The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 16, 1943, Image 4

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    Page 4
LOST—Practically br?r>d new brown
leather jacket. Left in Sbisa Hall Wed
nesday night. Reward. If found please
notify G. C. Garrison, Roona 402, Dorm 16.
Two soldiers wires desire apartment or
small houses (furnished) for 1 (one)
year in or near College Station. Both
work, don’t smoke or drink. No- children
or pets. Are interested in vacancies or
future vacancies. Please notify Mrs. Fox,
P. O. Box 3217, College Station (South
Station) Texas.
The Student Personnel Office in the
Academic Building is holding two cloth
ripper jackets and one leather zipper jack
et. Will the boys to whom these jackets
belong please call for them.
LOST—A Log-Log Decitrig Slide rule
between Hotard Hall and Milner Hall.
Identification: Name inside of flap on
case. Floyd R. McClain. Finder contact
Floyd R. McClain, Room 116 Hotard Hall,
or Battalion Office. Reward.
Will the person who removed the books
and slide rule from Room 310, Academic
building, between ten and eleven o’clock
Friday morning, Nov. 12, please return
them to the Commandant’s Office. No
Questions will be asked.
Called meeting Brazos Union
Lodge No. 129 tonight at 7:30.
There will be work in the E.
A. Degree. All members and
visiting brethren are cordially
invited to be present.
J. D. Benson, W.M.
J. W. Hall, Secretary
Church Notices
The Woman’s Auxiliary of the First
Presbyterian Church of College Station
will meet on Monday Nov. 16, from 11
a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. D.
W. Wiliams with Mrs. J. L. Pool as co
hostess. Mrs. W. T. Carter, secretary of
Home Missions and Mrs. R. R. Lancaster,
program chairman, have arranged an in
teresting program which will include the
Bible Study and a review of the Home
Mission book.
The usual special offering for Home
Missions will be taken. An hour will be
set aside for lunch and each woman is
asked to bring her lunch and join in this
Executive Offices
All students registered from foreign
countries must report to the Registrar’s
Office as soon as possible. The Government
has requested us to secure certain infor-
mution from you.
H. L. HEATON, Registrar.
Acting on a tip from State High
way engineers, the Texas Memorial
Museum on the University of Tex
as campus has dug up skeletal re
mains of a prehistoric elephant in
Atascosa County. This specimen
which probably stood 14 feet high
at the shoulder, will be added to
the museum’s already extensive
elephant collection.
Watch Dog of the
Replenish your Shirt
wardrobe from our fine
stock of regulation Shirts
. . . there’s a style and
fabric to please
Van Heusen
Manhattan Twill
Manhattan 6 oz.
Chino Khaki
Pools’ Poplin
Jason All Wool O. D,
Smartly Tailored $9.95
Green Gabardine Shirts
Tailored from All
Rayon . . . Wool
and Rayon, or
All Wool $5 to $17.50
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Station Bryan
Trimming Tabs
Sqnadren I
Morning gents, do we feel like
hot pilots or do we feel an empty
place in our stomachs? Some don’t
guess I’ll get mine tomorrow. It
usually strikes the second day—
groan, groan.
Mister Hermon picks a swell
night to pull a dive from the top
bunk to the floor. Seems one night
last week Harmon, Haskins and
Hancock had a visitor from Squad
ron Four to bunk with them, and
his sack was spread right beside
Harmon’s second story boudoir. In
the still of the night, Mister Har
mon dreams he has the stick in
hand. Well, he can’t fly all night
so he decides to shoot a landing.
Unfortunately, for the visitor, he
lands right in his back. Still sleep
ing, Harmon apoligizes and climbs
aboard again; the next day he for
gets the incident. It’s still a
touchy subject to him. What’s the
matter, fellow, can’t you ride that
Comes the time to congratulate
everyone on last Saturday morn
ing's performance for dear Mac.
Did you notice that his average
pulls of the sailcloth dropped con
siderably? And just as I was go
ing to take a count on him.
Mister Larsh must have gotten
out of the wrong side of the bed
last Saturday morning, for he real
ly gave Mr. Dow a good laugh. Re
covering from a spill on the first
hurdle, he does another tailspin on
the second hurdle. He just grew
along with his feet.
That was a nice looking Guidon
we carried before us in the last re
view, don’t you think? But let us
add some more ribbons on to it,
s.nd then it will really be something
worthwhile looking at.
We hate to ride our officers, but
Mr. Bates at 8 o’clock we have
mess, and not reveille. The schedule
had been changed last Wednesday,
remember ?
Mister Rousseau has a new mot
to: Be wise, live and learn. Exper
ience does teach you a lot.
“Pete” Trembesky says one
thing and does another. You
shouldn’t have played that game.
We’ll admit it is a rough deal to
pack all those clothes just for a
couple hours. Consolation will like
ly be in the form of a punched and
signed card, good for a week or
so—he hopes.
This is your local correspondent,
signing off—asking you to remem
ber, there are only thirty-three
more shopping days till Christmas.
Mr. Droegemeier would make a
very poor Santa Claus. He buys
presents and then they look so
good to him that he keeps them
for himself.
Squadron II
Gentlemen, the time has come
for a reckoning. Much has been
said in this and other columns
about being on the bal, and it’s
about being on the ball, and it'^
about not being on that proverbial
ball. There are certain members
of this squadron who must have
come into cadets thinking it was a
soft touch. To these persons we
say, “Didn’t anyone tell you that
this was the toughest racket there
is, requiring men—real men —
with the guts to take it on the
chin and men who are willing to
give up nearly anything to be the
top men that the Army Air Forces
flying officers are.” The pilots,
bombardiers and navigators are
the heros of the day and are look
ed up to by all the woidd as the
men who are delivering the blows
to those dogs, where it hurts. Most
of, us here have been in the army
long enough to know that those in
command will do their utmost in
appreciation of genuine soldiering
and are hand-tied to exei’t any ef
forts for a group who can not live
up to standards. But, and we do
say it with regret, there is a cer-
tain small minority who will not
conform and who aren’t doing
their best to prepare for the hard
er works to come. We know that
fai’ther along the line the reckon-
Wesley Foundation
Meets Every Wed.
Night at 7:00 P. M.
The Wesley Foundation, the
Methodist Student organization at
A. & M., will begin regular Wed
nesday night Fellowship meetings.
The first such gathering will be
Wednesday, November 17, at 7:00
1 p.m., at the Methodist Church, ac
cording to Harry Sims, Foundation
president. These midweek affairs
will include games and recreation,
refreshments, business, and devo
All Aggies and servicemen on
the campus will be welcomed at
the Methodist Church Wednesday
at 7:00 p. m.
James L.
AJ Lama
-BdRor-m-Chiaf F. W. Houe
_ Mama King Editor
Jack Paralqr-
Odell Havkina—
Paul MeGinnias
M. Soto
ata Editor
A aaoclate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Woddrow W.
F. W. Yratter..
Winsor Mowry
R. E. Wolf
False J
| Reporters: Anthony Gasteliurcio, Earl
t wji. Turner, Theodore Wilson, Joseph Canter,
1 *ditor Ted Levine wjiiian, r. Fitzgerald, Ed-
auadron II Editor ward F. Callahan, Leroy Mueller, Robert
Sqod. IH Editor ‘Brien, P. H. Dillard, R. E. Otto,
o j nr „The ACTD is written and edited by
Sqttd. IV Editor Aviation students of the 308th College
V Editor | Training Detachment. CoHego Station.
Spotlight on Sports
On Saturday morning a group of
squadron I boys were dismissed
from P. E. for a certain detail.
This so called detail was a football
game with squadron II. The squad
ron I boys carried out their as
signment by defeating squadron II
by a score of 26 to 19. The score
indicates a close game and it was.
Squadron II passers sure pass a
hot pas, ask some of their receiv
It seems the “Big game,”
between Squadron I and V was
again canceled. Lets get together
and play this game, it’s for the
In a little scrimmage Saturday
afternoon Squadron I defeated a
few of the A. S. T. P. boys. The
A. S. T. P. boys had never played
Air Corp rule, and were beaten
before they caught on to the com
bination basketball and football
game. They did run up the score
in the last quarter but it was too
Squadrons III and IV have not
participated i any Fotoball games.
Get your teams together and get
a few games cheduled.
Sqaudron I and II had a little
basketball scrimmage Sunday
night, which turned out to be quite
a game the score was 33 to 32 in
favor of squadron I. Neither squad
ron had all their players present.
The Turkey Day game to be
played here between Texas Uni
versity and the Aggie will no doubt
take the spot light as one of the
nations important games. The Air
Corps are backing you up Aggies,
you have done a swell job this
season and we wish you luck
against your rivals.
A bit of national news on foot
ball teams—he so called “Fighting
Irish”, of Notre Dame did it
again to prove their undisputed tit
le of the Nations No. 1 team, by
defeating Northwestern by a
score 25 to 6. The Irish were led
by 18 year old Lujack and Miller.
Otto Graham starred for North
western. faavy smeared Columbia
by a score of 61 to 0.
ing shall come, but in the mean
time those men who are here to
take advantage of the greatest op
portunity for present accomplish
ment and future security, deeply
resent any reflections that might
be cast on them as a group. In
representation of them, we say,
“Come on fellows lets sit down for
an accounting and get up the right
guy and aviation cadet you can be.
Think this over fellow, there is no
greater accomplishment than to be
considered by the boys as a ‘Good
Joe. ’”
‘Nuff said—on the lighter side:
Beavers, you don’t stand a
chance at our big affair next week
end. The low down is you’re going
to have competition from two plat
inum blondes Messrs. Yeutte and
Weeks have taken to peroxide as
a hair dressing in a vain effort
to make the hearts of those lassies
go pit-pat.
It is with two-fold regret, that
we say goodbye to our over-bril
liant Mr. Levine. Not only shall
we miss seeing his smiling face
in our ranks, but it leaves your
scribes short handed. We call for
volunteers. “You, you, and you.”
Reports from the gala affair at
the country club say that our band
wgs strictly all-reet and have been
asked for a return engagement.
Also at the country club Satur
day evening, could be seen our
man of the hour, Mr. James I.
King, relieved of his nuptial obli
gations, and gaily tripping the
light fantastic. Reports have it
that said gentlemen went to bed
with a bucket the same night.
The gentlemen of ramp 9, Pur-
year Hall, noted with interest
that our genial gent, Mr. James
took no less than 20 showers and
15 shaves over the weekend. We
understand a visiting WAC of his
very good acquaintance was the
reason for this strange behavior.
Well Gentlemen, until we get
together next inking time, remem
ber this: “A woman begins by re
sisting your advances, and finish
es by cutting off your retreat.”
Wing News
Eager Beavers take note: There
are only five more shopping days
until time for our November, 20th
Wing Ball; hence, it means that
hurry up last minute telephone
calls must be made to complete
that uncertain date you are trying
to get.
The name of the winner of the
Sweetheart Contest is out and
from all descriptions Miss Mary
Patricia Travis is above even the
committee’s enthusiastic expecta
tions. It just goes to prove that
the students taste for women is
pretty good.
To quell all rumors students are
asking about who is who, we print
an extract from a past daily bul
letin. The question has been ask
ed numerous times “who is who
about our student officers?” Here
it is.
A/S Ronald Robson, Wing Com
A/S Robert Sheldon, Wing Ad
A/S Hubert J. Iffrig, Jr., Wing
Supply Officer
A/S Homer L. Stanart, Group II
A/S Robert W. Picard, Group II
A/S James L. Anderson, Group
II Officer
A/S Paul R. Bard, Group I Sup
ply Officer.
The Air Corps Dance Orchestra
from' this detachment kept the
patrons of the Country Club in
Bryan swaying with, cheek to
cheek waltz’s this past Saturday
night. Features of the orchestra is
the trio, the sweet sex, and the
hot trumpet. More of each, Mr.
The pictures submitted for the
contest will be returned as quick
ly as possible. You can get them
either by waiting until they are
distributed or by calling for them
from the Contest Committee from
the individual squadrons.
Lt. Jack G. Norris, our adjutant,
is back with the detachment again
after a short illness. We are glad
you are back and that it was only
a short illness.
make under the direction of their
leader, “Pop” Jenkins, who has
been director for the past two
Jenkins will leave for Arlington
to become Associate Professor of
Music at the North Texas Agri
cultural College November 22.
Euell Porter of Bryan, who will
take Jenkins’ place was heard to
make a remark concerning the
‘difficult’ ask confronting him, for
“it is not hard to replace one who
had done very little, but it is very
difficult to replace one who has
made such outstanding accomplish
ments with the Singing Cadets of
1150 k.c.
Radio Calendar for Tuesday,
November 16, 1943:
10:00—Musical Reveille
10:45—Morning Reveries
11:00—Moments of Devotfam
11:15—Lean Back and T ieb—
11:30—Listen Ladies
12:30—Farm Fair
1:15—Between the TJ—e
2:00—Treasury Transeriptssa
2:55—Aggies vs Rice
3:00—Aggies vs Rice
3:30—Aggies vs Rice
4:00—Aggies vs Rice
4:30—Geography of the World-
4:45—Navy Scrapbook
5:00—Know Your State
5:15—Economic Problems
5:30—Houston Yell Practice.
Squadron Y
Squadron V is happy on the re
turn of their tactical officer, Lt.
Grover, who has been receiving
special training for the last month.
We see the color of the bar . as
changed to silver. We want to con-
giatulate you on the new advance
Mr. Resnick sure got a big sur
prise when he ordered a steak at
one of the cafe’s in Bryan. The
steak was big enough to feed
three or four men. But what did
our friend do but losen his belt
and eat the whole thing. You must
remember there is a shortage of
Father Clanagan takes care of
his boys at Boy’s Town. So we have
“POP” A/S Carson to look after
us and try and keep us out of
trouble. It seems as though we
had a good record this week, so
let’s keep on the ball. We are work
ing for the same thing so their
is no use in losing out during our
last few days while here.
Friday night was a busy night
for the Squadron V members, the
broom were swishing, the mops’ a
splashing, the brass a-shining, so
that on Saturday morning the
rcoms would be in the best of or
der. All the members were stand
ing in their rooms for personal
and room inspection.
We were really surprised to see
the lovely Miss, Mr. Dixon escort
ed to the Bryan Country Club. He
seemed to be having a grand time,
and who wouldn’t with a lovelie
like her.
Congratulations and Happy
Birthday to A/S Castelluccio and
A/S Persy the November birthday
Thumb Niul Character Sketches
Wisnom John , whip driver
Whitley James, Yapy
Ricci Primino, Step and fetch it
Schmitzer Louis, Eager Beaver
Paysour Earl, Grandma
Christenson John, Club Swinger
Donati Paul, College Gunner
Pscian George, Swing Kid
The time has come, the news is
short. So until the next time when
the full staff is present we will
bid you goodnight.
Another of those solicitous lad
ies was strolling down a street and
came upon a soldier who had lost
his leg in active service. She stop
ped, and clucked sympathetically.
“You poor man,” she said,
“You’ve lost your leg.”
The man looked down politely
and said, “Well I’ll be damned-
so I have.”
An American flier stuck a flask
of brandy in his boot just before
he took off on a raid over the con
tinent of Europe. Forced to bail out
into the Channel, he kept nipping
on the flash while floating around
in the water. When rescuers found
him he was a bit rocky, and as
suming that he was suffering from
exhaustion the captain suggested
to be below. With offended dignity
the Yank replied.” I’ve never yet
stayed where I wasn’t wanted,”
and dived overboard. They finally
fished him out again. Apologies
were made so he stayed.
God made the world—and rested,
God made man—and rested,
Then God made women,
Since then neither God nor man
has rested.
Monticello College, Alton, 111., is
starting its 106th year this fall.
Let Us Do Your Altering
Trade Wtih Lou —
He’s Right With You!
Hangar Flying
Sqaadroa III
Following are a few quips taken
out of Log Magazine for Naviga
Extract from a combat report:
“Saw JU-88 above clouds. I dived
and closed to about 1,000 feet,
fired from line astern as it enter
ed into the sun. In desperation I
fired a long burst into the sun and
a ME-109 fell out in flames.
Among prisoners taken in North
Africa was a Polish soldier who
had been captured by the Russians
in 1939, released by them after the
German invasion of Russia to
serve in the Russian army in
1940, taken prisoner by the Ger
mans in 1941, drafted into the
German army in 1942, transferred
to North African duty and finally
captured by the American troops in
Tunisia in 1943.
An interview with Lt. Drieseszum
as taken from the Log Magazine.
Lt Drieseszum took part in many
combat missions' and took part in
the first large scale bombing raids
over Europe.
Did you ever use small scale
Cercators, such as Astropraghs
mercators ?
No, we always had the usual
What can you tell us about your
duties in the air, other than navi
gation duties, for instance as an
observer, gunner, photographer,
Photography is done automat
ically by switch in the nose, ope
rated by the navigator. All I had
to do was push a switch when the
bombs were dropped. The naviga
tor must know as much as he can
about meterology to aid the pilot.
He must also know about the dut
ies of the radio operator and be
come familiar with his work. I
had to learn how to to get “QM’s
and the basic fundamentals of
radio procedure.
As far as the bombardier is con
cerned I worked with him to in
crease his ability at piloting, to
help him in knowing where he
was and to assist him with his
interrogation after a mission. A
navigator should get as much pil
oting as pbssing- Piloting was not
stressed enough when I was a
cadet. One cannot get too much
piloting or become too proficient
in it.
Thumbs Up
Sqaadroa IV
Gather around men and hear the
latest dirt coming straight from
one who can dish it out—can you
take it?
There’s a fellow roaming around
Ramp I who has some priceless
candid camera shots. If you’re in
terested in photography—or should
I say a laugh—look up one Mr.
Johnson. This gentleman is espec
ially fond of the picture of John
son and Virginia. Mr. Johnson
seems to be saying, quote (with
variations) Charles Boyer, “Let
me run through your hair bare
footed, Virginia,” Another espec
ially sharp shot was taken of Mr.
Fairchild and Mr. Edwards on
the floor—well I won’t say what
they .were doing, but it wasn’t ty
ing shoe strings.
Aviation Student Dwight O.
Barnes, a six foot four specimen
of Kansas Manhood, has reported
his shower (out of order) for the
tenth time to our C. O. When ask
ed what was wrong, Mr. Barnes
replied—“Sir, I turn it on and the
hot water has to hit the ceiling be
fore it hits me and its cold by that
time. Since I am alergic to cold
water, I have missed my Saturday
night bath which I usually take
once a month.”
Squadron Four has something
new on its way. From all reports,
Mister Harold Dale not only sings
well, but he also carries on quite
an interesting conversation in his
sleep. We are looking forward to
the first time one combines these'
We wonder what those strange
noises over in Ramp G could be
that Mr. Vande Venter and Mr.
Werner, have taken such a dislike
to. (Take it easy on the poor guy
—maybe he likes to sleep too, could
Hit Parade of the Week
Man Be Good, Mr. Riesenmy.
Stormy Weather, And Look at
My Hair.
Sweet Madness, Crap Shooting.
Are You Spoken Of?, Mr. Mur-
I Don’t Want to Set the World
on Fire, I Just Want to Smoke
in Physics Lab.
Sweet and Lovely, Mr. Howell
and Irene.
Can’t Help Lovin’ That Girl, Mr.
And so I am wracking by stead
ily weakening brain and prepare to
sign off. As I leave you I throw
you this short witticism on Squad
ron IV’s men: If most of them
were twice the men they are they
still couldn’t be half the men they
think they are. While you’re figur
ing that one out. I’ll conspicuous
ly slink out. See yal
(Continued From Page 3)
fensive club the Aggies played
early in the season.
Arkansas came through with its
first conference win in two years
by taking the S.M.U. Mustangs
14-12. The Porkers were outplayed
but managed to come out on the
top side of the score. The Texas
Tech Red Raiders put up a stiff
resistance but were beaten by an
N.T-A.C. squad that regained most
of its team since its loss to Ran
dolph Field. The score: N.T.A.C.
34-Texas Tech 14.
Both the Longhorns and the Ag
gies will not play this week, but
that does not mean they will be
taking it easy. On the contrary,
the hardest days of training for
both teams lie ahead. The Cadets
have by far the most work to do,
for their playing must be close to
perfect if they are to win next
week. There is no doubt that the
Aggies will be trying to achieve
just that. At present there are no
bad casualties on either team, and
both coaches have hopes of keep
ing the boys in top condition for
the melee.
We should <say more, but we
won’t, about Vic Emanuel’s little
(Continued From Page 2)
Czechoslovakian patriots near the
town of Lidice. The taking of the
hostages, the machine-gunning of
all the men in the village, and the
separation of mothers from their
children by the truckload, the de
struction of the community by the
torch and artillery are all shown.
At the close, shadowy ghosts of
the murdered men march in front
of the camera reciting verses from
Edna St- Vincent Millay’s poem,
“The Murder of Lidice.” This
picture should please audiences
who like horror films. John Car-
radine, as Heydrich, and Edgar
Kennedy, as a burly recluse who
lives in a cave, are the standout
characterizations. Also in the pic
ture are Patricia Morrison and
Alan Curtis.
The Lowdown: It’s gruesome,
story about Coach Norton’s chal
lenge which appeared in Monday
morning’s Houston Post. Mr.
Emanuel may have a number of
followers among Post readers, but
we seriously doubt that he rates
very highly with College Station
readers, which fact probably does
not bother Mr. Emanuel very
In enrolling 513 freshmen, Whea
ton College now has its largest
beginning class in the 84-year his
tory of the school.
'A HUMAN TORNADO "-hy.h~.T*.
__ S. HUROK prooents
Thm World's Greatest Flamenco Dancer
AMD Mil fflUV DmT tMSWtli /
8:oo pm. Guion Hall
Tickets Now on Sale at Student Activities Office
General Admission 50# Reserved Seat $1.00