The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 30, 1943, Image 4
Pape 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1943 OFFICIAL NOTICES Classified LOST—Elgin wrist watch, about 2:80 Saturday p.m. between Aggieland Inn and North Gate. Reward. James Cross, Room 212, Dorm 11. Two roldiers wives desire apartment or small houses (furnished) for 1 (one) year in or near College Station. Both work, don’t smoke or drink. No children or pets. Are interested in vacancies or future va cancies. Please notify Mrs. Fox, P.O. 4217, College Station, (South Station) Texas. Navy wife with year old child desires furnished room or sublet furnished apart ment, December only. Will care for baby. Medical Technician. Mrs. Evans, Box 469, College Station. WANTED: Someone to help drive car to Pittsburgh, Penn. Dec. 1. Telephone 4-4267. Executive Offices The President’s Office is holding a box of thumb tacks from the Jack Bonner Co. Will the Department ordering these please call for them. Meetings The New Comers Club will not meet Wednesday as was previously planned. LISTEN TO WTAW 1150 k.c Radio Calendar for Tuesday, November 30, 1943 10:00—Musical Reveille 10:30—News 10:45—Morning Reveries 11:00—Moments of Devotion 11:15—Lean Back and Listen 11:30—Listen Ladies 11:45—Music 12:15—News 12:30—Farm Fair 12:45—Music 1:15—Between the Lines 1:30—Music 2:00—Treasury Transcription 2:15—News 2:30—Music 2:45—Woman’s Program 3:00—Swing Music 4:15—Sports News 4:30—Geography of the World 4:46—Navy Scrapbook 6:00—Know Your State 5:15—Economic Problems 6:30—The Little Show 6:45—News 6:00—Sign-off CATALINA SWEATERS Catalina All-America Sweaters are the Choice of College Men — they are 100% pure virgin wool—with plenty o f style to insure good looks —they will give «xtra Ipng wear. Available in Khaki . . . Maroon . . . Royal . . . White . . . Brown or Camel. Sleeveless $3.50 Slipons $6.50 Coat Styles $7.50 OJaldropflg “Two Convenient Stores’* College Station Bryan Trimming Tabs Squadron I ‘Tis another day we begin now, with that same ole’ fightin’ beaver spirit .... We congratulate tte Aggies for the spectacular game they participated in last turkey day- It was great fellows; wish we could be here next year to see more of them .... Hot pilot Niea- bauer is wondering what makes with his instructor as far as iden tifying things, go. So far his in structor has put him through the paces of bird and animal identi fication. Quite a sport isn’t it H. P? .... The biggest problem that confronts most of the flying kay- dets of this Squadron is “Where oh where can I find a place to sleep during my idle hours?’’ the closet maybe, nope; how about the shower room, no that won’t do ei ther; the only possible thing for a man to do is to slumber away standing against the wall being supported by a brace . . . A/S Chism persistently tries to con vince his associates that young lads from his farming area are considered the more all around boys; he says they have it all over the men from the larger ci ties. We presume you agree Mr. Summers, is that right? . • . Mr. Uruski, Who was that gorgeous creature we saw you with during teh last Wing Ball? Yours truly would like to meet same, whatday asay? .... Mr. Brown (knows) what kind of cigars does your in structor smoke these days? We hope you’re contributing the cor rect kind .... Mr. Larsh, those characters of Flight 14 can hardly wait for another one of those hard luck stories of yours; they certain ly make a guy feel as though he’s not alone .... Here’s what hap pened the other night when A/S Moore was on guard duty. He chal lenged someone by saying “who’s there?” and he who was being chal lenged came back with a cute re ply of “Aww you wouldn’t know me I’m new here.” Yuh like that huh?? (Ed- note—not particular ly.) .... Mr. Branstater? What happened to your “red” hair? . . . For your own information men, we know that the following digits refer to the number of enlisted charac ters in our glorious squadron. There are 81 privates (we don’t stand alone does we keeds), 20 privates first class, 20 corporals, 24 sergeants, 9 staff sergeants, and 3 tech sergesants .... We thank Capt. Hill for advancing the call to quarters to 10 P. M. last Wed nesday eve- . . . Why was it that we saw Lt. Segrest beaming with joy last Thursday evening, let us in on it will you Lieutenant? . . . Yours truly closes now looking for ward to another pleasant evening with a chapter in “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” We will make our Instructors just “love” us won’t we? “EXHAUST” Squadron V Sentimentality is something that men don’t usually express. Tonight as this column is written, we are making this an exception to that rule. Our fingers are heavy on the keyboard as we type this, for there is a feeling of sadness touching us all. This is to be our last issue in the Battalion for we are departing the 308th College Training Detach ment for advanced training in our field. True we are to be on with our training, but there is a loyalty bred in us by our stay here at Tex as A. & M. with the 308th that makes it a little hard to leave the place we like so very much. We learned many things here, things which we knew but we were not perfect in. We learned disci pline, honor, neatness, punctuality, pride, loyalty, and many other qua lifications that a prospective Air Corps officer should have. It was hard, at first, to march with our hands down at our sides and not swinging. But today deep down every one of us admits that is is the one thing that distinguishes us and improves the looks of a formation of men- Although we hedge a little on drill and don’t like it too much we are proud of those distinct movements, straight col umns, precision turns, and military bearing it gives to us. Loyalty was the easiest of these to learn. Loy alty didn’t need to be taught. It grew on us until now we will al ways look back and be proud to be called one of Captain Hill’s Bea vers and a 308th man. Yes, loyalty was the easiest to learn, by far. A few of us learned discipline the hard way—through the gig sheet. But even so the lesson was learned. In actuality the Gig System is used as a reminder, not as punishment When we arrived most of us were careless in our appearance. Grad ually our neatness improved, buck- ACID James L. Anderson A1 Loranstti... Jack Parsky- Ed Callahan Paul McGinniss M. Soto ...Bditor-in-Chief Inc Kditor ciats editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor T. W. Hsnssssis W odd row W. Harris.. P. W. Tsottsr Win»or Mowry R. E. Wolf Pains A. Carson.. ..Staff Artist Reporters: Turn* Ted Anthony Castelluecio, Earl Squadron I Editor ..Squadron II Editor 1 Mueller, Squd. Ill Editor ot ±° _ . , The ACTD is written and edited by Squd. IV Editor Aviation students of the 308th College ..Squadron V Editor I Training Detachment, College Station. Yank Ingenuity “Take something away from a Yank soldier and from a few scraps his ingenuity will improvise a suit able substitue.” These are the words of Major General Brereton about his Amercian airmen station ed at an advanced base during the “Jerry” retreat in North Africa. These crew members were living in tents very widely dispersed over the desert. This left the crew mem bers with a very long walk to get to the Mess Tent for meals- Trans portation facilities weren’t provided except in emergencies dtle to the transportation difficulties encount ered and a lack of vehicles. Hence, some of the men were confronted with the problem of walking from three to four miles at times to get to mess. That sounds like a diffi cult one for even Yank ingenuity to solve. An industrious and clever sergeant traveled out in the desert one day with a few tools in his pocket and came back with a Ger man BMW two cylinder motor- cycye. Under the circumstances the methods of the soldiers were ap proved and soon almost two thirds of the men were riding the motor cycles and trucks which had been captured or deserted by the Ger mans, even going to the extent of using captured gasoline and oil. An excess of chlorine in the wa ter made coffee practically un drinkable, BUT it made a good liquid for a hot shave and saved a lot of trouble in heating water. During the cool desert evenings and nights of the winter time, the men constructed stoves from petrol cans with German Messerschmitt 110 coolant pipes for stove pipes. The Arabs mounted on their ca mels somehow existed far out in that barren wasteland and visited the camp selling eggs to soldiers. Gradually the shrewd bargainers went up on the price of the eggs until the price was astounding. The men made a common agreement to boycott the desert traveling sales man back down even below his ori ginal price as punishment and suc ceeded. Give a Yank the raw materials and his imaginative mind will de vise a working substitute for the things which he otherwise would have to do without. les were kept shined, shoes shined, belt lined up, clothes altered, and hair cut. The day we arrived we piled out of buses in front of Hart Hall and fell' in formation. Everyone was running around excited and calling us misters—Get that head up, chest out, stomach in—Keep your eyes straight misters—it was bewilder ing but after the amazement wore off we learned to love this life. It took Squadron V quite a while to start winning those review and mess gibbons, so we jokingly dub bed ourselves “the black squadron” and the nicknafe stuck. This han dle left us open fyr a lot of jokes but we took them and gave some back. But it’s all in sport. There has been some rivalry between Squadron V and some of the others but in parting we wish you all the luck with no hard feel ings held against any of you. We will be proud to m«!t you down the line somewhere. Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure working with you and knowing you and until the day comes along when we bump into you again in the criss-crossing paths of army tra vel—Squadron V—Ten-HutI—Pre sent Arms!—Order Arms!—Dis missed- BUT THAT EXTRA WAR BOND TODAY LOUPOT’S An Aggie Institution STUDENT CO-OP Bicycle and Radio Repair Phone 4-4114 Wing News The Commanding Officer, Cap tain Sam B. Hill, wishes to per sonally express his appreciation to those individuals, and committee members who did such a com mendable job in making the Wing Ball a success. In the words of Captain Hill, “It has always been my opinion that when cooperation is needed, the Beavers are there. When the chips are down, the Bea vers come through.” Pictures taken of the Wing Ball, Review, and other shots of the 308th College Training Detachment Sweetheart will be on display in the individual orderly rooms soon- Avi ation Students will be able to or der the pictures they desire by spe cified order numbers and rate to be published later. The officers, and students of the 308th join in wishing Squadron V good luck and so long. We are sor ry to see you leave us, but happy to say that you weathered the storms here like troopers. Often you were the butt of practical jokes and jesting ridicule but as a whole a better group of Beavers aren’t to be found. So, farewell Beavers of Squadron V—Happy Landings at SAACC. Any letters which any of you might write back to us here will be appreciated, and published immediately, that all may benefit by your news and advice. The Aviation Students of this detachment marched in a review together with the Navy, Marines, and ASTP in Kyle Stadium just be fore the Thanksgiving Dey game between Texas U and the Aggies. The Air Corps band played for all the Services for the review. A number of students have issued an appeal for a re-appearance of our Air Corps dance band at the Detachment Meetings. I am direct ing the appeal to Lt. Askew and Mr. Bossert. Can it be arranged ? ? The ACTD News Staff is being revised to make the work less dif ficult on the students. Another staff is being organized so that each staff will put out an issue once every four days. All those in terested in working with the new staff turn in their names to Lt- Norris in Headquarters or to A/S J. L. Anderson, the editor-in-chief- To further increase the ^interest of your squadron columns all stu dents please turn in news items or leads to their individual reporters. The Aggie Bon-fire went off in a blaze of glory in traditional Ag gie style. The Air Corps students turned out for the fire to add their yells to the uproar. Commendation Captain Sam B. Hill, Command ing Officer of the 308th College Training Detachment, desires to express commendation for the avia tion students of his command, for the hospitality shown the detach ment guests during the last Wing Ball, for the gentlemanly conduct, and for the military precession shown during the military review in Kyle Stadium on Thanksgiving Day. DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady’a Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Ttxaa MARINES Let U* Do Your Altering LAUTERSTEIN’S Spotlight on Sports Kyle Field last Thursday was the scene of a fast, determined struggle between two good football teams—both filled with the desire to win that game, if fighting would do it. As we look back on Thursdey we saw a weary group of Aggies leaving the field feeling somewhat low over their loss. In the hearts of those players there was the sa tisfaction though, that they had fought till the last whistle. The facts are that the Texas U team outweighed the Aggies, were more experienced, and had a stronger re serve. The Aggies were the under dogs, entering the game with only the determination to win. The Texas University team found it easy to score in the early period of the game. They took advantage and scored two touchdowns before the somewhat bewildered Aggies challenged the early thrust made by the University team. An aerial attack coupled with a series of fast drives tied up the score with the Longhorns, leaving the Steers worried. It was not until the Aggies were worn down by the strong Texas reserves, that the Longhorns were able to win. Contact Squadron II Hats off, gentlemen, to you. You’re really getting back on the ball and things are going smoother. Let’s keep up the good work and pull through the remaining four weeks like the outfit we started out as. Now that the fire is all gone, you can go back to physics problems instead of figuring out nefarious plots as to how it could be set off. The following reminds us of a geo graphy lecture: WHAT: has Mr. Nesbitt got for an excuse. WHERE: did so many fellows learn to open ranks so many dif ferent ways. WHY: does Mr. Johnson (and he’s not alone) like his class in Agri cultural Econ. Building. WHAT ABOUT IT: Are A/S Dunk Duncan and Mr. Shander going steady- Better look into that Mrs. Duncan. Have you noticed how fellows come into aerial gunnery school with only one little nearly empty barracks bag. Did you ever come into a camp with less than two of them bulging and weighing at least 100 pounds each and did you ever use a push-to-talk mike without pushing the button ? A great comedy, that picture “Aerial Gun ner.” Whose nightmare belongs to it? One of the Beavers was lucky enough to be with a girl at the bon fire when he ran into the great order of Sabu, which wasn’t so Hot Tips for Pilots A column similar to this one was run, when Squadron V started to fly, and in order not to show any partiality, we do the same for Squadron I. You remember that you took off the first day and to start your flying instructions, the first ma neuver was to bank and turn. In order to execute this properly, we will repeat fou your instructor once more. “Kick the rudder and push the stick in the direction that the ship is going to turn. Don’t forget to keep the nose of the plane in the same position.” Remember that little metal box on the left side of your seat with the three buttons on it ? If you want to avoid some chewin’, pull out that lower button when the throttle is closed and you are glid ing in for a landing, it happens to be the carburetor heat. And keep that back pressure on the stick when you are landing. In regard in C. A. R., a few of the pilots flying over Kyle Field Thursday, were not above 1000 feet, which is the minimum altitude over a congested area. Two airplanes in flight are not supposed to come nearer than 500 feet to each other except if they are flying formation. A few mem bers of flight 18 will remember that. Before you go up, you are sup posed to check the airplane, which also includes checking the gas and oil. If you forget, you may have to make a forced landing. This is not just a rumor, because it has occured in Squadronl. We close now, but if you care for more of these tips, just say so aloud, anyplace and anytime. You can be sure that it will get back to the ears of the writer- We end wit ha familiar statement of your instructor, “/tf$$*&, why can’t you do something right? Nurses Numbering 65,000 Needed WASHINGTON, D. C.—Uncle Sam is hunting for 65,000 women who will accept professional train ing—with pay—for careers in nurs ing. Behind this large-scale recruiting drive is a dangerous shortage of nurses in industrial boom towns near war plants, and in other com munities whose nurse-power has been drawn into military service. Unless thousands of additional women enter nursing, death and disease may stalk the country from end to end. Under the provisions of the Bol ton Act of June, 1943, which es tablished the Cadet Nurse Corps, women entering nursing under the federal program will receive re cognition for war service on a par with the WAGS, WAVES, and SPARS. They will receive special uni forms, a regular monthly allow ance, room, board, books, special fees and laundry. They will re- lucky. He was greeted by the High Sabu himself with, “Is that the girl that’s crazy about you?” Rough! We were glad to notice that peace and order are reigning su preme since Ramp Chief Callahan took over. What did you tell the boys, “Swish?” We want to express our thanks to the members of the mess depart ment for the swell Thanksgiving dinner served us. A cullinary mas terpiece—don’t you agree with us, genta ? Congress Continues Discussion on Dads Drafted Into Army Deferments of Men on Government Payroll Discussion Question That die-hard subject, govern ment deferments, is being tossed around town again. This time it was brought to the fore by debates in Congress over the draft of fathers. As usual, everyone has his own figures on so-called “draft dodgers” on the Federal payroll. Some of the fig ures run into the hundreds of thou- cands. One respected voice that has come to the defense of govern ment workers is that of Jerry Klutzz, who writes a “Federal Diary” for one of the Washington newspapers. He has always rated high in readability and sense and is known all over town as a firm friend of the government employee. Kluttzz dove head first into the deferment figures, investigated and checked with Civil Service and with government departments. The story he came back with is not alarming. In War, Navy, Civel Aeronautics Authority, Panama Canal, War Shipping and Maritime Commis sion—all toy priority war agencies —are 96,000 of the 112,399 men deferred in government. Most of these jobs require high ly ^killed, technical persons, who would have received deferment in private war industry. Navy’s de ferments, for instance, are mainly in the Navy Yard, where guns and other weapons of war are built. Only 15,741 single or childless married men or pre-Pearl Harbor fathers are deferred in all other federal agencies. According to Se lective Service, probably no more than 7,500 of these men could pass military physical requirements. In the heat of debate on govern ment deferments, the Senate passed its father draft bill with a provision that all replaceable non fathers be fired from government. Thousands of alarmed federal employees, facing a sudden loss of income and Civil Service status, pointed out that they were now in 1-A but had not yet been called. The House finally has come to their rescue and has stricken this provision from the bill. Right now non-fathers are taking a quick breather, knowing the fireworks may begin again at any moment. nursing school of their own choice. In exchange, the Nurse Cadets must promise to remain in either military or essential civilian nurs ing for the duration. But they will not be required to sign for mili tary duty if they don’t want to. The Division of Nurse Education of the U. S. Public Health Service, which is in charge of the recruit ment, has high hopes for the suc cess of its program. But it is taking no chances. It is making every kind of appeal to woman. ARMY MEN Let Us Do Your Altering LAUTERSTEIN’S LOUPOT’S Watch Dog of the Aggies Aggies... We invite you to trade with the Exchange Store— your own college-owned and operated—maintained for your convenience and saving. UNIFORMS — SCHOOL SUPPLIES BOOKS — NOVELTIES — GIFTS THE EXCHANGE STORE “An Aggie 1x18^110^