The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 12, 1943, Image 1

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    Only Three Candidates In Running For Yell Leader
After Return From Trip
Group Returns From Nacogdoches and
Elects Marvin Brown As President
At a meeting of the Singing Cadets yesterday after
noon at 4:30, officers for the current semester were elect
ed, Richard Jenkins, director of the Cadets, stated. Marvin
Brown was elected president and Watson Keeney, vice-
president. Business manager is Burl Ervin and Ben Sevier
is librarian.
The Cadets spent the past week-'f
end touring in East Texas and
presenting three concerts. The first
of these concerts was given in the
auditorium of the Stephen F. Aus
tin State Teachers College at Nac
ogdoches Saturday night and was
followed by a dance honoring the
organization, at which the co-eds
of the college were hostesses.
The second concert of the tour
was presented Sunday morning at
the First Baptist Church in Nac
ogdoches prior to the preaching
service. Sunday night the Cadets
presented a concert at the First
Methodist Church in Lufkin and
returned to College Station after
the concert. While in Lufkin they
were the guests of the Young Peo
ple’s organization of the Meth
odist Church who entertained the
organization with a buffet supper.
Thirty-three members of the
Singing Cadets made the trip.
Dr. Hedges Has
Legend About Suits
It’s only a rumor but it traveled
all the way from Emory Universi
ty, Georgia, to the University of
J. Edward Hedges, acting direc
tor of the Indiana personnel and
placement bureau, didn’t shake off
a legend about himself when he
left Dixie.
When he taught at Emory, Dr.
Hedges had a wide variety of
suits, and soon his students began
to keep a record of what he wore
in order to find out how many
would pass before he repeated the
cycle of his wardrobe.
“I used to throw them off the
track,” Dr. Hedges said, “along
about the middle of the semester
when I wore a suit that had been
packed away for months.”
Thereafter, Dr. Hedges was
known as “the man with the variety
of suits.” The legend was trans
ferred to I. U. when he furnished
an Indiana reporter with some
clippings of his days at Emory.
Journalism New
Course at S. D.
Former Student’s
Secretary Settles
Rumors as to Exes
“Once an Aggie,
Always an Aggie”,
States McQuillen
AN AGGIE”, was the basic prin
cipal quoted by E. E. McQuillen,
Executive Secretary of the Ex-
Student Association when question
ed today about the recognition of
present day students in connection
with alumni affairs. “Every A. &
M. man, if he possesses the Aggie
spirit, is considered a member of
the A. & M. Ex-Student Associa
tion when he leaves school”, declar
ed McQuillen, “and this is true
regardless of the time he spends
The Alumni Secretary went oo
to point out that some confusion
would doubtless develop in connec
tion with what class irregular men
belonged to, but that time would
eventually clear that confusion.
Many of last year’s students, some
of whom attended A. & M. only
a year are now receiving the alumni
paper, The Texas Aggie, and are
otherwise playing their part in the
program of the Ex-Student organi
“Older Alumni hope thousands of
students whose college careers
have been cut short by the war will
return to complete work for their
degree” said the Alumni Secre
tary, “and their Ex-Student Asso
ciation wants to be of every pos
sible assistance to them. In the
meantime the ranks of the organi
zation are open to every A. & M.
man. We have hundreds of loyal,
active members who for one rea
son or another were prevented from
competing their four years or more
at Texas A. & M. The old rule
we have always followed and that
we believe in sincerely is ‘Once
an Aggie, Always an Aggie.”
Election of Member
To State Board of
Trustees on Nov. 5
New Member to Replace
H. L. Mills, Now Member
Of Board of Regents
An election is now being held in
Texas for the nomination and elec
tion of a member to the State
Board of Trustees to replace H. L.
Mills, whose term expires this
year. Because Mr. Mills is now a
member of the Board of Regents
of the Teachers Colleges of Texas,
he will not be a candidate for
The State Teacher’s Retirement
Law provides for the State Board
of Trustees, and requires that it
have six members. The election is
by popular vote of members of the
retirement system, and printed bal
lots are being mailed to school
officials for distribution to teach
ers about Oct. 15. The election
deadline is Nov. 5 this year and
all members are urged to secure
their ballots before the deadline.
These ballots are to be mailed di
rect to the Teachers Retirement
System, Austin, Texas.
The present members of the
Board of Trustees, in addition to
Mills are: Weaver Baker, chair
man State Board of Control, ex-
officio, and chairman of the Board
of Trustees of the Retirement Sys
tem, Austin; 0. P. Lockhart, State
Life Insurance Commissioner, ex-
officio, Austin; G. B. Wilcox, A.
and M. College, College Station;
Quata Woods, Public Schools, Dal
las; and Irvin McCreary, Temple.
To date, three public school men
have consented to allow their names
to be listed as candidates for this
nomination: Superintendent G. M.
Sims of Port Arthur, Superinten
dent A. H. Hughey of El Paso, and
Superintendent S. B. Graham of
These men are earnestly inter
ested in the Texas State Teacher
Retirement System, and their de
cisions and actions will always be
guided by the best interests of the
membership of the system. Every
member is entitled to vote, and
should exercise the privilege. De
posits of the membership now
amount to more than twenty mil
lion dollars.
Battalion Staff Meets
Wednesday At 6:45
Tonight at 6:45 the Battalion
staff will meet in room 5 of the
Administration Building for the
purpose of electing officers for the
present semester’s Press Club.
All Aggie members of the staff
are urged to attend this meeting.
GLAMOUR GIRL—Bidu Sayao of the Metropolitan Opera Company
will appear on Town Hall here October 19. Miss Sayao appears above
in the costume she wears when she sings in the “Barber of Seveille.”
She will present a varied program of operatic arias in her perfor
mance here.
Aggie Orchestra
Reorganizes Under
Student Activities
Formers Members of
Bands Urged to Fill-in
Entry Blank This Week
A war-time Aggieland Orchestra
is in the process of organizing,
according to the Student Activities
office. There was no orchestra
last semester, but a need was dis
covered when the present semes
ter and the football season ar
Members of every sort are need
ed to fill the positions of those
who have been activated or have
not enrolled in school this semes
ter. Men who have played in dance
bands previous to their enrollment
or have otherwise played an in
strument enough to have gained
some experience.
An entry blank will be found at
the bottom of this page, and it is
urged by the Activities Office that
every person who has a tendency
toward this line fill out the blank
and send or take it to the office
sometimes this week. The Student
Activities office is located in room
3 of the Administration building
with 4-5324 as the phone num
Aggie-Exes in ASTP
Sent to East Texas
Twenty-three Aggies are listed
tbe< 200 members cf the
Army Specialized Training Unit
No. 4813, now receiving instruction
at East Texas State Teachers Col
lege at Commerce.
They are as follows: Pvts. Wil
liam Wilson, Sam Williams, Jr.,
Fowler Welch, Richard Swanner,
Joe Sample, William Meacham,
Robert Maclin, James Mcllroy,
James McGowan, Henry Foldberg,
Jr., Harold Kkrtz, Jr., Joe Lang
ston, John Knight, Bill Jarnigin,
Bill Huffman, George Golman. Joe
Foster, Joe Harrell, Jack Elliston,
Jr., Leo Ehlinger, Jr., DSvid Bin
der, George Burt, and Victor Clesi,
Dean GilchristReports
OnTrip to Washington
Dean Gibb Gilchrist, of the
School of Engineering, returned
this week from a trip to Washing
ton, D. C. All Mr. Gilchrist had to
report was: “Don’t travel unless
you have to, It’s crowded and there-
re to many lines to stand in.”
Whiel in Washington Mr. Gil
christ conferred with A. S. T. P.
officials on the A. S. T. P. pro
Famous Soprano, Bidu Sayao/Glamour Girl
Of Metropolitan Opera", To Sing Here
BROOKINGS, S. D.—To do its
part in alleviating the severe short
age of trained help in newspaper
and job printing plants, South Da
kota State College is offering a
wartime service in its printing
and rural journalism department.
Special six-week concentrated
courses in linotype operation, typo
graphy and presswork are being
offered to students who are sent
to the college for the work on re
commendation by publishers of
South Dakota papers. Graduation
from high school is not a require
ment in the wartime printing
Corps Trip!
At presstime Monday after
noon, the Commandant’s office
released a General Order permit
ting students to leave Friday
afternoon after their last cla^s
for the A.&M.-T.C.U, game in
Fort Worth next Saturday. All
students going to the game need
not make out passes as the ab
sence is authorized. Uniform for
the trip is optional, either wool
or khaki. Uniforms must be reg
ulation. Cadets will be back in
time for C-Q. Sunday night.
By David Seligman
The Magazine “Life” calls Bidu
Sayao a “glamor girl of the Met
ropolitan Opera.” The enchanting
soprano will appear here at Guion
Hall on October 19th. The great
maestro, Toscanini, introduced her
to this country in 1936 in the lead
ing feminine role of Debussy’s
“Blessed Damozel.” When she ap
peared as the soloist in this pro
duction at the Metropolitan Opera,
she stirred the critics to high
praise. The singer has starred in
many of the famous operas such
as Mimi of “Boheme,” Rosina of
“Barber of Seville,” and Violetta
of “La Traviata.’’ Town Hall is
indeed privileged to have the dis
tinguished soprano on its program.
Bidu Sayao is a slim, petite,
dark-eyed miss with red-brown
hairtf chicly dressed, and with a
charming manner. Bom of an old
family in Rio de Janeiro, she spent
her early life on their fruit plan
tation, riding horseback and on a
bicycle. As a small girl she was
mad about the theater. Her folks,
believing that rich girls should
have no careers, paid little atten
tion. Miss Sayao began to think
of singing very seriously and on
the sly took lessons from a Mme.
Theodorino. The teacher realized
the potentialities in Bidu and con
vinced the Sayaos of the facts.
Her folks then sent Bidu to Paris
to study under the famous Jean
de Reszke. The master did not con
centrate on the mechanics of voice
culture but more on interpretation.
It is here that the soprano ob
tained some of the unusual oper
atic abilities that she possesses.
Undoubtedly Bidu is one of the
best operatic actresses of all time.
Her movements and emotions set
forth on the stage are not easily
She made her concert debut at
the Municipal Theatre of Rio de
Janeiro. From there Miss Sayao
went to Europe. It is there that
she got most of her valuable ex
perience. She made appearances in
many of the famous stages of
that continent, including the Royal
Theatre of Rome, Milan’s La Sea-
la, Teatro Regio of Turin and the
Paris Opera.
After many brilliant perform
ances in Europe, Bidu Sayao re
turned to her native country to
play at the Teatro Colon. She came
to the United States as a tourist,
anxious to see the sights. It was
during this visit that she met Tos
canini, who recalled having heard
her at an audition at the La Scala
several years before. He immedi
ately sent her home to learn and
rehearse the role in “Blessed Damo
And so she made her debut sing
ing under Toscanini with the New
York Philharmonic-Symphonic Or
chestra. The rest of the story was
inevitable: a Metropolitan Opera
contract, the beginning of a great
concert career.
The beguiling little soprano has
been called by President Vargas
of Brazil “Brazil’s Singing Am
bassador;” and she is an ambas
sador made to order. In her dainty
person she sums up all the sparkle
and charm traditionally associated
with Brazilian women, but in the
fact that she has made a success
ful career Bidu is much closer to
the women of North America.
Everyone she meets is attracted
by her likeable character and per
sonality. Many distinguished per
sons including nobles and presi
dents have been affected by her
enough to make favorable comment
and praise.
Everyone in this vicinity should
see Bidu Sayao’s performance
which will be held by the A. and M.
Town Hall. He will be impressed
by a desire to hear her sing again
and again. Miss Sayao’s person
ality, combined with her abilities
make an attraction which is very
hard to beat.
Confidence Vote Needed To
Put These Men In Office
Corps to Vote Wednesday At The
Newstand To Elect Leaders For Fall
By Monday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, only three students
had handed in their petitions for Yell Leader to The Stu
dent Activities Office. All three are representatives from
each of their respective classes.
Rode, Professor of
Engn’ring, Resigns
To Enter Navy
E. E. Prof. Leaves
After Twenty-One
Years on Staff
Norman F. Rode, Professor of
Electrical Enginereing at A. & M.
College, has been awarded a com-
mission as Lt. Comm, in the Naval
Reserve and ordered to Annapolis,
Maryland, where he will teach in
the United States Naval Academy.
Professor Rode has served on
the College staff since 1922 where
his work has been primarily with
seniors and graduate students. He
has also served as Director of the
College’s Public Utility Short
Courses and conductor of training
conferences for electrical meter-
men in the southwest. During the
last two years, he has been in
charge of war-training classes in
electrical engineering in about
twenty cities of the state.
Prior to joining the College fac
ulty, Professor Rode served as a
marine engineer both with ship
building companies and on active
duty. He holds a license as Chief
Marine Engineer. While on the
College staff, he engaged in a con
siderable amount of consulting
work with leading utility concerns
and on federal projects in the
Southwest. During the summer of
1940, he was employed as a con
sultant on electrical power plant
operation with the principal util
ity in Cuba.
Professor Rode is a member of
Taii Beta Pi and numerous pro
fessional electrical engineer societ
ies. He was recently elected a fel
low in the American Institute of
Electrical Engineers. He is a co
author of two books and author
of several technical articles and
papers, and holds degrees from
Clemson College and A. & M.
Science Club Will
According to Dr. C. C. Doak,
head of the Biology Department,
there will be no local contest in
the United Science Club attempted
during the present semester. Dr.
Doak attributes this fact to the
war, which has interfered with
the regular activities of the club.
However, the program of the
Collegiate Division of the Texas
Academy of Science will be at
tempted as in previous years. For
that reason,, any undergraduate
student of A. & M. who has a hob
by of any scientific subject would
be welcomed as a prospective con
testant from his school.
This year’s meeting of the Tex
as Academy of Science will be in
Austin, Texas, November 11, 12,
and 13. Anyone interested should
notify Dr. Doak, Room 26 of the
Science Hall.
► Voting for the position of Yell
Leader will take place from 12:30
until 5 Wednesday afternoon at
the newsstand at Sbisa Hall. Vot
ing will not be held Wednesday
morning since no member of the
Student Elections will be available
in the morning to take votes. Reg
istration receipts will be presented
in order to vote.
Senior candidates for Yell Lead
er is Arthur Graf. Jack Knox and
Hayes Stripling, present Yell Lead
ers, are the only candidates from
their respective classes. Their
names will remain on the ballot
though, for a vote of confidence.
The arrangement for this semes
ter’s election was made in compli
ance with the Corps wish that a
representative come from every
class for this position.
TSCW Enrolls 114
Studentsln Summer
Session At Saltillo
DENTON, Texas—One hundred
and fourteen students attended the
1943 session of Texas State College
for Women’s Summer School in
Saltillo, Mexico. Eighty-eight of
the students were from Texas
while 13 other states were repre
Courses included a laboratory
workshop for teachers of Spanish
in the elementary grades, Mexican
civilization, Spanish conversation
and Mexican literature.
But all was not work at the
Saltillo session. Entertainment was
varied and included a picnic at a
high mountain pass, a charro fes
tival on a large Mexican ranch,
swimming in mountain pools and
excursions to neighboring cities,
factories and artists’ homes.
Fortune Issues Needed
The Texas Engineers Library
have released the dates of issues
of Fortune magazine which are
needed to complete the files of
their library. Anyone having any
of the following issues of this
publication, are asked to contact
the Texas Engineers Library by
calling 4-1147.
1933— Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr.,
May, June, Aug., Sept., Oct., Dec.
1934— May
1935— Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr.,
May, June, Ang., Oct.
1936— February
1937— April, October
1938— Mar., Apr., July, Ang.
Sept., OcL, Dec.
1939— Mar., May, Aug., Sept.,
Oct., Dec.
1940— Whole year needed.
1941— Feb., Mar., June, Aug.,
1942— Feb., Mar., May, June,
July, Aug., Sept., Oct„ Nov.,
Campus Address
Instrument Played
What Part?
Can Improvise?
What Experience?