The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 04, 1943, Image 1
ffTpr ROOM 5 ADMINISTRATION BLDG.—2275 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1943 VOLUME 43—NUMBER 64 Carmen Amaya Is Next Feature for Town Hall Flamenco Dancer To Appear on Stage As Second Feature in Season’s Program Town Hall patrons are looking forward to the next Town Hall program which is scheduled on Thursday night, November 18 for on that night Carman Amaya and her Troupe of Gypsy dancers will appear on the stage of Guion Hall. Town Hall’s second feature of this season presents the best fla menco dancer of the current thea tre. With her, she brings her fami ly, who dances with her and ac companies her with instruments of their native Spain. Miss Amaya’s partner, in her tantalizing twirls and frills, is Antonio Triana, also a product of Spain. Carman Amaya has been dancing ever since she was four years old. Her first appearance was before the entrance of the bull ring in Granada. When she was seven, she took the Barcelona Exposition by storm with her fiery dances. Later Miss Amaya was with Raquel Meller in Paris and from there she went on tour throughout Spain and Portugal with the “Folies Bergere.” The Spanish Ci vil War broke up all theatrical pro ductions on the Iberian Peninsula, so Carmen took her family to South America for tours up and down the continent and through Central America. They liked the Americas so well that they made their new home in Buenos Aires. There they were discovered by American pro ducers in 1940. Miss Amaya’s group numbers seven, of which five are in her family. Her two sisters dance along with her while her father, brother, and cousin accompany the dancing with instruments. Only Antonio Triana, her partner, and Raymond Sachse, her pianist are' not mem bers of the family. Miss Amaya weighs only 85 pounds and flys over the stage seemingly not touching the floor. While appearing at the Beachcom ber in New York, she often scatter ed bobby pins among the tables nearest the dance floor. Her per formances have been in Carnegie Hall and the musical “Laugh, Town, Laugh’’ of Broadway. She has also been seen in several motion pic tures, recently in “Panama Hat tie.” Carmen dresses quite informally around her house usually in paja mas with a mink or chinchilla coat (See CARMEN, Page 3) Looking Back... Taken from Files of THE BATTALION Up until the fall semester of 1938 the Battalion was a weekly newspaper. At that time it became a semi-weekly edition, but in 1939 the paper was issued as the tri weekly publication known to us to day. OCT. 31, 1934—The students will vote to determine if the uniform for formal occasions will include gloves. A suggestion has been made that underclassmen wear white and seniors wear chamois ones for reviews and parades . . . Lee Boothe and Josephine Dunn will reign as King and Queen of the Saddle and Sirloin Club Rodeo to represent the Court of the Lone Star Friday night. NOV. 3, 1937—At a meeting held in the Assembly Hall last Thurs day night the Senior Class voted to place a boycott on the Palace Theater in Bryan if the manage ment raises it prices from 25 to 35 cents ... A. and M. Cadets face a second Corps Trip this year provided funds are raised for the band’s transportation to Houston November 13th for the Aggie-Rice Owls game and a plan devised whereby those students who do not attend the game will be kept on the campus . . . Acting on recom mendations of the Student Wel fare Committee the College has arranged for extra periods of class es for Freshmen who are failing and desire to attend the classes. Salesmen Report For Football Game Men who have worked at prev ious football games are reminded that they are to report at the gate between the little gymnas ium and the swimming pool Sat urday afternoon at 1:45 for the purpose of selling at these games again. The dress will be white coverall^. All men who did work at these games and those who were not needed are asked to report at the time set to meet Ben Waidhofer, manager of the concession. More men will be needed at this game to work as salesmen, Waidhofer stated. Chem Warfare Ex Of ’44 Marries in Houston Saturday Lamb and Stephenson Wedding Takes Place At University Baptist Miss Betty Gene Stephenson, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Stephenson of Houston, and Pvt. Frank E. Lamb, son of Mrs. Kate Lamb of Bryan, were married Sat urday night at 8:30 in the West University Baptist Church of Hous ton, according to announcement re ceived today. Friends of the young couple will be interested in this marriage as Miss Stephenson is well-known in Houston and Pvt. Lamb is an ex of A. & M., being a member of the class of ’44 which was activated in May of this year. He was formerly in the Chemical Warfare Service. Miss Stephenson attended the University of Houston before her marriage. Maid of honor for the bride was her sister, Miss Ruth Stephenson, who also lives in Houston and at tends Lamar High School. Roscoe Sealy, class of ’43, a resident of San Antonio and a veterinary stu dent was best man. The bride was given away by her pastor, Rev. Hiner with her father perform ing the ceremony. Miss Vivian Foster of Houston and Miss Nellie Maie Lamb, the groom’s sister, attended as brides maids, Edward Streetman, class of ’43, who lives in Nederland and is a veterinary student and Sylvester Boone, class of ’46, a resident of Lolita and an Agriculture Adminis tration major, were ushers. Miss Lamb is a student at T. S. C. W. Mrs. Frank E. Lamb is residing with her mother-in-law at the pre sent while her husband is stationed on the campus with the A. S. T. P. Breakage Serious At Kyle Field All persons and Cadets attending football games at Klye Field should try not to break any more soft drink bottles. Since these bottles are irreplacable, no more drinks can be obtained for sale at the games. Ben Waidhofer, manager of concessions at Kyle Field, an- ounced that people are depriving themeselves of future soft drinks by destroying bottles now. EDUCATION IMPORTANT “If liberal education ever had any worth, it has more in time of war. With all the world in a state of flux, it is the responsibility of the institutions of higher learning to make clear the present signifi cance of this struggle and to edu cate the men and women who will shape the future at its cessation. The bells of education are as im portant as the bugles sounding the call for technical skill. Without the latter the war could not be won; without the former the victory would be worthless.”—From the Hamline University Oracle. Dr. M. Theron Rankin ★ ★ ★ Former Missionary To Appear as Guest Speaker at B.S.U. Dr. Rankin to Speak At Services on 6th And 7th of November Dr. M. Theron Rankin, an in ternationally known personality, will be the guest speaker at the Baptist Student Union Retreat to be held here Nov. 6 and 7. He will speak once Saturday evening and twice Sunday. Dr. Rankin was born in New berry, South Carolina on July 29, 1891. He received his B. A. degree form Wake Forest College in Vir ginia and then attended the Sou thern Baptist Theological Semina ry in Louisville, Kentucky. He gra duated in 1921 from the Seminary and was immediately appointed as a missionary to China. It was while in China that Dr. Rankin has done his best work. He has held several offices in the Orient among which were his title of pre sident of the Graves Theological Seminary and also as treasurer of the South China Mission for a number of years. He was elected Secretary of the Orient for the Southern Baptist Convention in 1935. His wife, the former Valleria Greene, was born in China, and it was there that she married Dr. Rankin. She attneded Oxford Col lege and several other universi ties. Dr. Rankin has had some thrill ing experiences in the Orient. He was made a prisoner of war when the Japanese struck with their savage attack. He was placed in Stanley Prison in Hong Kong, where he was held for six months. During his stay at A. & M. Col lege, Dr. Rankin will be a visitor of the Reverend and Mrs. R. L. Brown. City of College Station Observes Same Time as A&M Change is Made for Convenience of College Staff Members—Smith Announcement was made today by Lloyd D. Smith, business mana ger of the City of Colege Station, that the city would observe the same hours as Texas A. and M. College for the convenience of the faculty, staff and personnel of the college that might have business with the city offices. Heretofore, the city has been operating on the 8 to 5 schedule, but from this date the city offices will be open from nine o’clock in the morning until one o’clock noon and from two o’clock until six in the afternoon in conformance with the hours ob served by the college. Smith also announces that a number of residents of the city have authorized the City of College Station to draw drafts on their ac counts for the paymen of utility services. Others wishing to avail themselves of this service are urged to write a letter of authority to the city and save the trouble at the first of the month of having to write checks to pay the utility charges. Smith also pointed out that the city is offering a new free service to the users of city water. The city water maintenance and service man will inspect the pipes and water connections of any subscriber to the city water service for leaks and make recommendations for re pairs. The city, it was pointed out, is not in a position to do plumbing work on the individual’s piping, but will be happy to make such recom mendations and aid in keeping down excessive water consumption. It was also pointed out by the business manager that a city per mit is required to begin any type of construction, and those that are contemplating errecting any type of building the near future are urged to contact the city office for proper permit for such type of work. Aggie of ’46 Now At Commerce Bill Jarnigan, class of ’46 and formerly of “G” Battery, Field Artillery, is now stationed with the A.S.T.P. at East Texas State Teach ers College in Commerce, Texas. Jarnigan worked both for the Battalion newspaper and magazine while he was at A- & M. He is still doing newspaper work at East Texas, working on the servicemen’s section of the East Texan. Richard W. Jenkins ★ ★ ★ Vocal Director To Leave Aggieland For NTAC Position Richard Jenkins To Have Charge Of All Musical Production Richard W. Jenkins, director of the Singing Cadets for the past two years, is leaving Aggieland November 22 to accept the position of associate professor of musie in the North Texas Agricultural Col lege at Arlington. Under this new title, “Pop,” as Jenkins is more popularly known, will have charge of all vocal mu sic and assist in all musical pro ductions sponsored by the college. Since September of 1941 Jenkins has taken an active interest in the various student activities in Aggie land. He has assisted in the various entertainment features sponsored by the Student Activities Office in cluding the dances and Town Hall Progi’ams. Kadet Kaper?, the no velty show that previously occu pied the Saturday nights of the students and service-men with its guest artists and entertainment has been produced by Jenkins since he has been attached to A. & M. Under his direction, the Singing Cadets have achieved renown throughout Texas. Many trips throughout the state made by the organization have advertised our college and our spirit. In Houston the ’42 Singing Cadets appeared with the Houston Symphony in a joint concert at the City Auditori um. Accompanying him to Arling ton where the Jenkins family will reside are his family; Mrs. R. W. Jenkins and their son and daughter, Richard, Jr., and Monette. Thanksgiving Vacation For Gerical Staff Only One Day Corps Will Get Four Days, November 25-28; Holidays For Christmas Are Announced Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays for the clerical staff of the college were announced today by Dr. Frank C. Bolton, president of A. & M. Only one day will be granted for Thanksgiving the announcement stated with the offices of the college closed on November Chang’e in Uniform Made Tuesday On Tuesday, November 2, by order of the Commandant, cot ton or woolen shirts will be op tional with woolen slacks for all formations and for regular wear on the campus. Wool garrison caps, overseas caps, will also be part of the regulation uniform for wear on the campus. It was announced that an error was made at the Exchange Store in issuing black ties to some of the cadets instead of khaki ties. Those students who have been issued black ties will exchange them at the Exchange Store at the earliest possible date. ASTP Insignia Issued Soon WASHINGTON, D. C.—More than 100,000 soldiers participating in the Arwy’s Specialized Training program at 209 colleges and uni versities in the United States will wear identifying shoulder-patch insigni, the War department has announced. The insignia will depict the sword of valor against a lamp of know ledge. The sword and lamp are in dark blue on a yellow, octagon- shape patch. Artists of the Quartermaster corps and Special Service Division, Army Service Forces, collaborated in designing a series of insignia which would serve as the official emblem of the A. S. T. P. To learn the preference of soldiers in the program, a large number of sol dier-trainees were invited to view samples of proposed insignia. The pattern selected ran far ahead in popularity. The insignia will be distributed to various units in November. A twenty-five dollar United States War Bond is being offered by Campus Comments, student newspaper, for the best editorial submitted to it suggesting how Mary Baldwin college girls can further participate in the war ef fort. Polo Game Will Played Here Sunday Servicemens’ Team to h Play Aggregation From Dallas at Field When Major W. F. Long, Dallas aviation power and sportsman, brings his hard-charging 17-goal polo quartet to the Aggie Polo Field Sunday afternoon to tangle with the A. & M. Servicemen team, he will be met by a group of young men who think of polo as something more than just an easy way of getting a leg broken or a skull cracked open, for the Dallas horsemen will be riding against a group of goal-hitting gallopers that love the dashing recklessness of this, America’s most dangerous game. Most people around here don’t know much about polo, because most people around here have never seen a polo game. However, if you’ve had your blood curdle at a fast-moving football game, can feel butterflies in your backbone watching a good basketball quin tet in action, then you’ll like polo. But before we go any farther, let’s take a quick look at the young men who will be facing Major Long’s veterans here Sun day afternoon. First, there’s 18-year-old Joe Mertz, captain of the present team, captain of the Aggie team last year, and a two-ye^r letterman. Joe, who very ably fills the num ber three spot on the field, is a dribbling fool, can herd that lit tle ball down the field, keep it under control and then smack it between the uprights with the speed and ease of a national champion. Hailing from San Ange lo, Pfc. Joe is the sparkplug of the Aggie four. Next there’s Joe’s older brother Mort. “Mortie,” like Joe, has vir tually been raised on a polo field, and has made 200 yard shots a common thing at Aggie scrim mages. He is a very strong hitter and therefore quite capable of filling the number 4, or goal-pro tecting spot on the team. He is also a 2-year letterman on the Aggie team. Jack Buie, the only other exper ienced player familiar to Aggie land, takes care of the number post. Jack is a one-year letter- man from the Aggie team of last year and boasts the fastest string of ponies in the A. & M. stable. Following Buie in the number 2 position is Bob Morin, a newcom er to Aggie polo but an enthus iastic player with lots of promise. Another number 2 man is rook ie Les Evans, ex-rodeo star, who is perhaps the hardest riding man on the Aggie team. He can cover an opponent like a carpet covering a floor, and can be counted on to be an asset to any polo line-up. Then there is Lamar Nobles, ano ther newcomer to Aggieland but who gained valuable experience while riding hard on the bamboo- root ball for Oklahoma . Military Academy. Last, but not least, is number 3 man J. T. Westbrook, who made a reputation for himself during the past two years as a calf-roper and bull rider at rodeos all over the Southwest. Coaching the A. & M. team is Lt. Melville Beams, himself an expert horseman who was, prior to his entering the Army, a Virgin ia racing and steeplechase stable owner. Major Long’s team is rated* as a 17-goal outfit by the National Polo committee, and as such, the Aggie team should enter the game with a spot of 17 goals, but Team Captain Mertz stated implicity that this handicap would be re fused and the two teams will play on the flat or not at all. According to many polo experts throughout the country, the “goal” system of handicapping should be eliminated entirely, because only those teams which play in nation al tournaments are rated by the NPC, therefore many rated teams must play excellent non-rated Seventeen-Goal Men To Be Seen Here In Fast Match teams under a handicap just be cause many good teams purposely avoid national tournaments to prevent being rated. The Dallas Club, according to their rating, hits the field with something better than a 4-goaler in each spot—and a 4-goaler is no slouch on a polo field. On paper they should be heavy favorites in Sunday’s tilt, but the advantages of playing on their home field and riding their own ponies will tend to balance the sheet. Since their return to the A. & M. campus under the Army Spec ialized Training Program, the Ag gie team has played only two scrim mages together, but like Homer Norton’s breadless wonders, should prove to be excellent opposition for the more experienced Dallas outfit. This writer won’t make an at tempt at predicting a score, but I will say that despite their rec- orgnized ability, Major Long’s team will have to battle Lt. Beams’ fighting privates until the last minute of the final chukker—a bat tle well worth seeing. Remember. The Aggieland Polo Field, between the North Gtae and the East Gate, Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. 25 only. The clerical staff will be expected to remain on the job for the balance of the week with the various offices and departments operating as usual. The clerical staff will be given a five day holiday beginning Dec ember 23 and extend through De cember 28. The corps will have a four day holiday for Thanksgiving, it was pointed out, with November 25 through the 28 off. The Christmas holidays for the corp will begin December 18 at noon and will con tinue until December 28 at 6 p.m. The current semester will end January 29 and the third semester will begin on February 7, with reg istration taking place on the 4 and 5 of February. First Two WAVES Report for Duty The first two members of the Waves (Women Accepted for Vol unteer Emergency Service) have re ported for duty in the administra r tion offices at the Naval Training School at College Station. These two young ladies, Miss Vera Mae Curtis, Sk3c of Elwood, Indiana and Miss Margie Howell, Sk3c of Fort Sumner, New Mexi co, attended the Wave indoctrina tion school at Hunter College in New York City and after one month’s training were transferred to the Storekeepers’ school at the University of Indiana. Upon com pletion of the three months’ course there, they received ratings of Storekeeper, third class and became eligible to replace men of the same rating at a navy shore activity such as the one at College Station. Waves are taking the place of men at shore acitivities throughout the country thus making these men available for duty with naval units afloat. WNBL Is Received By Florida People The following is a review of “We’ve Never Been Licked” taken from a Miami, Florida newspaper and reprinted for readers of the Battalion. “Except for an exciting war cli max and a rather insignificant campus romance, “We’ve Never Been Licked” might be fairly de scribed as a Texas A. & M. college publicity picture . . . This is not said disparagingly since Texas A. & M. has much of universal interest to publicize both as an educational institution and as a military acad emy, whose graduates have played glorious roles in this and past wars . . . But a big part of the film footage is devoted to an impressive and inspiring presentation of its traditions, students, activities, its buildings, training courses, and col lege life in general. “From the standpoint of pure en tertainment I would rate “We’ve Never Been Licked” ahead of simi lar films designed to dramatize West Point and Annapolis. Some of it is a bit sophomoric, while other sequences are little more than moving pictures of the fami liar catalogues and other press ma terial sent out by all colleges . . . Still most of it is interesting; and the whole thing is put together in such a manner as to recall the glories of the school and its illus trious sons. These include some 7,000 officers and men now serv ing their country on all the battle- fronts of the present war with con spicuous gallantry . . . This spirit is deftly written into the picture in a manner that makes it all more than an illustrated narrative; and which will interest you even though you might ordinarily find other film subjects more interest ing than Texas A. & M. Collge.”