PAGE 2 THE BATTALION SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1943 STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. A M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agriealtur&l and Meehani—i CoSes* of r«xu and the City of College Station, is published three times waakly, aad inauad Tuesday, Tharsday and Saturday mornings. Entered as leoond class matter at the Post Jffiee st Collsgs Itatien, Taw as, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1870. Subscription rate $3 per school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room S, Administration Building. Telephone 4-6444. 1942 Member 1943 Associated Collegiate Press H. Sylvester Boone Editor-in-'Chief Andy Matula Associate Editor Sports Staff Tuesday’s Staff Harold Borofsky Sports Editor Charlie Murray Managing Editor William Baker Sports Reporter Ed Katten Reporter Robert Orrick Sports Reporter Charles West Reporter Claude Stone Sports Photographer Charley L. Dobbs Reporter Thursday’s Staff Saturday’s Staff David Seligman Managing Editor Andy Matula Managing Editor Max Mohnke Reporter Fred Manget, Jr. Reporter R. L. Weatherly Reporter John T. Scurlock _______ Reporter J. W. (Tiny) Standifer Reporter James C. Grant Reporter Special Columnists Miscellaneous Archie Broodo (Aggie) For Lass-o David Seligman Columnist SuSu Beard (T.S.C.W.) For Battalion J. W. Standifer Staff Photographer Advertising Staff Circulation Staff John Kelly Business Manager Steele H. Nixon Circulation Mgr. Charles R. West Ass’t. Business Mgr. George Puls Ass’t. Circulation Mgr. Loss of Richard Jenkins . . . A shocking surprise to the Aggies on the campus and to residents of this community came with the announcement that Richard Jenkins had resigned his post. No man will be missed more for it was his Singing Cadets and Kadet Kapers that made life more bearable on the campus. This man who has been so faithful to the Corps and service men will be missed because he was always trying to do something for everyone. The Singing Cadets, under the direction of Jenkins, received fame throughout the state and brought notice to the college. Aggies will remember the entertainment they offered on Town Hall. Kadet Kapers, now called the Satur day Night Service Show, was begun by Jenkins to make a dry Saturday night interesting for those who were spending the week-end on the campus. These are only two of the features Jenkins has brought to A. & M. Wherever you find Jenkins, you will find a new successful entertainment plan ned. It will be sad day when, on November 22, Richard Jen kins leaves for North Texas Agricultural College to accept his new position of associate professor of music. Our loss will be their gain. The Battalion staff joins the Corps, in wishing the congenial Jenkins a happy home at N.T.A.C. Parade of OPINION By Associated CoUegiate Press Mexico Wants To Trust U. S. How is our Neighbor policy succeeding in Mexico? Ma xine Stapp, junior at Indiana University, says that if it is continued long enough, it may finally offset the bad repu tation which our diplomatic errors in the past have earned for us. “But,” she adds, “right now they seem to want to trust us, but don’t quite dare.” Basing her opinions on what she observed during her two months’ visit in Mexico and the University of Mexico last summer, Miss Stapp said that the people there are increasingly hopeful for better relations with the United States. Their mounting confidence in our sincerity, she points out, stems from the fact that American public opinion, which they resptc, appears to be back of our Good Neighbor policy. Even though they are still a bit wary of our Good Neighbor Policy, the Mexican people believe the United States is the most practical democracy in the world, according to Miss Stapp. Her people are not war-minded, but they definitely want the United States to win the war, she added. Jap Fanatics Will Fight to Death From the lips of “The Last Man from Tokio,” Army Air Force men on the Washington State campus recently learned the nature of their Pacific enemies. It is not merely a military clique, but “70,000,000 fana tics who will fight to their death” that the Allies face, says Ramon LaValle, one time writer for La Nacion and a mem ber of the Argentine embassy in Japan until recently. “Japanese people will stop at nothing to help their gov ernment win this war,” he explained. “There is no meat, no sugar, no coffee, no tea, but above all—no complaints. A Japanese family gets two eggs a month, fish once a week, and subsists mainly on a poor quality of rice.” LaValle told the many hundreds of men at Washington State training to be navigators, bombardiers, and pilots that “bombing alone will not defeat the Japanese, whose morale is strong.” He explained “only through a concerted attack by land, sea and air may we hope to overcome the spirit and existence of these people.” Bring Us Your- Used cccr/ We are buying for the five major used book companies in the United States . . . Barnes and Noble — Chicago Wilcox and Follett — New York College Book Co. — Columbus Universal Supply — Atlanta Merman’s Book Exchange — Brooklyn WE WILL PAY PREVAILING PRICES LOUPOT’S TRADING POST “Trade With Lou — He’s Right With You” OPEN FORUM Every reader of the Battalion has some bleed to make about somebody or about something that isn’t suiting him or her. For that reason, the Battalion is maintain ing this Open Forum column to give its readers a chance to voice their opinions. The only require ment is for the reader who wants to bleed is to write the letter to Open Forum, c/o The Battalion, College Station, Texas. The column is open to everyone who reads the Battalion, whether the reader be a woman or man, girl or boy. No one can be perfectly content with everything that happens in the world. Those who aren't con tent get their satisfaction out of bleeding to themselves or to their fellowman, but this does no good except to give satisfaction to them selves alone. By making your bleeds known, you might receive better satisfactiion. This column is for the reader; write your letter, but be sure to sign it and if it is a legitimate bleed, your letter will be printed in the Batt with your name attached to it. You don’t have a right to bleed if you object to having your name at the close of your letter. If you know that your bleed is a worthy one, send in that letter. On the other hand, you may not have a bleed, but wish to express an opinion about something instead. These letters are also welcomed so send them in. Any opinion that you might have, be it a bleed or other wise will be received with open arms, but remember that all letters must be signed. By SuSu Beard imlm/on Hello, for this week, and congra tulations for this week’s victory. Here’s hoping that the Twelve-man team keeps up the good work, even if it isn’t exactly work in all cases. “Ye olde Corn Huskin’ Bee” was held Friday night with all the trimmings characteristic of that sort of affair. Gals went dressed in Blue jeans, ginghams, pigtails, and with freckles painted on the noses of those minus the flattering speckles. Events included square dancing which eventually had everyone goin in circles, also a corn husking contest, nacherly, and a husband callin’ contest. Refer ring to the last, no one answered the calls, but some suspicious look ing four-legged creatures wan dered by. Class sing-songs were won by the experienced seniors, as was expected. Considering the whole thing t’was an enjoyable ‘Corny Huskin’ bee. Dormitory dining halls were de corated in the things typical of Hallowe'en terror last Saturday night. Bamboo cane, hay, and as sorted spooky stuff gave added zest to the evening meal. In fact, it gave added zest to the food, although it was rathei* hard to digest. Last week there was a tea for the Valedictorians. Don’t know whether many attended or not. Strangely enough my invitation never came. This is rather dis couraging as I am positive that I had made an “A” last year once. The girls that went deserve vari ous congratulations. Oh, mentioning our fads, there is a new one. It is wearing flannel pland shirts that are at least sixty sizes too large, and have the habit of draping at least to the knees. They fit like a glorified flour sack, and figuring some way, that is a good thing. Girls who take flying lessons made the acquaintance of Air Corp Captain Bill Whitson, a Denton- ite home on furlough. He had been “traveling abroad” and mentioned that he had met numerous Aggies over there (hint). Over there is a jolly good place and blimey well situated. See, Aggies do get every where .... in time. Nuff chatter—bye for now from yourn’ in spirit, SuSu 3801st Sparkles Julius Bloom, Reporter Time was when a columnist could write as he pleased, and the Devil take the hindmost. Now, to all ap pearances, his constituents reserve the right to beat to their heart’s content over having their names bandied inthe local press. The situ ation is particularly unsavory, since this column attempts to re flect the humor and high spirits of the Unit it represents. To avoid all future difficulties, we promise to never, never again mention the names of Pvts. John Mondo and Anthony Ventura, lest their young hearts be forever scarred by our New Orders Issued By Commandant The fumigation of Legett Hall was begun yesterday at 1 p. m., ac cording to an announcement from the Commandant’s Office. The dor mitory will be fumigated with cyanide gas, a deadly poison, and all persons are warned to stay away from this building until Re treat today. Another announcement states that overseas caps will be worn with no other piping except black, or they may be worn without any braid. Beginning Saturday, only woolen overseas caps will be regu lation for everyday wear on the campus. Louisiana State Normal College backed the attack in a big way at a recent war bond rally where the $50,000 goal was exceeded by $68,000. A total of $118,000 of war bonds were bought at the Saturday night street rally. invective and calumny. Contrary to observations, there has been no rift in the relations between S/Sgt. James LeBlanc and his “Friend Flicka,’’ T/5 Sanders Heller. The reason Sandy has not been following Jim around in the manner to which everyone has be come accustomed, Is that Sandy has a sore hoof, and cannot quite make the pace. Within a few days, it is hoped, appearances will re resume their normal aspect. The handlebar contest in the language section is being won hands down by Cpl. Simon Pietri, of the Spanish group. Of course, Pietri had his lip growth when he came to us, and the advantage is all in his favor. However, hope springs in the hearts of many that by the time they leave, enough time will have elapsed for them to grow some of those six-footers usually seen in books of oddities. It must be stated, though that the moustache gracing Simon’s lip was grown in self-defense, to help himself and his twin brother, Sgt Alfred, from confusing the general public. Imagination need not be stretched far to visualize the bro thers taking the matter into their own hands after an annoying ses sion, and tossing a coin to see who would venture the growth. Our friend, F/Sgt. Walter Staggs (with an “S” we have been in formed) is enjoying his first fur lough in three years. Hunting and fishing along the Gulf Coast are his program for forgetting it all. Staggs certainly deserves the rest if he has bucked* characters like LOUPOT’S Where You Always Get a Fair Trade UJfhz jCourdourn on fampus distractions By David Selignwtn “The Vanishing Virginian” star ring Frank Morgan, Kathryn Gray son, and Spring Byington comes to Guion Hall for Saturday. Don’t let the title fool you, this is no sasga of an expiring Indian tribe. Rather, it is a wholesome radiant and thoroughly entertaining slice of Americana without bustles and hoopskirts. Representing the Ame rica of the year 1913, it reflects the public sounding boards of suf frage and prohibition. Morgan is the epitome of the yelling, stomp ing, but lovable Lynchburg city at torney in an applaudable role. Spring Byington is his wife who revels in his ancestrial background. The five children love him because he afectionately sees things their way. The story of this family is told simply, yet there is no sa crifice of dramatic content. The scene where Morgan takes over the pulpit at services for his faith ful Negro manservant is some thing to be rermembered. The Lowdown: Though lacking in “smash” star names, this film is a dramatic achievement that one can’t afford to miss. us during the time since his last leave. Sgt. S. O. Samek is , conducting a private feud with the contribu tors to a widely- circulated Polish language newspaper. Nothing, of course, will resolve from the bruit ing about of complaints and coun ter-charges concerning the virtues of Texas, but it makes hot and heavy reading. To date, the score appears to be 010, infavor of the newspaper publishing the letters. We venture to caution both fac tions that promises in argument will fold up unless they are based on authoritative facts and not fan cy. Chuckle of the \yeek: Pvt. Ralph Oberhoff was batting the breeze in respect to mathematics with a few of the lads, when Pvt. Stuart Moore ventured on the scene. Moore regarded the situation gravely, then asked Oberdorf where he had ob tained it; Ralph, not thinking that Stu was talking about liquor con tinued to cite the specific bases for the point he was making. The gag is that Oberdorf was sober as the proverbial judge. Pvt. Harold Gee is an ardent ad mirer of our Project House area, or so it would happen, in view of his continual provocation of re striction. It is expected that die day interest in the outside world will engender itself within his brain, and he will make an effort to discover what transpires with the rest of civilization. He is not really mischievous; it is just that he is high-spirited. Nomination of T/5 William Hoy is made for the office of Mayor of America. He is the one man in the outfit who scarcely cares where he goes from here, because he has friends throughout the land. Such is the ideal frame of mind, but we warn Bill that popularity and fame have their drawbacks, espe cially where the signing of thou sands of autographs is concerned. DR, N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office is Parker BaUding Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan. Texas The weekend feature at Guion Hall is the universally popular film “Cabin in the Sky.” With an all-Negro cast starring such fevor- ites as Rochester, of the Benny series; Ethel Waters; and Lena Horne; this picture is allegorical presentation of the Negro spiritual istic conception of religion. Roch ester is the memorable character of “Little Joe,” Ethel is his de vout wife yho tries to break him of his habit of gambling and get him in the Lord’s graces, end Lena is the ■woman who leads Joe in the life of the sacriligious. One of the year’s best dramas, this feature was proclaimed by all who saw it as an unforgettable one. In the end, Joe, who is convinced of the evil of his ways in a dream, is con verged by Ethel to a better way of life just in time, as a cyclone sweeps away the lives of all in the town. Their souls rise to meet the angels up in the sky—up to the Cabin in the Sky. The Lowdown: One film you can't miss! The feature attraction starting at the Campus Saturday midnight is “Gunga Din”. With stars such as Cary Grant, Victor McLaglen, and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., this is an old picture, but still a favorite. The story follows the incidents in the life of a water-boy in the In- Diai 4-118i Opens 2 P.M. LAST DAY 78 STARS IN ONI Pltmtl M- ItcMint WMUKtm j 108T. CUMMINGS * MAS. LAUGHTON Z IDA LUPIHO KM. MARSHALL ft AAY MULAHD AXNANEA6U MOUEOBUON +M DhtrituuJ h RK0 RADIO PtctvrM — also — CartOGJl and Latest News SATURDAY PREVIEW SUNDAY and MONDAY “GUNGA Dr —■ starring — Gary Grant Douglas Fairbanbs, Jr. Victor McLaglen STARTS 10?30 NAVY MEN Let Us Do Your AlUftHng LAUTERSTEIN’S LOUPOT’S Trade Wtih Lou — He’s Right With You! dian army. He chums up with an army sei’geant and in the end saves the lives of him and his comrades by warning the army of a native trap by blowing a bu gle. The male leads portray the characters of hard-boiled armjy) sergeants in grand style. The Lowdown: An old favorite that you will enjoy. Phone 4-1168 ADMISSION IS ALWAYS Tax Included 9c & 20c Box Office Opens at 2 P.M. Closes 8:30 Saturday Only Double feature THE SURPRISE HIT OF THE YEARI \ani»hing VIRGINIAN T FRANK With KATHRYN MORGAN • GRAYSON Spring BYINGTON* Natalie THOMPSON Douglass NEWLAND • Mark DANIELS A FRANK BORZAGE Production Screen Play by lan Fortune • Based on the Book by Bebecca Yancey Williama Directed by FRANK BORZAGE Produced by EDWIN KNOPF —Also— Produced by BERT GILROY r&Mtea by LESLIE GOODWINS Screen NafJSY Charfe?* E. Roberts • Story' by Charles t?. Roberts artd Leslie Goodwins. THIS theatr\?4-i.s WAR BONDS AND STAMPS Saturday Pi'i^vue 10;SO p.m. and Sunday iPd MoJi<$&y Where Quality is the Keynote We invite you to trade at the Exchange stdtfe' — operated by your college for your benefit. Quality is the essense of our business, linked With lower prices. You can buy our merchandise with the assurance that you are getting the best — which is the cheapest in the long run! The Exchange Store “An Aggie Institution”