The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 18, 1943, Image 1

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Three Films
From OWI To
Be Given Sat.
Feature, Two Shorts
Make Up Regular
Show In Assembly
Tonight at seven o’clock in the
Assembly Hall the weekly O. W. I.
Saturday Service Show will be pre
sented. These shows have become
more and more popular in the past
few weeks as the- quality of the
films presented has grown better.
The cost in nothing and anyone may
This week’s program, as an
nounced by Tom Putty, Guion Hall
manager, will consist of three
films. The first, a ninety-minute
feature, will be “The Great Com
mandment” starring John Beal and
Albert Dekker. The plot is laid in
biblical times and the tone of the
story is religious in nature.
Two excellent shorts will furnish
the remainder of the program. The
first of these is a musical one star
ring a choir singing Christmas and
other religious songs. The second
short is entitled “Wings Up” and
is a story about the Air Corps
Officers Candidate School a t
Miami, Florida. The picture stars
Clark Gable and was produced for
the Air Corps by Hollywood. The
film is in technicolor and contains
many shots of colorful fighting
planes and ceremonies at the
school. All Aggies and servicemen
are cordially invited to attend.
“WE’VE NEVER BEEN LICKED”—The four lead stars of this thrilling movie portraying Texas A.
& M. at its height, showing at Guion Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 21 and 22. From
left to right, pictured above are Noah Beery, Jr., Anne Gwynne Martha O’Driscoll, and Richard Quine.
Father of Registrar
Dies Friday Morning
J. N. Heaton, father of H. L.
Heaton, Registrar of the College,
died Friday morning at 6 a. m., in
the Nacogdoches Hospital after an
illness of several weeks. He is sur
vived by his wife, four sons, Cyrus,
William, John and Homer and two
daughters, Wilma and Erline.
Burial is to be at 2 p. m., Decem
ber 18 in Nacogdoches at the First
Baptist Church. Heaton was 60
years old.
Orphans Send Thanks
To Donors of Fruit
For Thanksgiving
Remember a couple of weeks
ago—to be exact, the meals served
to you on the 24 and 25 of Novem
ber—when you contributed fruit
for a worthy cause. Over 5,000 ap
ples and oranges were collected by
both mess halls to be sent to the
Buckner Orphan Home in Dallas.
Word has just been received by
the Reverend R. L. Brown of the
First Baptist Church in College
Station, who undertook to sponsor
this noble project, of the results
of the offering. These contributions
have been an annual gift of the
Aggies, and this year also includ
ed the servicemen eating in Dun
can and Sbisa Halls. The fruit is
collected by the Baptist Church
here, packed, and sent to the
Orphan Home in Dallas. The Sprole
Motor Freight Lines ships the
fruit without charge to anyone.
Following are exerpts from the
letter to Rev. Brown from H. F.
Buckner, president of the Home,
in which he thanks the men of
College Station for the shipment
of fruit: “I want to convey to all
of the students through you our
very sincere thanks for the splen
did shipment of fruit contributed
as per the annual custom of that
wonderful body of men.
‘I wish I could take each man
by the hand and look him in the
eyes and express gratitude. But
since it is impossible, you will take
occasion as you have to let them
know that they have made several
hundred children happy.
‘May our Heavenly Father rich
ly bles all of you in all things.”
Baptist Church To
Present Musical
Pageant on Sunday
Sunday School Classes
To Make Up Cast; Play
Written by C. R. Bell
A musical pageant entitled “It
Happened on Christmas Eve,” will
be given Sunday evening at 7:15
at the First Baptist Church in
College Station. This colorful pa
geant is written and directed by
C. Roger Bell.
“It happened on Christmas Eve”
is the story of one Andrew Dun-
son, a withered old man both phy
sically and spiritually, who does
not know Christ. However, on this
Christmas Eve through his grand
daughter and through his son,
who is on foreign soil, he gets a
glimpse of what Christ came for
and the life he brought with him.
The cast is made up of the fol
Andrew Dunson, R. P. Adams;
Mary, his grand-daughter, Chris
tine Roberts; Sue, her friend, Millie
Dean Jones; and a host of young
people from the First Baptist Sun
day School departments.
Residents of Bryan and College
Station are cordially invited to be
present for the program.
Houston Club Plans
Dance for Christmas
And Elects Officers
Last Wednesday the Houston A.
& M. Club held its first meeting
of the semester. The primary pur
pose pf the gathering was to plan
for a dance for the members for
Christmas. In order to get the plans
under way it was necessary to or
ganize. The officers were elected
The electees were: Danny Fur
man, President; Arthur Tashnek,
Vice President; Tommy Penn, Sec
retary; Jack Shepherd, Social Sec
retary; Bill Reese, Treasurer; and
Frogs Dixon and Flemming, Re-1
It was decide to ask exes of the
club to the party. All who attend
are to wear uniforms, be they Ag
gie or Army. The time set for the
affair is 9 a. m., December 29th,
the place is the Plantation. Reser
vations for fifty members have
been made.
Another meeting is scheduled to
be held next Wednesday night. The
time and place will be announced
at a later date.
Cantata Given By
Presbyterian Girls
Tomorrow at 11 AM
Junior Choir Group
To Offer “The Music
Of Christmas” Sunday
“The Music of Christmas,” a can
tata by Ira B. Wilson, will be sung
by the members of the Junior
Choir, under the direction of Miss
Caroline Mitchejl, at the morning
worship service of the A. & M.
Presbyterian Church at 11:00
o’clock on Sunday morning, Decem
ber 19. Services will be held in the
Campus Theater in College Station.
Members of the Junior Choir
who will sing the cantata are the
following: Judy McQuillen, Fran
ces Boddie, Jane Hughes, Shirley
Hampton, Dorothy Spriggs, Jo
Anna Wilcox, Martha Little, Joyce
Patranella, Bernyce Jensen, Tyleen
Jensen, Lillian Klipple, Louise
Jones, Paula Beth Woodard, Elsie
Marie Smith, Betty Smith, Martha
Miller, Barbar Miller, Rooney Bod
die, Barbara Paine, Frankie Rattan,
Sue Scofield, Jo Ann Lewis, Mary
Leland, Sue Alice Brock, Mary
Ann Munnerlyn, Ann Hickerson,
Rivers Sanders, Martha Ferguson,
Betty Potter, Bonnie Morris, Mar
garet Medberry, and Alice Selvey.
More than 150 Texas State Col
lege for Women ex-students are
serving in the women’s branches
of the armed forces.
Hillel Club To Hold
Smoker Sunday Eve
The Hillel Club will hold a
smoker for all Jewish Aggies and
servicemen from 6:30 until 8:00
p.m. this coming Sunday night, it
was announced today by Harold
Borofsky, club president. No pro
gram has been planned and the
meeting will consist of a giant
bull-session, the lounge of Sbisa
Hall being the meeting place. Reg
ular services for Jewish Aggies
and servicemen will be held Sunday
morning at 11:00 in the Cabinet
Room of the second floor of the
Aggie-ex Rilled
In Plane Crash
Lt. Raymond W. Watson, class
of ’42, was killed Monday after
noon near Key Field which is lo
cated in Meridian, Mississippi, ac
cording to information received
from George Dugan. He was killed
while on routine flight.
While flying in the lead ship
of a formation of P-47 Thunder
bolts pursuit ships it was noticed
that be was dropping behind. Be
fore any other members of the
flight could find out what was
wrong the plane had crashed in the
Mississippi River.
Lt. Watson was a student at A.
& M. from 1938 to' 1941 during
which time he was in the Field
Artillery. Before being assigned
a plane he was an aerial gunery
instructor at Henderson Field,
Florida. He received his commis
sion at Brooks Field, Texas, on
March 7, 1941.
CAP To Celebrate
Anniversary of The
Patrol’s Existence
Group To Dine in Mess
Hall and Make Tour Of
Campus During Stay
“Don’t think that the army has
suddenly decided to decorate for
Christmas when you nee a bunch
of red shoulder straps in Sbisa Hall
at noon tomorrow,” sj id Capt. L.
O. Wilkerson, coi^mai.Jer of the
Bryan-College CAP squadron, “for'
red shoulder loops have been G. I.
for Civil Air Patrol since it was
put in uniform shortly after Pearl
Many of the students here are
familiar with the red insignia of
the CAP through Zack Moseley’s
cartoon series, “Smilin’ Jack” but
“in person” members of the out
fit are seldom seen around the
Approximately a hundred CAP
members will be dinner guests at
Sbisa Hall Sunday noon through
arrangements with the A. & M.
officials and the Bryan and Brazos
County Chamber of Commerce. If
time permits, they will be given a
short sight-seeing tour of the Col
The visitors will fly to Bryan to
participate in the CAP’s triple air
celebration which honors the 40th
anniversary of the Wright Bro
thers' first flight, the second
birthday of the Civil Air Patrol
and the dedication of the new CAP
Forest Patrol in conjunction with
the A. & M. Forest Service. Also
sponsoring the Sunday exhibition
is the Cardwell Flight Academy,
Captain Wilkerson extends a
special invitation to Aggies and
members of the armed services to
attend the celebration which will
be at Coulter Field, Bryan, Sun
day afternoon at 1:30, no admis
sion charge.
Flying demonstrations will in
clude message dropping, message
pick up, simulated bombing and
other training missions required
of CAP.
Also here will be a group of
CAP Cadets from Houston which
will put on an exhibition drill.
These young members wear the
typical CAP insignia but not the
red shoulder loops.
Recognition of CAP officers is
not obligatory but military courtesy
is usually extended to them for the
CAP is now an Auxiliary of the
Army Air Force.
Until recently the volunteer unit
of aviation enthusiasts (organized
for home defense before Pearl
Harbor) was practically unknown
to the general public. But the
army, navy and other branches of
the armed services utilized the
“grass hopper” planes to the ex
tent of 20 million miles of war
time missions.
The CAP Coastal Patrol men
(See CAP on page 2)
All-Service Show Staged
At Guion Hall Tomorrow
Fourth Show Carried Over Air by WTAW
Air Cadets and Aggie Band Featured
Library Holds Book
For Right Owner
A package has been received
by the Library containing a capy
of the book, “Where’s the Money
Coming From?” It was addressed
to the Library but since there is
already a copy of this book on its
shelves, it is evident that the
package was intended for some
one else. The rightful receiver of
the book is urged to contact Mrs.
Barnard on the first floor.
Faculty And Staff
To Hold Banquet
Affair Honors Staff
Members Serving A&M
College for 25 Years
Wednesday night at 7:15 o’clock
will 1 be the date set for the annual
Faculty and Staff dinner banquet
honoring members of the faculty
and staff who have served the
college for 25 years, it was an
nounced by W. R. Horsley recently.
The banquet will be held in the
banquet room of Sbisa Hall again
as has been the custom in the past.
Nine members of the faculty
and staff have reached their 25th
year of service to the college, and
each of them will receive a walking
cane in recognition of this fact. It
is to these people that this affair
will be dedicated.
Tickets for the banquet will be
sold at $1. They may be bought
from the head of any department
at any time between this date and
Tuesday at 5 p.m. If the heads
do not have tickets, those desiring
them may secure same by calling
the Student Activities office or
the Student Placement Office. No
tickets may, however, be bought
after Tuesday or bought at the
door of the banquet room Wednes
day night.
Norwood Named
New Marshal
L. E. Norwood has been named
City Marshal for the City of Col
lege Station, it was announced to
day by Lloyd D. Smith, Business
Manager for the city. Norwood is
a native of Brazos County and is
acquainted with it and the city
with which he is employed. With
12 years of experience in police
and law enforcement work behind
him, a good marshal is assured
the residents of this community,
stated Smith.
Emergency phones are listed so
that Norwood might be reached at
all times during the night or day.
He may be contacted in the day
by calling 4-7004 or at night, by
calling 2-8513.
San Antonio Home
Town Club Meets Sun.
In Lounge of YMCA
San Antonio Aggies will hold a
meeting in the Ex-student’s lounge
of the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow night
at 7 o’clock, it was announced to
day by Paul Graham, president of
the club. The meeting will be short
and to the point in order to com
plete plans for the annual Christ
mas dance that will be held in
San Antonio during the holidays.
Important matters will be the
discussion at the meeting, and for
that reason every Aggie from San
Antonio is urged to be present.
The date for the dance has been
set for December 23rd, but final
plans have not as yet been made.
A little cooperation from every
man in the club will make this
dance one of the year’s best, stat
ed Graham, so it is with this point
in mind that San Antonio Aggies
are asked to attend.
Tomorrow afternoon at 3 p.m. is the time set for the
fourth consecutive All-Service Show to be held on the stage
of Guion Hall and sent over the air by radio station WTAW,
it was announced today by Oscar Weigand, director of the
■♦■current show. The program will
last 30 minutes over the air as
have the ©ther three shows.
Features of the show will be the
Air Corps Choir with Lt. Rural
Askew leading and the Texas Ag
gie band under the direction of Col.
Richard J. Dunn. Tomorrow’s show
will be dedicated to the Marine
Complement stationed here on the
campus, and it will be with this in
mind when the two organizations
play songs complimentary to this
group of the armed forces.
Announcing staff for this show
will be, besides Weigand, Harry
Dillingham, John Holman who
writes the script, Tom Journeay,
and Dick Gottlieb. These shows are
presented through the cooperation
of the Student Activities office and
the post’s special service officers
and sent over the air by the college
radio station, WTAW.
Several comedy skits will be
added to the show which promises
to be as interesting as previous
ones. Everyone is reminded that
the program will be on the stage of
Guion Hall at 3 p. m. tomorrow.
The show is in addition to the
original entrance price to the thea
ter. Showing Sunday is “They Died
With Their Boots On,” a show
about Custer’s last stand.
WTAW Presents
Club Fiesta Sunday
This Sunday, Radio Station
WTAW will present on its regular
2:00 o’clock feature, Club Fiesta,
Nicholas Lanni, Fernando Torres,
and Aldo DiTullio who will render
a selection of beautiful Spanish
Nicholas Lanni, tenor, who has
sung in many concerts with out
standing opera companies, comes
from New York where he was sing
ing in an opera when he was in
Fernando Torres, Baritone, ori
ginally came from Mexico but for
the past few years has been living
in New York. He spent some time
on the west coast as a teacher of
voice and also taught foreign
languages. He has also sung with
the Metropolitan Opera Company.
Aldo DiTullio, accompanist, is
also from New York. He has ac
companied many great stars of
the opera during the time he was
associated with the Metropolitan
Opera Company.
These artists are now in the
army and are stationed here at A.
A M., with the A RTF and STAR
Master-of-ceremonies will be Os
car Weigand who is stationed here
with the ASTP.
Fire DamagesRoom
In Walton Thursday
Fire damaged Walton Hall to
the extent of $200.00 Thursday af
ternoon when a student threw a
burning cigarette in a closet when
he left for class.
R. C. Weiser, G-12 Walton, ac
cidentally threw the cigarette into
the closet when he was leaving for
Civil Engineering lab and a short
while after smoke was noticed
coming out of the window. The
Fire Department was called and
had the fire under control in a few
minutes. The building was not
damaged at all, the only damage
was to clothes in the closet.
Department Head
Named Consultant
For Commission
Barker Is In Austin This
Week for Meeting of Pan
American Good Relations
J. Wheeler Barger, Head of
the Department of Agricultural
Economics of the College has been
appointed economic consultant for
the Texas Good Neighbor Com
mission, it was announced today
by that organization.
He left Thursday for Austin to
participate in a three-day confer
ence of the commission.
Six members are appointed by
the governor to the Commission
for the purpose of promoting good
relationships between citizens of
the Texas and Mexico, besides those
of other Latin-American countries.
The appointment of Barger was
a tribute to him as most of the
other consultants are heads of
various state agencies.
Barger, has served the state in
two other instances when they
were connected with state affairs.
From 1938 to 1940, he was a mem-1
ber of the Attorney General’s Com
mittee on Inter-State Cooperation
and in 1941, he was a member of
the College Committee which made
an economic study of the Texas
Prison System for the Governor.
Annual Yule Program
Of First Christian
Church Held Sunday
Bill Suda, president of the A.
& M. Service Men’s Sunday School
Class of the First Christian Church
of Bryan announces that the annual
Christmas program will be held
next Sunday morning at 10 o’clock.
Suda further stated that all Ag
gies and Service men are invited
and assured a morning of pleasant
WTAW Features “Music
By Master Composers”
Sunday Mornings, 10:30
“Music by Master Composers*
will again be presented over radio
station WTAW by Louis Hauer
of the Department of English to
morrow morning at 10:30, it was
announced today by station
WTAW. Last Sunday's program
which featured the music of Bee
thoven and Strauss, both of whom
have renewed names in the music
world, made a hit with the radio
audience as acclaimed by the num
ber of listeners.
Tomorrow’s program brings to
the radio audience “The Song of
the Earth”, written by Gustav
Mahler several decades ago. This
Bohemian composer did most of
his work in Vienna, but conducted
in America for two years, 1907-
1909. He was born in 1860 and died
in 1911, the year that his work,
“The Song of the Earth” or “Das
Lied von der Erde,” as it is call
ed, was first performed.
“Song of the Earth” is a huge
work for tenor, contralto, and or
chestra. Solo voices sing in six
sections, alternately, which are:
1. The drinking song of earthly
woe; 2. Autumn Solitude; 3. Of
youth; 4. Of beauty; 5. The drunk
ard in Spring; and 6. Farewell.
Text is a German translation of
Chinese poems which dates back
to the eighth century. Rich or
chestrations fill in the background
to make the music sound like it is
more than an accompaniment to
the verses. These verses, as named
in the six sections, are of a philoso
phical nature, yet not gloomy. The
performance lasts about fifty min