by Her
bert Asbury.
Master-at-Arms; a swordsman
who outwitted his generation’s
fate, by Rafael Sabatini.
Fish and Tin Fish, by Philip
This Winged World; an anthol
ogy of aviation fiction, edited by
Thomas Collision.
The Captain from Connecticut,
by C. S. Forester.
Journey Into War; War and Di
plomacy in North Africa, by John
Witchcraft; its power in the
world today, by William Seabrook.
A Bell for Adano, by John Her-
This Gun for Hire, Graham
Specialized Accounting Systems,
by H. Heaton Bailey.
Memory Room, by Don Bland-
Pictures of Paradise; Moods and
Moments in Hawaii, by Don Bland-
Vagabond’s House. 32nd print
ing, by Don Blanding.
The United States Navy, by Car-
roll Storrs Alden and Allan West-
Social Sciences
U. S. Foreign Policy; Shield of
the Republic, by Walter Lippmann
(2 copies).
A Treatise on War Inflation;
Present Policies and Future Ten
dencies in the United States, by
William J. Fellner.
Industrial Statistics; Statistical
Technique in Industrial Research
and Quality Control, by H. A.
What the Citizen Should Know
About the Army. New and revised
edition, fifth printing, by Harvey
S. Ford.
Fiscal Planning for Total War,
by William Leonard Crum; John
F. Fennelly, an<l Lawrence Howard
American Political Parties; Their
Natural History, by Wilfred E.
Binkley (2 copies).
Leadership for American Army
Leaders, by Colonel Edward Ly
man Munson, Jr.
History of the English-Speaking
Peoples, by R. B. Mowat and Pres
ton Slosson (2 copies).
Latin America and the United
States, by Graham H. Stuart.
The stools at the bar of the
Brown Derby in Hollywood are
chained to the rail at a respect
able distance from each other to
prevent customers from getting
Tickets For Staff
Dinner Should Be
Purchased Now
Those desirous of attending the
faculty and staff dinner honoring'*
President Gibb Gilchrist to be given
in Sbisa Hall at 8:00 p.m., Thurs
day are requested by Dr. Ralph ‘
W. Steen, general faculty secre
tary, to acquire tickets as soon as
possible in order that the dining
hall staff may better prepare to
handle the large crowd expected.
These tickets, which cost 85 cents
each, may be secured from any
of the following on the campus:
John Paul Abbott, C. B. Godbey, *
Chas. W. Crawford, P. W. Burns,
J. F. Rosborough, C. H. McDowell,
Fred Hale, E. B. Reynolds, L. P.
Gabbard, W. R. Horsley, S. L. Frost
and Dr. Steen. In Bryan, tickets
may be secured from B. L. Wilson,
secretary-manager of the Cham
ber of Comerce.
Sponsoring the testimonial din
ner are members of the staff of
the College proper, Agricultural
and Engineering station, Extension
Service and Texas Forest Service. ^
Invitations have been issued to
members of the board of directors
of the Texas A. & M. College and
presidents of all Texas State-sup
ported institutions.
We’ve heard so many jokes about .
saving rubber and scrap iron that
we wish the comedians would start
saving a little corn.
Over Madeley’s Pharmacy
South Gate - Phone 4-4724
Make Clothes Last
Proper cleaning and removing the dirt
and grit from clothes will make them last
much longer and look much nicer. Have your
clothing cleaned at Campus Cleaners where
this care is assured.
Over Exchange Store Next to George’s