The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 17, 1942, Image 2
Page 2- -THE BATTALION- -THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 17, 1942 Battalion Man, Your Manners BACKWASH Jack Hood n the L STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official news Mechanical is published three times and Saturday mornings. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Subscription rates $3 per school year. Advertising rates upon request- Represented nationally by National Advertising Service. Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 5, Administration Building. Telephone 4-5444. W41 Member 1942 Pissocided GoHeftiote Press Brooks Gofer •- Editor-in-Chief Ken Bresnen L......: Associate Editor Phil Crown ... Staff Photographer Sports Staff Mike Haikin. '. Sports Editor Mike Mann Assistant Sports Editor Chick Hurst - Senior Sports Assistant N. Libson Junior Sports Editor Advertising Staff Reggie Smith Advertising Manager Jack E. Carter Tuesday Asst. Advertising Manager Louis A. Bridges Thursday Asst. A J Jay Pumphrey ......Saturday Asst. By I. Sherwood ‘Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence” — Webster mC3 □ tn 1=3 atn fci campus & & diSiactims 1^3 for musical it always has been and still is considered j s Your Favorite Wolfess A Bird Brain?? . . . impolite to refuse foods at the table, be cause your refusal implies that you do not Last Backwashtime we promised to make this as easy as possible like what is served you. You should take at you a column today devoted en- for you), cut out the quiz, address least a small portion on your plate and make tirely to the ESQUIRE PIN-GIRL it to Backwash, Student Activities, a pretense of eating it—to refuse dish after EXAM. . .a method of rating your and drop it unstamped into the Everyone expects, when they several opportunities dish will disturb your hostess. If you are best girl as a prospective bride, faculty mail slot in the Faculty hear that Abbot and Costello are interludes and South Sea dances. on a diet and accepted the invitation with Below is the quiz post office, rotunda of the Academ- playing in a movie, that the show The supporting cast, consisting of and copy that ex- ic bldg. If you want to waste 3 is sure to be hilariously screwy. Virginia Bruce, Robert Paige, plains the work- cents, address it to Box 2094. . . “PARDON MY SARONG'”, now Lional Atwell, Leif Erikson and ing plan. And Other places where quizes may be showing at the Campus, is no ex- Nan Wynn, are all good in their here’s what we turned in: John Holman, 103-No. 9; ception to these expectations. Bud parts, but are of course, secondary want 5000 Aggies Clyde Franklin, 111—No. 16, Hood, Abbot and Lou Costello are zanier throughout the show to the Abbot to do: Rate your 46 Goodwin. BUT BE SURE YOUR than ever, if that’s possible. and Costello comedy team, girl—or if you’re OPION IS REPRESENTED! As usual, the story of this A. The Lowdown:—a gag a second bird-'dogging at Then it will be our job to glean and C. picture is negligible—only the present, rate the humor, interest, etc., from the the antics of the pair are import- your “Ideal”. . . quizzes and present to you THE ant. In fact, the whole movie is And (we’re going AGGIES IDEAL GIRL! hard to believe until one does Saturday Asst, Circulation Staff Advertising Manager Advertising ng Manager Bill Huber Circulation Manager H. R. Tampke Senior Assistant Carlton Power Senior Assistant Joe Stalcup .....Junior Assistant Bill Trodlier ...Assistant Thursday’s Staff Ken Bresnen : .’. Managing Editor Jack Keith Junior Editor ' ‘ Editor Editor that understanding, your not eating is ex cusable. When you are served a complicated look ing dish, and you aren’t sure which is the edible part or which is decoration, it is per fectly proper to say to the waiter or the one serving you, “Do I take this, or Do I cut here?” while prodding lightly with the serv ing implement provided. This is done very often by persons who have the nicest man ners. Dishes are never passed from hand to hand at a -some old, some new. Hoed nr-P nPVPV nn««pn TT-nm nnnn rn -r-r realize that it’s Abbot and CoS- formal dinner only at “family- Can Your Girl Pass an Esquire Exam?? . . . tello again, and consequently, one of course, there’s intel- which the author rates ..Junior John Holman ^Junior Tom Journeay. Junio: style” table. She may be a honey at a prom Then, One rigid rule of etiquitte is that you or the races, God’s gift to the hgence, must talk to your dinner companion even stymied senior, a weekend wonder. Ml but if you believe in bird brains, to . the West Coast in a ttrngk he or she might be someone you But ^ ^ she rate when stop this.. You afr* ito ^ By somc hook of crook they dislike very much. Reporters rry Cordua, Bob Garrett, Ramon McKinney, Bert Kurtz Jarnagin, Bob Meredith, Bill Japhet, Bill Murphy, John Sparger, and M. T. Lincecum. Penny's Serenade Something to Read By Dr. T. F. Mayo^ 1 ^ We Have Fought Other Wars Guion Hall has a comedy billed for today and tomorrow entitled “THE BODY DISAPPEARS”. Per haps it should have been called “Three Bodies Disappear” or some such altered title, for throughout the show, three different invisible stolen P eo P^ e move around the screen, itor the audience to wonder about. As the story goes, Edward Eve rett Horton, an experimenter with . , . ,. . , •, a drug to bring the dead back to beautiful native girls provide , . , . . , ... me, tries his mixture on playboy shouldn’t even try to believe it. The script starts out with Bud and Lou in New York, on their end up on a South Sea Island and there the fun begins. The By W. L. PENBERTHY Jeffery Lynn. Lynn is not really dead, just dead drunk after a party given in his honor. Anyway, the stuff makes him invisible and he wanders around, with the aid of trick photography, completely Every once in a while, as we pass through this life, something happens that gives us a very warm and comfortable feeling inside. The thing that happens may be the observ ance of a good deed performed by another, the evidence of appreciation for a favor done or maybe the accomplishment of a task that has been a long and hard fight. During the Christmas vacation of 1926 I visited some friends in Corpus. On my way to the city I picked up a youngster of about fifteen who was a student of a military acad emy in San Antonio and whose home was in Robstown. We encountered about thirty miles of bad roads on the trip and it was pretty late when we arrived in Corpus so I suggest ed he share my hotel room for the night and leave for Robstown the next morning, which he did. I haven’t seen him since but about three years ago one of our students, then a senior, dropped by the office to re port that he had been given a lift by a man who it developed was the youngster I had given the lift in 1926. He reported that the man had asked about me and had sent his regards. Yesterday a former student dropped by our office and left a small amount of money in payment for two intramural medals which he asked me to secure for him in 1936 to replace medals that he had lost. I had for gotten all about it but he said I had sent them to him and that he had intended com ing to college at an early date but it had so happened that he didn’t make it but he didn’t forget his debt and the first time he was on the campus dropped by to settle. Our country can use a lot of that kind of hon esty. I have had many such instances hap pen and each time they give me a distinct thrill and the realization of the joy and priv- ileze of working with a fine group of boys. Yes, there is still a lot of appreciation in the country and we still have the same kind of honesty for which Abraham Lincoln was famous. group according to your grades in chips are . down and you can’t go college—or such points as: can she back to the boys and books?' bake a cherry pie, and has she Every college naan should ask discovered what a really great man himself this question; it’s import- you are. Breeding, beauty and ant as the quantum theory, vital health total 135, though again you Wife Of Prof Reid as Mendel’s law. For him Ed. S. m ay go all out for the Babe Did- to Tllrmcc Woodhead has prepared a matri- rickson type or prestige a la Van- ^ULCUIIlUk lO lllliekii monial scoring table in the October derbilt. Be your own adding ma- Friends mourned the passing of The following books do not pretend in any Esquire and all you need to do is chine. Hattie M. Reid, wife of Professor sense to cover the wars we have fought. They answer the questions and draw The gentle ar t of Juking comes D. H. Reid of the Poultry Hus- unseen by his friends. In this way, are listed because they are interesting and y° ur own conclusions. in for its s}iare of consideration, bandry department, who succumbed he discovers that the girl he was may, in time of war, throw some light on Naturally, it’s best not to have And if you’re unwilling to scuttle Tuesday afternoon at 5 o’clock about to marry is after his money, the way in which wars are made and fought, the little woman back seat drive your scotch, file the office stories, after a long illness. so he starts making love to Jane white you’re checking off her plus- 0 r stay on the home beat, consider The late Mrs. Reid was born Wyman, who really loves him. In The American Revolution ses and minuses. If certain parts this carefully. at Oxford,, Wisconsin, in 1881. She the end. Horton brings him back Secret history of the American Revolu- of her personality are address But even if she’s scored a royal graduated from the Endeavor to visibility for a happy climax. tion—Carl Van Doren unknown to you, score ’em zero 500, don’t call the jewlers yet. Academy, Wisconsin, after which The Lowdown:—hmm. There are Treason is the theme. Heretofore unpub- till time writes the figures. Above Now comes the deductiions. Is sh e taught at the Adams County possibilities in this idea of be- lished papers bring to light the letters of all, be personal. This table is ad- she nagging ,ailing, selfish, bossy, School, Wisconsin, for five years. com j ng invisible. conspirators, secret codes, and all the clev- justed for you and you alone, so lazy, vain, untidy, catty? Does The y were married June 6, 1908, er methods used by the British in launch- don’t let the boys in the back room she smoke and does she chew? and moved to College Station in ing their Fifth Column. befuddle you. After the bells, you’ll Plus, of course, your own pet September, 1923. The Second War With England _ be paying the bills, so the goods aversions like breeding orchids or The Funeral was held yesterday Its less celebrated aspects^ are written of had better be worth ’em. keeping a spittoon in the parlor, afternoon at 4 o’clock with the in both i Kenneth Roberts’ novels Lively We rate championship 105 points These all have their individual Reverend Norman Anderson of- Lady and Captain Caution. They tell of out of a possible 500. But if you pointage and you can’t be really ficiating. Pall bearers were stu- pnvateers, slave-traders, demimondames, g0 for other valueS) re -adjust the sure until they-ve been subtracted, dents of the Poultry Husbandry bootleggers, and, of course, heroes and heroines. The War Between the Leech Reveille in Washington scale accordingly—knock it down. Now that you know: forget gals department. q. . t U n d er the championship heading under 350, linger longer from 350 o a es argaret come qualities of considera- to 400, anything over 400 rates a To safeguard food in the home, tion, fun, loyalty, tolerance, good trip to the church, and if she’s the Federal Food and Drug Ad- YT«c>iiJi. s i,wii . , cheer, etc. Here spcially you want over 475 RUSH her there by wire, ministration emphasizes that ^ O J v-klmr 4-Vi rx ca-rtmrn ivi Irmo* rliaf o-nr>n ’RnF Flh i c« -r» n Mary Lincoln, lafishly gowned, but snub! rating lor consideration If she only her: she's either married, Myrna cornstarch, baking powder, salt, or bed at every turn, with only a colored f™..'! •» f ? r you - If she *»*• p*. or * W*.. hek *"*“• seamstress to call Mend; General Grant ? er 1, tlc b ™ ther " na e s ‘ he do «' tont run to that. You may shoot with the look of a man out of a job; Kate dr0 P yourself if you wish. , Chase, the belle of Washington; Booth, ~v~ WHAT’S SHOWING At Guion Hall Thursday, Friday—“The Body Disappears”, with Jef fery Lynn, Jane Wyman and Everett Horton. At the Campus Thursday, Friday, Saturday —“Pardon My Sarong”, with Bud Abbot and Lou Costello. the talented actor who murdered a pres-r ident; and towering above the all, the man with the good, ugly face who proved that democracy can weather a crisis. John Brown’s Body—Stephen Vincent Ben- net Nowhere has the struggle which began with John Brown, who “was a stone flung from a sling against a wall,” been so viv idly told as in this, America’s epic poem. The War With Mexico Texas and the Mexican War—Nathaniel Stephenson There was more, much more, than Texas patriotism behind the \yi nn i n & of the Southwest for Anglo-America. The Spanish American War Which is the true picture? Magnetic Ted dy Roosevelt’s story of the charge up San Juan Hill as he tells it in The Rough Rid ers or Walter Millis’ ironic study of our war of imperialism as he sees it in The Martial Spirit? The First World War World’s End—Upton Sinclair Set the illegitimate son of a munitions manufacturer and a beautiful artists’ mod el in the mad world of 1913-1919 and you are bound to get a story of exciting pro portions. Counter-Attack—Siegfield Sassoon You will find no glory in these intense poems which describe war as a young soldier saw it in France and Palestine. The poems bear such significant titles as “Base Details,” “The General,” “Trench Duty,” and “In Barracks.” ulty members arrested at the tinie of the closing were the latest of a numbr of Brus sels professors to be purged. Several Norweigan newspapers recently carried accounts of the imprisonment of Scoring Table for a Prospective Bride Group Value 105—COMPANION Considerate Fun Generous Loyal Agreeable Forgiving Tolerant Just Compromise Cheerful Total 90—INTELLIGENCE Tact Talent Books Criticism Taste Logic Education Perception Music Art Games Her Value Score 20 20 10 10 8 8 8 7 5 5 4 -HEALTH Maternal aptitude 15 General Heredity Total 40—JUKING Dancing Sex Manners Drink Risque Total 30—CONVERSATION Subtlety Reticence Silence Wit Total -DISPOSITION Kindness Affection Domesticity Equability Sympathy Friendliness Humility Demonstrativeness Total 50—BREEDING Charm-manners Experience Family From Capital to Campus ACP’s Jay Richter Reports from Washington EUROPE STRIKES BACK . . . WASHINGTON—(AGP)—School teachers in Nazi-occupied Europe are showing marked inability to learn and teach the “philosophy” of Hitler’s New Order. This fact is made evident by articles which recently appeared in the daily press of these countries and which have just reached Washington from private sources. On. the basis of these reports teachers appear to be the most widely persecuted professional groups in the occupied coun tries. At the same time the teachers seem to be the most persistent in their refusal to cooperate with occupation authorities and their own Quislings. Official decrees and news stories ap pearing in local newspapers from Greece to Norway, and from eastern Poland to France reflect the teachers’ determined re- Rector Seip and several well-known profes- Op T1 Aritrtnjn Glllh sistence to Nazi educational principles and or ' y,C! ^ TTniNr/avoH-tr wp ndr,- tboxt- wovq odll ixilioniu v^iuu Total -AMUSEMENTS Quiet Bridge Active Cards Chess Family Religion -BEAUTY Taste TT.jg u ~ laki Legs Face Height Hair Fig Make-up Striking-looking DEDUCTIONS Nagging 50 Ailing 50 Selfish 60 Adviser 40 Bossy 35 Lazy 30 Vain 25 Untidy 15 Too neat 10 Jealous 10 Catty 10 Smoke 5 Gum 6 Add your own pet aversions tionately. Perfect One in a Million DALACE ■ p H o M n 2-8 879, . ] THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Dorothy Lamour Richard Denning in “BEYOND THE BLUE PREVIEW 11 P. M. SATURDAY NIGHT Barbara Stanwyck Joel McCrea in “THE GREAT MAN’S LADY” Shown Sun., Mon., Tues. Cliwyjus 4-1181 Box Office Opens at 1:00 P. M. TODAY FRIDAY - SATURDAY LVSU tBBon-cosmio taidmMfSmug also Popeye Cartoon Stranger-Than-Fiction Variety Views PREVIEW SAT. NIGHT SUNDAY and MONDAY “Bahama Passage” e in Passing Possibilty of Improv. 350-400 net 500 net 475-495 net 300-400 net Forget: Note: In ommittin under 350 net mmitting any item either reapportion the rest to main tain the balance and keep 500 as perfect, or alter the passing mark to conform. Group Value Total Her Value Score school politics. Mass arrests of college pro fessors have been made, and some of Europe’s leading universities have been closed in an effort to stamp out this intellectual opposi tion to Nazism. After continual strife between faculty leaders of the University of Brussels and Nazi occupation authorities in Belgium, the university is reported to have been closed. The Brussels newspaper Le Soir said that “incidents” at the university could have been avoided if its officials had “better under stood the intention of the military admin istration.” Before the closing of the University of Brussels, stories in Belgium papers disclosed that 20 university departments were with out faculty heads as a result of “retirements, deaths or other reasons.” A Sweedish cor respondent in Brussels reported the uni versity had been closed because its board had turned down a Nazi ultimatum to trans fer authority to a committee from which its own president had been excluded. Ten fac- sors of the University of Oslo# They were held under a new decree calling for the ar- Holds Meeting Tonite rest, without trial, of Norwegians jeopard izing their country’s “peaceful development.” The San Antonio Club will hold In Yugoslavia, 25 faculty memebrs describ- a meeting immediately after Yell ed as “freemasonry and left elements” were Practice tonight in the parlor of recently dismissed from the University of the old Y. It has been asked that Belgrade. all members attend, as tickets for The press of the occupied countries also the mid-term dance will be dis- reported recently the purge of many profes- tributed. sors in France and Luxembourg. These in clude Professor Langevin and other world- famous members of the Paris Academy of Sciences. While university closings and faculty purges have been the most widely reported part of the campaign to stamp out anti-Nazi activity and thought in the schools of oc cupied Europe, the general undercurrent of resistance to nazism in the elementary schools appears to be causing far greater alarm in collaborationist circles. Resistance in the elementary schools of course reacts “unfavorably” upon a far greater number of young people. If You Can’t Pack That Lamp SELL IT TO LOU You Still Have Time to Get Those Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Before the Holidays Start CAMPUS CLEANERS MOVIE Guion Hall THURSDAY and FRIDAY 3:30 and 7:00 P. M. JEFFRY LYNN and JANE WYMAN "The Body Disappears" also Richard Himber Orchestra — Cartoon and M. G. M. News There Will Be No Shows Until September 26th a