The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 23, 1943, Image 4

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    Page 4
Student Personnel office is holding a
good brand wrist watch which was found
on the athletic playing field Friday morn
ing, Nov. 19. Owner may establish claim
in Room 101 Academic Building.
LOST—Gold watch chain with small
gold knife attached. Please return to Fish
King, Dorm 15, Room 115. Very liberal
LOST—Black billfold, contents S25.00,
North American Identification card. Re
ward. F. M. Herrmg, Hotard Hall, Room
Two roldiers wives desire apartment or
email houses (furnished) for 1 (one) year
in or near College Station. Both work,
don’t smoke or drink. No children or pets.
Are interested in vacancies or future va
cancies. Please notify Mrs. Fox, P.O. 4217,
College Station, (South Station) Texas.
LOST—Elgin wrist watch, about 2:30
Saturday p.m. between Aggieland Inn and
North Gate. Reward. James Cross. 2-1211.
Church Notices
Episcopalians are requested to attend
Holy Communion, Thanksgiving Day, at
10:00 a.m. in St. Thomas’ Chapel, Jersey
at Pershing. This celebration of the Holy
Eucharist will be especially in remem
brance of our service men and those who
have entered the Larger Life.
American Lutheran Congregation invit
es the public to its Thanksgiving Day Serv
ice to be conducted in the Y. M. C. A.
Chapel at 8:30 a.m. on that day.
Executive Offices
All students registered from foreign
countries must report to the Registrar’s
Office as soon as possible. The Government
has requested us to secure certain infor
mation from you.
H. L. HEATON, Registrar.
Third installment of maintenance fees
of 548.30 due Dec. 1-7 inclusive, can be
paid now.
These fees include Board $36.10, Room
$9.05, laundry $3.15 to Jan. 29, 1944.
The cashier of the Fiscal Department
will accept these fees from 8 a.m. until
1:30 p.m.
Students who are planning to go on
the trip to Mexico next semester will meet
in room 115, Animal Industries Building
at 7:30 p.m. Monday, November 29.
W. B. Davis,
Department of Fish and Game.
Circular No. 12:
1. Incompliance with the request of the
committee in charge of the BONFIRE
DANCE, approved by the organization
concerned, DORMITORY NO. 14 will be
vacated by cadets WEDNESDAY night,
NOVEMBER 24, 1943, in order to pro
vide accommodations for visiting girls
attending the dance on that night.
2. Cadets having guests will be assessed
a charge of 50 d per guest to cover
cost of matron, maid service, and other
incidental expenses.
charged with the responsibility for see
ing that rooms and corridors are left
in a neat orderly condition for the re
ception of guests.
4. Cadets concerned will vacate this dorm
itory by 1:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, NO
VEMBER 24; guests will be admitted
at 4:00 p.m. Cadets will be readmitted
to the HALL at 10 :00 a.m. THURSDAY,
NOVEMBER 25, by which time guests
must be out of the dormitory. Cadets
having guests will be permitted to pre
pare the rooms for their guests, be
tween 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. WEDNES
6. Guests staying in the dormitory must
be in not later than 2:00 a.m., WED
NESDAY night. Guests must check in
with the matron upon their return to
the dormitory after the dance. When
Select your Regulation
Shoes from our complete
stock. Here you’ll find
shoes that are styled to
fit, give enduring com
fort plus good looks.
They’re made by Master-
Craftsmen that know
how to make fine shoes.
Nettletons $12.50
Nunn-Bush .
Edgerton Pli-FIex
Ed merlon
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Station Bryan
reservations have been made for the
guests they will not be ^permitted u
check out until departure for their
homes. This will be done with the ma
tron. Escorts will be held strictly ac
countable for compliance with these
6. Reservations may be made by CADETS
living in DOKiviITORY NO. 14 from
8:00 to 5:01 p.m., MONDAY, NOVEM
BER 22. Beginning at 8 :00 a.m. TUES
DAY. NOVEMBER 23 reservations will
be open to other cadets.
7. Cadets living in DORMITORY NO. 14
will find sleeping accommodations
ONLY in dormitories 15. 16. and 17.
By order of Colonel WELTY:
• Major, Infantry
Assistant Commandant
Trimming Tabs
Sqaadron I
Here, gentlemen, is the Squad
ron I column for those of you who
have been able to open your eyes
after bringing your girl back from
the “Wing Ball” just in time, and
then got up Sunday morning to
take the lass to breakfast- And
also for you fellows who were not
lucky enough to get a woman, the
following lines are written.
Mr. Aton really had a time of
it Friday night, or should we say
Saturday morning. His girl friend
was supposed to come in on that
late train from Dallas. He went to
sleep early Friday night, and set
his alarm clock in order to get up
and meet the train. He was down
there to meet the train, but there
was no girl. He met the Dallas
train at noon the next day, but
still no girl. He went to the room
he reserved for her, and she was
there. She had arrived the night
before by bus. A telegram had
been sent to Mr. Aton about the
change in plans, but it was never
received. We hope you didn’t lose
too much hair due to the incident.
Quite a wet uniform appeared on
that manly body of Mr. Marshall
Saturday night. Many men would
like to have you explain under
what kind of a shower you were
standing, that you happened to
have your uniform on.
Let’s hold a little court session
right here in the column. The fact
of the cast is that a certain gen
tleman of room 55 goes into other
rooms to borrow chairs because
the chairs in his room are always
filled. Gentlemen, what is your
verdict ?
Congratulations are in order for
Mr- George Kerkorian on becom
ing a father. When did it happen
and where?
Misters Carter and Kerkorian
were really decked out for the gala
affair of the week-end. Sharp look
ing “futures,” don’t we think?
Seems that the Chaplain will be
wearing out a great number of
punchers now. Just about everyone
is officially a member of the A.
and M. chapter of the one and
only club of mourners. What are
our troubles now ? Why, we are
all hot pilots now and have no
worries—except check rides. Let’s
don’t get Checkitis and get to wor
rying about that ghost ride.
They say Mr. Bates is getting
mighty free with his pictures. He
walks around at the North Gate
handing them to anyone who will
accept. What about giving us one
too, Mister?
Comes time to get off the press.
Here’s letting you know that there
are only twenty-seven more shop
ping days until Christmas. So
long, fellows.
Spotlight on Sports
Sunday night Squadron I quintet
defeated the ASTP five by a score
of 55 to 29. Squadron I controlled
the game all the way. The score
at the half was 29 to 13 in favor
of the Air Corps.
Sunday afternoon Group I had
a little football game, in which the
teams consisted of players from
the coast, and the other from the
middle west- The coastal team won
by the large score of 85 to 43. Lo-
renzetti was the boy who led the
winning team.
It is wonderful football weather.
Squadrons I and II would like to
schedule a few games; how about
it Squadrons III, IV, and V?
Squadron V gives their squadron
lots of support. We would like to
see the other squadrons support
their team. The boys play a better
game if they know you are behind
them. Ask your squadron athletic
officer when your team plays next.
Squadron I plays III Monday
To players going across the drill
field to the gym take care you
don’t come near the stack for the
Aggie bonfire. Don’t come near it,
especially at night. The Aggies
have worked hard and they aren’t
taking any chances.
To whom it may concern: Notre
Dame lucky as they may be still
are undefeated. Lucky—any team
that beats the 2-3-4-5 ranking
teams in the country isn’t lucky. I
think that Notre Dame will re
main undefeated when they meet
Great Lakes Saturday.
Jamea L. Andanon
AJ Loranaatti—
Jack Paraky—
E<i Callahan
Paul McGinniaa
M. Soto.
ins Editor
_Aaaoeiata Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
F. W. Hsttnaasee
W odd row W. Harris..
F. W. Yauttar
Winsor Mo wry
R. E. Wolf
Squadron I Editor
..Squadron II Editor
Squd. Ill Editor
Squd. IV Editor
Faina A. Carson Squadron V Editor
porters: Anthony Castelluccio, Earl
er, Theodore Wilson. Joseph Canter,
Levine, William R. Fitzgerald, Leroy
tff Artist
Reporters: Anthony Castelluccio, Earl
Ted Levine, William K. Fitzgerald, Eeroy
Mueller, Robert Brien, P. H. Dillard, R. E.
The ACTD is written and edited by
Aviation students of the 308th College
Training Detachment, College Station.
Hangar Flying
Squadron 111
Now that another Wing Ball is
something of the past, we'll see
who was doing what over the week
end. Naturally we can’t think of
all the little things that happened,
or tell of them either. But here
are the juiciest ones ... It seems
the Smith Brothers got their sig
nals mixed Saturday night. Mister
Milton C. Smith was supposed to
have a double date with Mister
Wayne Smith and two girls from
Bryan. About an hour before the
danpe he suddenly developed a cold
and couldn’t make it. But here is
the real story. Mr. Milton C. had
a miraculous recovery and showed
up at the dance rather late think
ing his partner had already left.
The first person he saw upon en
tering the door was the girl he
was supposed to have the date
with. How he talked his way out of
that one we’ll never know, but one
eye does look a little black • . .
And speaking of black eyes, did
you notice the one on Mister Schla-
gel? He claims he walked into a
tree but that excuse is older than
we are. With all the boxing you
are supposed to have done, Mister
Schlagel, you should know by now
when to duck . . . Witness the
case of poor Mister Kueck. He had
a blind date, and was having a
very nice time until he discovered
that a certain party from Houston
was present. When his date went
to the powder room he disappeared
and could not be found for about
an hour. When he returned to his
date she told him she had devel
oped a sudden headache and would
like to go home. As he walked
out the door he was seen to look
back over his shoulder longingly,
and sigh. If you will refer to our
column of Saturday last, Mister
Kueck, you will see that we warned
you . . . Evidently Mister Bowman
doesn't have the eagerness of an
Eager Beaver. He and an unnamed
companion went to call on a cer
tain young lady Sunday afternoon,
and gave as the reason that they
were looking for a singer for the
Dance Band, but we know better.
Upon arriving at the lady’s house
they discovered young gentlemen
from the Allen Military Academy.
It developed into a case of who
could out-sit who, and after about
an hour of painful silence and dirty
looks our two heroes retreated, but
the retreat was definitely not ac
cording to plan. Let’s get on the
ball, gentlemen, and stay in there
and fight . • . By the way, did
anyone notice Tom Nee Sunday
morning? The top of his head is
full of lumps which he acquired
from dancing with a girl about six
inches taller than he. It seems
that every time he took a step he
Room for mother of Aviation
Student sick in College Hospital.
This lady cannot occupy the
room she now has after Wed
nesday morning and desires to
remain with her son until later
in the week. Anyone having such
a room available and within
walking distance of the campus
is requested to contact Lt. Nor
ris, Adjutant, at 4-1193.
Wing’ News
Gentlemen, the Wing Ball is
over. No one will deny that it
wasn’t a great success. It would
have gone over even better if
there had been a few more women
present but transportation prob
lems are difficult in war times.
The dance was lively and ran at a
rapid pace with plenty of cutting
in going on. Though there were a
few beavers among you who were
slightly hesitant at the start, your
editor noticed that even they loos
ened up later in the evening-
Twenty minutes after the dance
began the doors opened and the
honor guard marched down a
cleared lane to take their post.
hanged his head on her chin. May
be that accounts for that punch
drunk look .... Mr. Reinhardt was
so burned up Saturday night that
he raised the room temperature
four degrees. He couldn’t get more
than two steps at a time before
someone would cut. And the rub
was it wasn’t a beaver or two who
was doing his time but a visitor
from down around the Marine bar
racks. But don’t worry Mr. Rein
hardt, there will be a Wing Ball
next month and maybe you can
walk her to the station . . . Gen
tlemen, if you want to see someone
turn red, question Mr. Vern Mil
ler as to his activities of Saturday
night and the way way he explains
what happened is really a riot,
isn’t it Vern? . • . And that winds
us up for now, except to ask Mr.
Gust how many times he had his
card punched. That is really a
clever idea. Why don’t you give
the above-mentioned Mr. Miller
one of them, he could use it. That’s
all. See you later. 66.
Let Us Do Your Altering
Watch Dog of the
YMCA-Varsity Barber Shop
Central “Y”
«««'•* *COO»OOQ* r
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and Railway Express Ofl&ces. ^ or * 10 to $50. For sale at banks
They faced each other, gave pre
sent saber, then thrust saber, there
by forming an archway. Through
the archway marched Miss Mary
Travis, the Sweetheart of the
308th College Training Detach
ment, and her brother, A/S Tom
Travis. This couple was followed
by Mr. Scolari of the Contest Com
mittee and Miss Travis’ companion,
Mary Ellen Muckenhirn. The two
couples went up on the band stand
and Mr. Scolari made the intro
ductions, presentation and awarded
Miss Travis a $100.00 War Bond
as our token of appreciation. Miss
Travis and her brother danced the
first dance; after that practically
every man in the detachment
danced at least three steps with
The decorations committee did a
commendable job this time. Crepe
stringers from light to light the
length of Sbisa Hall and built to
towering pyramids decorated the
roof. At each side of the band
stand two wooden propellers were
rigged to electric motors so they
turned over constantly. Thanks
here to our carpenters. A single
section wing with ‘‘U. S. ARMY
AIR CORPS” on it was placed
above the double center doors. Two
single row radial aircraft engines
stood on the bandstand against the
wall further signifying the Army
Air Corps and the future of the
men in training here. Tribute
should be paid to the marvelous
job Mr- Hennessee, Mr. G’erulskis,
and Mr. Cumins performed in man
ufacturing a backdrop for the
bandstand with short notice. That
was a grand job men.
There was a lot of work that
went into making this dance a
success and a lot of cooperation
has been given to us by various
and sundry organizations, stores,
etc. Perhaps the students of this
detachment would be interested to
know exactly what cooperation we
did receive in putting this across.
From W.S.D. Clothiers we ob
tained eight Sam Browne belts for
our Honor Guard. From Loupot’s
we were loaned two more. Wal
drop’s, at the North Gate loaned
us eight saber chains. The sabers
were furnished by Mr. Boyer of
Ross Hall. The Navy loaned us the
white gloves. The Campus theatre
and the Guion Hall theatre fur
nished us with large spotlights.
Mr. Clark of the Agricultural Ex
periment building furnished us
with some small spotlights and the
Aggie student body loaned us the
rest- The Aeronautical depart
ment loaned us the aircraft wings,
engines, props, rudders, and stands.
Dr. McCorkle of the Physics Lec
ture Building let our carpenters
use his workshop to prepare the
rotating propellers and advised on
the construction of them. The elec
trical equipment, such as wiring,
etc., was furnished by mess hall
employees. Our gratitude is given
to Mr. Ted Hill of the Administra
tion building for making possible
our broadcast there last Saturday
The Blackland Army Airfield
Band were the musical “officiat-
ers” and they did a very good job.
High notes of interest were the
specialty numbers of the slide
trombone and the trumpet.
“There will be a gigantic era of
sport following the war. The gov
ernment will take a more active
part in sports that it ever has be
fore—for it forsees an America
in the future which will have short
er working hours and many more
hours of leisure for its people. To
maintain a healthy America, both
physically as well as morally, the
United States government must
and will design widespread com
petitive athletic programs during
this war period, in order to “sow
the seeds,” as General MacArthur
sagely remarked, “which will even
tually bear the fruits of victory.’’
—Schroeder in the Los Angeles-
City College Collegian.
Have a “Coke”= Good winds have blown you here
... a way to say “We are friends” to the Chinese
China knew Coca-Cola before the war. Where Coca-Cola is on hand
today, to Chinese and Yank alike. Have a “Coke” are welcome
words. Around the globe Coca-Cola stands for the pause that re
freshes,—has become a symbol of good will.
“Coke” = Coca-Cola
It’s natural for popular names
to acquire friendly abbrevia
tions. That’s why you heat
Coca-Cola called “Coke”.
Yea! Aggies
Following our custom of the past, our store will be
closed from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
In order to all our employees to attend the football
game giving their support to
Lipscomb Pharmacy
- - - North Gate - - -