Page 4 THE BATTALION ■SATURDAY MORNING, OCT. 3, 1942 Official Notices Classified SPECIAL RATES to students only: Life, $3.60; Time, $3.50; Fortune, $6.00; Es quire, $3.33 for 8 mo. Subscribe now thru either Dail Hammons, Box 4265, or Phil Bible, Box 5081. Edgerton Shoes are ON THE MARCH A big favorite with col lege men everywhere, this Edgerton buckle shoe is marching to great heights in popularity. Come in and try on a pair. Nunn-Bush Shoes - - $10 Edgerton Shoes - $6 to $7.95 Fortune Shoes - - - - $4.95 fllaldropaff ‘Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan FOR SALE: Bargain in 1940 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe. Excellent condition. Good tires. Will take small trade-in. Call 2-7859 after 5 p.m. DON’T TAKE CHANCES on your food these days. You can get your meals fam ily style at Perrittes Dining Room. Make your plans now. Phone 4-8794. LOST—Green Shaffer Lifetime fountain pen. Loaned to a frog in the Command ant’s office Friday, Sept. 25. Please return to room 6, P. G. Hall. LOST—Pearsall High School class ring of ’41 with initials “R. J. A.” Lost on or near football practice field. For reward return to room 306, Dorm. 9. Announcements American Lutheran Congregation Y.M.C.A. Chapel. Campus Kurt Hartmann, Pastor Please notice the change of the time for our Sunday School and services. Sunday School with Bible Class, 10:15. Divine service at 11:30. You are welcome. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST R. B. Sweet, Minister Sunday: 9:45 a.m., the Bible classes; 10:45, morning worship; 8 p.m., even ing worship. Tuesday: 10:00 a.m.. Ladies Bible Class. Wednesday: 8 p.m., the Prayer Meeting. You are invited to attend all these ser vices. You will be most welcome. EX 4-H CLUB MEETING—All boys who were 4-H Club members before en tering school, are invited to attend the Ex 4-H Club meeting to be held Mon day night, October 5. after yell prac tice, in room 132 A.&I. building. Cigars will be served. FISH AND GAME CLUB—There will be a regular meeting of the Fish and Game Club Monday night, October 5, at 8:30 P. M. in Room 115 of the A. I. Building. All old members please be there as there are important matters to be discussed. New boys interested in the club are also invited ot come. THE CAMPUS STUDY CLUB will give a tea in honor of the president and of ficers, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Y.M.C.A. parlors. H1LLEL CLUB—The A. & M. Hillel Club will open the fall term with a smok er at the Lounge Room of the Old Mess Hall on Sunday, October 4, at 7:46 p.m. This get-together is intended especially as a reception for the freshmen. Old and new members are urged to attend. Executive Offices Effective immediately all cadets will remove their hats when entering the Mess Hall. Hats will be replaced at the door when leaving the Mess Hall. By order of Colonel Welty. Joe E. Davis, Capta n, Infantry, Assistant Commandant. PRE-MEDICAL STUDENTS—The Spe cial Medical aptitude test, given for those students who have not taken such test and who expect to apply for admission lo Medical school during 1943, will be held in Room 14, Science Building, on Satur day, October 3rd, at 1 p.m. The fee will be collected at that time. Church Notices FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH in Bryan Wm. H. Andrew, Pastor Sunday School—9 :46 a.m. Morning Worship—10:50 a.m. Evening Worship—6 :30 p.m. Baptist Training Union—7 :30 p.m. Free Bus Tokens for each service. ST. THOMAS CHAPEL (Episcopal) Rev. Roscoe Hauser, Jr., Chaplain 9 :30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 10:15 a.m.—Church School. Coffee Club and Bible Class. 11:30 a.m.—Holy Communion and ser mon. 4:30 p.m.—Opening Fall Reception at the Chapel. 8 :00 p.m.—Canterbury Club. The circles of the College Presbyterian NOTICE! You had better get your captain’s watch be fore it is too late—watches are very few and far between. We now have a nice selection of Hamiltons, El- gins, and Gruens. See us before you buy that engagement ring. We can save you money on diamonds. Aggie Jewelry of all kinds. CALDWELL’S JEWELRY STORE Bryan THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH in Bryan WM. H. ANDREW, Pastor Cordially invites all Aggies, new and old, to the Aggie Bible Class Dr. John Quisenberry, Teacher FREE BUS TO THE CHURCH AT 9:20 A. M. AT BOTH Y.M.C.A.’s Morning Worship, 10:50 A. M. — Evening Worship, 6:30 P. M. —RIFLE TEAM— (Continued From Page 3) box on the west side of the ro tunda of the Academic Building not later than noon today. All new members must com plete a one-week theory course in the principles of pistol markman- ship which will also begin at the armory Monday. These classes will be arranged from the schedules which are turned in. A schedule of the instruction periods will be posted on the pistol team bulletin board adjacent to the box in the Academic Building. Elimination of ne wmembers will begin Monday, October 12. Difficulty is expected in ar ranging matches with other schools since most schools do not begin their pistol season until February. Due to this drawback it is expect ed that a large number of matches will be fired by mail. Cook expects that a number of shoulder-to- shoulder matches will be fired with pistol teams of the police forces of San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Houston, and other Texas cities. —HISTORY— (Continued from Page 3) Statistics for 1941-42 showed A. & M. to have the largest intra-- mural program of any college in the country. A regular staff for the depart ment was not organized until 1936 and before that time Penberthy ran the program with only the aid of part-time student assistants. At the present time the saff of the Intramural and P. E. departments consists of five regular faculty members and a large number of students who have charge of the various sports. —INTRAMURALS— (Continued From Page 3) ed. Due to the strictness of this rule an extra amount of time' is being allowed for the oficerS to submit their entry cards. Freshmen, frogs, and others taking Intramural for Phyiscal Ed ucation credit must be registered for P. E. 102, section 508, in order to receive credit for their par ticipation. Men who have not re gistered in the prescribed manner could do so at once through their respective deans. Scheduling for the current intra mural session will begin as soon as the entry cards are received and it is expected that actual playing will start early in the week begin ning Monday, October 12. —KYLE FIELD— (Continued From Page 3) Phillips, husky guard, looks good in that line. . .Pappy goes on to say that there are quite a number of newcomers that are looking good. . . From what I’ve observed Center Jim Pressley, Guards Hans Neumann and George Strohmeyer have done rather well although the moaning Pappy Wesson might dis agree. . . Only a coach for two weeks, Wesson is already acting like a typical mentor—always pes simistic. . . Church will meet in the following homes: Circle I meets at 5 p.m. with Mrs. Garland Brown. Mrs. E. L. Williams is to be the leader. Circle II meets at 4 p.m. with Mrs. I. G. Adams. Mrs. C. B. Campbell w ; )l lead the program. Circle III meets at 8:15 p.m. with Mrs. W. H. Badgett. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST R. B. Sweet, Minister Sunday: 9:45 a.m. the Bible Classes; 10:45 a.m., the worship service; 8 p.m., the evening worship. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., prayer meeting. You are invited to attend all these services. You will be most welcome. AMERICAN LUTHERAN CONGREGATION Y. M. C. A. Chapel, Campus Kurt Hartmann, Pastor Beginning Sunday, September 6, we will have our regular services in the Y. M. C. A. chapel, at 10:46 in the morning. Sunday School with Bible class begins at 9:80 a. m. You are welcome. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH College Station Rev. R. L. Brown, Pastor Oran D. Jones, Baptist Student President Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.—Prof W. S. Manning, Superintendent. Morning Worship Service, 10:60 a.m.— The pastor will preach on the subject: “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” Training Union, 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Service, 8:00 p.m. —DISTRACTIONS— (Continued on page 2) to the police. The main thing that is uncovered is that Mida was a female Midas, she worshipped money. Detective Van Heflin sug gests crime be reenacted and the unsuspected killer turns out to be— Have fun guessing—we’re not telling. The Lowdown:—as usual, it’s the least suspicious suspect. “LADY IN A JAM” portrays Irene Dunn in the part of the lady with Patric Knowles and Ralph Bellamy in supporting roles. It’s a wacky, lunatickish show that ap proaches absurdity. Unless you can laugh the whole thing off as just one of those things, you’ve no business seeing this one. Irene Dunn is an extravagant, slightly “teched in the haid”, heiress who is facing bankruptcy. A psychiatrist, Patric Knowles, ad vises her to go West to Arizona. There she gets mixed up in a phony gold mine and a phony cow boy, Ralph Bellamy, and also falls in love with her doctor. She finds a new fortune when the land turns out to be rich in quicksilver. The Lowdown:—if you see this one, don’t say we sent you! —WILLIAMSON— (Continued from page 3) Arizona U. 86.1 Utah 84.7 Army Boston College Columbia U. — Lafayette W. Virginia U. 85.0 — 87.2 86.6 Maine Cornell U. 88.8 Colgate 92.2 Dartmouth 86.1 Miami (Ohio) — Harvard U. * Holy Cross 86.6 Pennsylvania 91.0 89.4 Duquesne Butler 87.0 Illinois 93.2 76.2 Iowa U. Michigan 95.4 Great Lakes 90.0 95.8 Mich. State — Minnesota 99.8 Iowa N. Cadets 97.8 Missouri 96.2 Colorado 89.2 Navy Nebraska 86.0 81.0 Virginia Iowa State 81.2 87.3 Northwestern 91.9 Texas U. 99.6 N. Carolina U 88.8 , South Carolina 87.0 Notre Dame 92.1 ^Georgia Tech 93.0 N. C. Preflight 89.7 Ca. Preflight 94.0 Ohio State Ohio U. 92.5 Indiana Akron 93.1 67.7 Oregon State Pittsburg Princeton 91.0 California 92.0 86.0 86.6 S. M. U. Williams Santa Clara 86.4 97.8 Stanford 89.7 90.7 Rice 89.3 L. S. U. 94.3 Syracuse 92.5 Boston U. 73.0 T.C.U. 89.4 Arkansas 88.0 Texas A.&M. 90.0 Texas Tech 86.1 Tunlane 93.0 Auburn 90.5 Tulsa .— Okla. 87.0 U. C. L. A. 88.5 St. Marys P.F. 88.4 Vanderbilt 95.6 Purdue 90.2 V. P. I. 86.2 Wm. & Mary 89.7 Wake Forest 84.0 Duke 93.5 Wash. & Lee Wash. State 80.0 Kentucky 87.6 94.0 Oregon So. Carolina Marquette Lakehurst 87.4 WfeshingtonCst.86.8 Wisconsin 92.1 87.0 87.5 Maryland 91.9 —STATISTICS— (Continued from Page 1) ly doesn’t over-enjoy the movies, for according to the survey, the average number of shows attended per student bn the annual basis was 85.37, which simple arithmetic breaks down to a weekly average of 1.64 shows. Club memberships hit a surpris ingly new high, with the answers looking like this: Boy Scouts, 57.- 09%; FFA, 47.01%; 4-H Club. 33.21%; YMCA, 30.97%. Natural ly, these figures don’t add up to 100 because some boys belonged to more than one club. About that time, the radio blar ed out and in determining the types of programs the Ag boys like best, another surprise jumped out of the tabulating machine. At the top of the list is dance music with 77.24%; news follows closely with 52.06%; comedy hit third sliding with 34.13%; classical music was fourth with 11.37%; drama knocked down an even 10%; and educational programs with 4.14% landed just above address es, which took the cellar with but 0.69%. These figures also add up to more than hundred, but the re ports states that although an eror was made in the first test, at least the preference came in the same order, regardless of the per cent rated. Life, Readers Digest, Colliers, Saturday Evening Post, Time, Newsweek, and technical maga zines are enjoyed in the order named. In answer to the question: “Do you think a man should marry when he is certain that he will go into the armed services?”, the Ag stu dents said “NO” by a 72.44% vote. 64.86% of the boys believe just THANKS, AGGIES! FOR YOUR PATRONAGE • WE STAND READY TO SERVE YOU AT ALL TIMES College Book Store North Gate Baptists Hold Party Honoring Retiring Education Director A reception honoring Harvey Hatcher, director of education and music. First Baptist church, College Station will be held at the church Saturday evening from 8 to 10 o’clock. Students and friends are invited. With the new building and im proved facilities “a greater pro gram than ever before is being launched” it was announced by Rev. and Mrs. Brown. Over 500 Aggies have joined the church since the beginning of school last fall, 100 of which became members last Sunday. The Browns, who organiz ed the first Campus Baptist church, are beginning their twenty- third year of ministery to the cadets of A. & M. College. Corps dance tonight—9-12, Sbisa Hall. Script—$1.10. Patronize Our Agent In Your Outfit. DYEffcS.'FimSTORAGE HATTERS TtLOir’xc^n. D. M. DANSBY, ’37 enough homework given in general now 23.^% said too much, and 11.59% said there was too little given. Visits to the library average about 5 or 6 times per week, and with 38.00% objecting to library assignments, 62.00% said they were okay. In concluding, may I add, these tests were made in the most ac curate manner possible under the circumstances and were consider ed by the Accounting and Statis tics department (under whom they were conducted) and although they have been “bulled” around here, they are the straight stuff from the left hand hip-pocket of Grand pa’s long-handles! Corps dance tonight—9-12, Sbisa Hall. Script—$1.10. After the Game Visit Us for SANDWICHES - CANDY COLD DRINKS GEORGES Across From New “Y” THE AIM. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU All Services in Guion Hall Sermon Topic, Sunday 11:00 A. M. “Temptations Upward” Sunday School ----- 9:45 Morning Worship - - - - 11:00 Student League - - - - 8:00 Evening Worship - - - - 9:00