The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 25, 1943, Image 1

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    Aggies Eat on Steer Meat At Mess Tonight
Special Arrangements Made for Guests
Of Aggies and College Today
Feature Navy
Band Sunday
Guion Hall Scene of
Sunday Stage Show
Of CampusServicemen
In order to prevent dull Sunday
afternoons for the Aggies and
servicemen stationed on the cam
pus, the Armed Service Society
will be on the air from the stage
of Guion Hall on Sunday, Novem
ber 28, at three o’clock in the first
of the series of week-end pro
Featured on this week’s show
will be the Navy Dance Band from
the Texas A. & M. Naval Training
School. The orchestra, composed of
former musicians now taking Nav
al training here, has been practic
ing for the last several weeks, and
it will play four top tunes of the
day during the half-hour broad
Only recently organized, the
band is composed of eleven mem
bers, including a vocalist, and it
will make its debut to the other
branches of the service on this
program. The brass section con
sists of Jack Casey, trombonist,
and Billy Mundy and James Bailey
on trumpets; Henry D. Honrath,
R. C. Bean, Vincent A. Scotto, and
Charles Jendricks compose the reed
section. Muriel Kimbrough on the
drums, Byron Gunn at the piano,
and Joe Guinaw as the vocalist
make up the remainder of the
band. The band was organized, and
participates in the show through
the cooperation of Lt. (jg) R.
Rickenbacker, Navy special service
Others featured on the program
include Dick Bolin and Harry Dil
lingham as announcers and mas
ters of ceremonies, and Harold
Reifer, ace comedian who will ap
pear as “Pvt. Joe—I’m innocent—
The show was written by John
Holman, produced and directed by
Richard Gottlieb and the WTAW
staff, and will be presented
through the cooperation of the
special service officers on the post
in all branches, and the Student
Activities office-
Sunday’s production will be the
first of the series to be presented
each Sunday afternoon over
WTAW from 3 until 3:30 o’clock
from Guion Hall. The programs
will be after the first main feature,
and there will be no additional
Noon Mess Will Be
Hour Sooner for Corps
The Commandant’s Office an
nounced that for Cadets only noon
mess call will be at 11 this morn
ing. This is to comply with the
second meal at noon for guests of
the Cadet Corps. All other Units,
Navy, Marines, A.S.T.P., and S. T.
A. R. will eat at their regular hour.
Guests of the Corps will eat in
the annex and basement of Sbisa
Mess Hall.
With the arrival of another an
nual Thanksgiving Day game be
tween Texas A. & M. and Texas
University, 35,000 people are ex
pected to pour into Aggieland to
day in time to see the decisive
game of this year’s Southwest
Since last year’s game gas ra
tioning has gone into effect, thus
decreasing the number who ordi
narily attend the annual event. A
large number of today’s crowd
will use other means of transpor
tation than their cars, taking to
busses and trains to arrive at the
The college is making all efforts
to make these several thousand
guests of the college feel at home.
The Commandant’s Office cleared
Dormitory 14 Wednesday night for
dates of cadets attending the All-
Service Dance- The old drill fields
and all other available space have
(See AGGIELAND, Page 3)
General Reveille’s
Portrait Unveiled
Last Night at Sbisa
Bolton Pulls Cord to
Present Picture First
To Aggies and Fans
General Reveille’s portrait was
unveiled by Dean F. C. Bolton,
acting president of the college, in
a ceremony that took place immed
iately after the bonfire and yell
practice last night. Crowds of peo
ple gathered around the bandstand
in the main dining hall of Sbisa
to witness the unveiling ceremony.
H. Sylvester Boone, editor of the
Battalion, presided as master of
ceremonies of the occasion and in
troduced each of the speakers. The
program began with an arrange
ment of the “Aggie War Hymn”
played by select members of the
band. After a brief review of Rev’s
rise to Generalship by the master
of ceremonies, the Aggie mascot
was brought to the stand by Fish
Heath and Fish Trickey to be in
troduced to the audience.
Miss Marie Haines, prominent
artist of both national and section
al fame who painted the portrait,
then gave a short talk on the work
that was required to complete the
portrait. In appreciation for the
“excellent piece of art” created by
Miss Haines, head yell leader Jack
Knox presented the artist with a
bouquet of white Chrysanthemums
in behalf of the entire corps.
The program was climaxed by
Dean Bolton’s unveiling the portrait
after delivering a short address to
the spectators. Shortly before the
crowd filed out the doors to change
for the dance, the “Spirit of Ag
gieland” was played by the select
members of the band.
Rev’s portrait was done com
pleted in oil and with the 1938
clas memorial fountain in front
of Sbisa as a background. To com
plete the setting, in the distance
can be seen a group of Aggies
marching down military walk on
the way to mess immediately af
ter retreat. Ross Hall was also
visible in the background. These
combined features all contributed
to verify the statement that “re
treat is the most beautiful time of
the day.”
Somewhere today on the far-flung frontier over which the armed
might of America rides patrol and stands guard there are some six thous
and former students of the Agricultural and Mechanical College and the
University of Texas—Texans, yes, but first Americans, ready, as brave
men in the past have been ready, to respond in an hour of national crisis.
Ahuays it has been true that men who loved liberty have fought that lib
erty should be preserved. In times of peace it is yet the hour to gird the
human resources of the nation to withstand all incroachments of despots
who seek to degrade the nobility of an unfettered humanity and strike
down liberties of a free race. Two great educational institutions, dedi
cated to the building of citizenship and appreciation for democracy and
the American way of life, meet today in the resumption of a traditional
contest. Rivals on the athletic field but otherwise united in purpose and
achievement, it is sginificant that on the broad front of our American
preparedness loyal sons of both institutions proudly are united in com
mon loyalty and devotion to a cause more sacred than their Alma Mater.
When the game is over theirs is yet the common fraternity, the single
stream to which each has dedicated his best. On the flying field, in the
barracks, on the decks of American ships, manning the guns, imple
menting the material might of America these former students of the
University of Texas and the Agricultural and Mechanical College serve,
and by serving seek to preserve for us this very privilege of meeting in
festive occasion, for a moment of colordom unimposed by the restraint
a dictator’s hand. So as a token—a symbol—a sign of our faith—our re
spectful appreciation, we -pause in our celebration for this moment to
dedicate this game, this day to the former students of both colleges who
are now in the armed services of the United States of America, and even
more to those who have already given their lives that we might be here
Decisive Battle Between Longhorns and Aggies
To Be Broadcast, Shortwave the World ’Round
Special Between-Half
Program Planned For
All Alumni Overseas
Plans are under way for the ig-
gest radio coverage of a football
game in history. The A. & M.-
Texas game will be broadcast to
alumni in the service of their coun
try all over the world. The Texas
Quality Network will carry the
program which was made possible
by the Humble Oil and Refining
Three stations in the country
will short-wave the game to Eng
land, Africa, Italy, the Near East,
Central and South America, the
Caribbean area, the South Pacific,
Australia and China. The trans
mitters are located in Boston and
San Francisco. Kern Tips, notable-f-
sports announcer, will be the com
mentator for the game.
With an expected sell-out, mean
ing 35,000 people, this year’s Tur
key Day game between two unde
feated conference - championship
teams proves to be one of the best
held in any stadium. In order that
the broadcast may be carried out
more easily, a special “half” pro
gram has been planned. Both of
the bands will remain in the stands
throughout the half. The program
will begin with a prayer by Rev.
Walton B. Gardner. This will be
followed by several speeches from
the two college presidents, F. C.
Bolton and Homer Rainey. Then
the show will be turned over to
(See DECISIVE, Page 2)
Men Still Needed
To Sell At Game
All students and men in the A.
S. T. P. who wish to work as con-
cessionists at the game today are
asked to report at the gate be
tween the little gym and the swim
ming pool promptly at 12:30 p.m.
These men will sell programs, cold
drinks, ice cream, and peanuts
during the game. Their admittance
to the gate will be free.
This is a chance for any of the
above-named men to get in the
game free and also to help the
concession organization. Men are
urgently needed to sell at the game
Aggie Spirit Is Still Unchanged
Since 7 hanksgiving A Year Ago
By Andy Matula
Twelve months ago, this campus
was a very busy place indeed. Not
only was the annual game with
Texas coming up for the Texas
Aggies, but film was being run
on Walter WangeFs picture of
Aggieland. To the Corps of Ca
dets, 7,000 strong, Thanksgiving
week in 1942 was a very exciting
We dragged out a copy of the
Battalion of Tuesday, November
24, 1942 and used it to reminisce
a little over things of the past.
The banner across the front page
told readers of the Batt that ten
sion was growing because of the
impending battle with the Long
horns. The football team remem
bered the defeat given it by the
Teahounds in 1941 just as this
year’s team cannot forget the game
played in Memorial stadium a year
ago. A few of the players were in
jured but Coach Norton expected
to take 34 gridsters over to Aus
Plans for the annual bonfire
held every year before the clash
with the Longhorns were complete.
The bonfire was held on Tuesday
night last year since Aggieland
was a deserted place a night later.
At first, the bonfire was not to be
held but through the efforts of
Universal Pictures and Col. J. K.
Boles, permission was granted to
hold it by the OCD. Freshmen had
been gathering wood for the last
ten days in trucks furnished by the
B. & C. U. Department- Every
thing had been piled on except the
little item that the Corps of En
gineers provide so well. As usual,
it went on last. Yell practice was
to be held on the steps of Good
win Hall and from there the Corps
was to move over to the old drill
field to gather around the flaming
pile and put Aggie tradition into
motion for themselves and the
cameras of Wanger. Senior mem
bers of the football team were to
speak at the bonfire as was the
usual custom.
Actresses Anne Gwynne and
Martha O’Driscoll arrived on the
campus four days ahead of time
and caught the Corps without a
proper reception for guests of their
caliber. However within a half
hour, Yell Leader Bob Hanby and
footballers Felix Bucek, Jake Web
ster, and Boots Simmons had the
situation well in hand. Universal
had just begun shooting on the
Aggie picture the last week. Both
Anne and Martha were introduced
to the Corps at Yell Practice Mon
day night.
Aggies also a year ago were
planning another unofficial Corps
(See AGGIES, Page 2)
Longhorns Are Pre-Game Favorites; Both
Teams Primed for Hard, Grueling Struggle
By Harold Borofsky
Today on Kyle Field the Texas Aggies and the Univer
sity of Texas Longhorns will revive one of the oldest football
rivalries in the nation. The Farmer-Steer clash has always
been held on Thanksgiving Day, and this year as the two
■fteams renew the rivalry for the
fiftieth time,*. ex-students"~of both
schools will be listening from far-
flung battle fronts all over the
All season the Cadet team, call
ed the “Kiddie Korps”, “The Hair
less Wonders”, and “The Whiz
Kids”, has shown amazing prow
ess and has managed to come so
far without a defeat, though they
were tied by the powerful N. T.
A. C. eleven. The Longhorns have
also had a very successful season,
losing only to the Southwestern
Pirates 14-7.
Offensive power on both teams
promises a lively encounter and
lots of color. Conference honors
may also be determined by indiv
idual performances today, though
both teams realize that teamwork
comes first. Fans will be treated
to contests between the Aggies’
passing ace, Jim Hallmark and
the Longhorn mainstay, J. R. Cal
lahan. In the backfield it will be
Turner’s kicking, Butchofsky’s
blocking, and Flanagan’s, Bur-
ditt’s, Deere’s and McAllisters’ run
ning and pass snagging for the
Aggies. The Longhorns will pin
their hopes on veterans Ralph
Ellsworth, Joe Magliolo, and Ralph
Both the Aggie and the Long-
(See LONGHORNS, Page 3)
Euell Porter
★ ★ ★
Porter New Head
Of Singing Cadets
Euell Porter has accepted a po
sition with the Student Activities
Office of the college as director of
the Singing Cadets, it was an
nounced today by the director of
Student Activities. Mr. Porter will
begin his work in that capacity at
once, and succeeds Richard Jen
kins who left the forepart of this
week for NTAC.
Porter, for the past six years
has been music director for the
public school system in Bryan. He
will continue this connection, work
ing there in the mornings and car
rying on his work with the Sing
ing Cadets in the afternoons, it
was stated-
Mr. Porter’s home is in Bryan
and he will continue his residence
Col. M. D. Welty,
Commandant A.&M. College
Editor the Battalion
College Station, Texas.
Subject-Registration of men be
coming 18 years of age.
We are having some trouble
about A. & M. students registering
in that they will come in and want
to register before their birthdays
and some will come in AFTER their
The Regulations, provide that a
man shall register on the 18th an
niversary of his birth, unless it
falls on a Sunday or Holiday, and
in that case he shall register the
day following.
Under no considerations shall
he register before the 18th anni
versary of his birth.
The Regulations provide that if
a man fails to register at the
proper time, he may be considered
a “delinquent”, and is subject to
immediate embarrassing position.
We will thank you to give the
above all the publicity that you
can, in order that these boys may
not place themselves in unneces
sary position.
Sincerely yours,
Travis B. Bryan, Chairman
Our office hours are 8-12 and 1-
daily, except Sunday—No holi
days except. Christmas day.
Taken from Files of
November and the Turkey Day
game has always been among top,
if not the top attraction of the
year. The Battalion has in the past
put up a big front and played up
the occasion highly. This year is
no exception. It is attempted to
give here an idea of what past
papers have contained.
NOVEMBER 27, 1934—Aggies to
Battle Longhorns in Austin Thurs
day, but Will Not Parade. To
night’s traditional bonfire will re
veal Aggie Spirit; Aggie’s hopes,
fears, and dreams will be bared.
NOVEMBER 26, 1935—Farmers
Ready for Longhorn Invasion. Ag
gies have been beaten only once
on Kyle Field. Influx of 20,000
spectators expected. Game will not
decide conference champ.
NOVEMBER 24, 1937—Aggies
Ready for Turkey Day Invasion.
Thirty thousand fans to witness
forty-fourth Thanksgiving Day tilt.
Aggies must have victory to stay
out of cellar tie.
NOVEMBER 22, 1938—Tradi
tional Bonfire and Dance To Be
Held Tonight. Teasippers sign
pact for good conduct at games
with Aggies.
NOVEMBER 23, 1939—Aggie
land Set for Thanksgiving Festiv
ities. O’Daniel to accept new dorm
itories in behalf of state at the
dedication ceremony here Thursday.
NOVEMBER 27, 1941—Aggies
Defend Tradition Against Long
horns Today. Game dedicated to
men in armed services. Eleven lefr-
termen make last appearance on
Kyle Field after third Southwest
Conference victory.