The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 16, 1943, Image 3

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Page 3
By Harold Borofsky
Battalion Sports Editor
Stage Set for Conference Title Battle Nxt
Week When Aggies Meet Steers on Kyle Field
There’s going to be a battle roy
al on Turkey Day when the Texas
Aggies meet the University of
Texas Longhorns on Kyle Field.
The youthful Aggies, showing in
last Saturday's game with Rice
that they have a running game as
well as a passing one, will begin
text days of the most rigorous
training they have had to face
this week and the first part of
next week in preparation for the
big game. There is no doubt in
the minds of Coach Homer Norton
and his squad of Cadets that an
all-out effort will have to be made
if the Aggies are to emerge un
defeated and the conference cham
Saturday night the Aggie men
tor challenged Texas Coach Dana
X. Bible to play only regular col
lege students in the Thanksgiving
Day classic and to leave his Navy
V-12 boys at home. Under such
conditions the game would be one
of the most outstanding of the
season, but there is little chance
that Bible will accept the chal
lenge. Norton said of the chal
lenge, “Against Coach Bible’s great
high school boys we would have a
chance to win, and if we didn’t
win we wouldn’t mind losing to a
better team of boys who have had
no more college experience than
our boys have had. It would be the
sporting thing to do and I hope
Mr. Bible will accept this challenge
to leave the Navy boys home when
they come down for the game.”
The Aggies remain the only un
defeated team in the conference,
the Longhorns having lost to
Southwestern, but the Longhorns
are generally favored to win the
Turkey Day classic. On the other
hand, actual playing ability is not
such a potent factor in figuring
the results of any Aggie-Longhorn
clash. Each team will be fired up
to put forth its greatest effort
and anything can happen. We re
member last year’s game, which
was played in Austin- The Long
horns were easily the best team
in the conference and were picked
by some to take the Cadets by over
three touchdowns, but when the
smoke of the battle had cleared
away the Memorial field jinx had
been broken. The Aggies lost the
game by a 12-6 score, but the
Longhorns had to sweat every sec
ond of it and almost lost the game
in the last two minutes of play.
Those Aggies who had been good
all season, Sibley, Zapalac, Welch,
and all the others showed such
fire and magnificent playing that
the Longhorns were glad to get
that six-point margin. That game
was typical of what happens when
the Aggies meet the Longhorns,
and that is one reason why most
people prefer to watch the game
rather than make predictions or
bets on it.
Twelfth Man Idea Taken Up By Rice Fans;
Aggie Catf ish-Texas Yearling Game Canceled
Rice fans were elated this week
end by the birth of the Rice
“Twelfth Man” during Saturday’s
game. At one point in the game
the referee asked the Owl sup
porters to stop yelling, but that
was hies own idea, for it wasn’t
bothering the Aggie players in the
least. In regard to yelling at the
football games this may be said:
While it is true that the Aggie
corps has always maintained its
Twelfth Man to back the team,
that does not mean that the Ag-
New reg-ulation Uni
form goods are arriving
in special items every
service man will need . .
. Come in and make your
selection while stocks are
Field Jackets
Rain and Trench Coats
$10.95 to $40.00
Pink Gabardine Shirts
Dark Gabardine Shirts
$7.50 and $11.00
Wool O’Sea Caps
Zelan Jackets
$3.50 to $10.00
(lined or unlined)
Wool Socks
Wool Scarfs
Wool or Leather Gloves
gies want to hog this idea and
keep it only at Aggieland. (Confer
ence football would get a big boost
if school spirit was administered
in big doses at every game and
there is no doubt that the box of
fice would feel the effects too. The
average fan goes to a football
game as much for the spirit as for
the football, and when a school
loses its spirit and fight the re
ceipts show a corresponding nose
dive. It would really be a boon to
the Southwest Conference if all
schools did as the Aggies have
done, and you wouldn’t find the
Aggies complaining about it.
“Sammy,” the mascot of the
Owls, was returned to the Rice
field house last Saturday morning
in an ambulance after being stolen
Friday night by Aggies. The blue
and grey stuffed oilcloth owl,
which usually sits on the sidelines
at the Rice games, spent the night
in the checkroom of the Rice Hotel
where it was placed by Aggies late
Friday night. The details of the
abduction are hazy and probably
will never be fully released, but
Rice fans swear that there was
treachery in the form of some Ag
gie exes now on the Rice campus
in the Navy program. The baggage
check was left at the office of the
Houston Post with the intention
that the Rice boys should come to
the office, get the check and re
deem Sammy. However, Saturday
morning when no Rice boys ap
peared, hotel officials grew un
easy, and fearing a lobby clash be
tween Aggies and Owls (we won
der what gave them that idea)
they sent Sammy back.
Coach Lil Dimmitt, whose Cat
fish were to play the Longhorn
Yearlings this week-end in Austin,
ha*s received a cancellation of the
game. The reason does not seem
to be clear. Of course, it couldn’t
be that they thought they might
come out on the wrong end of the
score- The Catfish will take on the
Hearne internment camp guards
in Hearne and any Aggies who
don’t have anything to do are in
vited to thumb up to Hearne for
the game, which should be a thril
While the Aggies were battling
the Owls Texas was busy defeat
ing a weak T.C.U. squad 46-7. The
Frogs capitalized on a Longhorn
fumble early in the first quarter
and pushed over a touchdown.
However, the lead was not enjoyed
very long and the superior Long
horn power in the form of Calla
han, Park, Ellsworth, and Magliolo
proved to be too much. The T.C.U.
squad barely broke twenty in num
ber, a far cry from the swell de-
(See KYLE rnfiLD, page 4)
7 X V T*\
B. C. ALLEN, Owner
College Station - Bryan
Inquires Answered
In response to the many inquires
as to why the pest flag was not
lowered to half-mast on Armistice
Day we refer you to President’s
proclamation of last year that there
would be no official observance of
Armistice Day until we have com
pleted the task before us.
Pat Bradley Managing Editor
Len Sutton Press Club Rep.
Marvin Kaff
Trainees To See Turkey Day Game
Some confusion seemingly has existed as to whether or not
we stand when ‘‘The Spirit Of Aggieland” is being played. It
is the custom throughout the country to honor the home Col
lege by standing when their school song is being played and
sung. So be you from V. M. I. or U. S. C., from Texas U or
M. I. T., let us rise and uncover when the Aggies pay homage
to A. & M.
Brothers and Sisters...Hallelujah!
Praise A. & M.! Sing Hallelu
jah! We have been recognized. At
long last local Aggies have invited
us to participate with them. Dur
ing four games not one local yell
leader has stood before our rather
large section in the stands to ex
hort us and lead us in cheering for
the Kiddie Korps Kadets. Nor ask
ed us to celebrate the final victory.
So to the class of ’46 we say: It
is true we erred in not standing
when the “Spirit of Aggieland”
was being played. We have already
commented on that.
Now as to coming to YOUR
football games and being YOUR
guest. Whoa! Back up lads! It is
a part of the Army program that
we attend the games. It is paid for
out of the student activities fund
which is so much per men per
month set aside by the Army.
Cheering for the other team
you do not like. We ask you this.
What makes for a good hot game
on a Saturday afternoon? , The
teams on the field being evenly
matched for one thing. And each
team having a group in the stands
urging them on is another. War
conditions prohibit student bodies
traveling as yore. We say you
should desire our being up there
the opposition toward the goal line.
It makes for much spirited compe
tition. You are interested in spirited
competition ?
As to standing during the games.
It is a wonderful tradition. We
think you look swell up there, pro
viding you don’t stand in front of
us, but we personally attended a
College which believed in tying
prone the whole afternoon and we
have never been able to throw this
disgusting habit off.
Trainees’ Top
Kicks Parade
ASTU Sgts. Represent More
Than 107 Years Service
Representing more than 107 years
of service with the U. S. Army,
four ASTU sergeants marched in
the Armistice Day parade held in
Bryan last Thursday.
Wood of the 10th company with
29 years service, 1st Sgt. Ripper
of the 11th Co., with more than
27 years of army life, M/Sgt. See-
ger of Regimental Headquarters
with 27 years service and S/Sgt.
Lawson of the Detachment with 25
years behind him, headed a Col
lege Station contingent with the
College Station Air Corps Cadets,
the Navy and the Marines also
Three bands played for the occa
sion and other service organizations
from Bryan Field also particiapted.
Capt. Hill of the Air Corps sta
tioned at A. & M. made the princi
ple address of the day which
marked the 25 year since the sign
ing of the Armistice of World War
1st Co. Selects Leaders
The following men have been ap
pointed as cadet officers in the
First Compan:
Company Commander, Bob Cos-
Executive Officer, Fred Mari-
Platoon Leaders, Chuck Bachtell,
Fred Buck, Bill Martin, Ed Wilson,
First Sergeant, Ted Ziegler.
Under the cadet system as it is
now in practice here, their ap
pointment will last one month.
They have all the qualities neces
sary to good leadership, and with
a little cooperation from the rest
of us, will do a great deal to keep
the First Company where it be
longs, first on the campus!
Let us all pitch in now so that
a month from today we may look
at a good job well done by all.
By the way: it is okay to call
them by the given names as they
appear here, when not in forma
Lieutenant Jenkins
To Leave Company
Lt. Jenkins, 1st Co. popular Mili
tary Training instructor, has re
ceived orders to leave the company.
As yet he is not livulging his exact
destination. We of the staff and
all his other well wishers want to
take this opportunity of wishing
him our best when he undertakes
his new assignment.
Jap Hunters
Along with several others, Cor
nell and Bedingfield have left the
company to do some Jap hunting,
(open season, you know). O. K.
MacArthur, here they come! Our
loss is your gain!
“Pool’s Drool”
This will probably be the first
introduction for most of you to
the seventh company, since we’ve
just been organized a very short
time, but you’re going to hear a
great deal from us in the very
near future.
Right now we claim the distinc
tion (and it is a distinction) of
having no married men in the
company. Judging by these “dif-
ficult-to-describe” expressions worn
by certain members of our group,
however, we may have to withdraw
this claim any moment.
Some of the boys are bleeding
pretty badly about their schedules
down here. Seems that ASTP is
a little different from loafing
around through college. Not a word
was said about the chow by any
of the Camp Hood fellows, though.
They ate like it was their first
square meal in months, as it was,
by the way.
Well, it’s just about time for old
man basketball to come out again.
In this company, Joe Heffeman is
already organizing a couple of
teams, and he asked me to print
an invitation to any other company
to play. Joe can be found in 108,
Dorm 7, and anyone interested
please contact him there.
A. & M. has left its mark on the
seventh in more ways than one;
the cadet C. O. is a former Aggie,
as well as the acting second pla
toon leader. By some strange coin
cidence the same two fellows were
also acting platoon sergeants dur
ing basic training.
Here must end our first contri
bution to the Battalion. Not because
of personal desire, however, but
due to the call of Messrs, anion and
cation, two elusive gents who al
ways end up wrong no matter
how hard the trainee attempts
equations, or otherwise beats his
brains out with his Brinkly.
Until next time, then, we’ll say
“30 for today.”
Believed That School WiU
Recess For Thanksgiving
While official confirmation has
not as yet come through it is be
lieved in informed circles that Tex
as A. & M. College will recess for
the Thanksgiving Day Holiday. At
the same time Lt. Wm. Williams,
Adjutant and Lt. Pickett, Special
Service Officer have made arrange
ments for ASTP Traineess to wit
ness the game.
This will be the fourth Aggie
game that local GI’s have attended
and all indications point toward
a humdinger- The Kiddie Korps
Kadets have come a long way
since they “beat the h— out of
Bryan field,” last September and
they will go into the Texas U fray
with a record of seven wins and
one tie. They will go into the game
also with the knowledge that the
twelfth man is still up there in the
stands cheering them on.
We wish you the best Aggies and
while we will be in the stands be
side you we will probably be cheer
ing the Texas U it is Army
tradition to cheer the underdogs,
but never think we would be so
silly as to bet on them.
First Company Splits
As part of the reorganization of
the Specialized Training Unit of
the campus, all men who were ta
king the refresher course last term
have been transferred to the Third
Company- Their places will be ta
ken by new men sent to us from
various STARS and AST units
over the country. All these men
will be in the fifth, sixth or seventh
term of training.
This means that we are still the
“senior company” of the Engineers
on the campus. Let’s keep that
meaning as much as it did last
Large Turnout At
1st Press Meeting
Response Indicates Good
Coverage For Trainees
Well pleased with the large turn
out of prospective ASTU scribes,
Press Club Representative, Sgt.
Marvin Kaff, predicts a wide and
thorough coverage of the various
activities engaged in by local G.I.’s.
In all more than twenty em
bryo editors attended from seven
companies and it is believed that
others will be coming in from the
remaining four companies.
Kessel’s Latest
Many ASTU Trainees stationed
at A. & M. will recall Harry Kes-
sel who spent months in dorm
three with the STAR unit. After
much to do Harry was finally sent
to Lehigh University where he is
now studying Engineering. The
Army has not dimmed his creative
urge and we are in receipt of two
of his latest compositions: The
first is sung to the tune of “Trip
It’s a short way back to the Army,
It’s a short way to go.
It’s a short way back to the Army
and the Miseries we all know,
Goodbye, Christmas Season,
Farewell, Guion Hall.
It’s a short way back to the Army
If we don’t get on the ball.
Kessel 2nd offering sung to the
“Marine Hymn” cadence is worthy
of being the official ASTP En-
From the nation’s sunny south
Up to Lehigh’s hallowed hills,
Came a thousand G.I. College boys
While the army foots the bills.
We will fight for right and free
Not with rifle, shot or shell,
No, we’ll take our trusty slide
And go out and give them hell!
We have men from every outfit,
Infantry and the TD’s
But the best of us there is no
Are those children from the AST’s
Not a regulation Army Corps
We’re still soldiers tried and true
If the nation ever needs our
She will find we can come through
Just An M.E.
The turnout Thursday evening
for our meeting of prospective Bat
talion scribes was indeed gratify
ing. Almost all of the companies
were represented, some by as
many as three men, and each of
the attendants, even “Buddy Joe
B.”, looked interested and capable.
Perhaps it will not be long now
before you all get the opportunity
to read a few good articles and col
umns, rather than the trash Brad
and yours truly have blown and
thrown together for the last seven
months. Even “Botts”, you must
remember that character of jive
and his really intrepid style, has
promised to again contribute to
our section of the Batt every now
and then. All in all, things seem to
be looking up on that count.
But according to one of our
leading generals, a soldier who does
not gripe, is not a good one at all,
so yours truly, an ideal thirty-year
man on that basis, is at it again.
A recent announcement makes us
Kaff informed the group that ^ back from br e a kfast to get
the Battalion serves both the A. &
M. students and the citizens of Col
lege Station and is widely read,
consequently, he cautioned, merely
an ASTU’s gossip column is not de
sired, but rather something that
will have reader interest for both
local GIs and the local towns peo
Pat Bradley, Editor-in-Chief, last
term was re-elected this term and
appointed Len Sutton as managing
editor of the New area Engineers,
and Joe Bennison as managing edi
tor of the 2nd, 11th and 10th com
panies, comprised mainly of for
mer A. & M. students.
Bennison, an aggie-ex himself
carried a triple load as Editor-in-
Chief, Managing editor and princi-
pol reporter while the Engineers
were on furlough.
A list of Trainees who will take
turns in editing their companies’
news follows: 1st company, Joseph
Cohn, Bob Bloom, Kenneth Par-
off to class at 7:45 in the morning.
Now with the new schedule, by
flying low and fast, we can just
make it back for C. Q. after sup-
sons; 2nd co., Joe Bennison, Wm.
Barton; 3rd Co., Ed Cummings,
Bill Pritchard, Bob Wheeler; 4th
Co.; A1 Gilman, Rex Gardiner,
Doug Powers, John Cohen; 6th
Co., Bob Foley, Joe Elbere, John
McLeod; 7th Co., John Pool; 8th
Co., Frances Culhane, Len Sutton.
Another week-end and another
good time. What did you do last
Saturday night? Boy, that dance
was O.K. The proportion of boys
to girls was better than usual too.
Even at that I heard several of the
boys say the 2nd S.T. Co. dance was
better.—This isn’t straight from
Coscia, but it has been said that
he was sporting a lady friend over
the week-end.
Congratulations on breaking
down, boy. . . . Lt. Charlie Barron .
did it up right last Friday night
by marrying Miss Wanda War
ren. ... Is everyone going crazy?
Another year and there won’t be a
singe man in the outfit.
Dollars For Books
It just ocurred to me about the
cost of books while one is going
through the veterinary school. Of
course the A.S.T.P. is furnishing
them for use while in school but it
is interesting to know just how
much is spent on these books.
For an adequate supply in the
last two years of Vet it takes two
hundred dollars. The first three
years aren’t quite as rough as only
about one hundred dollars is spent.
Of course during the last couple
of years, in addition to the books,
one must start collecting his sur
gical instruments to the tune of a
hundred bucks, conservatively
speaking. Well now boys you know
where that money went to that
you didn’t save, and it gives one
a feeling of security to own those
books. Just ask some of these sen
iors what they would take for the
whole lot of them. Money just
won’t buy them.
Does anyone know where the
granite state is? She said it was
New Hampshire, wherever that is.
. . . Anyway she danced as if she
was possessed. . . . Wouldn’t it be
heaven if a guy didn’t have to
study nights around here? Paid
ad . . . Knives of all kinds manu
factured in room 112. Two guys
have already been beheaded . . .
Congrats to the new “Looies” just
cut of O. C. S. There sure were a
slew of them down to see the game.
Some of us older fellows hang our
beads in shame though when we
see those young fellers diked out
with those shiney bits of gold
adorning their shoulders and a
dame on each of their arms. I ain’t
jealous . . . must. (Ed. note. Keep
trying Kirk.)
per. The 6:30 supper deal is ifne,
but why can we not have C. Q. from
7:30 to 11:00 each night instead,
so that we can stop for a breath
of that fine Texas twilight air be
fore retiring to our “U. S. Proper
ty” Clasics- It would indeed aid
ingestion, and also put us on a
Lights Out schedule with the Navy,
instead of leaving us to the mercy
of the innumerable whistles of the
men inblue, just as we sink into
into that deep slumber.
Wish I could think of this as
another day nearer to the end of
the war, rather than as simply one
nearer to that hash-mark and 5%
extra, but this day is drawing to
a close now. Am expecting a visit
from the Sandman and “Legs”
Grable now, so will quit rambl
ing on.
‘Bye Now!
When in Doubt About Your
Eyes or Your Glasses
109 S. Main Bryan
Next to Palace Theatre
A Texan Reports.
Editor’s note: John D. Cohn is
knows not what he is doing:
The thought of remaining in
Texas for ASTP was far removed
back at basic training, but here
you are so you might just as well
make the best of it. You think
things couldn’t be much worse any
where. Just you thank your lucky
stars that you didn’t wind up some
where in the Panhandle where it
temperature drops to twenty below
at a moments notice. The people
out there just received notice that
the telephone was invented and
there are rumors that silent pic
tures are on their way out. “Gunga
Din” finally reached College Sta
tion last week but it won’t reach
West Texas for another few years.
Word has it that our next war will
be with Mexico to force them to
a native of Kilgore, Texas, treat him kindly, he
take us back. Don’t you believe it.
The rest of the country might
just as well make up their minds
they cannot win without us.
Where do we obtain all the gas
and oil to run our powerful mecha
nized forces?
Odds are thatthe oil came from
th,e largest oil center inthe world .
. . Kilgore, Texas. A few miles
away in Tyler is the country’s com
mercial rose center. Then too we
have Helium, cattle and many raw
What ether state can boast of a
school that compares in spirit to
that of the “AGGIES” “Howdy”
and “beat Rice” sure seem to be the
battle cry of the ASTP.
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