The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 27, 1942, Image 1

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The Battalion
New Freshman Program Affords Old Students W eek Off
Drive for Funds to Relieve
WarPrisonersOpensToday l
Community Chest Gives $200 Toward $500
Goal; Students, Faculty Raise Remainder
The local student committee of the World’s Student Ser
vice, a branch of the Y. M. C. A., begins its drive today
to reach the quota which it has designated as its goal for
Aggies and the college to contribute to the World Student
Service Fund. This campaign is to raise A. & M.’s quota of
$500 for the national goal of $100,000, which will be used
for the welfare of the many college students who are interned
in the prison camps of the waring nations.
Local faculty members have already contributed to the
fund. The College Community Chest has designated a sum of
Herbie Kay Accepts
Offer to Play For
avalry Ball
Registration to Be Before
Vacation; Seniors Are Firsi
Science Academy
| Holds Annual Meet
1 Here in November
Plan Allows Cadets to Attend LSU Game
September 25; Fish Report September 21
September freshmen at A. & M. will be given a full
week of intensive preparation for the serious business of
launching upon their college education and at the same time
preparing to serve their country in the armed forces as offi
cers, it was announced today by President T. O. Walton.
Old students will be allowed to register for the new
semester before leaving for their vacation it was revealed
by Dean F. C. Bolton. Seniors will be allowed to register
■Friday afternoon, September 18 and all others will register
on the following day, Saturday, September 19. Arrange-
Sophomores Sign
Frances Beasley’s
Orchestra for Prom
Dance Will Be Formal;
Dorm Vacated for Girls;
Tickets Go on Sale Soon
Frances Beasley and her orches
tra, distinctive new band in the
southwest, has been signed for
the sophomore ball according to
an announcement made today by
Bill Murphy, chairman of the band
This is the first time that the
sophomores have been able to have
an outside band for their dance.
The price of admission will be
$1.10, and there is a representa
tive in each outfit selling tickets.
The dance will be formal, num
ber two uniform being regulation
for the sophomores or a tuxedo as
desired, stated Bobby Stephens.
On Saturday night the Barnyard
Frolic will be held making the
week end a double feature as far
as entertainment is concerned.
Several ramps of one of the cen
trally located dormitories will be
opened for the girls to stay in,
announced Tom Moore, chairman
of the accommodations committee.
The price of the rooms as in the
past will be fifty cents.
Sophomores that are going to
have their dates stay in the dorm-
atories are urged to turn their
names in to their regimental or
outfit representatives immediately
so that necessary arrangements
can be completed, stated Moore.
In a meeting Monday night the
heads of all working committees
made final arrangements and de
cided to sign the Frances Beasley
This will be the second band on
the campus this summer to be led
by a girl musician singer. Frances
Beasley formerly was vocalist with
Leighton Noble’s orchestra, of
nationwide fame, before organiz
ing her own dance band.
Special invitations to the ball
are being printed and distribution
date will be announced at a later
date according to an announcement
issued by the arrangements com
As has been the custom in the
past, the seniors are issued special
invitations to attend the dance,
stated Jack Orrick, Sophomore
class president.
Battalion Magazine
Destroyed Because
Of Indecent Material
No Battalion magazine will be
issued for the month of August.
The edition which was to have been
issued this month was destroyed
last week because the editor and
authoritie§ in charge of the publi
cations considered it to contain
certain matter which approached
the limits of common decency.
It was felt that since the Bat
talion magazine reaches many
people outside the limits of College
Station the editorial matter should
be handled more carefully than if
the publication reached only the
5000 men of the corps.
Early next month the Septem
ber edition of the magazine will be
published so that actually the corps
will receive a magazine only a few
days later than was originally
McAllister Becomes
Scholarship Society
Friday night the Scholarship
Honor Society met to re-elect a
secretary-treasurer as each offi
cer had moved up a place since
Walter Cardewell, Cadet Colonel,
had to resign his post as president,
said Adolph Ben Specia, Vice-
Officers as they now are: Bill
Galloway, A-F. A., President;
Adoph Ben Specia, A-CAC, Vice-
President; and Jim McAllister, H.
Infantry, the newly elected Sec
It is urged that all members pay
their dues by the end of this sem
ester as next semester they will
be 50 cents higher. The dues now
are $1.00 but after the beginning
of the September semester they
will be $1.50, Specia said.
remainder of the quota is to be
raised by the students. Of the na
tional goal of $100,000 the state
quota is $6,000 with Texas Uni
versity’s goal set at $1,100 and
A. & M.’s at the already mention
ed $500.
Purposes of the service fund
campaign are two-fold. With the
money collected books, equipment,
and supplies will be sent to the
many prisoners of war who are
college students and interested in
studying. Such books will help to
occupy these prisoner’s time as
they have very little else to do. Al
so this fund is to help the Chinese
in their quest for an education in
their war-torn country.
Organization Commanders to
Handle Collection
According to Bob Cockrell, chair
man of the local student commit
tee, organization comanders will
receive a letter concerning the col
lection of this fund. Money can be
taken from the company fund,
but it is hoped that each organiza
tion comander will tell his outfit
the purpose of the collection. Mon
ey can be turned in at the Student
Activities office. Each student
should know that he is helping in
this nation wide effort to assist
the prisoners of war.
Old Texts Will Be Collected
Also in the near future a cam
paign will be conducted to collect
all old textbooks which students
and faculty members may have and
which they have no future use
for. Any old textbooks which were
printed not more than ten years
ago will be accepted. There is no
limitation on the subject, but Eng
lish literature and language books
for any tongue are especially
needed. A representative from the
Y.M.C.A. cabinet will collect these
books from the offices on the cam
pus. Students can give their books
to any member of the cabinet or
take them to the “Y” offices.
It is hoped that the campaign
can be closed by September 3,
and organization commander are
asked to canvas their organizations
as soon as possible.
SAE Holds Second
Meeting Tues Night
One of the newest clubs on the
campus, the Student Branch of the
Society of Automotive Engineers,
held its second meeting since its
organization Tuesday night in the
M. E. building, with C. R. Ursell
A meeting of the Texas Group of
the S. A. E. was held in Dallas
Wednesday night in the Adolphus
Hotel, at which Arch T. Colwell,
Director of Thompson Products Inc.
of Cleveland, Ohio, was the prin
cipal speaker. The Texas Group
was organized by some of the prom
inent men of the state, some of
whom are officers of the Society.
These are: Chairman, Allen Guiber-
son ex-vice-president of the Gui-
berson Diesel Engine Co. of Dallas;
Vice-chairman, Harold Schwedes,
General Manager of North Ameri
can Aviation at Dallas; and Secre
tary, W. G. Fuller, General Mana
ger of Globe Aircraft in Ft. Worth.
are attending the meeting in Dal
las. These members of the Student
Branch of the S. A. E. are: Charles
Ursell, D. S. Kaufman, Charlie
Ridenour, Bob Benner, J. M. Hen-
nesy, Frank Young, Jack Vander-
wide, J. M. Hoss, Ecerett Pauls,
Owen A. Moore, Bill DuBose, Joe
Fisher, and Jim Hennessy.
At the meeting Tuesday night,
the following committees and mem
bers were appointed.
Museum Receives
Early Mementoes
Of 79 Graduate
One of First Exes Gives
College Rare Milestones
Of Famed Aggie Tradition
W. M. Sleeper, member of the
first A. & M. graduating class—
1879, visited A. & M. Tuesday to
present the museum with several
rare articles. One of his gifts was
an old-fashioned dress sword pre
sented to him when he was captain
of Company C. The sword is of
particular value because of its ex
treme rarity and its sentimental
background. The sword has a thin,
springy biade with a well worn and
rusty case, a symbol of the rustic
days of A. & M’s early history.
C. J. Hessie, assistant curator of
A. & M’s museum, said Sleeper
also gave him a letter written by
A. & M’s first prexy, President
Gathright, who welcomed several
of the boys to A. & M. with in
dividual letters. Sleeper also pre
sented the museum with a copy of
A. & M’s first catalog which was
really a folder listing expenses
and giving brief information about
the campus.
Sleeper, now living in Waco, was
the first man in history to receive
an A. B. degree from A. & M. and
is one of the few men from the
class of ’79 still living.
September Shipment
Of Senior Rings Is
In Registrar’s Office
The senior rings which are due
September 1, are now in the Reg
istrar’s Office ready for delivery.
Remember the Ring Clerk is on
duty from 8 A. M. to 12 Noon only.
By John Holman
A white-haired man once rais
ed his voice
And introduced a bill.
The Year was 1862—the place
was Capitol Hill.
. . . And when Senator Morrill
raised his voice that day, the
Congress of these United States
listened. As a result, the Land
Grant Act of 1862 called for the
establishment of colleges all over
the United States, devoted exclu
sively to the teaching of the agri
cultural and mechanical arts.
Texas A. & M. opened its doors
fourteen years later with two
buildings, a handful of profs and
cadets, and a lot of hope. But
somehow things didn’t work out
just like Senator Morrill hoped
they would. The Land Grant Col-
legies didn’t do the job he in
tended them to do, and he was
quick to explain his aims. Address-
is perhaps needless ot say that
these colleges were not established
or endowed for the sole purpose of
teaching Agriculture. Their object
was to give an opportunity for
those engaged in industrial pur
suits to obtain some knowledge of
the practical sciences related to
Agriculture and the Mechanic
Arts; such as they could not ob
tain then at most of our institu
tions called classical colleges.”
Junior Party, Horse Show
Also to Highlight Weekend;
Band May Play Town Hall
Herbie Kay and his orchestra
will play for the 1943 Cavalry Re
gimental, Ball to be held in Sbisa
Hall Friday night October 9, ac
cording to Harry Swofford, A
Troop, chairman of the dance com
mittee. No contract has been sign
ed as yet, but Kay has accepted
the offer to play for the ball.
Cavalry juniors will hold their
annual banquet and party before
the ball Friday night. This affair
is for juniors and their dates only.
The place and time of this ban
quet has not been definitely de
cided upon.
Saturday afternoon, the Cavalry
regiment will present for their
week-end guests a horse show on
theCavalry drill field. Fiding, jump
ing, and drill exhibitions will be
given by the men of the regiment,
and all entrants in the different
events must be in the Cavalry re
giment. Details of the show will
be released later in the week, ac
cording to Swofford, but present
plans call not only for the regular
events but also for several novelty
Members of the dance commit
tee are the regiment’s first-ser
geants and staff sergeants. Besides
Chairman Swofford, Wayne Hurd
is in charge of publicity, Clint
Hearne is in charge of the pro
grams and Ray Hardzog will
see to the invitations.
A feature of the ball will be the
corsages. The invitation committee
(See CAVALRY, Page 4)
Love Lantern Dims
To Faint Moonglow As
Earth Eclipses Moon
Most Aggies had to look at the
moon alone Tuesday night. Those
hundreds seen out of doors were
doing some tall gazing as the moon
threw a practice blackout all by
itself. You won’t see it do that
again for several years.
Nothing like this happened around
here, but when the world went
through Halley’s Comet’s tail in
1910, a man in Africa* made mil
lions selling “comet cure” to the
natives. It was really bottled
Thus, the Morrill Act called for
a new and complete system of
higher education, different from
the then existent ideas and prac
tices. He didn’t intend them to
become solely farmer-schools, and
he himself once said that the term
“agricultural college” commonly
used in referring to the colleges
was created for the convenience of
an index clerk in a Washington of
An amendment was made to the
Act of 1862 in 1873, which changed
the old set-up of the Land Grant
Using Texas A. & M. as an ex
ample, the old (1862) plan of
organization for the college call
ed for the following:
The President, who was also
Professor of Mental and Moral
Philosophy and Belles Letters, a
professor of pure mathematics, a
professor of applied mathematics,
mechanics, and military science, a
professor of ancient languages
and literature, a professor of
chemistry, natural sciences and
practical agriculture, a professor
of modern languages and English
In short, the Land Grant colleges
had been organized just like the
then-existing universities instead
of the practical schools Senators
Morrill desired.
Aggieland was typical, and was
Plan Profitable To
Members of Faculty
Present Rate Is Lower
Than Similar Protection
Received Under Later Plan
“Members of the College Group
Hospitalization Plan received more
than their money’s worth in bene
fits during the first year of the
plan’s operation” declared Profes
sor J. Wheeler Barger at the meet
ing of the Faculty on Tuesday
The members of the Group paid
$5,134.50 in premiums during the
first twelve months of operation
and received from the insurance
company $5,242.72 in claims. The
rate of $14.00 per year made ef
fective when the Plan was instal
led is five dollars less than similar
protection would now cost. It is ex
pected that the claims will be less
this year and that the low rates
will not necessarily be increased.
“Staff members who are not now
members are urged to avail them
selves of the benefit of the pro
tection. They may apply for mem-
ship by seeing Mr. M. L. Antony,
the secretary, at the College Hills
Estate Office,” concluded Profes
sor Barger.
Members of the Plan are en
titled to receive five dollars per
day up to seventy days for any
one illness or accident while con
fined in a hospital. They are also
reimbursed for surgical care up to
$150.00 for one operation in ac
cordance with the nature of the
Coverage for wives and children
of members can be secured only
if more staff members join the
group and more favorable claim
experience results.
so even after the Act of 1873,
from this school consisted of 2l
men, of which 7 were in the
School of English; 3 in the School
of Moral Philosophy; 1 in the
School of Greek; 3 in the School
of Latin; 4 in Mathematics; 1 in
Spanish; 2 in Engineering; and
none in the school of 9griculture
As a matter of fact, the professor
of Agriculture was a minister and
had the degree of Doctor of Div
From 1880 to 1898 there were
but three departments teaching
agricultural courses, and no de
partment taught more than 2
courses. Now there are several
times ten courses in agricultural
subjects and the cultural, or class
ical school of this college has not
suffered (but grown) as the en
gineering and agricultural schools
of A. & M. began to serve their
President Bennett Bizzell, who
came to Aggieland in September
1914 was responsible for the place
Texas A. & M. has held for many
years in educational circles. Dur
ing the first five years of his ad
ministration, the college more
than doubled its material equip
ment; the standards of admission
were raised to equal other nation
ally-known schools; the Experi
ment Station came into its own;
(See HISTORY, Page 4)
ments for early registration are
being made so that those who
desire to will be able to attend the
LSU football game in Baton
Rouge on September 25.
Freshmen will be required to
report at the college by Septem
ber 21, and may come a day earlier
if they so desire, Dr. Walton said
in explaining that officials decid
ed to launch the Freshman Week
program so that there will be
time to counsel with the new stu
dents and to allow them to orient
themselves to college routine prior
to beginning actual classwork that
will enable them to graduate un
der the educational speedup pro
gram pioneered by A. & M. in
an elapsed time of two years and
eight months.
1100 New Students Accepted
Eleven hundred new students
already have been accepted for
admittance in the new semester.
A total of 1500 new students is
expected and by arriving at the
college a week before classes be
gin, sufficient time will be allow
ed each individual to receive coun
sel and guidance in the course he
is to select. Each accepted fresh
man will receive a letter from
the Registrar’s office detailing the
program of the Freshman Week.
Rooms will be available on Sun
day afternoon, September 20, and
on Monday morning a full week
will be devoted to counselling,
orientation, play and entertain
ment of the novices. The Fresh
men will have the 4500 acre camp
us to themselves for the entire
week, and will have much more
time than heretofore to register,
take medical examinations and
meet deans, heads of departments
and the military personnel of the
Freshmen Will Become Oriented
During the week it will be pos
sible for the new students to fam-
iliamize themselves with the entire
campus, and class section changes
may be made before actual study
rather than break the new stu
dent’s routine after his studies
One entire afternoon of the
Freshman Week will be devoted
to military instruction and in-
docrination into the daily routine
of bugle calls, setting-up exercises,
meal formations, etc.
“I believe we will remove all
the horrors of beginning college
usually haunting freshmen,” Dr.
Walton commented. “Under the
speed-up program of education we
are anxious for as many Texas
boys as possible to get a good
start, and the impetus thus gained
will make their road easier through
out the beginning semester.”
Faculty Recommends
Changes in Library
At a meeting of the faculty
Tuesday night an investigation of
the library by the American Asso
ciation of University Professors
Was brought to light. Several rec
ommendations regarding changes
in the libary were presented to
await action by the academic coun
It was recommended that addi
tional appropriations amounting
to- $20,000 be made and that at
least $15,000 of this fund be used
to secure new books for under
graduate use. It was proposed that
the library committee be reorga
nized to include members from all
teaching ranks. Certain changes
in the library building were also
Presented at the meeting were
reports regarding group hospitali
zation for the faculty and various
war activities carried on by the
Leading Research Men
Will Participate; College
Section Will Also Convene
The Texas Academy of Sciences
will hold its annual convention on
the campus of Texas A. & M. Col
lege November 13-14, according to
an annunocement made today by
E. L. Angell, assistant to the pre
sident of the college. It will be the
first time in several years that
the organization has met here.
Research men from leading Tex
as educational institutions and
many from industrial research lab
oratories will have a part in the
program. Many others who ma^ not
participate in the program but
who -are interested in keeping up
with the advances made in their
own fields of work or with the ad
vancement of science in general
will attend.
The Junior division, composed
of high school students of science,
the College division, composed of
college students majoring in sci
ence, also will be in session here-
at the same time.
Dr. G. E. Potter, of the college-
biology department, has been nam
ed general chairman in charge of
local arrangements. Approximately
300 scientists are expected to at
Works Out for Meet
Preparing for the National In
ter-Collegiate Dairy Contest to
be held September 7 at Waterloo,
Iowa, the squad that represents
the Dairy Husbandry Department
of A&M have been undergoing ex
tensive practice training in order
that the team to attend the con
test can be selected. The contest,
will be held in connection with the-
National Dairy Congress also to
hold their annual meeting at
Waterloo on September 7. Teams
to participate will be representa
tives of most of the agriculture
schools of the nation, making it
one of the most outstanding of the
year, C. N. Shepardson of the
Dairy Husbandry Department
Juding last Saturday at the
Neal Farm in Waco the squad be
gan a series of practice matches
to enable them to be in the best
possible condition for the meet
and see that the represenative
team may be choosen. The next
trip planned is to Jersey farm at
Buda on Saturday, September 14.
The team is to be chosen there
from the squad which now con
sists of the folowing students: M.
B. Cafpenter of Cumby; Doyle
Moore of Stephenville; Ewell Pra
ther of Waxahachie; G. E. Roberts
of Gatoule; R. C. Bauhhardt of
Burkberret; J. K. Kelsey of Den
ison; W. V. Klare of Schulenburg;
and J. R. Simons of Fort Worth.
Leaving the 3rd of September
the team coached by Professor A.
L. Darnell will judge at a number
of places enroute to Waterloo for
the main contest.
Publications Staffs
Attend Press Club
Tuke Box Friday Nite
“Plans have been completed for
the Press Club dance which is to
be held in The Grove Friday
nig it”, Flash Gordon, president of
the club, said.
Members of the various staffs
of the student publications are
entitled to come, but they should
see their respective editors before
the dance for any final arrange
ments that might have been made,
Gordon said.
The dance will be from nine to
twelve, with the price set at 35
cents for couples and stags.
Math Dept Fears
Professor Shortage
With the loss of W. C. Coleman,
instructor of mathematics, to
the army, the math department
gave up its ninth man to the arm
ed forces having sent three men
to the navy and six to the army.
About fifteen men from A. & M. q ng Congress in 1864 he said,
Something of Aggie History
A&M Established as Result Of
Unconventional Senator’s Plea