The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 20, 1943, Image 3
SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1943 THE BATTALION Page 3 L-g— By Harold Borofaky Battalion Sport* Editor Norton’s Challenge Still Causing Furor, But Neither Norton or Aggies Are Worried In spite of the fact that coach Homer Norton’s challenge to Tex as coach D. X. Bible is currently the most talked about thing in the football news, the Aggies do not seem to care much about it. Could it be that the boys know what the genial coach was up to when he sent that challenge to Bible? Longhorn fans will probably turn red in the face when they find out a few simple facts. Namely, that Norton certainly did not think Bi ble might accept the challenge (Homer is no sap) and that he wanted the whole area to know for certain that Texas University would have nothing at all were it not for the Navy V-17 boys. Of counse plenty people knew about the Texas Navy team, but now everyone knows. Norton also want ed information on several Long horn players and plays, and he knew that he could get them if he mad the Texas boys mad enough. The Longhorns, needless to say to anyone who reads the papers, oblidge the Aggie mentor willingly. Homer now has what he wanted. Another secret to Norton’s chal lenge lies in this simple statement: “The Turkey Day Game will be a sellout.” Perhaps after a while the Longhorns will begin to see the light. Norton says he hopes so, be cause he hates to take advantage of them. Of course, the Aggies may lose the Thanksgiving Day classic, but they don’t think so and neither does Norton. Something else, those who think the Aggie coach was trying to make an excuse for not winning the game should know that Aggies never make excuses for anything- If we lose the game we take it in our stride. Texas Univ. students may recall Aggies with tears roll ing down their cheeks after we lost to the Longhorns last year. Those tears were not because the Cadets lost the game, but because the Aggie team played its heart and soul out there on the gridiron and the “Twelfth Man” knew it. Sport scribes are due for quite a shock sometime soon in regard to the statement that has held the limelight for the last few weeks, but that will have to wait. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: THE BEST WAY TO KILL TIME IS TO WORK IT TO DEATH. Coach Homer Norton at Aggie Yell Practice in Houston. —AMAYA— (Continued from Page 1) carrying on the original trend in tended by the choreographer, Miss Amaya turned to her accompanist and said in Spanish, “I’ll bring them around!” Immediately she changed the tempo of her dance to one of comedy, and although she sang the words of the song of sadness, her method of presenta tion and the expression of her voice was one of lightness and humor. The number, presented in this man ner, proved to be the hit of the show, it was observed by those who attended the performance. DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas LOUPOT’S A Little Place A Big Saving STUDENT CO-OP Bicycle and Radio Repair Phone 4-4114 MARINES Let Us Do Your Altering LAUTERSTEIN’S A.A.U.P. Will Meet In Sbisa Hall Lounge The A. & M. Chapter of the Amer ican Association of University Professors will meet Tuesday, November 23 at 8:00 p.m. in Sbisa Hall Lounge according to an an nouncement made today by G. R. Potter, president. Dean T. D. Brooks of the School of Arts and Sciences and of the graduate school will speak on the subject, “Honorary Degrees as Granted by Colleges and University.” All administrative officers of the college Board members of the col lege who might be available, and any Military Officers who may be interested are invited ot attend the Chapter meeting. Juke Box Scandal Is Disclosed An annoying little racket was brought to the attention of a group of 6th Company men in Aggieland on Saturday night. The shoe-shine boys that inhabit one of the local hamburger shops have worked out a system that enables them to hear their favorites on the jukebox all night long. It seems that imme diately after someone deposits a nickel they push in, or pull out, or do something to the key of their desired selection. It’s a mysterious method, but apparently foolproof. One private of our acquaintance came back complaining that he had spent a quarter trying to get Artie Shaw’s “Frenesi,” and heard T. D.’s “Boogie Woogie” five times. We punched his card and sent him on his way, still disgusted- PUBLISHED BY THE ARMY SPECIALIZED TRAINING UNIT STUDENTS Editor-in-Chief Pat Bradley Managing Editcr Len Sutton Press Club Rep Marvin Kaff Editorial. . . “It’s Screwy Army” Of course it is screwy Army. It is screwy to stand all during a football game and wave your hands in the air. It is screwy to carry both visiting and home teams off the field too. It is screwy to hold yell practices right after a game. It is screwy to toss your yell yeaders in the fish pond. It was screwy too to see a former Aggie senior now a Lieutenant in the Tank Destroyers, lead yelling fish and frogs in the downpour of rain. It was screwy to ruin his uniform and the screwiest of all was for all these screwy Aggies to yell their lungs out when they could have been in a nice dry dorm. Do you remember back to the screwy antics you went through at your college Army, of course you didn’t call them screwy. They were tradition and school spirit. And if you ain’t got school spirit you ain’t got a college Army. 10th Co. Reports Ed. Note. Oscar Wiegand, 10th St es th he in on what is happening eporter states that from now on fill give with the chatter and let i .j., Co. the 10th all the other side of the campus. It being that this pen is not en dowed with the juice, of journalistic jargon we will dispense with small talk, the like of which may be found under some of the adjoining columns, say maybe, uh . . . Wing Talk. Houston . . . The rice-patch was honored by the visit of the A. &M. Corps and its supporters; and incidentally (as one sports writer put it) the Aggie Team was there as well. Consequently the Owls got the rice stomped out of them, which fact no one can deny sports experts included. Keep it up Ole Army and let that good team hear from you. Campus . . -. Not a dam thing to tell but if you will grace this column with your attention you will find news of great importance. Expect it short ly ... It will mean the difference between the Sunday sulking and real H raising. Having so said; to wit, to who. If you misunderstand the Present you will never know a Future. The Tenth Blue Notes by Botts Greetings gates. Drag up your zoot suits with the reat pleats and dig the local jive from suite 122, that cozy little crevice on the solid side. The joint’s jumpin! About a month ago in a little town called Chicago, Botts (that’s me remember?) is sitting in a lit tle gin mill known to the local cats as Garricks Lounge. While he sits there quietly munching on a short one he is completely knocked out by the very solid jive coming from the horns of “Red” Allen and Jay C. Higgenbottom when out of no where comes the vision of a fami liar face followed by a body to match which is only natural, I think. Who is it? No, it can’t be. But it is, none other than that Jersey cat, “Lank” Lankenau. The two bosom buddies who met a year ago at Camp Barkeley, Texas (the Sahara desert with hutments) im mediately press the meat and ex change felicitations in a most friendly manner. So friendly in fact, that it requires the special atten tion of the manager of the es tablishment who is disturbed more than somewhat. (Apologies to Da mon Runyan and H. P. Bradley.) The following is the conversation that takes place between those two terrific intellects “Dr. I. Q.” Lankenau and Botts: “Greetings Lank.” “How ya gate.” “Solid eh-” “Ya solid man.” “Dig that alto. ‘Man he sends me,” “I’ve got to cut out now, take it slow Lank.” “Sure, dig you on the “A” train.— English translations for the squares will be given at an later edition if necessary. If any of you readers have any trouble I might refer you to that very hep interpreter “J. B.” who now hangs out at the corner of 116 and 119. Please present your union cards (with dues paid) and I’m sure you’ll be taken care of. I’ll take ten now lads but don’t Correct Address Is Important All ASTP men should make cer tain that their correct address is known by all who write to them. “It is very important that the number of the company be included in the address,” states Corporal Wendrycki, Chief Mail Clerk, of the Army Post Office. If the num ber of the company is not included on incoming mail, the man’s com pany must be found by searching through post office files. This not only delays the letter, but also re quires additional work by the post office. Men must come to the Army Post Office to sign for, and re ceive, any insured packages. Notice that the package is being held at the post office is given through claim slips. These slips are received at mail call. The post office is lo cated in the east end of the Ani mal Husbandry building. All incoming ASTP mail goes to the Army Post Office, and from there is distributed to the various companies- The mail arrives and is sent out twice a day. “Pool’s Drool” It seems that more and more fellows are finding out about the varied attractions at Denton. The letter of some beauteous “Tessie” has made more than one heart in dorm nine beat faster. **** Although the Army has forbidden ASTU me nto play intercollegiate football, the AST unit at the Uni versity of Oregon has organized a team and has scheduled games with Army and Navy units near by as well as regular teams from other colleges. **** It may interest you to know that plans have been formulated for a weekly stage and variety show to be broadcast for this regiment. Any man with talent as a musician, sing er, comedian, script writer, etc, should report to his orderly room today. Remember, the more men taking part, the better the show, so let’s have a good turnout. **** We’ll close tonight wishing the Kiddie Korps all the luck in the world next week. We’re with you fellows. The Eagle Screams This week will see the ASTU going to town in a big way. Al though the trainees were here last weekend, they found that without the root of all evil, they could not get very far- And how a 28 day furlough eats into that savings ac count. But this week the Eagle Scream ed and once more everyone is hap py. Watch out Houston! Watch out Dallas! Here we come! miss the next column, for in it will be all the gruesome details con cerning. HOOGY HOOBY and HOOEY who have recently con structed a jproject house that se riously threatens both the railroad and airplane industries. Take it slow. Pencil Engineers Threaten Hitler What has happened to the Little Man with a Bayonet? It doesn’t look as if he is going to win this war anymore—at least not when he 7 exchanges his bayonet for a slipstick. I wonder how the Germans and Japs will react when they are locked in mortal combat with this new type of soldier? Headlines in Germany may soon read “United States violates all International Laws by equipping and putting into use on the west ern front, the 3800 ASTBn with the latest destructive weapon—THE SLIPSTICK.” Destructive?—defi nitely, but it may prove self destructive. Watching the new fel lows trying to manipulate the slide rule is most entertaining. First the slide goes to one end, then the other, and finally in desperation they turn it upside down, but to no avail. The slash and drive of the bayonet might be of more help in solving the problem than the push and pull of the stick. To the list of famous men al ready associated with Engineering, come Fenagle. It is his variable constant that always can be added, multiplied, or divided to our own answer to obtain the one in the book- It is therefore only natural to assume that he is also respon sible for that “hairline” always being not more than 1 point from the correct solution. YMCA Provides Facilities For Service Men Any ASTP man who wishes to secure a room for his wife during her visit to A. & M. may do so through the YMCA, according to Mrs. Kenneth Ring, office secre tary. The YMCA has a list of lo cal residents from whom men may rent room for a few days. Some rooms are available for permanent Graduates Receive Varied Assignments First Group Goes Into AAF, AGF, and ASF In less than 6 months since the ASTP went into operation on the first dozen campuses in the Nation last 12 April, more than 1,000 en listed men have graduated from the Program- With few exceptions, they have received varied and in teresting assignments. The outflow, as of 30 October 1943, represents numerically more than one-third the number of sol diers who were in the ASTP at the start of the inaugural term last 12 April. The span covers little more than two 3-months terms. The rate of flow of graduates in the coming months will increase greatly as courses are completed. The great majority of trainees have been admitted to the Program in the first term of the Basic Phase, and, for them the normal training period will be 9 months unless they are promoted to the Advanced Phase. ASTP graduates thus far represent the relatively few who entered the Program at advanced levels. With efforts directed toward careful selection of trainees and facilities rather than toward reach ing the allotted strength, the in flow of trainees during the early months was at a very low rate. By July the curve of intake was scaled sharply upward. At the end of Oc tober, approximately 140,000 sol diers were in training at 222 in stitutions. It is certain, therefore, that the rate of graduation will in crease sharply in the early part of 1944. Graduates have been assigned to a wide variety of responsible tasks in virtually all the arms and ser vices, meeting originally specified requirements as well as special un foreseen needs which have develop ed. A survey of the disposition of a number of sample groups of graduates indicates the facility with which the ASTP has operated to satisfy the immediate needs of the Army. Of several hundred soldiers com pleting their training in Personnel Phychology under the ASTP, 200 were assigned on 30 October to the Army Air Forces Medical and Psychological Examining Units. They received the grade of line ser geants and will serve to process aviation students at basic training centers under the AAF policy to screen for aptitudes and qualifica tions at an early stage in train ing. More than 100 others grad uating from the Program in Per sonnel Psychology are being as signed to units of the Army Ser vice Forces which are conducting the classification survey of the en tire ASF. A number of graduates have been assigned directly to officer candi date school. Recently a small group of sol diers completing work in term 7, Marine Transportation, were as signed to OCS. Some who have rental. Inquiries should be made completed work in term 7, Sanitary between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. at the Engineering, and others who have desk in the lobby of the YMCA building. To be more certain of getting a room, men should, if pos sible, notify the Y some time before they wish the room. The lounge rooms of the YMCA are open all day and during the evening. Open house is held on Sunday afternoons between 3 P. M. and 5 P- M. A hostess sees that everyone has refreshments, and a guest pianist usually entertains. The lobby is open twenty-four hours a day, every day; phone calls may be made at any time from booths near the lobby. In the basement are located bil liard tables and bowling alley. Bil liards are five cents a cue for one- half hour. Bowling is twelve and one-half cents per line. Also down stairs are a fountain and a barber shop. Also available to service men is the YMCA annex, just north-west of the dormitories, and there is a lounge for wives to wait for their ASTP Trainee husbands at the north end of the Dormitory 2 in the New Area. Wives are encouraged to meet their husbands there in stead of standing around in the Dormitory area. 7th Co. Selects Leaders The following men have received temporary appointments as Cadet Officers of the Seventh Student Training Company: Company Commander: John Marks, Cadet Capt. Executive Officer: James Page, Jr., Cadet 1st Lt. Platoon Leaders: Dave Tyler, J. Hart, N. Pallet and Bill Strasser, Cadet 2nd Lts. Johnny Lloyd, who ran the com pany during the intercession is do ing another swell job as Cadet 1st sergeant. completed term 9A, which compri ses a special advanced group of studies in highly technical fields, have been assigned to OCS under the Corps of Engineers- A certain number of term 9A soldiers, who have proper qualifi cations, will be assigned each month to term 7, Sanitary Engineering. The upper 50 percent of the class completing term 7 will be advanced to term 8, at the end of which they will be assigned to the Medical Ad ministrative Corps Officer Candi date School. The balance of men who complete term 7 will be as signed to the Corps of Engineers, with excellent prospect for assign ment later to the Corps of Engi neers Officer Candidate School. As a result of its experience with ASTP trainees, the Sanitary Corps, through the Surgeon General’s Of fice, is increasing its demands nearly fourfold for graduates of the Sanitary Engineering Curricu lum. Assignments to the Corps of En gineers have included civil engi neers, mechanical engineers, and architects. Some men have been assigned to the Army Air Forces and Army Ground Forces on completion of BE-1. The ASTP has been satisfying some of the Army’s current needs for linguists, largely from men who have completed work in term 9L which consists of special ad vanced studies in the Area and Language .field. From the thou sands of others being trained in this field, demands will continue to be met for assignments in a num ber of arms and services. Assignments given to ASTP graduates undoubtedly will con tinue to be widely varied in nature. Many ASTP soldiers will be given responsible assignments overseas, a process already under way. Al though a number have been assign ed to officer candidate school, any conclusion that the ASTP is a sure road to a commission is an error. What trainees should know is that their chances for advancement are greatly enhanced by successful completion of their courses and by their performance following that training. ASTP soldiers are trained for the highest duties they are capable of performing in specialized fields for which the Army has greatest needs. It is apparent that at any term-end during their training and thereaf ter they share with all other sol diers the opportunity of competing for a technical rating of for offi cer candidate school. Like every thing else in the Army, their suc cess will depend on their per formance and abilities, the avail ability of noncommissioned ra tings, and the vacancies in officer candidate schools. ROOMS AVAILABLE TO SERVICE MEN Two large rooms are available in Bryan for wives of two men in any of the units at A. & M. College- Anyone interested are requested to come by dorm 11, rm 217, any eve ning to see Joe Beninson. Just a G.I. Seamstress? If you’re forever getting out the needle and thread, here are some tips: When a button comes off, sew it on well the first time. A slip-shod job just means you’ll have to do it over again soon. Make your next shirt an Arrow. Arrow but tons are attached with a patented stitch, which “anchors” them to a shirt. Check your size—you may be wearing too small a shirt and therefore causing too great a strain on the buttons and seams. The Sanforized label in an Arrow shirt guarantees shrinkage no greater than 1%—no danger of an Arrow ever getting too small! ARROW SHIRTS • TIES • HANDKERCHIEFS • UNDERWEAR • SPORT SHIRTS it BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS it