The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 21, 1943, Image 3

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Page 3
Flanagan To Make Orange Bowl Classic;
Basketballers Prepare for SMU Clash
According to an Associated Press-f-
report yesterday, Marion Flanagan,
ace Aggie signal caller would not
make the trip to Miami. Accord
ing to a report in Saturday’s Bat
talion and to word from Coach
Norton Monday afternoon, Marion
will make the trip. It is not sure
yet if he will be able to play or
not but Coach said he would make
the trip to Miami with the team.
Marion will not be called to the
service as he has been given a
deferment till the end of the se
Officials have not yet worked
out final transportation plans but
the team will be sure to be in
Miami on the first for the game.
Coach Norton has made it known
through the yell leaders that any
one who comes to Miami will be
sure to get into the game if they
just see him there although the
game is already a sellout.
The team is in fair condition,
Our Christmas greetings
to you in hopes for a
happy holiday and a pros
perous New Year.
Variety Store
North Gate
although some of the men are
suffering from the current epi
demic of flu and colds that has
hit the campus. Three men were
in the hospital on Monday after
noon and coach expressed hopes
that all would be well in time to
make the trip. His plans were to
leave on the 26 of December and
to arrive in Miami on December
Coach Manning Smith’s hopeful
basketball squad are still at it
hard and fast to give the corps a
good quintet. About fifteen or
twenty of the basketballers will
return to the campus on December
27 or 28 to continue workouts. The
conference schedule is now com
plete and will be released on re
turn to school. The first regular
conference game will be held on
January 7 and will be against
Bracelets Ordered
By Soph Class Here
It was announced yesterday by
the Student Activities office that
the identification bracelets ordered
by the first semester sophomore
class during the second semester
have been received at the office.
Many of these bracelets have al
ready been distributed, but every
one who ordered them should call
at the office as soon as possible.
It was stated that all bracelets
should be distributed before the
Christmas holidays.
Get-Acquainted Party
To Be Held Thursday
It was announced today by Kate
Adele Hill, President of the local
Business and Professional Wom
an’s Club, that there will be a get-
acquainted meeting this Thursday
evening, December 23rd, at 8
o’clock, in the “Y” parlor. All
Servicemen’s wives are cordially
invited to the get-together.
Ideas for future programs will
be discussed and suggestions will
be greatly appreciated.
A very Merry Christmas to all, with
peace and happiness for the New
Year, is our wish.
North Gate
A heart full of joy and a home full of
cheer is our wish for you on Christ
mas and each day in the year.
too V4ivi kNP Wrrc
Bryan, Texas
Editor-in-Chief : Pat Bradley
Press Club Rep
Marvin Raff
As If You Didn’t
Already Know
Only a few more days until we
get to see Mom and Dad and Mil
dred and some of the other folks
at home. At least some of us are
bucking for all we are worth so
that we may win those coveted
furloughs . . . From news reports
the draft is getting harder to
evade so that means the guy who
was dating your gal may not give
so much competition now that he
has gone off to basic. He went to
Barkeley, sure hope I don’t see
him there . . . Men words won’t
express the feeling we all have
toward one of our fellow students
who has just left to take up a
different type of training. We all
knew him as one of the best, square
shootinest, friends that we had ....
Men, let’s use our radios as if we
wanted to keep them and not play
them so loud that the occupants
of the room three doors down the
hall wishes you had the radio
stuck up . . in a barracks bag. Also,
there are going to be a few less
razors around here unless some of
you know when to use them . . .
This freedom of press stuff is
great but it sure can get a fellow
in a jam sometimes. So many
things that we do and talk about
just can’t be printed . . . My space
has come to an end and nothing has
been said. The reader is fortunate
that our space is limited . . . .
Owen D. Baker
’Tis a different bunch, the Irish,
Aye, and scattered world around,
But just like a vein of gold they be
Just glitterin’ from the ground.
Not meanin’ that they’re better
Than their kin and brother race . .
’Tis just the something shinin’
A reddish Irish face.
’Tis the very joy of living
And their love for fellow man
That makes the fightin’ Irish
A happy lovin’ clan.
And ’tis all their Irish colleens
As can turn your heart awhile
For there’s none acomin’ sweeter
Than what comes from Emerald
But ’tis their fightin’ Irish temper
You’d best be watchin’ for the
For ’tis courage you’re a seein’
From behind that welcome smile.
We received a little piece in the
mail the other day from a fellow
in the Purdue AST unit. It should
serve to bring a reminiscent glow
into the eyes of us from the “Gold
en State.”
What are we going to be doing
about that yearbook ? ? ? ? ?
To Aggies, Servicemen and Friends
May this Christmas season guide us
safely into the harbor of Victory with
peace as our anchor.
Typewriter Exchange
Dial 2-5354 Bryan, Texas
“East is East and West is San
Francisco, according to Califor
nians. Californians are a race of
people; they are not merely the
inhabitants of a state. They are
the Southerners of the west. Now,
Chicagions are no less loyal to
their city; but when you ask them
why, they stammer and speak of
lake fish and the new Odd Fel
lows Building. But Californians go
into detail.
Of course they have, in the cli
mate, an argument that is good
for half an hour while you are
thinking of your coal bills and
heavy underwear. But as soon as
they come to mistake your silence
for conviction, madness comes up
on them, and they picture the city
of the Golden Gate as the Bag
dad of the New World, etc., etc.”
How about that Californians?
Corpus Christi Club
Plans Xmas Party
The Corpus Christi club met last
Wednesday night and elected the
following officers: Art Padilla—
President, George Moreman—Vice-
President, Joe Miller—Social Secre
tary, Louis Engle—Treasurer, and
John Westervelt—Reporter.
A Christmas party has been
planned and all members who were
not at the meeting are requested
to see Art Padilla at the earliest
possible date.
Pint-sized Publications
Pony editions of nine popular
magazines are now being printed
for distribution to men overseas
and abloat. In addition to Time
and Newsweek, other magazines
being shipped to forces in the
many parts of the world are:
Life, New Yorker, Modern Screen,
Inside Detective, Reader’s Digest
and The Sporting News.
Seven music organizations at
Texas State College for Women,
Denton, are giving 300 young
women training as music teachers
and band directors.
With joy and happiness manifold, we
wish you all the health, peace and
cheer the New Year can hold.
May our land be forever free, and the
skies once more be blue, is our wish for
peace at Christmas, may it soon come
North Gate
Our heartiest wishes for a joyous
Yuletide season abounding- in
health and happiness.
“Trade With Lou—He’s Right With You”
seasons best
May your home be wreathed with Christmas Cheer
and guarded by valor and War Bonds throughout
a year!
"An Aggie Institution”