The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 06, 1943, Image 1

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1 —— ——i
Classes, Calls Set Back One Hour Next Wednesday
Dance Tonight After Aggie-S. M. U. Game
Orchestra From Bergstrom
Field Plays For Occasion
Dance Lasts From 8:30 to 11:30 in
Sbisa; Price is $1.00 For Couple or Stag
Tonight after the S. M. U.-A. & M. football game an
all service dance will be held in Sbisa Dining Hall according
to an announcement made by the Student Activities Office
last Tuesday. The dance will be held from 8:30 until 11:30
p.m. that night; admission for the|
dance will be $1 for couples or
The Del Valle orchestra, now
known as the Bergstrom Field Or
chestra, from near Austin has al
ready been engaged to play for
the occasion. The Del Valle or
chestra is stationed at Del Valle
field just outside of Austin, and
when the airfield changed its name
to Bergstrom Field the orchestra
did likewise. The orchestra was
engaged last semester for the
Freshmen Ball, and everyone who
attended the ball can well remem
ber the Del Valle orchestra for
its personality and good music.
The band also played for the Final
Ball of last semester, however,
since then the band has been com
pletely reorganized and more
players have been added to its ros
ter. Although the band has been
reorganized it can be expected to
put out the same quality of music
that it has before at past dances.
Staff Sergeant Jack Ream is
still the band leader, and his band
has many new novelty numbers as
well as popular pieces and boogie-
woogie. The band has always been
entertaining and lively at their
previous appearances. Everybody
who has ever heard or danced to
the music of the Bergstrom Field
Orchestra will agree that the band
furnishes the dancers top notch
The dance is expected to have a
fairly large crowd since Service
men, S. M. U. students, and Ag
gies are being invited. The dance
will probably be one of the best
this semester, so Aggies and Serv
ice men, let’s give it all our co
operation Saturday night.
Laugh Clown Laugh
BSU Retreat Will
Begin Here This
Evening At Seven
Dr. M. T. Rankin Will
Speak; Was Prisoner of
Japs for Six Months
The Baptist Student Union Re
treat will begin this evening at
7:30 P. M. The Baptist Students
of A. & M. have been fortunate
in securing as their Main Speaker,
Dr. M. T. Rankin who is Secretary
of Baptist Mission Work in the
Orient. For 6 months Dr. Rankin
was a prisoner of the Japanese in
the Stanley Prison at Hong Kong.
He will speak Saturday evening,
Sunday morning and Sunday night.
Mr. W. F. Howard, new State Stu
dent Secretary will be here and
will speak Saturday evening. He
will also bring the Sunday School
Lesson Sunday Morning.
As inspirational speaker for
Morning Watch, Sunday Morning,
and also Sunday afternoon, the
Baptist Students have brought to
our Campus; Milton Strong. He was
former head of The Voice of Christ
ian Youth Movement in Detroit.
Also former Division head of Ben-
dix Aircraft Co. At present time
he is a Student at the Dallas The
ological Seminary.
Also speaking on Sunday after
noon will be Rev. R. L. Brown, our
own Baptist Pastor, and 1st Lt.
George Miller. Lt. Miller is one
of our Army officers here at A. &
M. and also a great Christian.
All Students, service men and
local people are invited to attend
these meetings.
By Charles West
What would we do on these,
long, trying days of war years if
we did not have someone to keep
us laughing—if we did not find
humor in little things that we hear
or see—if we did not have our
popular jesters to clown for us in
the movies and over the radio ?
Where would our optimism be if
we did not look to the lighter side
of life? If there weren’t a bright
er side to life( all would be pessi
mism, and pessimism would be de
Perhaps we have not all been
too blind to stop and think of this.
But few of us have been unself
ish enough to think of what went
into those laughs that we hear over
the radios and in the movies. Few
of us have cared about the drama
that those gestures concealed. Those
comedians have been only “funny
men” to us—not real, live people
with hearts that are crushed as
easily as our own. The tragedies
of their lives are concealed in a
successful attempt to make us
laugh, be happy, and keep courage.
How wrong we are to think they
have not tragedies! For example,
Lou Costello, the funy, fat man of
radio and screen that has made
you roar in the aisles, returned to
his regular program Thursday
night after a year’s leave of ab-
(See LAUGH, Page 4)
Graduate of ’41
Gets New Rank
Prof, and Mrs. F. W. Hensel
have been notified that their son,
F. W. Hensel, Jr., has been pro
moted from First Lieutenant to
Captain Hensel received his de
gree from A. &M. in 1941, major
ing in Agricultural Administration.
While in Aggieland, he was pres
ident of the Marketing and Finance
Club and Assistant Town Hall Ma
nager. He was also a member of
the tennis squad and Brazis A. &
M. Club.
At present Capt. Hensel is sta
tioned at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and
is in command of “A” Battery,
686th Field Artillery Battalion, at
that post. The captain’s father is
head of the Landscape Art De-
partmene of A. & M.
Last Day for Payment
Of Maintenance Fees
Today is the last day for Stu
dents to pay their maintenance for
November. Amount due this month
is $33.65. The fiscal office will be
open until 2 o’clock this after
noon to receive payments.
Sec 130
Sec 131
Sec 133.
Row Z7
Row 22
Sophomore Section
an Section
Row /6
CLASS SECTIONS—Pictured above is the sections apportioned to the various classes by the three
yell leaders with the approval of the military department. Freshman and this includes fish and frogs
will occupy rows 1-16 in sections 130, 131, and 132. Starting on the 50 yard line and running back
through row 16 will be for the band. They will use section 132. Sophomores will sit in rows 17-22
while juniors will have seats 23-27. Seniors and Aggies-exes have rows 28-40. The different classes
are requested to find their sections and use them.
Tuesday morning at eight o’clock^
in the Assembly Hall the A-12 and
V-12 tests will be given. The exams
are to be under the supervision of
G. B. Wilcox, Manager of the Stu
dent Personnel Office.
The following statements will
probably clear up any matters
which students are hazy on in re
gard to the quizzes: A student, af
ter taking the test, is not obligated
to enter the program if he is ac
cepted. Any one who failed to pass
the test given in April of this
year may again take the exam;
in fact, even if one took the test
and passed it he may take it again
for reconsideration. Those who
take the quiz are asked to state
their preference of Army or Navy
program. This preference cannot
be changed at a later date if the
applicant wishes to get into ano
ther program, it was stated.
The exam will be given only on
the prescribed date and not repeat
ed until sometime in 1944, this
being the only opportunity to take
the test until that date, it was re-
(See ARMY, Page 4)
Patriotic Program
To Be Held Sunday
The Music Group of the College
Women’s Social Club is sponsoring
a Patriotic Music Program on Sun
day afternoon, November 7, at
3:30 p. m., states Mrs. Ray Put
nam, secretary of the Music Group.
The program will be held in the
YMCA Chapel, and there will be
five special numbers.
Aviation Cadet Don Towers and
Sgt. Cliff Miller, an instructor in
the Marine Corps will present sev
eral piano solos. Mrs. G. E. Blake
will furnish the program with a
violin solo; Lt. Walter Lee Porter,
of Bryan Air Field will sing. The
Singing Cadets, under the direction
of Richard Jenkins, will render
several selections.
Refreshments will be served, and
the public is cordially invited to
attend this patriotic program.
Hillel Club Will
Feature Lecturer
The Hillel Club will feature Sun
day evening, November 7th, at 7
p. m., at the Lounge Room of Sbi
sa Hall ,a musical program of high
quality with Miss Anne L. Landau,
Ph D., internationally famous au
thority on music, with a program
of recorded music entitled “Jewish
Composers on Broadway.”
“The World’s greatest artery of
popular music—Broadway,” says
Miss Landau, “is musically bound
ed on the north by Carnegie Hall
and on the south by the Metropoli
tan Opera . . and for the past
two decades these poles have exert
ed a magnetic influenece on all the
music produced there,” Miss Lan
dau excitingly develops the two
trends today leading away from
purely popular music . . . one to
wards the symphonic platform, the
other toward the operatic stage.
Miss Landau has been acclaimed
in capitals throughout Europe. She
was professor of Music at the
University of Berlin and Heidel
berg until the advent of Hitlerism,
a distinctive achievement in Ger
many at any time for a member
of the Jewish faith.
Since her arrival in this country,
(See HILLEL, Page 4)
AGGIES-How About It?
Today is the day of the big game with Southern Methodist Uni
versity on Kyle Field. The College is acting as host to the Ponies, and the
Aggies of the Corps will be the ones who will make the biggest im
pression on the visiting team. Complaints of various kinds have been
made to the effect that the Corps has not been as courteous to the team
which is here on invitation of the College. Such complaints say that the
Corps insists upon making too much noise while their boys are trying
to call signals.
Toward good sportsmanship and to pay the proper respect and
courtesy to the visitors on the campus, it would be a highly complimen
tary gesture on the part of the Corps to give the visiting team every
opportunity to call their signals. The Fightin’ Texas Aggies have al
ways enjoyed a reputation of being tough customers, hard fighters and
consistent winners—but at the same time they have enjoyed the repu
tation of being square shooters, good sportsmen and gentlemen. The
Corps’ discourtesy of yelling and interfering with the opposing teams
signals certainly isn’t indicative of the Aggie legend of courtesy and good
Present System Out; Heavy
Army Program Is Reason
College Returns to System Used During
Past Months; Reveille Hour Earlier Wed.
Beginning next Wednesday morning at reveille, the Col
lege will resume the old schedule of calls that had been in
effect this past spring and summer. All class hours will be
set back one hour next Wednesday, therefore necessitating
•the resumation of the former sys
tem of calls.
B Team Victors
Over Allen Ramblers
It was the Aggie’s game yes
terday afternoon when the “B”
team crushed the Allen Acade
my Ramblers 31-6 with Jordan,
Pogue, LaRue, and Hughes show
ing some good Aggie actiqn to
knock the Ramblers around quite
abit. Turnadge of the Ramblers
made their lone touchdown to
keep it from being an all-Aggie
Jordan of the Aggies made two
long runs to keep the excitement
high and at the same time ma
king two touchdown runs. Pogue
passed to Schodde to start ano
ther touchdown run; Pogue was
oved for the six points. LaRue
and Hughes both showed gome
exceptional playing with their
two touchdowns.
Peace Officers Are
Meeting On Campus
Of AMC Next Week
Williams Expects About
Fifty to Enroll Here
For Training Courses
About fifty Texas peace officers
are expected to attend the traffic
officers training school to be con
ducted by the industrial extension
service of the school of engineering
at A. & M. College November 8-20,
according to E. L. Williams, direc
Cooperating agencies include the
state board of vocational educa
tion, League of Texas Municipali
ties, Texas Police association, Sefe-
ty division, International Associa
tion of Chiefs of Police and the
state Department of Public Safety.
Instructors will include Gordon
H. Sheehe, Daniel G. Reynolds and
David G. Monroe, all of the I. A.
C. P. safety division; Col. Homer
Garrison, Jr., director public safe
ty department; Carl Rutland, Tex
as Safety association; Thomas L.
Willier, Houston police department,
and Wallace D. Beasley and Ver
non L. Engberg, A. & M. College.
Accident prevention, traffic con
trol, public safety education and
allied subjects will be a part of
the course of study. Purpose of the
course is to provide intensive train
ing that will enable traffic police
executives to secure maximum effi
ciency in traffic control. The course
is especially suitable for chiefs
of police and the heads of the va
rious divisions of the larger depart
Rooms and meals will be pro
vided on the campus for those in
attendance, it was announced.
Navy Reopens
Aviation Program
The Navy Department has re
opened its program for the enlist
ment of 17-year old students into
the Naval Aviation Cadet Train
ing Program, according to an offi
cial notice issued from Dean F. C.
Bolton’s Office.
Students who are interested in
participating in this program may
obtain application blanks from the
Dean’s Office, Room 210 in the
Administration Building. All stu
dents are urged to obtain these
forms at once for, as a rule, this
program is only opened at intervals
for limited periods of time.
In an official notice to all de
partments Friday afternoon. Pres
ident Bolton stated that the heavy
load of Army Sections on class
rooms had made it more practi
cable to return to the old schedule
for the conservation of electricity.
Business offices will open at 8
o’clock in the morning, close from
12 to 1 o’clock for lunch, then
resume hours until 5 o’clock in the
Under present schedule, classes
began at 9 in the morning and
end at 6 in the evening. It was
thought at the time that the sys
tem now used would prove satis
factory, but with the return to the
college of the furloughed A.S.T.P.
Units, the old system will be rein
Mystery Play To Be
Heard Over WTAW
Highlights of tomorrow’s pro
grams scheduled to be heard over
WTAW, is the A. & M. Radio
Club’s production of “The Black
Death,” a half-hour mystery play
by Frank Cunningham, to be
heard at 2:30 p. m. This play has
been widely produced over many
radio stations in the United States
and Australia, according to Rich
ard Gottlieb, WTAW staff announ
The story concerns the discovery
of peculiar occurances on the pla
net Mars by Dr. Marshall Hamil
ton, noted astronomer, and the
resulting epidemic in the town of
Watersville, Delaware of “the black
death,” supposedly spread by thet
invaders from Mars.
Included in the cast will be
Barbara Peters, Ted Dedliers, Ar
thur Peters, John Holman, and
Dick Gottlieb. It; is the first of a
series of plays and skits to be
produced by members of the Ra- #
dio Club over WTAW.
1150 k.c.
Radio Calendar for Saturday,
October 6, 1943.
10:00—Musical Reveille
10:45—Morning Reverie*
11:00—Moments of Devotio*
11:15—Lean Back and Listen
11:30—Listen Ladies
12:30—Farm Fair
1:15—Between the Linen
2:00—Treasury Transcription
2:25 AGGie vs. S. M. U.
3:00 Aggie vs. S. M. U.
4:00 Aggie vs. S. M. U.
4:45 Aggie vs. S. M. U.
6; 15—Radio Club
5:30—The Little Show