The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 16, 1943, Image 1
ROOM 5 ADMINISTRATION BLDG.—2275 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1943 VOLUME 43—NUMBER 81 DUNNINGER STARTS RADIO PROGRAM ON BLUE JANUARY 5TH Kem-Tone To Present Magician Weekly on Show From 8 to 8:30 P. M. Over the Blue Joseph Dunninger who is to appear on the stage of Guion Hall on February 8, 1944, under the auspices of the Student Activities office is to begin a radio show over the Blue Network, it was announced recently. The program will ♦ begin on Wednesday, January 5, under the sponsorship of Kem-Tone and will originate its first program on that date from New York. Time will be 8 p.m. and will last until 8:30. Programs of the various Wed nesday nights will originate from the city that Dunninger happens to be in at that time, it was stated at the time that tentative plans were announced. The program will not originate from the stage of Guion Hall on the 8th because that date does not fall on Wednesday, but Thursday instead. Both mystic and psychic, Dun ninger comes to Town Hall with a national reputation for being one of the best radio artists now liv ing besides an excellent stage entertainer. The January issues of ‘Reader’s Digest,’ ‘Coronet,’ “Har per’s Bazarr”, and “Vogue” will carry stories of the amazing feats that Dunninger has performed and a little of his personal life. “News week” which came out on Decem ber 13th also carried an article about him. From past performances of Dun ninger, the Town Hall audience is assured of an interesting and educational program on February 8th. The Dunninger Radio Show should b& a sample of what can be expected. The stations will be an nounced at a later date, but the first show is to be at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, January 5, 1944, over the Blue Network. Dr. Taylor Warns Hunters of Hares’ Infectious Disease Game Should Be Handled With Care; Five Percent Die With Tularemia Con tacted From Rabbits. While tularemia is not wide spread in Texas, hunters should be on their guard against it, Dr. Wal ter P. Taylor, head of the Texas Wildlife Research Unit and the Fish and Game Department of the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege of Texas, cautioned today. Tularemia is an infectious dis eases caused by a germ occuring primarily in wild rabbits and hares. It also is a disease of man, which may be given by the bite of an in fected blood-sucking fly or tick, or by soiling of ones hands or eyes with portions of the internal organs or body fluids of infected rodents, flies or ticks. The disease in man lasts about three weeks with a slow convales cence covering two or three months. About five per cent of the patients die. When one has had the disease he becomes immune to fur ther attacks and can handle in fected rabbits without danger. The best protection against tu laremia is to avoid contact with infected rabbits, Dr. Taylor said. Rabbits that are sluggish or which refuse to run should be left alone. Rubber gloves should be worn when handling wild rabbits as the infection is able to go through the unbroken skin. The hands should be washed with soup and water after handling rabbits. Rab bit meat should be thoroughly cooked to destroy any possible in fection. Dr. Taylor pointed out that do mestic rabbits bred in hutches have never been known to cause tu laremia, probably because any in sect pests they possess have not been infected with the disease. Radio Play To Be Given By Forest Service Over TQN Farm, Hom-e Hour Features A.&M. Men Over Network; W. E. White Announces Program for December 17. “Piney Woods Christmas,’’ a short radio play written especially for the Farm and Home Hour will feature A. & M. men when it is aired over the Texas Quality net work tomorrow morning, Decem ber 17, at 6:00, according to an an nouncement from W. E. White, Director of the Texas Forest Ser vice, at A. & M. College. x Mrs. F. L. Thomas, well-known for her book reviews and radio stories, is also assisting. Mrs. Thomas is cast as the grandmother who tells the story of an early East Texas Christmas to her grand son. Others in the cast are Mr. Louis Hauer, instructor in the English department, who plays “Dick;” the narrator, played by Dick Bolton. Tom Journeay will be announcer and Earle G. Stanford, operator. Larry J. Fisher, Division of In formation, Texas Forest Service, wrote the script and will direct it for the network performance. The WTAW staff will assist with special sound effects and back ground music. Mr. A. V. Moore, A. & M. Dairy Husbandry Department, kindly re linquished his regular program in order that the play may be heard in its entirety. The Texas Forest Service radio program is a regular feature on the Farm and Home hour every Friday at 6:00 a. m. BSA Paper Drive Ends December 17 The present Boy Scout paper drive will terminate Saturday, Dec. 18. A paper truck from Houston will be here to pick up all paper collected by the Scouts at that time. If anyone has paper still at his home, he is requested to take it to the Scout log cabin in Sue Haswell Memorial Park, or to any other place where the Scouts or Cubs are collecting it. If anyone has a large quantity on hand and it is impossible to move it, it will be picked up; but residents are Urged not to call if they do not have a suficient amount to justify the time and material it will take to do this. Chester Jones, Mrs. Wesley Stev ens, Mrs. B. F. Vance, Charles Turner, Sam P. Kennedy, Charlie Munday, or W. C. Youngblood are the ones to call in connection with the pickup in Bryan. At College Station, Rev. J. Hugh R. Farrel at St. Thomas’ Chapel or C. J. Hesse at the A. & M. museum should be called for pick ups. This paper must be separated as to newspapers, magazines, card board, and scrap, and bundled sep arately in bundles about 12 to 18 inches high. Cooperation in this will be greatly appreciated, be cause of the large volume of pa per that the Scouts are now handl ing it would be impossible to take all the paper loose and have it ready for the truck by Saturday. —Bryan Eagle.' Wednesday C.Q. Moved To 8:45 PM Executive Committee Issues Order After Requests Is Made Call to quarters on Wednesday night has been changed from 8:30 to 8:45 it was said by Dean T. D. Brooks acting for the Executive Committee in an announcement to the student body. This action followed a request by the Student Activities, asking that the time for C. Q., be moved to 9 o’clock in view of the fact that the hour for supper formation has been set^ at 6:30 instead of the former time of 6:15. In his letter to the Committee, Boone asked that steps be taken to lengthen the period between the meal and call-to-quarters so that students could take advantage of the recreational activities which take place during that time. In re ply the group stated that the ex tension of the time was not only for the corps to go to the shows but also to attend the number of meetings which must be scheduled between mess and C. Q. on Wed nesday for lack of time in any other day. This step by the Executive Com mittee gives the student club meet ings their full allotted time and the fifteen extra minutes should be appreciated by all who are so rush ed at the present with holiday acti vities in the offing. Christmas Carols Stopped by Cold Participation in Christmas car oling in the dormitory areas has been discontinued by order of the office of the commandant due to the bad weather it was announced here Tuesday. This measure was taken, it was pointed out, to pro tect the health of the men taking part in this activity inasmuch as there is danger from cold and in fluenza resulting from exposure. For several years it has been a custom at the college for the Freshmen to gather in groups and sing Christmas carols under the windows of upper-classmen. The practice of this custom has been carried on from year to year and was discontinued this year only because of the bad weather and the danger from exposure. :A*Ar' I k B—• .'i I. '-J'l Arkansas, by the way, plays in Waco 'this year, meeting Baylor on Feb. 4 and 5. It is due to have another great team, but Arkansas is always great in basketball. BONFIRE IN THE MAKING—Shown above is the wood and trash being piled in a stack for the annual pre-Thanksgiving Day game between the Texas Longhorns and the Texas Aggies. This shot was taken sometime before the night of the 24th at which time the wood was set on fire. PRECAUTIONS ARE GIVENBY DR. MARSH In view of the fact that the- 1 weather that has been experienced in this area in the last few days and the susceptibility of the stu dents to colds during the activities participated in such conditions, Dr. J. E. Marsh, College Physician has issued a statement as to some of the precautions that students should take. A list of these follows: Do not wash your head at night or go to bed with the hair wet. Avoid having windows open in such a manner that drafts blow on you while sleeping. Keep the feet dry by changing the shoes when water is encountered. Marsh suggests that such activities a/, c" •olmg and yell practices be cut to a minimum to keep out of the weather. Picture shows and other public places where crowds are encountered in closed buildings should be avoided to stop the spread of the colds now in existence. In hitchhiking open vehicles and trucks should not be ridden. By adhering to these few simple rules the number of colds can be kept to a minimum. The doctor an nounced that the amount of cases of the flu are surprisingly few. Only some eighty cases have re ported to the hospital for treat ment. Of these sixty are Aggies, the remainder being from the armed services. This number rep resents a mere three per cent of the total enrollment of the college. Winter Holds A&M In Frigid Talons Winter, at last, came to Ag- gieland. Official readings of the thermometer indicated that the temperature reached a low of 19 during the early morning hours of Wednesday as a cold wave swept the length and breadth of Texas. Inspite of cold noses, frost bitten ears and frozen radiators class schedules were maintained wtihout interruption in warm and comfortable class-rooms. B. D. Marburger and his ef ficient staff in the B. & C. U. department are due an orchid for the excellent manner in which the comfort of the entire col lege personnel was maintained during the sub-freezing weather. REVEILLE’S PICTURE PLACED IN LIBRARY FOR PUBLIC TO VIEW Hanging Is Culmination Of Tribute To Dog Which Started With Presentation of Collar Reveille’s portrait which was painted by Miss Marie Haines of College Park will hang in the newspaper room of Cushing Memorial Library, it was announced yesterday af ternoon by the Reveille for General Committee. The Build- Hng and College Utilities depart ment will do the work this mom- Crooks To Appear On Town Hall Here Following the successful appear ance of the Singing Cadets 'on Town Hall here Tuesday evening, announcement was made of the next program in the series. On Jan uary 20 Town Hall will present Richard Crooks of the Metropoli tan Opera and of racjjo fame, sing ing from the stage of Guion Hall. Since this program will be one of the most outstanding of the 1943-44 Town Hall season, those wishing to hear Richard Crooks are urged to make arrangements now for seats, since a capacity crowd is expected to be in attend ance. Richard Crooks is one of the leading singers of the current mu sical world, having achieved fame from obscurity. Typical American, Crooks rose to the outstanding tenor of his time, from a small New Jersey town and has proven to be popular in every country where he has sung. His appearance on Town Hall at A. & M College is heralded as a leading cultural and social event of the season. Prairie View and Wiley college are going to play a bowl game in Houston on New Year’s day. The teams early in the season played a scoreless tie in Dallas. Parlor Party At YMCA December 16 Servicemen’s wives will be en tertained each Thursday evening in the parlor of the Y. M. C. A. at 8:00 o’clock with a wide variety of programs that will be of spec ial interest to them. This Thursday, December 16, Mrs. F. L. Thomas, prominent authority on children’s books, will tell “A Christmas Story.” These weekly meeting are spon sored by the Business and Profes sional Women’s Club of Bryan and College Station, in., order that the wives of the servicemen stationed in the surrounding vicinity may be provided with recreational enter tainment. Singing Cadets Appear On Town Hall Before Appreciative Audience Tuesdag A rousing “wildcat” and the “Aggie War Hymn” by the Singing Cadets of Aggieland with Euell Porter directing, opened Town Hall’s third feature of the season Tuesday night at Guion Hall. Another pleased and well-satisfied audience left the theatre at the close of the program, the first and probably the last one the Cadets will put on for local residents, ser vice men, and Aggies. Following the opening Aggie song was the more than ever time ly “Star Spangled Banner,” the anthem of our country. “Prayer of Thanksgiving,” “Old Crusaders’ Hymn,” “Blow, Trumpets, Blow,” and “The Creation” were sung in the order named to keep in style with the first two. Guest artist for the evening was Walter K. Kerr, baritone, of the University Methodist Church in Austin. He played his part well, and made an impression on the audience that will never leave. His few short numbers were not nearly enough to satisfy, but they went a long way to make the program what it was. His first two num bers were “Shepherd, See Thy Horse’s Foaming Mane” and “Hangman, Hangman.” Eldon Sut ton of Bryan, but now a student at Texas University accompanied the baritone throughout his part of the program. “All Day on a Prairie” ended this section as an encore. With a change in tempo the Ca dets began their second part of the show with “America Calling” and “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen.” The real hit of the show was, however, “Short’nin Bread” which put the entire au dience at ease as well as the Ca dets themselves, as one of the mem bers said afterwards. Burl Ervin was the soloist and Earline Nedba- lek was brought to the stage as the girl who was “not goin’ to make that short-nin bread.” “The Song of the Jolly Roger,” Burl Ervin and his “Pistol Packin’ Ma ma,” and “What Do You Do in the Infantry” finished this portion of the show. For his second part of the program, Kerr returned to the stage to sing “Route Marchin’ ”, an English song about a regiment of soldiers passing and singing as I they march along, “De Glory Road,” and the always popular “Gypsy Shadrack.” A descriptive song of America, “Song of America” began as final section with the ‘Marines’ Hymn”, with Watson Keeney as soloist, following. Porter asked Richard Jenkins who left the cadets as their director several weeks ago to di rect them in this number. “The Bells of St. Mary’s” by the mem bers of the octet followed and was taken to by the audience as one of the best numbers of the program. With the silent strains of the “First Noel” and “Silent Night” filling the auditorium the Cadets neared the close of the night’s performance. Porter introduced “Auld Lang Syne” and dedicated it to J. J. Woolket and Jenkins, both of whom have played an important role in the all-male group of singers. Woolket was the founder and Mr. Jenkins succeeded him. “Spirit of Aggieland” and “Taps” with an encore of “Stouthearted Men” de dicated to the 10,000 former Ag gies now in the armed forces closed the program for the evening. Faculty To Celebrate 25 Years On Job Annual Dinner Will Be Held In Banquet Room Of Sbisa For Staff. ing, and it will be hung by them for a semi-permanent period of time. Rev’s portrait will hang on the east side of the room which is located north of the lobby on the first floor of the library. On November 24, the picture was unveiled to reveal it to the public for the first time. At that time, Dr. Frank C. Bolton, acting president of the college, spoke a few words to those assembled and then pulled the cord to let down the drapes that were in front of the picture. Miss Haines, who did an excellent piece of work as ac claimed by the ones at the un veiling and those who have seen it since that time, gave her view on the work itself. The entire pro gram from the start to the finish was impressive to all since they were gathered to pay tribute to a dog, the mascot of the Texas Ag gies. In addition to the painting of the portrait that the Corps had made and presented to the College, a collar is being planned and will be completed in the near future. It is being rushed as rapidly as pos sible in hopes that it will be fin ished by the end of this semester, which is January 29, 1944. Any ad ditional announcements to be made will be made in the Battalion, but at a later date. Reveille’s portrait has been on display in the library lobby for two weeks previous to this week, but those who have not yet had a chance to see it are reminded that it will be hung in the library in definitely, and they are urged to see it there. Members of the faculty and staff of the college will hold their annual dinner to honor members who have completed their 25th year of service to the college, on Wednesday night at 7:15, it was announced by W. R. Horsley late yesterday afternoon. The dinner will be held in the banquet room of Sbisa Hall as has been the cus tom in years gone past. Members of the faculty and staff will be named and given a walking cane as a token of ap preciation for their years of serv ice. Nine members have reached the mark of 25 years of service, and it is to them that this Faculty and Staff dinner will be dedicated. Tickets to the dinner may be purchased for $1 when they are put on sale. The Battalion will re lease the date for the beginning of sale at the time it is made known. Heads of the various de partments will be notified by mail of this date. Clubs Are Banned From Class Rooms There will be no club meetings held in the Academic Building in the future unless permission is obtained from Dr. W. L. Porter, head of the math department. This precaution is a result of the ac tion of several clubs who have held their meetings without the proper authority, leaving the meeting places in a disorderly state of up heaval. Previous arrangements for a designated room must be discussed with Dr. Porter in Room 223 of the Academic Building. Officers of “home-town” clubs and other ac tivities should make arrangements several days in advance so that a room may be reserved; otherwise the meeting may have to be held elsewhere. All-Service Hour On Radio Sunday Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock the All-Service Radio Hour will present a variety show featuring Harold Reifer as comedian. The performance, which is fourth in a series, is being sponsored by Rei fer and Oscar Weigand and pro duced by these two men who are both trainees in the Army Spe cialized Training Program here on the campus. The script for the performance was written by John Holman. Mu sical features on this program will be supplied by the Air Corps Training Detachment either by their orchestra or by the glee club. Prior to the show special acts and features will be presented on the stage until time to go on the air, it was announced. This show, as the others during the past month, are presented by the Radio Club of the college thru the co-operation of the manage ments of the Radio Station WTAW, Guion Hall theatre, and the Student Activities. Hillel Group To Have Smoker Sun. The* Hillel Club will hold a smoker for all Jewish Aggies and servicemen from 6:30 until 8:00 p.m. this coming Sunday night, it was announced today by Harold Borofsky, club president. No pro gram has been planned and the meeting will consist of a giant bull-session. The lounge of Sbisa Hall being the meeting place. Reg ular services for Jewish Aggies servicemen will be held Sunday morning at 11:00 in the Cabinet Room on the second floor of the YMCA. \