The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 18, 1943, Image 2

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The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical CoBege of
Texna ami the City of College Station, is published three timas weekly, and issued
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday mornings.
Entered as second class matter at the Post Jffice at College Station, Texas,
onder the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870.
Subscription rate $3 per school year. Advertising rates upon request.
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City,
Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
Office, Room 5, Administration Building. Telephone 4-&444.
1942 Member 1943
Pissocided CnHerside P? e^
H. Sylvester Boone
Andy Matula -
Sports Staff
Harold Borofsky Sports Editor
William Baker Sports Reporter
Robert Orrick Sports Reporter
Claude Stone Sports Photographer
Thursday’s Staff
David Seligman Managing Editor
Max Mohnke Reporter
R. L. Weatherly Reporter
J. W. (Tiny) Standifer Reporter
Special Columnists
Archie Broodo (Aggie) For Lass-o
SuSu Beard (T.S.C.W.) .... For Battalion
Advertising Staff
John Kelly Business Manager
Charles R. West Ass’t. Business Mgr.
Associate Editor
Tuesday’s Staff
Charlie Murray Managing Editor
Ed Katten Reporter
Charles West Reporter
Charley L. Dobbs Reporter
Saturday’s Staff
Andy Matula Managing Editor
Fred Manget, Jr Reporter
John T. Scurlock Reporter
James C. Grant Reporter
David Seligman Columnist
J. W. Standifer Staff Photographer
Circulation Staff
Steele H. Nixon Circulation Mgr.
George Puls Ass’t. Circulation Mgr.
Town Hall Presents . . .
Tonight at Guion Hall should be seen one of the best
Town Hall shows to be presented on the stage of Guion
Hall in quite some time. Carmen Amaya has made a name for
herself throughout the country, and she, with her troupe
of gypsy dancers, should provide stirring entertainment for
the people who are out to see her. It is not often that gypsy
dancers are signed to play for any group on the A. & M.
campus so it should be the duty of everyone to see that they
ge to Guion Hall for this program.
Town Hall presented as their feature last month, Bidu
Sayao, the nationally known Brazilian soprano. The audience
was not as large as Miss Sayao deserved, but every comment
that was made in regards to the singer was of the highest
kind paid any entertainer. There will be six more programs
during the present season. Every one promises to be as good
as any program to be presented this year. Those who attend
tonight program of the world’s most famous flamenco dancer
will not forget it, and they will receive more than their
money’s worth.
Something to Read
By Hazel Adams
A first noYel is very apt to be
autobiographical. This is the case
of Betty Smith’s A Tree Grows in
Brooklyn. You know this not only
because her characterizations are
all brought about by telling what
her people said and did rather than
by the more introspective method
of the novelist who probes the
minds and actions of his charac
ters and gives his own opinion of
them, but because no one could set
down such a wealth of disturbing
detail without having known it at
first hand.
Facts concerning the author’s
life would lead the reader to ex
pect a book showing a varied tal
ent, a story very close to the peo
ple and the many details of living.
Over enthusiastic reviewers have
stepped off the deep end to com
pare it to the work of James Far
rell, for what reasons one cannot
imagine, unless it is because this,
too, is a story about people who
are poor, Irish, and Catholic. Betty
Smith has written a sentimental
story full of nostalgia and a pas
sion for the saga of the poor, their
inevitable courage and will to live.
But she has not the intent, the
style, nor the mind of James Far
rell, and it is slightly ridiculous to
compare her work to his- Certain
ly, there is a demand and a place
for both kinds of books, but for
the discerning A World I Never
Made should be a serious literary
experience with psychological and
social intent. The experience of
reading A Tree Grow,s in Brooklyn
is more comparable to that of
reading Richard Llewellyn’s How
Green Was My Valley than Far
rell’s Studs Lonigan.
The chief protagonist of the
story is a little girl named Francie
Nolan. She is eleven years old
when the story opens in 1912 in
Williamsburg in Brooklyn, New
York. The story takes us through
Francie’s first love affair and her
seventeenth year. Francie is un
doubtedly the author, a thin, book
loving, sensitive little girl with
hunger circles under eyes but with
an eager, inquiring mind, into
which seeps all the multi-colored
life around her.
The most original character in
the book is Francie’s Aunt Sissy
who feels that anything which
makes her feel good is good. She
marries and re-marries at random
and without benefit of divorce,
arguing that since she is Catholic
and has been married in the City
Hall the marriage is no marriage
and therefore does not demand a
divorce. She has a passion for the
name John and all the men in her
life are called John. Two of the
most amusing scenes in the book
concern Sissy: one in which she
steals a Gideon Bible for Francie’s
library while she is on one of her
brief excursions with one of her
Johns and the other in which she
insists that a baby she has ac
quired by the most fantastic
means is her own.
Certain qualities in her parents,
grandparents, and her aunts go
into the making of a child who be
comes at seventeen very much of
an individual; Francie Nolan ex
periences the bitter and shameful
in life but gets through it to
something better than her mother
and grandmother knew.
It is a tribute to the author that
she has remembered her own
Only 300 Left
There won’t be any more, either, since manu
facture has been discontinued. Get your Sam
Browne Belt now while they are still available.
“Trade With Lou — He’s Right With You”
W. L. Penberthy
This Saturday afternoon the an
nual Intramural Cross Country
meet will be held over the much-
used Physical
Education course.
The meet is due
to be the best we
have ever had be
cause all of the
entries will be in
good condition
and the competi
tion will be keen.
At the start of
the present war,
Cross Country
had lost a great
Penberthy deal of its popu _
larity and interest dwindled until
in our conference only two schools
could be counted on to send a team
to the conference meet—Texas
University and Texas A. & M.
Since th& start of the war, Cross
Country has come into its own and
almost every youngster of college
age has done some Cross Country
Sports in general have made a
fine contribution to the training of
our youth in peace time as well as
in time of war. We cannot mini
mize the value of the training re
ceived by those who participate in
team sports because the individual
learns many fine things, a couple
of the most important being co
operation and the subjugation of
one’s own interests to those of the
group. However some of the indi
vidual sports have also played an
important part in that training.
Aside from being a fine condi
tioning sport, Cross Country has
many worthwhile lessons to teach.
Members of a team can help each
other both physically and in giving
encouragement. Also there is the
encouragement of spectators in
team sports, while in a Cross Coun
try Meet each runner is on his
own and, regardless of how tired
he becomes, he must tough it out
without the help of team mates or
the encouragement of spectators,
and often this takes every bit of
courage the runner possesses.
Surely in life there are many
times when we have a tough prob
lem to battle without the help of
others, and certainly in this case
training received in a sport like
Cross Country stands one in good
To our many friends in the regu
lar ASTP:
For quite a few years now “our
little college” has been able to
survive without the support of
ASTP men. I don’t know how, but
we seem to have a little spark of
something that kept it going. Any
way, this little spark had some
thing so vital and so deep that I’m
sure it is too deep for most of
you to conceive.
The main issue is that one of
little elements that makes up that
spark is taken from the spirit
shown at our football games. There
has been much comment over this,
and has been misconstrued many
times. Only Aggies know the real
meaning. But in your newspaper
articles, as well as in your con
versation on the campus, some of
you have seen fit to disagree with
our traditional policies. Now this
is well and fine if that’s what you
want. After all that’s what we’re
fighting for—the freedom of speech
and the liberty of making our own
decisions; however, we don’t think
anyone has ordered you to sit ip
the AGGIE section during a foot
ball game. Don’t misunderstand,
we know that the Aggies would be
glad to have you if you would help
support our traditions. After all,
there are many Aggies at heart in
this world, that have never been on
the campus, but if you think “that
the Army always supports the un
derdog” then for gosh sakes go sit
somewhere else. Every one would
be much happier. No hard feel
A. L. Lapham ’44
John A. Mouser ’44
Howard S. Perry ’44
Harold R. DeBona '44
W. F. Powell ’45
W. T. Murphy ’45
Gerald Shearer ’45
D. H. Kuykendall ’45
H. G. Law ’45
Alan Woods ’46
growth so compassionately and
with so much understanding for
those she left behind her in what
she describes the “cruel up climb.”
Regardless of your walk in life,
smooth running gets you there a
lot quicker.
1150 k.c.
Radio Calendar for Thursday,
November 18, 1943:
10:00—Musical Reveille
10:45—Morning Reveries
11:00—Moments of Devotio*
11:15—Lean Back and Listen
11:30—Listen Ladies
12:30—Farm Fair
1:15—Between the Lines
2:00—Treasury Transcription
2:45—Woman’s Program
3:00—Swing Music
4:15—Sports News
4:30—Something to Read
4:45—Singing Cadets
5:15—Radio Club
5:30—The Little Show
3801st Sparkles
By Julius Bloom
To whom it may concern:
In reply to the letter in the
Open Forum column in the Novem
ber 13 issue of the Battalion con
cerning the actions of the A.S.T.P.
students attending the S. M. U.-
A. & M. College football game
played on November 6 we have
these remarks to make:
We A.S.T-P ; students do not feel
that we are as much a part of A.
& M. College as are the regular
college students. We have not been
educated to Aggie Tradition, and
many of the Aggie customs are
quite foreign to us. Those of us
who have never gone to college
do not appreciate the feelings that
a body of college students has to
ward its alma mater.
There was also some question in
our minds as to whether or not it
would be proper for us to rise
when “The Spirit of Aggieland”
was being played. We are not “Ag
gies” in the same sense as the
regular A. & M. students, and we
were not certain whether or not
we had the privilege of rising to
the Aggie Alma Mater as a token
of its being our own. We are quite
certain that it was because of this
indecision, rather than because of
any disrespect or impoliteness
that some of our numbers did not
Concerning our cheering for the
S.M.U. team: S.M.U- came here as
the “underdog,” and was practi
cally unsupported. When the S. M.
U. cheer leaders asked us to ac
company them in their cheers we
could see no harm in our giving
them at least a little moral sup
port, although most of us were
hoping to see the Aggies win.
In closing, let us say that we
greatly appreciate the very hospit- happy to see the lad make time, but
This is not a whodunit in the
strictest sense of the phrase, but
a whowuzshe.
Confusion regained delightfully
last Monday morning. From one
face to another flashed a light of
amused perplexity. People would
point and smile, then turn away
and look again, only to broaden
the original smile. Pretty soon,
voices ranged back and forth, but
everybody really wanted to know
Stretched out on the community
line behind one of the houses were
a woman’s scanties and, er-ah, let’s
say vest. That should cover a mul
titude of sins. At any rate, there
they were, and nobody knew to
whom they belonged. Shocking
the nobler sensibilities of our
younger components, the apparel
flapped in the breeze, jauntily
quizzing all the world.
Close investigation of the mar
ried men of the house revealed
that none had been visited' by his
wife during the weekend, and no
body would admit any knowledge
of their owner, let alone personal
ownership. The solution of this
mystery of the Project House Area
is indeed a consummation devoutly
to be desired.
Any information leading to the
revelation of the dire perpetrator
of this nefarious deed will auto
matically entitle said informant
to four shorts on cush for the next
sixteen weeks.
Unqualifiedly, and with the in
sistence of a man of guilt, T4
Stephen Dolen avidly denies the ac
tions accredited to him in this col
umn at our last printing. He not
only denies ever having been in
Austin, but he also claims that he
avoids girls. Any man who attri
butes these characteristics to him
self is either a subject for Demos
thenes, or the best cover-up man
in the business.
Stepping further into the lime
light this week, Pvt. Diaz Garay is
hereby unanimously voted the most
coveted award of the war; the pri
vate’s daylight, and the envy of
every brigadier, the abortive order
of the Purple Willkie Button.
Garay has solved the ever-pres
ent problem of stilling the would
be generals, authorities and coach
es in our outfit through the simple
expedient of laying his wallet on
the table, with a look of contempt
in his eye, and a statement that
he will back his opinion with all,
or any part of the contents thereof.
Success is usually the result, and
another blubbermouth bites the
When last seen, Pfs. Gennaro
Gasile was sweating a ride into
town to “see loud and lanky”,
whoever that may be. Ah, to be
ycung again when everything was
toujours 1’amour (or Lamour).
Pvt. Hal Melone rates high on
anybody’s list of good guys to
"Know. Recently., he was blessed by
the acquaintance of a lovely young
thing in the vicinity who has the
most pleasing soft tone in her
voice, to use his words. We are
able manner in which the Aggies
are receiving us, in view of the
fact that it was not their choice
that we come here. We will do our
utmost to maintain this friendly
Lloyd C. Newsom
George N. Neiman
John E. Nolan
Jack Nienaber
Donald Nelson
John R. McLeod
Orders, orders,
Stay away,
Make my furlough come today.
I am feeling mighty sad,
’Cause I want that furlough bad.
I’ll get drunk—a party throw,
Then I’ll see my gal, and oh!—
Orders, orders, stay away.
Furlough, furlough come today.
For many years it has been the
custom at A. & M. to honor those
cadets who die while in attendance
here, with Silver Taps. We think
this the most sacred tradition of
the school. Last Monday night the
cadet corps fell out en masse.
Many members of the armed forces
also saw fit to do so. Yet, some
of those who did not, were not suf
ficiently respectful to turn off
their lights nor maintain a reason
able quiet while taps were being
blown. It seems to us that every
one, regardless of rank or branch,
could pause a few short minutes
in the observance of at least the
one tradition of the school that re
mains intact.
Pfc. Lewis Fields, ’44-
Pfc. Jack Rafferty, ’44.
we caution him to remember that
he owes his life to many more fe
males, to whom he has promised
to be a brother.
The cold, about which many of
our readers (thanks a lot, Mom)
solicitously inquired is just about
beaten back, unfortunately with
out benefit of our self-prescribed
alcoholic cure.
S/Sgt. George Reed reports that
the men in his house have not yet
caught on to the benefits of taking
daily C. Q. He says that they do
not understand that they will only
have to work for about two hours,
and then can have the day to
themselves in bed, but prefer to
go to the library to sleep in those
uncomfortable steel chairs.
Nr: 2 - S87Q
Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.
in Technicolor - Featuring
Gene Tierney
Don Ameche
Preview Saturday Night
11 P. M.
— with —
Sonja Henie
Jack Oakie
— plus —
March of Time
An Aggie Institution
o<xrclown on
Campus distractions
By David Seligman
The Campus Theater brings back
Universal’s extravaganza, “We’ve
Never Been Licked,” to the cam
pus Thursday. Here is a chance to
get another look at A. and M-
through the cameratic eyes of Hol
lywood. We could give forth with
lots of criticism, both bad and
good, on the production hut it is
obviously useless to do so. Most
everyone has his own opinions con
cerning it. Not by a long shot the
masterpiece it was supposed to be,
the film is a rather far-fetched
story with scenes from this college.
The Lowdown: You will enjoy
seeing it again even if you only
fuss about it.
“Watch on the Rhine,” a first-
rate drama, comes to the screen
at Guion Hall Thursday. The movie
version of Lillian Heilman’s widely
read play is a gripping story of a
German underground leader who
flees to this country for safety.
Here he is threatened with expos
ure by a Rumanian diplomat. To
stop this action Lukas (the under
ground leader) kills the man. With
Bette Davis and Paul Lukas in the
top roles, this promises to be an
excellent show. Bette, in the part
of Lukas’ wife, does something
which few top stars would do: In
Dial 4-1181
OPENS 1:00 P. M.
Today, Friday
!i :
inspired by the fighting
a " chard quins
harry davenport
william frawlcy
edgar barrier
bob mitchum
0 ,bill stern
'*» os thuuing army hour
- - f ,
Screen Ploy, Norman Reilly ^ a ' ne *
Original Story, Norman ReJIy Rn-
Directed by JOHN RAWLINS c
— also —
News - Cartoon - Short
the picture she steps back so-to-
speak and lets Lukas play up his
part more than an ordinary co-star
would do. By this act of letting him
get all the praise in the film, she
shows her unselfish attitude so
obvious in her private life.
The Lowdown: Drama lovers will
eat this up. j*V
Notre Dame’s one-hundredth
commencement, held on October
29, was the last formal commence
ment for the duration. Degrees
were awarded to 209 men.
Wake Forest College chapel is
now nearly externally complete.
The tower, which is now 180 feet
high, will be approximately 200
feet high when completed.
The best way to forget the cost
of living is to live so that it’s
worth it.
9C & 20c
Phone 4-1168
Tax Included
Box Office Opens at 1:00
Closes 8:30
P. M.
Thursday and Friday
with Bette Davis
hi WARNER BROS.’triumph!
't" y:; ms|
a HAL B. WALLIS production
directed Or HEEMAN SHUMLIN • flora the heart and pen of ItUIAh .
HEILMAN • Screen Play by Dashiel Hammett • Additional Scania and
dialogue by Irir-an Heilman • Music by Mar Stainer
BUY PAobby! i
also Bugs Bunny Cartoon
News and Sports
Where You Alwaj's Get
a Fair Trade
Keep a Record of Your Days at
A. & M. in Photographs
Marines — we can supply you with a
dress uniform for portraits—also Ma
rine and Army Garrison Caps.
— North Gate —
When You Need-
Books -
School Supplies -
Drawing Supplies -
Stationery -
Come to the
College Book Store
— North Gate —