The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 13, 1943, Image 1

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    Aeeieland Vacated For Houston And Rice Game
Aggies Face Improved Rice Owls Today In Houston
Powell To Play For Navy
And Marine Dance Tonight
Third Presentation is Scheduled to be
Held in Duncan Hall From 8 ’til 11:30 P. M.
Duncan Mess Hall will be the scene of the Navy and
Marine dance featuring Teddy Powell and his modern swing
orchestra. The event will begin at 8 o’clock Saturday night.
Powell brings his orchestra direct from New Orleans
where he has been making appear
ances at the St. Charles Theater.
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For the past summer and fall
Powell has been playing to over
flow audiences in Maimi, Florida.
He is nationally known for his
style of music which is termed
“hot, but smooth”. He has been
heard over the networks many
times and his public appearance are
numerous. This, however, is Pow-
elFs first showing at Aggieland.
The Naval Training School has
had three dances this year, all with
nationally famous bands. The first
dance was to the music of George
Olsen; then came Jack Teagarden
in a recent affair for the Sailors
and Leathernecks.
This Navy dance will being at
8 and terminate at 11:30 to con
form with the regulations of the
college stating that no dances may
be held on Sunday.
Radio Club Postpones
Love Skit Program
“The Third Angle,” a humorous
love skit, that was to be presented
by the W. T. A. W. Radio Club
Program on Sunday afternoon will
not be heard due to the Rice game,
according to Richard Gottlieb, pres
ident of the club. Most of the
members of the club are not ex
pected to return from Houston for
the game Saturday until late Sun
day night. The skit will, however,
be presented by the club next Sun
day at the same time of 2:30.
WTAW Carries
Aggie Game Today
The Aggie-Rice football game
will be broadcast over WTAW at
2:50 o’clock this afternoon from
the Rice Memorial Stadium in
Kern Tips will be announcer for
this Texas grid classic and Yes
Box will be commentator on the
activities of the fans and perfor
mances at the half. Both these an
nouncers are widely known
throughout Texas and the South
west. The broadcast will be spon
sored by the Humble Oil and Re
fining Company.
1150 k.c.
Radio Calendar for Saturday, Nov.
13, 1943
10:00—Musical Reveille
10:45—Morning Reverie*
11:00—Moments of Devotio*
11:15—Lean Back and Listen
11:30—Listen Ladies
12:30—Farm Fair
1:15—Between the Lines
2:00—Treasury TranscripitiMi
2:55—Aggies vs Rice
3:00—Aggies vs Rice
3:30—Aggies vs Rice
4:00—Aggies vs Rice
4:30—Aggies vs Rice
6:00—Aggies vs Rice
5:80—The Little Shaw
★ ★ ★
Tassos, Guard,
Stari in Aggie Line
A boy who has shown some
outstanding play in the Aggie
line is Damon Tassos. Damon
did not make his debut until af
ter the season had begun, but
he is now in the Cadet starting
lineup. He plays guard on the
Aggie line, wears number 55,
and hails from San Antonio.
Damon is one boy who will stand
watching, for he is really going
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BAND IN REVIEW—Shown is the scene of the last final review which was held on the old drill field
just before the juniors and seniors weer activated. It will bring back memories of this last review to
the juniors, now seniors on the campus, because most of them have returned from their basic camp.
Showing in the corner is the band as it looked with students from every class playing for it. The band
is now very small compared to what it was because it now contains only ninety members where it had
over 200 last year. This small number, however, will not prohibit the band from playing for the Rice
game as it has in previous years.
Horticulture Club
Elected Officers
At First Meeting
Plans for Valley Trip
Discussed by Head of
Department on Nov. 4
A meeting of the Horticulture
Club was held Thursday, November
4, in the Agriculture building for
the purpose of electing officers for
the current semester, according to
T. E. Wright, Jr., newly elected
secretary-treasurere of the club.
This was the first meting of the
semester, which accounted for the
election of officers. Besides Wright
as secretary-treasurer, W. C. Kear
ney was made president, and C.
Edwards elected vice-president.
Dr. G. W. Adriance, head of the
Agriculture Department, was the
principal speaker of the evening
with his main topic being the pos
sibility of the club going to the
Valley in the early part of Decem
ber to study the varieties of fruit,
the testing of soils, and collections
of fruits for a Horticulture show
to be held here on the 13th and
14th of December. Plans for this
trip will be made at a later date,
stated Dr. Adriance.
Dates for future, meetings were
set for the first and third Thurs
day of each month in the basement
of the Agriculture building. All
members of the club are urged to
be present at future meetings and
all Horticulture students who are
not yet members are urged to join
the club at the next meeting which
will be November 18th.
★ ★ ★
Aggie Band to Play
For Yell Practice
And Rice-A&M Tilt
90-Piece Outfit To
Perform at The Half
Of Houston Game
The 90-piece Aggie Band will go
to Houston this week-end to per
form for the A. & M.-Rice game
and a special yell practice which
will be held today.
From 11:30 until 12 this morn
ing the band will play at a yell
practice to be held in front of the
Rice Hotel. It is urgent that all
Aggies, as well as band members,
attend this yell practice, because
it will be broadcast over a Hous
ton radio station.
The band will also be at the
football game to perform between
halves with several formations.
This semester the band has in
creased in size to that of last
semester, and its efficiency has
improved a great deal, Col. R. J.
Dunn, band director stated.
All band members were given
authorized absences after their last
Friday class in order to give them
sufficient time to reach Houston.
Lost Comet Found After
Search of Two Decades
Largest in history is this year’s
freshman class at Georgian Court
college, Lakewood, New Jersey.
Astronomer In
Southwest Texas
Locates Big Star
A comet lost for the past 20
years has been found by Dr. George
Van Biesbroeck, Yerkes Observa
tory astronomer pbserving at Me
Donald Observatory in southwest
ern Texas. It is comet d’Arrest, not
seen since 1923, which inadvertent
ly helped amateur astronomer Les
lie C. Peltier of Delphos, Ohio, find
comet Diamaca last month. Dr. Van
Biesbroeck himself had asked Mr.
Peltier to look for comet d’Arrest,
and it was just after giving this up
as a hopeless task that Mr. Peltier
picked up the Diamaca comet.
In a wire to Harvard College
Observatory, Dr. Van Biesbroeck
gives the magnitude of comet
d’Arrest as twelfth, making it too
faint without telescopic aid, hence
of interest only to professional
Its position, when located, was so
far south of the celestial equator
that Mr. Peltier’s inability to find
it is not surprising. From McDonald
Observatory, however, the comet
appeared much higher in the sou
thern sky, a fact which must have
facilitated Dr. Van Biesbroeck’s
Inasmuch as the orbit of coment
d’Arrest had long since been pre
dicted, astronomers knew fairly
well where to look for it, but it
appears to have passed close to the
sun about two days ahead of
At the request of Dr. Van Bies
broeck, comet expert of Yerkes Ob
servatory, Williams Bay, Wis., the
Delphos, Ohio, amateur had spent
several evenings in search for
comet d’Arrest, lost since 1923.
When his search appeared fruitless,
Mr. Peltier resumed his regular
program of comet seeking on the
night of Sept. 18, with fortunate
results. Half an hour after he stop
ped looking for comet d’Arrest he
observed a faint, ill-defined object
in the constellation of Draco.
Five minutes of watching thru
his telescope clearly showed the mo
tion of this comet, a new one for
Mr. Peltier, although it had been
discovered by Diamaca, a Rumani
an some nine days earlier. How
ever, Mr. Peltier’s find was ex
tremely important, as he was the
(See COMMENT, Page 2)
Aggies' Star Backfield
BACKS—Shown below are the four members of the Texas Aggie backfield. Reading left to right is:
Babe Hallmark, passing ace for the team this year; Stanley Turner is next, he leads the conference in
kicking distance. After him is Bob Butchofsky, blocking back. Last is Marion Flanagan, quarterback.
Neely Promises Ags Tough
Battle; Owl Reserves Low
Cadets in Top Condition; Burditt, Flanagan
Released From Hospital, to See Action
The Rice Owls, coached by Jess Neely, will play host to
the Texas Aggies this afternoon in Houston. It will be the
fourth conference game for each team; Rice having won 2
and lost one while the Aggies have made a clean sweep of
their three games.
Saturday’s Yell
Practice Broadcast
Today in Houston will be the
chance that most Aggies have
been waiting for because it will
be the day for a real old fashion
ed yell practice, according to
Jack Knox, head Yell Leader.
The broadcast will be carried
over the Houston stations. Ag-
gie(3 who are in Houston at 10:30
will assemble at the corner of the
Rice Hotel where streets will be
blocked off for this display to be
held; it will last thirty minutes
and those who are not in Houston
where they can attend in person
are asked to listen over the radio.
For the exact time that it will
be broadcast, you are asked to see
your morning Houston paper.
Free Movies In
Assembly Hall
To Be Resumed
Shows Held At
6:30 Saturday
Morning After Mess
Beginning immediately after the
regular Saturday Service show,
free 16mm movies will be shown
at the Assembly Hall. A two-hour
program including a feature-length
attraction, “Sky Parade” and the
War Department film, “Attack
Signal” will be presented at this
time, the Student Activities Office
announced today.
This program will be the first
of a series of 16mm movies planned
for the entertainment as well as
education to the student and serv
icemen of the campus. These films
are to be presented each Saturday
evening at 6:30, or following any
Service Show that night be pre
sented at this time.
The majority of films booked
for these free shows will be regu
lar Hollywood productions reduced
to the 16mm size. Each program
will of course be augmented with
latest OWI and War Dept, shorts.
Students and servicemen can find
at least two hours of relaxation
and entertainment by attending
these shows and at no admission
Powell Plays For
Service Show Tonite
Featuring Teddy Powell and his
nationally famous orchestra, Sat
urday night’s Service Men’s Show
at the Asembly Hall at 6:30 will be
a Navy and Marine presentation.
Pvt. Stanley L. Rice, who has been
in the Marine Corps five months,
worked in several shows at Colora
do College in Colorado Springs,
and also did shows in high school,
will act as Master of Ceremonies.
Only 18 years old, Rice is reputed
to be one of the radio greats of to
Teddy Powell is being brought to
College Station by the Navy to
play Saturday night for the Ma
rines and Sailors in Duncan Hall.
Through the courtesy of the Navy,
he is playing on the Service Men’s
show so that all the service men
stationed at College Station will
have a chance to hear this aggre-!
In their last two games this
season Rice has scored five touch
downs and previous to these two
games they had scored only once
in five games. Rice has scored a
total of 40 points this season, 33
of them being made in conference
play. The Owls defense has allow
ed their opponents 136 points thus
far this season, 77 points being
scored against them in conference
play. Rice’s two victims this sea
son were Texas Tech and Arkan
sas. The Owls have fallen prey to
Randolph Field, L. S. U., Tulane,
S. M. U., and Texas University.
The Texas Aggies have a de
cidedly better record than the boys
of Rice Institute. The Aggies have
scored 137 points this season
against their opponenets 19. In do
ing this, they have conquered seven
teams and suffered one scoreless
tie. The Farmers have done well
against their conference rivals;
having scored 48 points while their
defense has yet to yield a score to
conference teams.
Last season these two teams
played to a scoreless tie, and today,
each team will have that in mind
when it trots out on the field for
the game.
The Aggies were elated over the
quick recovery of Jesse Burditt,
flashy second string back, who had
been in the hospital with a bad
stomach ache that might have been
appendicitis. Burditt will probably
see action today as will Flanagan
and Hallmark, who were also on
the injured list early in the week.
The Cadets go into the game
favorites. So far this season the
Aggies have never been behind in
any game and have high hopes of
keeping that record intact against
the Owls. Rice coach Jess Neely has
promised a tough battle and today’s
game should provide some good
football for anyone concerned.
Men Needed For
Kyle Field Jobs
Ben Waidhofer, in charge of stu
dent concessions at Kyle Field, is
in dire need of men to work during
the Thanksgiving Day game on
November 27.
Here is an excellent opportuni
ty to make some easy money, and
see the game too. All men who are
working will be admitted free, and
will have plenty of time to observe
the game. Several hustlers at the
last game made close to $20 and
the average was $3 to $10 per man.
This offer is open to activated
Aggies as well as the cadets. Waid
hofer needs 300 men, and guaran
tees jobs to all men who apply.
Breakage Serious
At Kyle Field
During the game between S. ML
U. and A. & M., sixty-eight cases
of soft drink bottles were broken,
Ben Waidhomer, manager of Stu
dent Concessions stated. It will be
necessary for the corps to reduce
bottle breakage in the remaining
game on Kyle Field. The sixty-
eight cases represented one-fifth
of the entire sales and the major
ity were broken in the Aggie sec
Besides the fact that drinks are
hard to replace without bottles
there is also the danger of broken
bottles to spectators. At the pres
ent time all bottle manufacturers
are turning their efforts toward
cerns must refill their old bottles.