The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 10, 1942, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444 ;
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
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\ I
Freshmen Receive Week of Intensive Orientation
Cadet Officers Will Help
Fish Start College Life
Program Includes Explanation of All
Procedure Involved in Becoming Aggies '
Complete plans for freshman week, during which all
September freshman will be given a full week of intensive
preparation for the serious business of launching upon their
college education and at the same time preparing to serve
their country in the armed forces as officers, were released
today by the office of the registrar.
One responsible cadet officer from each organization
will be required to be here on the campus by noon, Septem
ber 25, it was announced by the office of the president.
The idea behind this is to have someone in each organization
to advise the new freshmen as to-f ;
Preliminary Registration Begins Monday
ctaiM S«.rs teter Weeks Plays for C A Ball
Band Booked
Program y
For Classes Friday Evening
Total Fees Are $149.05; First Installment
Amounts to $82.65 Payable September 14
Students who were in good academic standing after mid
semester, may pay their fees for the new semester and re
serve a dormitory room beginning Monday, September 14.
Classified seniors will register Friday afternoon, September
18, and underclassmen may register on Saturday, September
19. Registration of new students will be held Friday, Septem
ber 25. Students who were on the deficiency list after mid
semester may not pay their fees, reserve a room, or register
until Monday, September 28.
Fees payable for the next semester will be $149.05, it
"was announced by the fiscal de-
Kimball of Cornell
Teaches Industrial
Engineering Course
Former Dean to Teach Here
Only One Semester; Subject^
Deals With Plant Operation
« *
The survey course in Industrial
Engineering (I. Eng. 401) will be
repeated during the second semest
er beginning September 2$ and
will be taught by Dr. Dexter S.
Kimball, formerly dean of engi
neering at Cornell University. All
junior and senior students who
have planned on electing this
course and all junior mechanical
engineering students, of whom it
is required during the senior year,
are urged to take advantage of
the opportunity, if possible, to
study under Kimball who will be
on the campus for one semester
only. Any engineering student of
junior classification is eligible.
This course highlights the prin
ciples of organization, personnel
administration, cost accounting,
time and motion study, and other
topics relating to the conduct of
a manufacturing plant.
Teachers in other fields with a
related interest in this work are
invited to visit this class, V. M.
Faires, head of the Industrial
Engineering department, pointed
Kimball will also' teach Indus
trial Engineering 404, Time Study
Aggieland Leaves
For Bandwagon
Show Today
Curley Brient and the Aggieland
Orchestra will leave for Dallas
this afternoon to begin rehearsal
for the Fitch Band Wagon show
to be broadcast over a 139 statioh
NBC network from Fair Park
Auditorium Sunday from 6:30 un
til 7:00 p. m.
Fifteen musicians and Jerry Sul
livan, vocalist, will make the trip,
and all will return to college Mon
This year’s attempt to land an
Aggieland orchestra on the Sum
mer Band Wagon is the fourth in
the Aggieland’s history, and this
is the first year the contest has
been won.
Votes cast by students and their
friends all over the Southwest, as
well as those polled by Ex-Aggie
Clubs, A. & M. Mothers Clubs, and
dther Aggie-backing civic organi
zations won the place for the
band on the program. Competition
was given by three Dallas ptofes-
sional bands and the S. M. U. Var-
Dairy Judging Results
Come In From Iowa
Placings in the Dairy Cattle
Judging Contest September 7 in
Waterloo, Iowa, as received this
morning were as follows: team
placings; Arshires, fourth place;
Guernseys, fourth place; Holsteins,
seventh place; Jerseys, tenth place;
Brown Swiss, ninth place; all
breeds seventh, and “fair” in in
dividual placings.
partment. Day students will be re
quired to pay $42.90. Students who
will to pay maintenance by in
stallments may pay $82.65. These
figures include a $12.10 student
activities fee which may be de
ducted if so desired.
Before students will be allowed
to pay their fees, they must clear
up all old obligations to the col
lege such as breakage fees and
library fines. It has been sug
gested by the fiscal department
that these bills be paid before
September 14 in order ot avoid
congrestion at the time of regis
The schedule for registration on
Saturday, September 19, is as fol
lows: 7 to 8—All students whose
surnames begin with T, U, V, W,
X, Y, Z; 8 to 9—All students
whose surnames begin with A, B;
9 to 10—All students whose* sur
names begin with R, S; 10 to 11—
All students whose suranmes begin
with C, D, E, F; 11 to 12 -- All
students whose surnames begin
with M, N, O, P, Q; 1 to 2 —
All students whose surnames be
gin with G, H, I;. 2 to 3 — All
students whose surnames ' begin
with J, K, L; 3 to 5 — All stu
dents who were unable to register
at their regular scheduled time.
Hitch-Hiking ^ nior *“"§**"“
m ° Favors Must Be
It) LSL bame Ordered by Monday
Drawing Material
Shortage Predicted
Present indications are that
there will be a shortage in draw
ing material and slide rules at the
beginning of the second semester.
However, qn attempt is being made
in Washington to gain priority
ratings on these things, and if it
is successful, the supply will be
plentiful, states R. K. Chatham
of the Exchange Store.
Made Easier
Louisiana Students
Explain Aggie System
In Home State Papers
In an effort to make hitch-hik
ing easier in Louisiana for Aggies
who plan to attend the A. & M.—
L. S. U. football game, members
of the Louisiana A. & M. Club
are writing to all large news
papers in that state asking them
to put articles in their paper con
cerning the Aggies who will be
hitch-hiking in Louisiana during
the week end of September 26.
This plan that is being set up
will make hitch-hiking much easier
than it usually is in that state.
Hitch-hiking is rarely done in that
state, and when it is people sel
dom stop to pick up anyone. The
articles tell the different ways to
tell an Aggie from an Army man,
about the stickers usually found
on the suitcase of all Aggies, col
lar ornaments, and shirt patches.
Also in the articles is information
about the advantage of picking up
Aggies, which are changing tires,
fixing motor trouble, relieving the
driver at the wheel, and holding
Other information in the articles
tells of the .manner in which Ag
gies number off when hitching,
where they stand to hitch-hike,
and the order in which the Aggies
take the rides offered them. Read
ers of these Louisiana papers,
after reading the articles, should
readily understand the transporta
tion situation that confronts the
Aggies going to attend the L. S. U.
—A. & M. football game in Baton
Rouge and should help them out
as much as possible by picking
them up when they see them on
the road.
Officers of the Lousiana club
are Clayton D’avy. president; Joe
Gordon, vice-president; John May,
Liberal Arts Course Modified to Meet
Requirements of Army, Navy Reserves
All Liberal Arts students will
be required to include in their
curriculum courses in algebra, trig
onometry, and physics in order to
comply with requirements recently
set forth by the Army Enlisted Re
serve Corps and the V-l and V-7
naval reserve, it was announced to
day by Dean T. D. Brooks of the
school of arts and sciences.
Heretofore, all liberal arts stu
dents except physical education
majors were required to take . six
hours of mathematics and had an
option their second semester of
taking advanced algebra, trigo-
mometry, or Math 110 (a general
survey course), Brooks stated.
They will now be required to take
trigomometry their second semes
All physical education majors
must now take Math 101 and
trigonometry during their fresh
man year. In order to do this,
they will defer their language
course untih later. Or if they are
working toward a B. S. degree,
they will defer the first course
in their teaching line, said Brooks.
Brooks went on to point out
that all liberal arts sophomores
must take Physics 201 and 202.
This course will be substituted for
Chemistry 106 and Geology 205.
In the case of physical education
majors, physics will be substituted
for Chemistry 106 and Biology
This action has been taken be
cause the navy has stated that
only curricula containing algebra,
trigonometry, and physics will Be
approved for their reserve students.
The army has also stated that En
listed Reserve Corps students
would be greatly handicaped with
out these courses.
Only students who will clearly
not be subject to military duty
will be excused from taking these
courses, Bi-ooks revealed.
Revised, Approved
Batt Magazine Will
Be Out by Monday
The Battalion magazine for the
months of August and September
will be issued from the basement
of the Administration building not
later than Monday night, announc
ed John Holman, magazine editor,
Because indecent material
caused the August issue to be de
stroyed, a large issue of approved
material will be available to the
corps this month.
The October issue, forty-four
pages long, featuring a special full
color cover by Artist Phil Bible,
will be issued the Monday night
the corps returns to school after
the holidays.
Dollar Deposit May Be
Paid in Ross Hall; WPB
Freezes Needed Materials
Senior Ring Dance favors must
be ordered immediately by those
who desire them, it was announced
by Dan R. (Rocky) Sutherland,
Senior class president. On October
1 the essential war materials of
which these favors are made will
be frozen by the War Production
Board and production of the favors
will not be allowed to increase be
yond those which have already
been ordered.
For that reason, all seniors who
want favors are requested to place
their orders with the Corps Head
quarters office by noon Monday,
September 14. A deposit of one
dollar will be required to make the
order valid. Deposits will be re
ceived from 8 a. m. until 5 p. m.
today, tomorrow and Saturday,
and from 8 a. m. until noon on
Sutherland states that no fui’-
ther orders will be taken after
Monday and there will be abso
lutely no extension of the dead
line since it is necessary for the
engraving company to have ac
curate estimates of the materials
they will need.
Delivery of the favors will be
sometime in January.
Dorm Assignments
Are Released By
A revised dormitory assignment
list was released today by the of
fice of the commandant. Students
who were in good standing after
the mid-semester grades will be
allowed to pay their fees and re
serve a room for the new semester
beginning Monday, September 14.
Special consideration will be giv
en studehts who were forced to
move out of Milner Hall in order
to make room for repairs. The
third floor of Milner will be re
served for them Monday and Tues
day, September 14 and 15, and no
other students will be allowed to
reserve a room on ■ these days.
Dormitories 14, 15, and 17 will
be occupied by the Field Artillery
regiment. The Field Artillery band
will have the top two floors of
Dormitory 16. The remainder of
Dormitory 16 will be occupied by
7 C. H. Q. which will consist mil
itary Field Artillery cqdets for
whom there is not enough room in
the regular organizations.
The Infantry regiment will be
assigned to the bottom two floors
of Dormitory 11, all of Dormitories
9, 7, and 5, and the first floor
of Dormitory 3. The 5 and 6 C. H.
Q. will coptain the overflow of
military Infantry cadets and will
occupy the bottom two and two
top floors of Dormitory 1.
The Cavalry regiment will oc
cupy Hart Hall and the Coast
Artillery will live in Law and Pur-
year Halls. The east wing of Biz.-
zell Hall will contain the Ordnance
battalion and the west wing, the
Quarter Master Corps battalion.
Signal Corps regiment will be as
signed to Mitchell Hall and the
first two floors of Milner Hall.
The Engineering Corps will have
all of Walten and Post Graduate
Non-military students will be as
signed to dormitory rooms as fol
lows: graduate students and clas
sified five-year men, top floor of
Milner; 1 C. H. Q., first two floors
of Leggett; 2 C. H. Q., Foster Hall,
3 C. H. Q., Goodwin Hall; and 4
C. H. Q., top two floors of Leggett.
Anson Weeks, famed maestro of
the old school of swing bands, has
accepted an offer to play for the
Coast Artillery Ball to be held in
Sbisa Hall Friday night, October
2. He will also play a Town Hall
program just before the ball and
for the corps dance Saturday night.
In announcing the decision, Ray
Boyles, A Battery first sergeant
and chairman of the orchestra
committee, said, “We are very for
tunate in securing Anson and his
famous' band. They are currently
breaking attendance records in
theatres and dance spots on the
West Coast, and because he has
been booked for both Plantations
in Dallas and Houston, we were
able to engage him for that week
Gus Boesch, general chairman of
the dance committee, said that
plans were now being completed
for one of the best and biggest
Coast balls in the history of the
regiment. He expressed the hope
that every man in the regiment
would have a date down, for the
juniors handling the ball wilLhave
“the perfeict dance laid out for
Boyles, whor with Charles Than-
hauser, is in charge of the band
business for the dance, went on
to say that Don Bestor, Boyd Rae
burn, and Jan Savitt had been con
tacted but not sighed previous to
Weeks’ notice of availability.
“Savitt was the best band avail
able, but because he was too far
from Texas, and wanted a litile
See ANSON WEEKS. Page 4)
the routine'of the organization so
that they will not be entirely un-
acquained when the old students
arrive Sunday, September 27,
the president’s office pointed out.
Usually authoritative sources re
vealed that a committee will be
appointed to investigate and report
on the much-discussed “fish-frog”
New freshman will receive phy
sical examinations Sunday after
noon, September 20. On the next
morning, they will report to the
assembly hall for instructions re
garding freshman week. Follow
ing this meeting, they will be free
to complete their physical exam
inations, pay their fees, and secure
their uniforms. That night they
will meet in Guion Hall to hear
welcome addresses by President T.
O. Walton and E. L. Angell, exe
cutive assistant to the president.
On Tuesday morning, September
28, the freshman will be given psy
chological tests. That afternoon,
they will meet with their senior
military instructors, and Physical
Education Director W. L. Pen-
burthy. After supper, they will be
given a chance to meet by groups
according to their religious prefer
Wednesday, September 23, the
freshman will be given an oppor
tunity to learn college regulations
and meet with their deans. Thurs
day, they will be told of Aggie
Tradition by Dean E. J. Kyle of
the school of agriculture. Registra
tion will take place of Friday, Sep
tember 25.
Classes will begin on Monday,
September 27.
Reserved Seats
Near Sellout In
Town Hall Sale
Purchases May Be Made
In Afternoons Only At
Student Activities Office
Tickets for the fall Town Hall
series are now on sale in the after
noons in the Student Activities
office, John Lawrence, manager
of Town Hall, announced today.
There are available in Guion
Hall over 1800 seats, with 504 of
them reserved. Most of the 1800
will be taken by the corps when
they register, with the reserved
seats going primarily to the fac
ulty, college employees, and Bryan-
About two-thirds of the reserv
ed seat tickets had been Sold by
4:30 yesterday afternoon, indicat
ing a complete sell-out for the sea
Featured on the program are
H. V. Kaltenborn, noted hews ana
lyst heard regularly over NBC;
Alec Templeton, famed blind pi
anist and composer; and Jessica
Dragonette, prima donna of the
opera world. Also featured on the
program are Nancy Swinford,
outstanding Houston soprano; the
Don Cossack choir, the Graff Bal-
let> the Houston Symphony Or
chestra, and the Singing Cadets.
Anson Weeks has just been sig
ned to appear as one of the two
featured name-bands which com
plete the list for the fall series.
500 County Agents Here Next Week
Approximately 500 county agents
and home demonstration agents
will meet h«re for a four day con
ference beginning next Thursday,
stated Roy Snyder, Extension
Specialist on Animal Industries and
member of the program committee
for the four day meeting.
Previously the annual meetings
had been held at the same time
the Farmer’s shoi’t course was m
session in the middle of the sum
mer. This year, however, the short
course was not held because of war
conditions, so the meeting was post
poned until next week, stated Sny
Rueben Brigham, assistant di
rector of the Extension Service,
Washington, D. C., will head the
list of distinguished visitors to be
present at the meet next week.
With Brigham will be several mem
bers of the Extension Service
staff from Washington.
Dr. Robert L. Sutherland, the
director of the Hog Foundation
at the University of Texas will be
at the meeting with other well
know agricultural experts to pool
their opinions for the mutual bene
fit of the county agents and home
demonstration agents of this part
of the country.
Harry C. Hensley, senior agri
cultural economist of the Depart
ment of Agriculture in Washing
ton and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy of
Muleshoe, Texas, president of the
Texas Home Demonstration As
sociation complete the list of well
known visitors to attend the meet
County agents from 254 coun
ties and home demonstration agents
from 139 counties will get to
gether to make up the roster of the
conferees, stated Snyder.
Mornings of the four day con
ference will be taken up by gen
eral conferences while the after-,
noon periods will be devoted to
sectional conferences about spesial
Women delegates will be housed
in newly remedied Milner, while the
men delagates will stay the four
days in various dormatories around
the campus.
Scout-O-Rama Shows Youth’s
Preparation for War Duties
By Jack Keith, Jr.
With such an array of signal
towers, tents, first aid equipment,
air raid equipment, lean-to’s and
bridges as have never been gather
ed on th^ Aggie campus before,
the Boy Scouts of Bryan, College
Station and vicinity will gather
in the Animal Husbandry Pavilion
at 8:15 Friday night to present
their first annual Scout-O-Rama.
Houston Club Plans
Gala Mid-Term Party
Chuck Chalmers, president of the
Houston A. & M. Club, announces
there will be a very important
meeting of the Houston club to
night immediately after yell prac
tice in the YMCA chapel to discuss
plans for a big holiday party in
The Houston A. & M. Mother’s
club is planning a combination
weiner-roast, swimming party, and
juke-box dance at the Golf Crest
Country Club in Houston Monday,
September 21 from 8 till 12 p.. m.
Chalmers strongly requests that
all Houston fish show up for the
meeting as well as all other A. &
M. residents of Houston and vicin
ity. He says all the boys ought to
turn out for the affair to show
their appreciation of the diligent
work of the Houston A. & M.
mothers’ club.
director of the show, the purpose
of the Scout-O-Rama is to show
the public the important^ part the
Boy Scouts of America are playing
in the war effort. As a secondary
purpose, peace time skills in
camping, bridge-building and other
activities will be demonstrated, in
a grand total of nine events in
105 minutes of entertainment.
To lead off, a Grand Entry
and Prologue will be staged in
"which the various branches of
Scouting—Cubs, Scouts and Sea
Scouts—will salute “Miss Liberty”
and the various branches of the
armed forces. Each service of the
army will be represented by Scouts
in appropriate uniform, and, as a
symbol of that service each will
receive a short pledge of alle
giance and cooperation from the
Boy Scouts of America.
The younger boy program, the
Cub program, of the Boy Scouts
will be demonstrated next with
the youngsters themselves showing
what they have done and are doing
to defeat the Japs and Germans.
Cubbing in the United States was
started as an idea a little more
than ten years ago. Today there
are more than 236,125 cubs with
more than 43,000 cub leaders.
An Emergency Service Obstacle
Race, similar to the Army’s “Com
mando Course” will be erected and
run through by the boys on the
(See SCOUT-O-RAMA, Page 4)