The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 11, 1943, Image 1

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Christmas Holidays Changed To Begin December 22nd
Third All-Service Show Presented Sunday
"Outcome of War Decided" Says Completionof MSsfSrps,
Brauer In Talk With Reporfer New Building Navy Represented’
By Charlie Murray
“The outcome of the present war
is already decided!” was the most
outstanding remark made by Max
Brauer in an interview held Wed
nesday evening in the YMCA.
Once a member of the Prussian
Senate and of the governing board
of the Association of German
Cities, Mr. Brauer came to the
United States seven years ago.
Born in Altona, a city of some
300,000 population near Hamburg,
Germany, he became at twenty-
one an official of one of the great
est consumer’s cooperatives in Ger
many, the internationally famous
“Production” in Hamburg. Now
Altona has united with Hamburg
to form a city of some 1,300,000 in
habitants. After serving in World
War I, he was elected mayor of
Altona, which post he held for
fourteen years. A member of the
Prussian Senate for ten years and
of the Association of German Cit
ies, he was offered national cab
inet posts which he declined, and
only his vigorous opposition to the
Nazi Party prevented his appoint
ment as Mayor of Berlin.
When Hitler came into power in
1933, Brauer’s property was con
fiscated, his home looted and, his
library destroyed; he and his fam
ily then fled to France. Brauer was
once Hitler’s No. 1 enemy. “You
see,” he stated in his interview,
“I was about the first official that
came to power, but they never
succeeded in getting hold of me. I
never knew who would be around
the next corner to nab me.” At
the request of the Leagues of Na
tions, Brauer was sent to China
as adviser on municipal and pro
vincial government.
Coming to the United States in
1936 where he has so far been im
mune from the long arm of Hitler,
Brauer has been making innumera
ble public addresses on the Ger
man situation, both from the secu
lar and Christian point of view.
Until the outbreak of war, Brau
er returned to Europe each sum
mer to keep in close touch with de
velopments both in and out of
Mr. Brauer’s speech to this local
ity was on the subject, “After
Hitler What?” which he divided
into two parts; the first concerned
world order or chaos; the second
portion he spoke on the rebuilding
of German democracy.
“After World War I,” Mr. Brauer
stated, “Hitler saw his chance to
revive and arouse old German
nationalism and imperialism and to
develop and drive his Pan-German
ism by his new nation on to Europe-
anism and ultimately to his new
globism (ruling the oceans around
the Americas) . . . The Hitlerite
creed of ‘one race, one leader, and
one nazified world’ is bound to
enslave body and soul of each in
dividual, every nation as well as all
humanity and to destroy all the
moral, spiritual, and religious for
ces of mankind.”
“Thus,” Mr. Brauer went on to
say, “Hitler attempts to replace
the Ten Commandments to his
‘chosen race,’ the Gospel of the
Mountain by his own gospel to his
‘elite Guard,’ and any and every
divine manifestation by. his bible
of Mein Kampf, enforcing on the
earth by his unhuman, devilish
hosts, all the destructive evil
In reply to the question of
Nazism being a majority party,
Mr. Brauer stated that Nazism is
in power by terror.
Post-war Germany will be a
strong democracy, Mr. Brauer firm
ly believes. The United States will
go into Germany this time and co
operate with the Germans in ma
king democracy strong again. He
stated that Germany will be entire
ly demilitarized and industry put
under control, and there will be a
structural change of groups in
power. Monopolists will be com
pletely out of business.
Last Sunday evening,Mr. Brau
er addressed the MEN AND WO
MEN OF GERMANY in an over
seas transcription, in which he
urged the German people to be
trail blazers of the new Germany
to come. “Break the chains of
tyranny; end the War, and open
the road for a new democratic
Germany .... Make yourselves
once again masters of your own
fate, a free people in a freed En-
rope”! All of this he addressed to
the German people.
Mr. Brauer believes that Hitler
is going down every day, and his
power is rapidly diminishing. He
stated, “The United States could
not keep out of this war and easily
submit to the unrestricted subma
rine warfare of Hitler.”
When asked about the compari
son of Germany with the United
States, Brauer stated that the Uni
ted States ’ can be compared only
with the whole of Enrope, not Ger
many alone. The U. S. is a conti
nent in itself.
“During the last thirty years, the
130,000,000 people have built this
country to be the most powerful
nation on the earth, and today’s
struggle is a challenge to the De
claration of Independence and to
absolutely a minority party kept [ Democracy. Victory is inevitable!”
Baritone and
Singing Cadets
Appear Dec. 14th
Well Presented
Program Promised
Audience At Guion
Walter K. Kerr, prominent bari
tone from Austin, will appear on
Town Hall as guest artist in a
joint performance with the Singing
Cadets of Aggieland next Tuesday
night, December 14.
Kerr, present director of the stu
dent choir at University Methodist
Church in Ausctin, comes from a
long line of musical predecessors.
He was the featured soloist with
the Hardin-Simmons College Band
when it toured Europe in 1930.
He played the leading roles in a
number of operettas including “The
Mikado,” “H. M. S. Pinafore,” and
“Bohemian Girl.” The San Antonio
Civic Opera Company featured his
baritone for an entire season.
The tenor guest artist will be
the director of the Singing Cadets,
Euell Porter of Bryan, who will
sing the Christmas favorite “O
Holy Night.’” Porter has recently
replaced Richard W. Jenkins as
director of A. & M.’s all-male choir.
Previously he directed the A Capel-
la Choir of Bryan High School.
Until the close of the semester he
will remain as such, working with
Bryan group in the morning and
Aggies in the afternoon.
For the past week, the cadets
have been practicing both after
noon and nights of the regularly
scheduled days. Approximately
(See BARATONE, Page 4)
Hillel Club Presents
Program Sunday,
Sbisa Lounge 8 PM
Cantor Walls Featured; AH
Jewish Aggies, Servicemen
Invited to Attend Party
A program of Ancient Jewish
music featuring the feast of the
Maccabeans-Hanukah will be given
by the Hillel Club, Sunday, Dec.,
12th at 6:46 P. M., at the Lounge
Room of Sbisa Hall. Cantor Isaac
S. Walls of Houston will be the
guest artist. Cantor Walls will nar
rate the story of the Maccabeans
and illustrate the spirit of the
festival with traditional old He
brew songs. Harold Bor of sky. Pres
ident of the Club and Pvt. Richard
Gottlieb will also take part in the
Hanukah commemmorates the
victory of Judas Maccabeus and
his heroic band over the vast army
of Antiochus Epiphanes, King of
Syria, as narrated in Books I and
II of the Apocrypha. The exact
date of the festival this year is
Dec. 22-29, but because of the
Christmas holidays has been set
for the club for Dec. 12th. Cantor
Walls is well known in Houston
musical circles. This is his first
appearance at College Station, and
the Hillel Club is happy of the
privilege of presenting so fine
an artist to music lovers of College
and Bryan Community.
The program will be held in the
form of a party and all Jewish
students and servicemen are cor
dially invited to attend.
Lend Over Here—Win Over
There. .
Peace Has It’s Price—Pay It!
Air Corps Choir Will
Sing- at Baptist Church
According to R. L. Brown, Pastor
of the College Station Baptist
Church, \nembers of the Air Corps
will be guests of the Church on
Sunday, December 12. At the Sun
day morning service a special Air
Corps choir under the direction of
Lt. Askew will have charge of the
Their program will consist of
the following numbers: “Dear Land
of Home,” “Sibelius,” and “Child
ren’s Prayer” by Humperdinck.
They will close the program with
“The Lord’s Prayer” by Malotte.
Modern Construction
To Solve Problems of
Cotton Research Men
Fruits of the labor of far think
ing representatives of Texas cot
ton oil mill interests, covering the
past qifarter century, will bear
harvest around February 15 when
the new Cottonseed Products Pro
cessing Laboratory on the campus
of the Texas A. & M. College will
be completed.
For several years a cotton mill
has been housed in the basement
of the Chemistry Building, with
the various machinery units pur
chased for the College by the Tex
as Cottonseed Crushers Associa
tion, or donated by oil mill ma
chinery companies. Here each sum
mer for many years have been held
the popular Oil Mill Operators
Short Course as a cooperative en
terprise by the Texas Cottonseed
Crushers Association and the De
partment of Chemical Engineering
(of the Texas A. & M. College. With
the growth of the school and in
creasing demands for student in
struction, plus increasing attend
ance at the short course, these fa
cilities have proved inadequate to
function to best advantage.
The new laboratory*building was
made possible through the allo
cation of $50,000 by the Cotton Re
search Committee, and an addition
al appropriation by the Texas A.
& M. College.
The Cotton Research Committee,
maintaining headquarters at Col
lege Station, was established by
the Moffett Cotton Research Bill,
passed by the Texas Legislature,
which carried an appropriation of
$250,000 for 1941-43, with- provi
sions for continuing appropriations
for the “purpose of establishing
cotton research facilities in Texas
wherein new used of cotton, cot
tonseed and their products . . . may
be sought out and discovered and
made available.”
Two important points became
settled with the Cotton Research
(1) Research should be conduct-
ed largely at the Texas A. & M.
(2) Housing facilities for research
Sunday afternoon from the stage
of Guion Hall, station WTAW
the Voice Of The Texas Aggies,
will present its regular Sunday af
ternoon All-Service Show under the
direction of Tom Journeay. This
Sunday’s show will be a quiz pro
gram in which some of the “hen
pecked” servicemen on the cam
pus will have a battle of wits
against their wives. Prizes of sil
ver dollars will be given and also'
a master prize which will be an
nounced and presented on the
stage. These Sunday Service shows
are joint presentations of Guion
Hall and Radio Station WTAW
through the cooperation of the
post’s special service officers.
The cast of this Sunday’s show
will include five servicemen and
their wives. The men will be picked
one from each branch on the cam
pus and one married Aggie and
his wife. Personnel of the Radio
Club will be in charge of all pro
duction and announcing. Also on
the program will be several special
numbers and musical arrange
ments. The program this week will
be dedicated to the Air Corps Train
ing Detachment and Captain Sam
B. Hill, commander of the De
tachment will make a personal ap
A highlight of the show will be
the presentation of Colonel Rich
ard J. Dunn and his Aggie Band
playing from the pit of Guion Hall.
They will play a salute to the
Air Corps Training Detachment.
The program will begin promptly
at 3:00 p.m. radio time and all
persons desiring to see the stage
production must attend the film
preceding it. On the screen will be
Robert Taylor in “Bataan”. There
will be no advance in prices.
work were inadequate.
An agreement was subsequently
entered into between the Cotton
Research Committee and the En
gineering Experiment Station of
the Texas A. & M. College for the
erection of the Cottonseed Products
Processing Laboratory, to be 50
by 150 feet, two stories, brick and
hollow tile construction with an
asbestos roof.
The Cotton Research Committee
designated two representatives
to work with the organization in
terested in the new laboratory.
These are John Leahy, its director,
and A. Cecil Wamble, a Texas Ag
gie graduate of ten years ago, its
project director.
IV TAIV Features ”Music by Master
Composers’ , Each Sunday Morning
Vacation Includes ROTC,
Civilian Students Only
Faculty Members Teaching Only Civilian
Students Will Have Same Holiday Period
Christmas holidays have been changed to enable the corps
to make the trip to the Orange Bowl, it was officially an
nounced late yesterday afternoon by the Executive Com
mittee. The holidays will begin at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Decem
ber 22, 1943 and will last until Reveille Monday, January 3,
These holidays are announced for civilian students and
those members of the faculty engaged in teaching civilian
students exclusively. No mention
Town Hall Tickets for
Singing Cadets on Sale
Town Hall tickets for the Sing
ing Cadet engagement went on
sale yesterday in the Student’s
Activities Office and will remain
on sale until 3 P. M. on the after
noon of the performance, Decem
ber 14. Unreserved tickets and
tickets for servicemen and their
wives are being sold for 50 cents,
while the reserved tickets sell
for $1.00.
By Sylvester Boone
Of interest to the radio listeners
of radio station WTAW every Sun
day morning from 10:30 to 11:30
is “Music by Master omposers,”
presented by Louis Hauer of the
Department of English. A program
designed to give music lovers an
opportunity to hear the music of
the masters, it is a recorded pro
gram of classical and symphonic
Begun in April, 1942, by Dr.
C- B. Campbell of the language
Department, it has increased in
popularity with the residents of
this and surrounding communities
until it is now one of the best Sun
day programs. Hauer took charge
of the program near the end of
May, 1942, and it has been his
charge ever since. “Music by Mas
ter Composers” was a 40-minute
program in the beginning, but an
hour was allowed when the sta
tion went on full daytime schedule.
At the present, 10:30 every Sun
day morning is the time, and it
lasts until 11:30.
A varied program is presented
each week with an alternation of
the types of music to be played
that morning. Last Sunday a con
trast of the viola and the violin
was given. With an opening of
“Concerto for Viola and Orches
tra” by William Walton and a mix
ture of pieces such as “Schubert’s
Sonata in D-Major, for Violin and
piano,” a program of comparison
of the tone qualities of the two in
struments gave the listening au
dience a chance to test the types
Tomorrow’s program has been
arranged to present the music of
Beethoven and Strauss, both of
them well known musicians. The
“Great Fugue,” Beethoven’s ori
ginal finale to his twelfth string
quartet, will be the major piece.
This fugue was taken away from
the twelfth string quartet because
the publishers where Beethoven
took his compositions thought it
too long and asked that he write
another finale which he did. The
“Great Fugue” became an inde
pendent composition as a result
of the new finale he had written.
This is a vigorous fugue, but it is
succeeded by slower and more
spacious music with a noble ending.
A string orchestra, Busch Cham
ber’s Players, will play the fugue
instead of the String Quartet as
Beethoven had done.
Richard Strauss’s “Don Quixote”
is the second major work. It is a
tone poem that tells in music the
story of Cervantes’ addle-pated
idealist, who accompanied by his
stupid squire, tried to right the
(See WTAW, Page 4)
Consolidated High
Dramatics Club To
Give Presentation
Group Presents Play,
“A King is Born” at
Christmas Tea Dec. 14
The A. & M. Consolidated High
School Dramatic Club is presenting
before the Campus Study Club and
guests, Stephen Vincent Benet’s
“A King is Born.” The presentation
will take place at the annual
Christmas Tea, December 14, at
3 p. m., in the Y. M. C. A. chapel.
The play will be presented as it
was written for the December 12,
1942 Calvalcade of America radio
Members of the cast are: Narra
tor, Barbara Paine; Innkeeper, Bill
Guthrie; Innkeeper’s wife, Glenda
Lauterstein; Dismas a thief, Bob
bie Carroll; Joseph, Billy Smith.
The Maids will be played by Dor-
malee Bernard and Sue Alice
Brock while the sound effects men
will be Jerry Bonner and Bob
Wright. Incidental music will be
added by Mrs. R. R. Lancaster.
The Dramatic Club, sponsored by
Mrs. W. T. Magee, extends cordial
invitation to members of the other
clubs and friends that may wish
to come. The play is being given
at the request of the Fine Arts
Committee of the club and the tea
will be under the supervision of
the Entertainment Committee.
of holidays for other students on
the campus or for those professors
teaching non-civilian students was
Holidays had been previously
set for December 18 to December
28 but these dates had been agreed
upon before the Orange Bowl’s
invitation to the Texas Aggies to
play against Louisiana State Uni
versity New Year’s Day. This
conflict in dates made it possible
for many members of the corps
who were planning to make the
trip to go. The change in dates
provides ample time to make the
trip to Miami and return to college
in time for classes.
Dallas A. & M. Club
Elects Officers and
Plans Xmas Dance
Wednesday night the Dallas A.
& M. Club elected Conrad Som
mers president for, the present se
mester. Other officers elected were
Danny Green, vice-president and
Bob English, secretary-treasurer.
Plans were made for the annual
Christmas dance which is held in
Dallas during the holidays. Final
and complete plans will be made
Wednesday night December 15, in
the lecture room of the Electrical
Engineering building. Further an
nouncements will be placed on the
bulletin boards.
There are men in all of the
dormitories to collect dues which
will be good for membership and
admission to the dance. These men
are Frog Hancock, dorm 14; Frogs
Hall and Bentley, dorm 17; Fish
McAnally, dorm 15; Fish Fix,
dorm 16; Danny Green and Bob
English, Milner; Conrad Sommers
and Archie Broodo, Walton. These
men will explain the dues and
what they are for and more about
the dance.
Dallas men are urged to attend
the next meeting and help with
the plans.
Review of “Under
Cover” To Be Given
Monday Night at 8
Bryan Lions Club to
Sponsor Review For
Xmas Charity Fund
“Under Cover,” a book of major
importance during these times,
will be reviewed by Miss Evelyn
Oppenheimer on Monday night,
December 13, at 8 o’clock in the
auditorium of the Stephen F. Aus
tin High School in Bryan. The
Bryan Lions Club is sponsoring
this book review.
Miss Oppenheimer has traveled
throughout the state reviewing this
book, having repeated it ten times
in Dallas and three times in Fort
Worth. She also entertained citi
zens of Houston, San Antonio, Aus
tin, and Waco on her tour of the
state. “Under Cover” has been
awarded the major recommenda-*
tion by the United States Council
of Books in Wartime, and should
thus prove to be very interesting^
to all who attend.
Tickets to the review may be
purchased at the Aggieland Phar
macy, Luke’s Grocery, and the
South side Food Market, all three
located in College Station. Pro
ceeds will be used for the Lions
Club Christmas Charity Fund.
People of College Station are cor
dially invited to purchase tickets
and hear this timely review, as it
should be very worthwhile.
Assembly Hall Will
Present Three Free
Shows This Evening
“Monte Cristo,” OWI
Release, and Cartoon
To Comprise Program
To take the place of the Satur
day evening service show for this
week end, three free movies will
be presented at the Assembly Hall
at 7 p.m. today. First on the list
is the old, but ever-popular, “Count
of Monte Cristo,” starring Robert
Donat, Academy Award winner f«r
his excellent acting in “Goodbye,
Mr. Chips.” This will be a two-
hour, full length movie.
“Our Enemy, The Japanese,” a
short subject released by the Of
fice of War Information, will be
shown next. The government de
partment issues this type of show
to show the American public the
truth about the Japanese. “Jack
Frost,” a color cartoon, will con
clude'the three pictures.
T G. Puddy, the manager of
’ (See ASSEMBLY, Page 4)