The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 29, 1942, Image 1

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B B # mm mB
DIAL 4-5444
JH Jl ms Jf ms l m mf
DIAL 4-5444
Portion of ERG Will Be Called Early in February
Social Secy
Position Won
By Brauchle
Junior Yell Leader
Election Date Is
Still Not Settled
Rodney Brauchle, C Battery
Field Artillery, won over Bob Par
ker 179 to 49 in the run-off for
Social Secretary held December 17
in the rotunda of the Academic
Brauchle, Parker, and Darr
were the nominees in the first
election, but Darr was disqualified
in the initial election held Tuesday
before the holidays.
The eleceion for the Junior Yell
Leaders has not been held as yqt,
but will probably be in the near
future. Johnny Zummo and Louis
Buck have been disqualified in the
race for Junior Yell Leader, leav
ing Joe Pettit, Don Kuykendall,
and Gordon Brin running for posi
tion of Junior Yell Leader.
The data of the next election
has not been definitely set, but
it will probably be early next
week, either Monday, Tuesday, or
Wednesday, stated Gus Link, sec
retary of the Student Elections
Committee. Link went on to stay
that nothing definite has been
planned about the Junior Yell Lead
er election, but it is possible that
the election will be reopened.
Navy V-l Program
To Enlist Aggies
Naval recruiting officers will be
on the campus Wednesday January
6 to enlist seventeen year old stu
dents who wish to join the Navy
V-l program, according to F. C.
Bolton, dean of the college.
Those students who wish to en
list at that time should have their
papers completely filled out before
the arrival of the enlisting offi
cers. Special mention was made
by Bolton of the fact that parental
consent in writing, must be wit
nessed by a notary public before
the signature will be valid.
The time and the place where
the enlistment procedings will take
place will be announced at a later
date, stated Bolton.
Jack Baird To Issue
Extra Senior Favors
All seniors who desire to obtain
extra favors for the Senior Ring
Dance may get these by getting
in contact with Jack Baird, 43
Mitchell, and signing up for them
as early as possible.
The favors this year will be a
miniature crest of the Senior Ring.
There is only a limited number of
these extra favors, and when the
extra supply is exhausted, no more
favors will be available.
Dummy Guns For Camouflage Practice
Shown here are three dummy guns made
by the M. E. shops under the supervision
of D. W. Fleming and C. H. Groneman
for E. J. Urbanovsky’s course in camou
flage, Land. 405.
In the upper left is seen the similated
75 mm. howitzer and in the other two
photos are shown 3-inch anti-aircraft guns.
Fleming is shown in the upper right direct
ing students who are assembling the gun.
They will be used to demonstrate camou
flage practices and principles used in con
cealing big guns and other equipment.
All Reservists Allowed To
Complete Present Semester
Contract Juniors Not Taking Approved
Courses Called At End of This Semester
By Tom Journeay
Future of A. & M. cadets, especially those in the ranks
of the Enlisted Reserve Corps, has been set forth in a bulle
tin released Saturday, December 19, jointly by the President
and Dean of the College, and further clarified by Dean F.
C. Bolton and Lieutenant Colonel L. W. Marshall yesterday.
All freshmen and sophomores in the ERC, and all jun
iors not taking approved engineering or pre-medical or vet
erinary courses in the ERC, will be called to active duty
shortly after the completion of the current semester (prob
ably early in February).
-f Juniors in the ERC taking en-
Promotions From
War Dept Received
For Instructors
Alexander, Home, Lemer,
Davis, Hanks, and Breland
Receive Promotions in Rank
Official orders from the War
Department received by the ad
jutant’s office the past week con
tained promotions for six pro
fessors of military science and
tactics stationed at A.&M.
They are Major D. D. Alexan
der, Ordnance senior instructor,
promoted to Lieutenant Colonel;
Major 0. P. Home, Chemical War
fare Service senior instructor, pro
moted to Lieutenant Colonel; Cap
tain Gerald P. Lerner, Signal
Corps senior instructor, promoted
to Major; Captain Joe E. Davis,
assistant commandant, promoted
to Major; Captain Lester Hanks,
Quartermaster senior instructor,
promoted to Major; and Captain J.
E. Breland, Coast Artillery, pro
moted to Major.
Senior Reception
To Be Held Jan 4
At Prexy’s Home
Dr. and Mrs. T. O. Walton will
hold the annual Senior Reception
next Monday night, January 4 in
the yard of their home here on
the campus.
Invitations for the reception are
extended to all members of the
Senior class, and it is hoped that
every senior will attend this an
nual function given
dent and his wife.
Agronomy Society To
Hold Dance January 1
The Agronomy Society will have
a dance Friday night, January 1,
1943 at Cashion Cabin. Festivities
will begin at 9 p.m. and all mem
bers are cordially invited, and
everyone is asked to bring a date.
Refreshments will be served to
all those present, and it is hoped
that all the members of the society
will be on hand, as this is the last
social get-together for the current
Civil Service Exams
Given January 30
Competitive examinations for
the positions of field worker, steno
grapher, and junior stenographer
with the state department of public
welfare will be given at College
Station, January 30 according to
an announcement by Dr. Daniel
Russell of the Rural Sociology de
Seniors who pass this examina
tion and go into the armed service
will have their names kept on the
active roster until they are releas
ed from military service.
Production Specialists Needed By
War Production Board Administrators
Vernon Glispin in
Naval Air Pre-Flight
Vernon Lee Glispin of Houston
has been selected for training as
Naval Aviation Cadet and will
be ordered to active duty shortly.
For the last 1% years he has
been studying petroleum engineer
ing at A.&M. College.
Today the United States Civil
Service Commission began a na
tion-wide search for the produc
tion specialists who will admin
ister War Production Board’s new
Controlled Materials Plan.
The Controlled Materials Plan,
designed to balance essential in
dustrial production against avail-
by the presi- able stockpiles of critical mater
ials, will go into operation in 1943.
Many hundreds of Production
and Materials Control Specialists
must be recruited,” the Commis
sion states, “for one of the biggest
of home front jobs. All available
men whose experience demon
strates their ability to coordinate
and schedule industrial production
in certain fields are being called
upon to make their services avail
able whenever possible.”
Urgently sought right now are
persons with industrial or en
gineering experience in the fields
of copper, aluminum, carbon steel,
and alloy steel. Also highly im
portant to this program are those
with such experience in (1) ma
chine tool and machinery produc
tion; (2) electrical and communi-
tions equipment; (3) transporta
tion equipment, such as aircraft,
ships, and railroad motive power,
and rolling stock; (4) engineering
materials such as plastics, rubber,
and construction materials.
Under the plan, these persons
will be appointed to - WPB, War,
Navy and other war agencies to
assist in the allotment of critical
materials going into military and
essential civilian supplies and
Orders for Old Style
Rings End January 1
Last orders for “old style” rings
will leave the Registrar’s office
on Friday, Jan. 1, 1943, according
to an announcement made by H.
L. Heaton, registrar. After Jan
uary 1, 1943, all rings will be of
the “new style.”
Heaton stated that all students
wanting the “old style” ring must
get their orders in before Friday,
5 p.m., January 1, 1943.
Galveston A&M Club
To Hold Meet Tonight
There will be a meeting of the
Galveston Club tonight in Room
205 Academic building. All money
and tickets still out from the
Christmas dance will be collected
at this time. It is very important
that this money be in immediately
as Federal tax must be paid. The
financial report of the dance will
be given at this meeting.
Eight Ags Selected
For Naval Air Corps
Naval Aviation Cadet Selection
Board at Dallas, Texas, has an
nounced that G’. D. Wright, Ed
ward Leslie Sanders, J. M. Flynt,
Henry R. Sandler, J. F. Wagen-
hauser, Jr., B. G. Yarbrough, T.
L. Erwin and John Herman Goad,
all students of A. and M. College,
have been selected for training as
Naval Aviation cadets and will be
ordered to active duty shortly.
When ordered to active duty,
those students will report to the
U. S. Navy Pre-Flight School,
University of Georgia, Athens,
Georgia, for three months of physi
cal conditioning, instruction in
naval essentials, military drill, and
ground school subjects. After
completing this course, they will
be sent to one of the Navy’s num
erous reserve bases for primary
flight training.
These Elected Students Will Lead Corps During Coming .Year
Shown below are the five stu
dent leaders already elected to
serve during the coming spring
and summer semesters of 1943,
providing the army does not call
next year’s seniors out before
their graduation in September.
Yet to be elected are the two
junior yell leaders. Joe Pettit,
Dan Kuykendall, and Gorden
Brin are the candidates after
Johnny Zummo and Louis Buck
were disqualified for using in
decent language at their yell
practice presentation.
Shown below, from left to
right are: John Lindsey, Town
Hall manager; John Holman,
Battalion editor; Marvin McMil
lan, Longhorn editor; Rodney
Brauchle, social secretary of the
Senior Class (’44); and Joe Dan
Longley, Junior Representative
on the Student Activities Com
These men will take office
when the new semester begins
on February 1.
Junior yell leaders will be
elected sometime early next
week, according to Gus Link,
secretary of the election com
mittee, but definite plans have
not yet been made.
John Lindsey
John Holman
Marvin McMillan
Rodney Brauchle
Joe Dan Longley
gineering, pre-medical, or veterin
ary courses will be called to duty
after the completion of the next
semester (probably in June).
Seniors Called As Usual
Seniors in military science will
be called to active duty upon
graduation and sent to their re
spective branch schools for further
training, and commissioned upon
successful completion of their
No students in the ERC, and
this statement was emphasized by
Colonel Welty, Lieutenant Colonel
Marshall, and Dean Bolton, yester
day, will be called before the com
pletion of this semester.
This statement was issued on
the basis of the information now
on hand as released through of
ficial War Department sources,
and definitely advises cadets to
stay in school and complete with
the best grade possible the cours
es they are now signed up with,
since grades will in all probability
be one of the factors taken into
consideration in selecting reser
vists for further training.
“It is a certainty, in my way
of reasoning,” declared lieuten
ant Colonel Marshall, “that those
who accepted the government’s re
quest to join the ERC will be given
a chance to work for a Commission
just as if they had stayed here
to complete their advanced course.
I believe that many or possible
all reservists will be assigned here
for the completion of their train
ing at government expense.”
Definite Dates Announced
This Week
The War Department has issued
definite information that within a
few days they will release dates
and other statistics on when en
listed reservists will be taken in
the army to complete their mili
tary training.
“Until that time, we can only
surmise what the context of the
announcements will be, but of this
we may be sure,” stated Bolton,
“every bit of education a student
may get here, will certainly bene
fit him in whatever way he is
called to serve his country.”
Specialized training plans do not
include students in the Army Air
Corps reserve, Bolton stated. Those
reservists will be called when the
army sees fit at the discretion of
the air corps and not until immed
iate assignment can be made.
No Definite Date For Navy
Reserve Calling
No definite statement has been
made concerning the date naval
reservists will be called, however,
they will be called in the future.
Those in V-l or V-7 who make
satisfactory progress and pass the
necessary tests will be allowed to
complete a total length of time
ranging from eight semesters for
engineering students and others
in their senior year to six semes
ters for freshmen or students to
enter in January, 1943.
V-5 reservists will be subject to
call around the first of February.
May Be Assigned Here
Army enlisted reservists will un
dergo a period of basic military
training in the army after being
called and then will be eligible for
further technical training in col
lege (possibly here at A. & M.)
or for further military training.
No statement has been made with
regard to whether the two year
ROTC basic course could be used
to supplant the “basic military
training period in the army” men
tioned in the plan outlined by
Walton and Bolton on December
After the specialized training
(See ERC on Page 4)