— mmat TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1943 THE BATTALION Page 3 O By Harold Borofsky Battalion Sports Editor Tension Grows as Aggie—Steers Clash Draws Near; Both Teams to be in Perfect Condition As Turkey Day draws rapidly* near, indications are that the an nual classic will be the top game in the nation. At least 33,000 peo ple will be on hand when the Ag gie “Kiddie Korps” tears into the mighty Longhorns, and chills ga lore promise to be the highlight of the day. ' Both the Aggies and the Steers utilized the week-end for added practice, and no injuries were re ported in either camp. It was ru mored that Texas’ Coach D. X. Bible would lose his backfield ace, J. R. Calahan, before Turkey Day, but Bible has denied any such ru mor and Calahan will be in top form against the Farmers. The Longhorns are fairly sure of them selves with Ellsworth, Magliolo, and Park also in good condition. In betting circles the Longhorns are twelve-point favorites, but that fact does not seem to bother the Cadet team or their coach. There is no doubt that as far as experi ence in the game is concerned the Longhorns should win easily, but there are other things to be taken into consideration, as will be shown Thursday. Both Bible and Norton had their charges in secret workouts all last week and tapered off heavy drill with inter-squad scrimmage Sat urday afternoon. The Aggies will take it comparatively easy during the next few days and will get plenty of skull practice in prepar ation for the big game. The winner of the Thanksgiving Day classic will take over the Southwest Conference crown and will automatically be nominated as the host team in the Cotton Bowl at Dallas. Should the Cadets win, Oklahoma will be he favorite for the other Cotton Bowl team. Should Texas win, however, Okla homa would be out of the ques tion, since they were beaten once before by Texas this year. BANCROFT Regulation Military CAPS ... NO* OTHER Military Cap catches the Jaunty, nonchalant air of the Service Men quite s o authentically as the Ban croft ... It’s rakish lines, it’s inclusive curve con trol visor, it’s youthful roll and drape breathe the spirit of the world’s best fighting men. You too will want a Bancroft the minute you see one. Come in now while we have your size. Sold in College and Bryan, exclu sively by W. S. D. 7JMT T"\ WlMBERlEY - STONE • DANSBV CLOTKIERS College and Bryan THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: ONE OF THE SECRETS OF SUC CESS IS TO BE ABLE TO SEE THE OTHER MAN’S POINT OF VIEW- —DANCE— (Continued from Page 1) One North Texas newspaper, the Sherman Democrat, praises the “The Aces” with the following re mark, “A group of N.T.S.T.C. musicians with more tricks than a brush salesman.” Judging from the compliments of the above newspapers, the or chestra will furnish a good night of danceable music with several novelty numbers during intermis sions. The admission price will be $1 either with or without a date, and dress will be semi-formal. The dance will end promptly at 1:00 o’clock, because college regulations forbid dancing on Sunday. AAUP To Meet Tues. At 8 in Sbisa Lounge A. & M. Chapter of the Ameri can Association of University Pro fessors will meet Tuesday, Novem ber 23 at 8:00’ p.m. in Sbisa Hall Lounge. Dean T- D. Brooks of the School of Arts and Sciences and of the Graduate School will speak on the subject, “Honorary Degrees as Granted by Colleges and Universities.” Dr. G. E. Potter, President, ex tends an invitation to all admin istrative officers of the college, Board members of the college who might be available, and any Mili tary Officers who may be inter ested to attend this meeting of the Chapter. —UNVEILING— (Continued from Page 1) Boone will give a short talk on Rev’s rise to her rank of General, and he will then introduce General Reveille to the Aggies and their dates. Miss Marie Haines, well known artist in this section of the coun try and nationally known art cir cles, who painted the picture will be introduced and asked to give a short talk on her work of painting the picture. Speaking on behalf of the Corps, Knox will say a few words in appreciation for the work that Miss Haines did on Rev. Dr. Bolton will climax the pro gram by making his remarks and unveiling the picture. “The Spirit of Aggieland”, played by the se lected members of the band, will end the program at which time the dance will begin. —PROGRAM— (Continued from Page 1) delete all of its commercial an nouncements in order to meet the requirements for the overseas broadcast. The Texas Quality Net work will carry the game in this country. A good thought is the excite ment the broadcast will bring to the thousands of Aggies fighting all over the world, bringing back memories of days never to be for gotten. Just Dreaming Oh there’s a land not far from here Where little GIs go, Where inch-thick steaks and gratis beer, And three-day-pass-trees grow. Where hostesses are movie stars, And M. P.’s five-foot two, Where privates ride in General’s cars, When there’s nothing else to do; Where the captain serves your PUBLISHED BY THE ARMY SPECIALIZED TRAINING UNIT STUDENTS Editor-in-Chief Pat Bradley Managing Editor Len Sutton Press Club Rep. Marvin Radio Show Dedicated To ASTU 3800 Editorial. . . We sincerely believe that when we say Texas A. & M. is “O.K.”, we speak for the great majority of men in the AST unit here on the campus. Almost all of us come from schools far removed from College Station, and, naturally, our own alma mater is always dearest, but that doesn’t nec essarily mean that we can’t get a little of the “Aggie Spirit” into us while we’re here. We think that the “hello spirit” you have is a wonderful thing. Everyone in the unit is pulling for the cadets to whip T. U., and to whip them good. How about it, Aggies? I From various Army Posts all over the Nation one hears programs using G. I. talent—programs that are well-planned and carried out in royal style. It makes a fellow proud to be able to write to the folk back home that he was one of the participants in the program! ASTP students are being offered the opportunity to have a similiar program—a weekly program which will be broadcast from the campus of Texas A. and M. Lieutenant Pickett has issued a call for anyone inter ested in helping produce a weekly variety show. This is a chance for those musically inclined, those who make with the dance, those who do almost anything in the entertain ment field! So, fellows, let’s get behind this move and pro duce a service show of which we can be proud, a show sec ond to none! Q. M. Review Following an array of quizes, flashed to the fighting QM like tracer bullets last week, there seems to be the calm before the calm now—meaning that corns and bunions are just to be irrated three times a week by a two hour period of physical training. And you can bet an old shoe, to a snake, if you hold the stakes in your mouth, that all of us had rather have the P. T. schedule this way! Reason: more time to study, to work, to study, to learn and to study. But then, we don’t always study, as now we QM’s have a new class in “Bull Text,” to coin a phrase, under Captain Scott, our ROTC instructor back in the Aggie days. Although it’s rather new, prepar ing us for O. C. S. in subjects which we had the least of in our DCS Prep School is to be its pur pose—and a mighty helpful one too. breakfast, While the top kick shines your shoes, And the Colonel brings your fur lough, “Take two please, if you choose!” Where the girls line up you, And the jive-dives all are free, With the ten-spot bushes bloom ing, Gosh, that’s the place for me. A But, alas, my tale is ended, Yet let’s not be bitter, men. For I’ll see you all in Shangri-La, Twixt taps and 6 A.M. Contributed by Charlie Reps to meet Some Can, Some Can’t So many things could be said and so many things can’t be said that it’s a problem knowing just what to write. At the time this is being written no news has sifted in from the lucky men who had oases for the week-end. Seems as tho the Air Corps did all the good at their wing ball ... If any of youse guys have any good dirt just bring it to ‘Doc’ Kelty, our newest columnist. Boy, what he couldn’t say about himself . . . Apologies to the oakie at the table who we thought was a yankee . . . The old bonfire looks real again . . . And believe it or not there are still a few Fish and Frogs on this campus who don’t have to be told to do things . . . W. N. B. L. look ed good again, especially with the pans of Kokernot, Chastain, Bryan, Denton and others all up there on the screen . . . Well, out quota of. space has been consumed so there isn’t anything to do but make a hasty exit and try to do better next time. Any Dirt Today? No news is good news accord ing to the old saying so that’s the way this column has been the last three or four weeks. Don’t look for anything in Thursday's paper as the ASTP doesn’t get any space in this issue . . . Everyone seems to be keyed up for the game Tur key Day. We gotta be in there fighting. We don’t want any two percenters like we had Saturday night at Silver Taps . . . Wedding Bells for Jimmie Wright this week- ed. He finally did it. Congratula- 1st of Weekly Series Features Local GIs The first of a series of variety shows with a GI slant will be aired over WTAW this Sunday after noon. The show produced by Rich ard Gottlieb of the 10th ST Co. will feature local service talent and will be dedicated to the ASTU 3800 stationed at A & M. College. Gottlieb prior to being inducted into the Army had much experience with radio shows and he promises a real hit. He has uncovered a great deal of talent among the service men stationed at Aggie land, and men from some of the top bands in the country, singers, actors and comedians with much experience in the little theaters throughout the nation. The show will be presented at intermission time at Guion Hall and for the price of one admission patrons will see both the regular feature this special add attraction. The Radio Club of A. & M. plans to make this a regular weekly feature and announces that any one interested in taking part in future shows should phone 4-6724 or report to the radio station on the third floor of the Administra tion Bldg., script writers, comed ians, singers, instrumentalists, or anyone interested in the techni cal side of radio should make their abilities known. Becker 1st of 49ers To Return to A&M The old timers of the first com pany welcome back one of their prodigal sons. Roy Becker, one of the famed “Forty Niners” (forty nine there were who were found to have been misclassified and who were shipped to New Mexico A. & M. and Stanford U.) returned to the fold. Eight long months ago, when the college authorities found that Roy did not have the prerequisite work to take the advanced course, he was sent to Basic 2 at New Mexico A. & M. While there he absorbed enough knowledge to be eligible for the advanced course. When the two schools are com pared, Becker believes that the Texas Aggies have the better facil ities. “Better food, accommoda tions and instruction make it easier for one to remember the work that was covered. Add that to being back among familiar faces and you can see why lam glad to be back.” So once again Becker trades the tions Wright. It is only a matter hallowed halls of Aggieland. of time ’till four more fellows will say T do.’ I know one this is plan ning that he will get out for Christmas in time for his own wedding. That marrying by proxy stuff wouldn’t be so hot. OUR OWN GUIDE TO THE CAMPUS For Visiting Fire women ORGANIZA TION HOW HE LOOKS DATE BAIT WILL GO WITH HABITAT PASTIMES CONVERSA TIONAL CRUD Vets Like a victim of Traumatic Anaesthesia What a conformation Any warm Cadaver Greener Pastures • Cleaning Bovines Germination ASTP Around Hello Age limits 8 to 80 any size any condition We’ll guess with you Taking Service flags out of “ mother’s windows What’s the Navy got that we haven’t T AST ROTC Same old sad sack Remember me? Tessie Only Franklin’s Showing off his newly acquired Camp Robert’s technique Remember when— ? A/Cadet What you don't see when you haven't got a gun I will fly a P-38 someday The cutest cuties YMCA You mean to say you really don’t know The air corps is winning the war Navy A wolf yet! Haven’t I seen you T Are you kidding T We wonder too Well now— What have we got that the Army hasn't (as if we didn’t know WHEN A GIRL WALKS BY, HE See what Happens when you have Who Read WHEN HR TAKES YOU HOME HE WILL INTERESTED OPERATORS WILL Tell you what a potent catalyst you are. Stay home and read a "What every young girl should know.” He won’t the C.Q. is fussy about things like that. Give them the old one, two — vive la Camp Roberts Hmmmmm— Play hard to get Wait till h« grows up Play hard to get away frorf Scuttle them “Pool’s Drool” An aura of heavy gloom is over hanging the rafters of dorm nine tonight. Our life had been so idyl lic without PT or MT-only 24 hours of class a week; why, we didn’t know what to do with all the free time. Yes, we realize that all good things must come to an end, but when the death knell of our here tofore carefree existence w a s i sounded, the hurt faces of our lit tle group all portrayed expressions giving mute evidence to the fact tfiat it couldn’t have happened so soon. We felt the axe falling last night just before rtreat, as a hor- hible leer came across the usually beatific (simple, to you) counten ance to our acting C. Q. “Starting this Saturday afternoon, and ev ery Saturday, there will be military drill from 1300 until 1600”. As the horror of his words num bed our already addled brain, we dimly picked out such phrases as “85 situps ... 45 pushings . . . run a mile and an eighth . . .etc.” We were unable to enjoy supper as usual last night, our life had been shatttered. Yes, men, as we go back on that old 25 hour a day schedule we realize that this is, alas, the army; men of the seventh company—your mothers can raise, once again, their service flags. Speaking of physical training, it should be a sight to behold when the stalwarts from North Camp Hood have to fall out in fatigues. It seems that they were only issued one pair to last them all during basic training, and you can imagine what most of <, those look like after daily exposure to barbed wire on the obstacle course as well as going through about the roughest Battle Conditioning Course in the country. It does get chilly in Texas, doesn’t it men? We’ll bet that air- conditioning comes in handy next summer, though. Fourth Co. Cadet Officers Appointed New York State three, Texas one, Oklahoma one, and Canada one! No, not football scores, but places from which come the Fourth Company Cadet Officers. S/Sgt. John P. DuBois, Com manding Officer, comes from One ida, New York. He attended Os- wejgo State College, where he maj ored in industrial education. He was president of his college fra ternity and of his class. He has been in the Army for eighteen months and came to ASTP from the Air Forces. Another New Yorker is T/5 Ger hard Voigtland, cadet Second Lieu tenant. Prior to induction into the Army he was a laboratory worker for Fleischman’s. He helped pro duce the yeast from whence cometh our bread—or beer! Voigtland was a Chemistry Major and contemplat ed a career in medicine. (Please note past tense; he is now a bud ding engineer!) Sgt. Milton Silverman completes the New York trio. Coming from Brooklyn, he does not support the Yankees! Cadet Second Lt. Sil verman also majored in Chemistry, at Brooklyn College. Leader of the Second Platoon is Pfs. James B. Arnold, the only Ag gie to become an Aggie the sec ond time. Arnold spent two and a half years of his undergraduate days at A. and M. His hobby dur ing those years was Electrical En gineering. Arnold comes from San Antonio. While at A. and M. he was in the signal corps. Unauthen ticated rumors have it that he is slated to hear wedding bells in the not too distant future. Executive Oficer is Pfs. Jack Bookner, who expects to help out in the good neighbor policy. Book ner lives in Montreal, Canada. He has been in the Army of the United States since St. Patrick’s Day, last. This is oui last issue before the goober graduated from Sir B 5 Game Thursday. The Aggies GeorRe wmiams College in 1939. He has become addicted to Texas, can count on the unanimous support of the seventh company in the stands. Good luck, Cadets. A Texan Still Reports Outnumbered, overpowered, and with all forces working toward my destruction, I shall continue to at tempt to write up the Greatest State in the country. There is no doubt of this in a Texan’s mind, but everyone else just doesn’t be lieve it. I have been told time and time again that the average Texan— especially me—place the love of state over our country’s benefit. On the contrary, we are doing as much if not more than any other state in producing for our war effort- We don’t go around boasting that we lead the country in the production of helium, mer cury, carbon black, strontium, or sulphur. Or brag about the fact that Texas was second to none in the production of minerals—Do we? We sure don’t, but it is only natural to stand up for your own state and do all possible to prevent any slanderous remarks even though we are outnumbered a thousand to one down here. Contrary to most beliefs, espec ially those eminating from the wilds of Brooklyn, the “TEXAS RANGERS” no longer roam the Texas plains in search of Indians. The horse has been replaced by Ford’s new after dinner cars—V-8, end they sure get what they go af ter. They don’t possess the color of yesteryear, but our poorest seem having spent his basic infantry days at Camp Wolters. Yes, he has his own opinions about the Civil War- but does not wish to bequoted, inasmuch as he has friends on both sides of the Mason Dixon. Incidentally, Bookner has visited over half the states in the Union. An Oklahoma Sooner is First Platoon Leader, Joel F. Dake. His alma mater is Oklahoma Military Academy. Dake has a wide military experience: four years of R. O. T. C. in the Cavalry, five years in the National Guard as Second Lieu- tentant, in addition to his one year and two days in the Army. Since entering the Army he has been sta tioned at Vancouver Baracks, in Washington State, West Palm Beach, and Sacramento, California, in reverse order. like supermen compared to “New York’s Finest,” and they are sup posed to have a rugged outfit. LOUPOT’S Where You Always Get a Fair Trade FOR THE GAME--- FOR THE PANCE We have plenty of ’Mums in the colors of both schools for the game Thursday. Just phone 2-6725. And for the Bonfire Dance Wednesday night— We have the loveliest corsages you ever saw. Remember Just Call 2-6735 J. COULTER SMITH —FLORIST—