The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 02, 1943, Image 1

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    Come On Army, Let’s Go See Those Aggies Win Today!
Activated Class Of ’45 Returns To ASTI) On Campus
Juniors Meet and Elect
Officers For New Semester
Sumner Hunter Is President; Matter of
Rings, Uniform, Corps Trip Discussed
By Ben Fortson
Wednesday night at the first meeting of the junior
class the officers were elected. After this election a general
discussion of problems faced during the coming semester
was held.
The officers elected were C. "♦ —
Sumner Hunter', President; Bill r* n/f * A *
Free Movies Again
To Be Shown At
Assembly Hall
Terrell, Vice-President, Ben Fort-
son, Secretary; George Dickie,
Treasurer; and Harold Borofsky,
Historian. These electees took of
fice immediately.
During the following discussion,
the question of who was to wear
the official junior uniform of
serge was brought up. It was
decided that only those juniors
who are classified on the campus
or academically (provided they
have been here at least one semes
ter) could wear the serge. All
others caught wearing this junior
uniform will be duly dealth with.
This uniform includes the serge
Another question decided upon
was that of wearing of the senior
rings. It has always been the
tradition that only seniors could
wear this much coveted ring in the
past and this tradition is not go
ing to be broken by the present
junior class. Those juniors who
are classified academically, how
ever, may order their rings but
cannot wear them on or off the
campus until they become seniors.
(See ACTIVATED, Page 4)
Newcomer’s Club
Meets Next Week
The Newcomer’s Club opens its
season next Wednesday, October
6 with a tea at the home of Mrs.
H. A. Thomas at 205 Lee Street in
Oakwood at 2:30 o’clock.
The Newcomers’ is a branch of
the college Social Club. All wives,
mothers, and daughters of men em
ployed by the A. & M. College, wo
men of the Experiment Station,
Forest Service, Extension staffs,
and wives of men formerly employ
ed by the college are active mem
bers of the club for the first two
years of their local residence.
Officers for the year are: Pres
ident, Mrs. L. D. Boone; vice-pres-
dent, Mrs. C. A. Robinson; and se
cretary-treasurer, Mrs. D. D. Alex
andre. Mesdames E. H. Templin
and G. D. Hallmark will be joint-
hostesses with Mrs. Thomas.
All eligible women are cordially
invited to attend the tea next Wed
nesday and to affiliate themselves
with the group.
Pre-Med Students
Sign Up For Exams
All pre-medical students who
have not taken -the Medical Apti
tude Test previously will do so on
Friday, November 5, 1943, at 2
P. M., in the Science Building.
The date for this test has been
changed from October 29 as pre
viously announced.
The test is prequisite for en
trance into Medical School. In
order to determine how many forms
will be necessary for the test, it is
requested that each pre-medical
student, who expects to take the
test, sign his name on the sheet
entitled “Pre-medical Aptitude
Test” posted near the door of
Room 13, in the Science Building.
This must be done before next
Saturday, October 5, as the order
for the test has to be sent in by
this date.
Library Resumes
Showing Of OWI
Films on Sunday
The showing of free war movies
will be resumed Sunday afternoon
at the Assembly Hall at four
The movie to be shown tomorrow
is DIVIDE and CONQUER, the
third film in the WHY WE FIGHT
SERIES. These movies are put out
by the Office of War Information.
zi techniques of spreading hate
and fear, distrust and confusion
are shown. The film shows how
Hitler used all the devices of
propoganda and espionage to de
stroy the morale of the French
people; starting rumors of weak
nesses and graft in the French
government, setting race and class
against class, spreading the myth
of invincibility of the German
army, preaching that only Hitler
would bring peace to Europe, en
couraging defeatism and passivity
among French people. Through ra
dio broadcasts, paid German a-
gents, and fifth columnists, Hitler
used the weapons of propaganda
—words—to pave the way for
Jjombs and shells and the Nazi
The Nazis did not stop with the
subjugation of France. They are
(See MOVIES, Page 4)
"The Spirit of Aggieland”
Some may boast of prowess bold,
Of the school they thing so grand,
But there’s a spirit that can ne’er be told
It’s the spirit of Aggieland.
We are the Aggies—the Aggies are we,
True to each other as Aggies can be.
We’ve got to FIGHT boys,
We’ve got to FIGHT!
We’ve got to fight for Maroon and White.
After they’ve boosted all the rest,
They will come and join the best.
For we are the Aggies—the Aggies are we.
We’re from Texas A. M. C.
T-E-X-A-S, A-G-G-I-E-S,
Fight, Fight, Fight—fight! fight!
Fight! Maroon! White — white - white!
A-G-G-I-E, Texas! Texas A-M-C
Gig ’em Aggies! 1! 2! 3!
Farmers fight! Farmers fight!
Fight - fight - fight
Fight - fight - fight - fight - fight
Farmers, farmers, fight!
(Editor’s note: Upon request of members of the Cadet Corps, the Battalion is
herewith printing the yells and songs so that the freshmen may learn them before the
football games. Two yells will be printed each day following today’s issue while only
one song will be printed each day. After all of the Aggie yells are printed, there will
be no reason for most of the old Aggie spirit to return; that is, if the freshmen try to
yell as a real Aggie should.)
Largest Number Arrived
Here Thursday Morning
Nearly 400 of Campus Seniors Come Back
For Military Refresher Before O. C. S.
Approximately 400 activated Aggie Juniors (now Sen
iors) have reported back to Aggieland for academic work
while waiting for vacancies in Officer Candidate Schools.
Yesterday morning 106 Aggies came in from Fort Sill,
♦- Oklahoma to meet six who had ar
rived earlier. Cavalry, Infantry,
College Station
Artist To Portray
Reveille In Oil
Picture May Be
Ready In Time For
Game With Texas
Miss Marie Hanes of South Col
lege Park in College Station, a
prominent Texas artist, has been
selected by the General Reveille
committee to paint th portrait of
Reveille, recently commissioned a
4-Star General in the K-9 corps
of the WACs division of Dogs for
•Miss Hanes has specialized in
portraits and has painted the por-
(See COLLEGE, Page 3)
Batt Subscribers
The Student Activities office
reports that some 300 Aggies
paid their student activities fees,
but have not reported to that of
fice for the purpose of giving
their names so that they might
get their Battalion. Those who
have paid their fees and are en
titled to the Battalion must fill
out the subscriber’s forms in
order to have the paper deliver
ed to their room. Only those who
have filed these cards out cor
rectly will get a paper, and af
ter today, no free Battalion will
be given to any person. Begin
ning with Tuesday’s issue, the
delivery to the room will begin.
Eight Juniors Leave
To Choose Beauty
For T. C. U. Game
Plans For Junior
Prom at T. S. C. W.
May Be Made
On Tuesday, Oct. 5, eight Jun
iors will leave for T. S. C. W. to
choose an Aggie Sweetheart for
the coming T. C. U. game in Fort
Worth on Oct. 16. The girl candi
dates for the honor are to be se
lected and it’s now up to the repre
sentatives of the Junior class
to pick the sweetheart. Five of the
Juniors are class officers and the
other three were selected to make
(See JUNIORS, Page 3)
Aggie Team Leaves
Friday Morning
To Play Texas Tech
Team In Good Shape
To Play in San
Antonio Tonight
The bulk of the Aggie squad of
35 men who will be at the Texas
Tech game left yesterday morning
on busses, it was announced today
by the athletic department. Most
of the boys went on the special bus
and those that could not, took the
late regular bus. At the departure
the boys seemed in high spirits
and in excellent condition, said
Coach Norton, and the Aggies’
prospects for the game are quite
Upon arrival at San Antonio
the Cadets will probably proceed
to their hotel, leaving for Alamo
Stadium about six o’clock, in order
to arrive there about an hour be
fore game time. The officials of
the city of San Antonio have ex
tended a hearty welcome to the
Cadet team and to all members
of the corps who will be in atten
dance at the game, and a gala
time should be had by all *
Bicycles Located
At Ross Hall
Bicycles that were left on the
campus over the holidays were
collected by the College police, and
information concerning any missing
bicycle may'*' be obtained by in
quiring at the Guard Room at the
Commandant’s office.
ASTU Lieutenant Went Through Hell On
New Guinea And Was Awarded For Valour
By Len Sutton, ASTU
The Japanese invader had
stormed New Guinea with very
little cost and sacrifice and conse
quently resold the ravaged land
at “top ceiling prices to the Ame
rican forces,” remarked 2nd Lt.
Phillip K. Daniels of the 5th Stu
dent Training Company.
A recent victim of the island’s
brush struggles and a newly-ar
rived addition to the ASTU, Lt.
Daniels characterized the sojourn
of troops at Buna Mission, Port
Moresby, and the Owen Stanley
Mountains as being the bloodiest
and most nerve-wrecking of the
entire world conflict.
Typical of the struggle was the
problem facing a task force re
quired to recover Buna Mission—
a strategic area where mission
aries some years before had at
tempted to convert the native vil
lagers. The Japanese, Daniels ex
plained, had supposedly withdrawn
two days earlier. “When we arrived
at the clearing fronting the vil
lage,” he continued, “we wallowed
in three inches of mud and after
glancing about, saw that no life
“Twenty men were immediately
dispatched to rush the clairing.
Several shots rang out. Every at
tacking soldier fell dead. For eleven
hours the American troops con
tinued sending twenty men across
the quarter mile stretch. Every
man fell a casualty.
“While occupied with the mad
dening problem of crossing the
mud, the troops had been encircled
by four hundred wily Japanese
who had come up from the rear
and consequently endangered the
entire American force. The only
plan left was to retreat, smash
their way through the encircle
ment, and save the remnants of
their force.
“The brilliant rearguard action
of several groups permitted the
larger portion of the troops to es
cape and while throttling the ene
my to the north allowed a picked
force of Australians to capture
Buna from the west and to climax
a death-rending struggle against
a numericaaly superior opponent.”
Lt. Daniels—then staff ser
geant—had during the rearguard
action, become cut off and squel
ched into a pocket opposed on two
sides. With the officer personnel
gone, 1st Sergeant Huglett and he
divided into two groups the 179
remaining men.
Attacking from both sides the
troops stormed their way through
to apparent safety. Having lost
eighty men in their attempt to
crack the enemy lines, they met
another skirmishing patrol and af
ter twelve hours of bitter hand-to-
hand fighting returned to their
former lines with only thirty-five
For this valiant struggle and
direction, Lt. Daniels was awrded
the American Silver Star.
To the query of the type of
fighting on the island, Lt. Da
niels explained that almost all of
the struggle was carried on with
the bayonet and short knife—range
was slight and especially diffi
cult with it being almost impos
sible to catch a glimpse of camou-
flauged snipers.
Some time after his escape, Da
niels had been sent out with a pa
trol to search for a supply unit
scheduled to have arrived three
days earlier. While walking down
a narrow trail, the men were sud
denly fired upon by a hidden sniper
whose presence could be deter
mined only by a faint curl of rifle
smoke seeping from the leaves of
a swaying tree.
In charge of the patrol, Daniels
directed five minutes of fire into
the tree. He rose for five or six
seconds and as another shot rang
out, slumped to the ground. His
patrol continued to fire into the
leaves. A rifle fell—the sniper
pitched to the ground.
Only when he had straightened
up had he realized that he had
been hit. Ripping his blood-soaked
shirt away, he noticed that he had
been shot from the front—the bul
let passed through his side and
out his back. “The hole,” he josh
ed, “looked like a tiny mosquito
The patrol carried Daniels 3%
miles to his base whereupon he
was sent to the Post Moresby evac
uation hospital and then return
ed to Walter Reed hospital in
Washington, D. C. Lt Daniels was,
then awarded the Order of the
Purple Heart.
Released from Walter Reed, Dan
iels received his commission at
Fort Benning, Georgia. He im
mediately joined the paratroopers
unit in which he subsequently be
came injured. He consequently ar
rived at ASTU No. 3800 at Texas
A. & M. College.
Men on other fronts and espec
ially the civilian populance, he
explained, do riot realize the sort
of hell-raising fight the New
Guenia troops underwent. No place
gained was considered in terms of
miles—one hundred yards in a
day’s adavnce was termed % out
standing. Little hills, valleys, and
short muddy stretches were the
objectives of a day’s fighting.
The living motto of the grimy,
unshaven, slime-covered men is
that “if we’re not killed today, we
ought to be tomorrow, and if we’re
not—we’re sure as hell going to die
the day after.”
Man for man, he expanded, I
believe the American soldier can
whip the best of the Japanese un
der the same conditions. As long
as the Nipponese have lost their
art of camouflage and trickery
they will have met their match.
The Japanese officer is clever, well
trained, and as long as he is in
charge—there will be prisoners to
be taken.
Brightening, he offered that
credit 4>e given to the underrated
medicos—“They saved every man
who had the slightest living chance
and were there through all the hell
taking the same beating as we.”
Lt. Daniels’ father, a Major in
the Marine Reserve, was killed De
cember 14, 1941 in the Philippine
1st Lt. Francis X. Daniels, AC,
his brother, died in New Guinea
November 28, 1942.
and Signal Corps activated juniors
numbering 100 are already station
ed here. These men were trans
ferred from Camp Roberts, Cali
fornia. *
The Coast Artillery Unit is re
presented by 94 men who were
sent from Cariip McQuade, Cali
fornia. Orlnance seniors from
Aberdeen’s Proving Grounds, Ma
ryland, number 16. Fort Knox
Armored Replacement Training
Center transferred 27 Aggies who
are now enlisted in the Armored
Other activated Aggies hail
from Fort Ritz, Kansas, and North
Camp Hood, Texas. Early in Sep
tember about 30 Quartermaster
seniors reported from Fort Fran
cis E. Warren, Wyoming.
Other Aggies on the way are
45 Signal Corps representatives
who are being sent from Camp
Kohler, California. The reunited
Aggies are now living mainly in
Bizzell and Mitchell Halls.
The object of this movement is
to return these Aggies to A. &M.
in order that they may pursue
their regular academic course with
special emphasis on military sci
ence. They will not be able to par
ticipate in athletics as they must
stand ready for replacement in O.
C. S.
The more recent arrivals are on
furlough until midnight, October
16, when they must report back
to Aggieland.
Piano Contest At
Assembly Hall
The Saturday Service Show will
hold a piano jive and jam session
Saturday evening at 6:00 o’clock in
the Assembly Hall. The object is
to choose the best boogie-woogie
piano player on the campus.
No formal application will be
required to enter the contest, and
those interested are urged to see
Richard Jenkins, director of the
show, before the session starts. A
$5.00 prize award will be present
ed the winner.
All boogie-woogie enthusiasts
are urged to attend.
Last Service
Dance Tonight
An All-Service Dance will be
held in the Grove this Saturday
night from 8:30 until 11:30.
This will probably be the last
Saturday night Service Dance to
be held in the Grove this season
due to the chilly nights.
Music wil be furnished by the
juke box. All servicemen are in
vited to bring their wives and
No, it’s not a graveyard for vic
tims of the new regeime, or a new
Bull’s office, and Hotard isn’t turn
ing in into a Victory Garden. Our
snooping reporter found out that
the plowed field behind Walton is
to be used for^planting grass.