The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 17, 1942, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
DIAL 4-5444
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Grade Averages Determine Required Class Attendance
Enrollment for Next Half
Expected to Reach 6,000
1794 New Students Have Been Admitted
So Far; 1448 Are Frosh; More Expected
Approximately six thousand students are expected to
be enrolled for the sixty seventh session starting next
week, states H. L. Heaton, acting registrar of the college.
To date 1794 applications for admission to the college
for the fall term have been accepted. Out of those, 346 are
transfers from another school, making a total of 1448
scholastic freshman already registered. Applications are
still being accepted and the present figures will probably
be greatly increased stated Heaton.'
R V Queen Warrene Gillette
Colorful, Historic Military
OrganizationFinishes55 Years
RV’s Hold Annual
Festivities During
Mid-Term Vacation
Queen Warrene Gillette
Will Reign Over Fete At
Side of Mervyn Jenkins
Annual festivities of the Ross
Volunteers Company will be held
Friday and Saturday, September
19 and 20. Mervyn Jenkins, E
Coast, has been selected by the
company to reigh as King of the
events; his Queen for the fete
will be Miss Warrene Gillette.
Events of the week-end will be
gin Friday night in Sbisa Hall,
fliP-* I
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Austin Nance, Commander
with the annual banquet followed
by Captain’s Ball. Members of the
company, their dates, the com
pany’s sponsors in the military de
partment and their wives will at
tend these affairs. According to
Austin Nance, Captain of the R.
V’s, the traditional exhibition drill
usually held the day after the Cap-
Absences Incurred to Be
Reported to Dean Biweekly
One Corps Trip Authorized Per Semester;
Fifteen Day Limit Set on Official Leaves
In an attempt to encourage class attendance, the com-
plusory attendance and cut system under which the college
has been operating was abolished at a meeting of the Acade
mic Council Tuesday afternoon and a new system established.
Recognizing the fact that it is! unfair to penalize a student
with negative grade points for excess cuts if he has done
satisfactory work in a course, the Registrar’s office reveal
ed today that in the future an accurate check of each stu
dent’s work and .attitude will be kept.
Once every two weeks all teachers will submit to the
dean of the college a report of the number of authorized
and unauthorized absences incurred by each student.
Low Grades Draw Reprimand
Decision as to what action will be taken on cuts rests
with the deans of the various schools with certain limita
tions. Grades will determine in the majority of cases the
action taken on cuts by the dean. A student with a poor
scholastic average will be called before the dean of his
school after any cuts have been turned in for him and will
be cautioned. Several such cuts will cause the student to be
dismissed from school, stated E. D. Wilcox, council member.
Those students who have good averages will not be penaliz
ed for a reasonable number of cuts, however.
The Academic Council further clarified and modified
college rules stating, as in the past, that only one . corps
trip will be authorized per semester, however, special amend
ments are expected to be added authorizing additional corps
trips as originally planned, stated Wilcox.
It is predicted that students low in their studies will
not be able to leave on weekend trips since any cuts that
they might incur will make theim liable to dismissal.
Instructors Keep Records
Only two types of absences will be marked up—autho
rized and unauthorized. These absences will be reported at
two week intervals to the dean of the college.
Each instructor in charge of a class or section will be
instructed to keep an accurate record of the work and at
tendance of its members and will be required to report the
total number of absences as well as the number of unautho
rized absences when he reports the grade in a subject tq
the registrar.
Duplicates of all authorized permits that may be issued
by the college physician, commandant’s office, or dean of
the college, will be sent daily to the dean’s office.
Not more than fifteen days will be allowed for purpose
of making any kind of athletic, judging, or entertainment
trips of any kind by the corps, the new regulations state.
Interesting Campus Personalities ■ - II
FromNew York to California,He
Ilasnt Missed aCanie in 11 Years
Cardwell Requests
Corps Wear Khakis
While in Louisiana
Proper Uniform Aids
Hitch-Hiking; No Official
Uniform to Be Designated
Requests have been made by
Cadet Colonel Walter Cardwell,
Corps Commander, and Dan R.
“Rocky” Sutherland, president of
the Senior Class, that all Aggies
who attend the festivities in Louis-
ana Saturday September 26 be in
complete number two uniform.
Cardwell added that by doing this
the Corps will make an impressive
appearance at the game, and hitch
hiking to and from the game will
be much easier. Since this is not
an official Corps trip, the Com
mandant’s Office is not prescrib
ing an official uniform to be worn
by all cadets.
Activities Refunds
Will Be Made Next
Semester to Seniors
Total refunds of two dollars and
twenty-five cents will be made to
graduating seniors leaving school
in January on the Student Activit
ies Fee, states L. D. Boone of the
Student Activities Office.
To avoid complications, it was
decided to charge everyone the
same fee and refund graduating
seniors a proportionate amount for
what they would normally get
during the semester beginning in
One dollar of the refund will be
made from the athletic office which
would normally have gone for the
athletic games that will be played
after January.
One dollar twenty-five goes for
the Battalion newspaper and mag
azine. It was announced that the
seniors may have their Batts for
warded to them wherever they are
stationed at no extra cost instead
of receiving the refund from the
Activities office if desired.
Ex-Aggie Receives
Air Corps Promotion
Second Lieutenant Charles A.
Bell, Hereford, Texas, has been
promoted to the rank of First
Lieutenant, Army Air Forces, by
recent War Department Orders.
Lieutenant Bell graduated from
Adrian High School, Adrian, Texas
in 1937. After attending A. & M.
and successfully completing two
years of R. 0. T. C., he enrolled
as an Aviation Cadet at the Cal-
Aero Academy, Ontario, California.
In addition he attended schools at
Moffett Field, California and the
Officer’s Communications’ School,
Scott Field, Illinois, which he com
pleted in September, 1941, prior to
duty in foreign service.
Lieutenant Bell is now on foreign
duty with a Fighter Squadron of
the Sixth Air Force in the Carib
bean area.
fexpected to be the major worry of
the officials, with the navy and
marines taking up six of the largest
A plan has been submitted for
housing the overflow from the
regular dormitories in private
homes in the immediate vicinity
of the college, stated authorities.
Miller Announces
Plans for Bigger,
Better Ag Magazine
Expresses Appreciation
For Appointment to Fill
Vacancy Left by Pinson
Jack Miller, newly elected editor
of the Agriculturist magazine, to
day announced the first edition of
the magazine for next semester
will be out around the first part
of October. In addition, two more
editions will be issued during the
semester in order to offset the fact
that some of the summer issues
were not published.
Miller states that he considers
it a privilege to be of service to
the corps and will do all in his
power to improve the magazine
and meet the responsibility of his
new position. “I can promise that
the corps wiljl not be disappointed
in the Agriculturist,” states Mil
The student activities committee
appointed Miller to the editorship
to fill the vacancy left by Dave
Pinson who resigned his post last
week because he felt that he was
unable to devote sufficient time
to the publication.
Agronomy Dept
Inaugurates Course
In Appraisal of Land
For the first time since 1940,
a course dealing with apprisal me
thods will be given. The course
embraces a study of soil factors,
farm crops, types of farming
areas, and land-use capabilities in
relation to land classification and
appraisal. Laboratory work consists
of applying classification and ap
praisal methods on various types
of farms.
This course was organized by
Professor H. E. Hampton, former
appraiser for the Farm Credit Ad
ministration. Due to the fact that
Hampton has been taking graduate
work toward a Ph. D. at the Uni
versity of Missouri, the course has
not been offered in the past two
Association Hears
About A&M’s Frozen
Food Locker Course
C. E. Murphy, assistant pro
fessor of Animal Husbandry, will
attend a National Frozen Food
Locker Association meeting in
Kansas City. He will leave Sat
urday of this week and will re
turn a week later.
Murphy will give a talk on A.
& M.’s frozen food locker course,
the only one in any United States
college or university.
By Jack Keith
Fifty-five years of activities lie
behind the Ross Volunteers, cele-
King Mervyn Jenkins
Amarillo Club Plans
Buffalo Lake Affair
Tickets are now on sale for the
! annual picnic to be held by the
Amarillo club Wednesday Septem
ber 23, at 5 p.m. at Buffalo Lake,
states Bob Moore, president of the
It is necessary that an accurate
estimate of the number of Ama
rillo students, their friends, and
relatives that will attend the pic-
pic be turned in so that necessary
plans can be made. Moore empha
sizes that all friends and relatives
of members of the club, as well
as all the club members are invit
ed to attend.
Tickets for the picnic may be
purchased from Eddie Rogers, Bud
McMurtry, or Moore. Moore may
be reached at 1801 Van Buren,
Amarillo or roon 27 Law hall.
brating their annual Holidays this
week end. The R. V. Company was
organized in 1887 as the Scott Vol
unteers in honor of Colonel T. M.
Scott who was business manager of
A. & M. at that time. Purpose of
the organization was, as it is to
day, to promote patriotism and
fellowship among its members, to
develop a crack drill outfit and to
aid in national defense.
The name, Ross Volunteers, was
adopted by the organization in 18-
91 when Lawrence Sullivan Ross
became president of the college.
After his death in 1898, the name
was changed to Foster Guards,
again honoring the president of
the college, L. L. Foster, who
succeeded Ross. During President
Houston’s administration, the out
fit was called the Houston Rifles.
As can be seen, the plan was to
change the name of the company
to honor each president of the
college. During the time H. H.
Harrington, son-in-law of Ross,
was president, this idea was drop
ped and the name Ross Volunteers
was adopted as the permanent
name at his request.
When the Ross Volunteer Com
pany was first organized, member
ship was restricted to junior and
senior students taking military
science. At that time the maximum
membership was forty. New mem
bers were selected each year on
the bases of popularity and mili
tary ability. Some non-military stu
dents were admitted and some
sophomores were accepted as mem
bers shortly after World War I be
cause of shortage of men eligible
under the old rules.
In 1923 it was decided to make
non-military students and those
not making a “B” in military
science ineligible for membership.
At present, candidates for mem
bership are submitted at the first
of the school year by organiza
tion commanders • and then are
(See R V HISTORY, Page 4)
By Tom Journeay
A true Aggie. No other words
could be found that describe more
accurately Jimmie Chance, ubiqui
tous owner of a familiar face al
ways to be seen wherever Aggies
or Aggie interests are to be found.
James Otis Chance was born in
Bryan, February 17, 1902, the son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Chance,
pioneers of the productive Brazos
Valley farming district. An illness
at the age of three left Jimmie
Agronomy Dept
Adds New Course In
Cotton Classing
Almost all of Texas agriculture
deals in cotton somehow or other.
Therefore, some knowledge of cot
ton quality is useful to all Texas
farmers and agriculture workers.
In order to make such training
easily available, the department of
Cotton Marketing and the depart
ment of Agronomy have announced
a new course available the second
semester 1942-43, 202—Elementary
Cotton Classification (0-2) Credit
1: Section 500—Monday 2-4; Sec
tion 501—Thursday 11-1; Section
502—Tuesday 11-1.
Such a course is simple enough
to be useful to every agriculture
student and small enough to be
fitted into schedules. Questions will
be gladly answered by Professor
J. B. Bagley, department of Cotton
Marketing and Dr. Ide P. Trotter,
department of Agronomy.
totally deaf placing him under
handicap that would stymie for
life the activities of most men. But
not Jimmie. He’s overcome his
handicap and has become a true
Aggie—just ask most any Senior
on the campus—participating, in
every activity that the Aggies en
gage in.
He received his grammer school 1
education at the Clarke School
for the Deaf at Northhampton,
Massachusetts, and the Pennsylva
nia School at Mounty Airy, Phil
adelphia. His secondary education
was received at the Davidson In
dividual School for the deaf in
New Hampshire. At the Texas
School for the Deaf at Austin
Jimmie obtained his advanced ed
ucation and also learned the print
ers trade, working in the Eagle
Printing Company in Bryan. Upon
graduation, he secured employ
ment with the Howell Lumber com
pany in Bryan.
Jimmie has not missed a foot
ball corps trip, or for that matter
a single game the Aggies have
played, in eleven years, and that
includes the games last year at
New York, and Washington State.
“I’ll never forget the time the
Aggies beat Texas University ;n
1925, 28-0, and then came back m
1927 with another Kyle Field vic
tory 28-7 under the great Dana X.
Bible,” proudly recalls Jimmy.
One of Jimmie’s hobbies, be
sides keping up with everything
the Aggies do, is traveling. And
as you might guess, even that is
connected with Aggies, Jimmie in
the last few years has been taking
extensive trips to various army
camps all over Texas and a few
outside of Texas—to visit ex-Ag-
gies that are now in the service
for Uncle Sam. Among the army
camps that he’s visited are Fort
Reilly, Fort Sill, Fort Sam Hous
ton, Camp Wolters, Camp Crockett,
Camp Bullis, and on and on we
could go.
One of Chance’s favorite doings
while on these trips is to contact
all ex-Aggies there and bring back
any notes from them to their old
friends still at school.
In ’34 and ’35 Jimmie went to
summer camp with the corps at
Camp Bullis under the command
of Col. Emory, now Brig. Gen.
Emory, Infantry. Then, in ’39, ’40,
and ’41 he attended the Cavalry .
camp at Fort Bliss.
.Ever since 1925 Jimmie has made
(See CHANCE, Page 4)
Corpus Mothers’ Club
Plans Mid-term Dance
Cards were issued last week by
the A. & M. Mothers Club for the
dance to be given on the Deck of
the Plaza Hotel, Monday evening
September 21 at Corpus Christi.
Due to the shortness of the va
cation, dress will be either uniform,
tuxedo, or business suit, and the
club is anticapitating seeing each
boy from the Corpus Christi dis
trict together with the friend and
a date that each card admits.