The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 11, 1942, Image 3

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Wayne Cure, Aggie Guard, Has Plenty Of
Potentialities to Become Football Star
I was glancing over the new
football dope book put out by the
A. & M. Publicity Department and
one name above all seemed to im
press me more than anything else.
It was in the “Squadmen” section
of the book that I happened to
run across Wayne Cure’s name.
Cure? Let’s see,” you’re probab
ly saying to yourself,” “where
have I heard that name before.”
Oh! Yeah, now I remember, he
played some football for the Tex
as Aggies last year.”
Yep, that’s right fans. Wayne
Cure is the boy who was sub guard
last year, but a boy who showed
so many potentialities that coaches
are expecting plenty from him
this fall.
Here’s what the dope book has
to say about the 205-lb gridster:
:Here is a boy that has the possibil
ities of being a fine guard if he
turns on the heat. He is rough and
tough enough to give the starters
plenty to worry about if he makes
up his mind to go after it.”
Notice the few “ifs” inserted in
the statement. Those ard the hur
dles Wayne will have to overcome
if he becomes the star he should
Last fall and spring, time and
again, fans and railbirds alike,
would remark what possibilities
Cure really had. And, at times,
during spring training, he would
accomodate the fans with a glit
tering performance, but then fall
Barracks Browns
Honestly those famed-
for-fit Crosby Squares
make an Infantryman
feel like he’s in the air
corps. And you are real
ly flying high in style.
Crosby Square Barracks
Browns are famed for
fit and fit for fame.
$5.85 and $6.50
t t t r*
College and Bryan
off and get a bit far behind.
I’ll say this for Wayne. He is
rough, tough as they and has plen
ty of stamina. If he would only
apply himself to the job of play
ing football, there is no doubt in
my mind or any of the coaches’
mind that there would be a great
football star.
Cure has all the makings of a
great guard-—he is big, fast and
sure-footed, and should he ever de
cide that he has possibilities of
'becoming that great guard, then
watch his fire. He is sure to see
plenty of service this fall, but
should he put his mind up to it,
don’t be surprised to see the name
“Cure” in the starting lineup come
September 26!
Sports Squibs From Here
Arid There; Green Makes
Good Showing at NatT Meet
. . . the Aggies are known for
their football all over the coun
try, but it’s been a long time
since swimming at A. & M. hit a
nation-wide streak. . . However it
seems that it has since diminutive
Danny Green, Cadet freshman,
took off third-place honors in the
mile and the 880-yard events in
recent National swimming meet
held at New London, Connecticut.
Danny’s showing in the latter
event was especially remarkable
since the two winners, Bill Smith
and Leo Nakama, broke the world’s
record in annexing the honors. . .
In the mile, Danny was swimming
second for 26 of the 28 lengths be
fore he was finally edged out. . .
Not bad at all for a college fresh
man. . . Third best in the nation in
the nation in the mile and 880 is
(See KYLE FIELD, Page 4)
C Field Artillery Wins Class B Swim Title
Loupot’s Gain As Theatre
Surprises C Cleaners, 10 - 0 T
Holick’s Cleaners Pull Other Upset Of
Day Against Lipscomb’s; Ag Cleaners Win
Upsets spiced the Twlight Leag
ue softball race last night as first
the Campus Theatre astounded the
league-leading Campus Cleaners,
and then Holick’s pulled one out of
the bag to defeat Lipscomb’s Phar
macy by the score of 8-3.
The Theatre bunch, led by Char
lie Beaseley’s one-hit affair and
nine solid blows, whitewashed
mission in the fourth inning with
a six run rally and continued the
assult against Daniels for three
more tallies. Zapalac, Bob Walker,
and Fowler led the nine-hit The
atre assult with two bingles apiece.
Meanwhile, the Holick’s Cleaners,
trying har for a first division berth
handed it to Lipscomb’s Phar
macy, 9-5, to send Kyle Drake’s
Twilight League Standings
Campus Cleaners
Campus Theatre
Lipscomb’s Pharmacy
Holick’s Cleaners
Madeley’s Pharmacy
Aggie Cleaners
Campus Theatre 10 Campus Cleaners 0
Loupot’s Trading Post 9 Faculty 2
Holick’s Cleaners 9 Lipscomb’s Pharmacy 5
Aggie Cleaners 8 Madeley’s Pharmacy 3
Campus Cleaners vs. Faculty ...
.... Diamond 9
Campus Theatre vs. Lipscomb’s
.... Diamond 4
Holick’s Cleaners vs. Aggie Cleaners
... Diamond 6
Loupot’s Trading Post vs. Madeley’s
... Diamond 7
Sylvester And
Brown Winners
o 20-19 Victory
Led by Sylvester and Brown, C
Field Artillery annexed the Class
B swimming crown as they defeat
ed 3 H. Q. Field Artillery last night
by the score of 29-19. Sylvester
won the 40 yd. free style and
Brown came in first in the 40
yd. breast stroke event to give C
Field enough points to win the
title. Harwood was high point
man for 3 H. Q. accounting for
14 points of the losers 19 points.
Following are the events and
Medley relay — CF Art., Rog
ers, O. L, Maher, W. H., Bower,
J. O. 3; 3 H. Q. Field Art, Medaris,
G., Dee, R. D., Harwood, H. R., 6.
40 yd. free style —- Lokey, 3,
Sylvester, 5; Burndret, W. B.,
'Damentarms, 1.
40 yd. back stroke — Bronk, 5,
Maher, 3; Bootwright, Medaris, 1.
40 yd. breast stroke — Rogers 1,
Brown, 5; Dee, R. D., Sullivan, J.
J., 3.
Free style relay — Dicken son,
Ray, Rheman, McCarthy 4; Har
wood, 8.
Tuesday, August 11, 1942
Page 3
Plans for Gigantic Swim
Tourney Aug 15 Completed
Manager Horace Jennings crew,
10-0, to break a long-standing
winning streak. Beasley pitched a
brilliant seven-inning tilt, with
Gunner Dunn’s safe blow in the
third inning robbing the Theatre
hurler of a no-hit, no-run game.
While Beasley was holding the
hard-hitting Cleaner bunch to that
lone hit, his mates were connect
ing solidly against the offerings
of Gregg Ramsey and Jim Daniels.
They pounded Ramsey into sub-
AT —
Aggieland Pharmacy
Keep to the Right at the North Gate
May We Suggest
Aggie Jewelry
Lockets Compacts
Bracelets Rings
The appropriate gift can be found—whatever the
occasion—at . . .
Be Sure To Have Your BOOTS
On Time.
Order Them NOW!!
North Gate
ten into a third place tie with the
surprising Theatre team. A four-
run rally in the opening -stanza
plus another three run in the fifth
clinched the game for Holick’s. Art
Hogge pitched for the winners
scattering seven hits. Holick’s got
but six hits themselves but some
wildness on the part of Pitchers
Donald Funtch and Andy Cokinos
contributed greatly to the scoring
Loupot’s Trading Post advanced
a notch by their 9-2 victory over
the Faculty. Nine hits were pound
ed out by the winners, with Lee
Ramage leading the hitting spree
with three safe blows including a
three-base knock. Johnny Hejl
pitched for the winners allowing
the Faculty but five scattered hits.
The Aggie Cleaners finally
broke into the win column by
slashing out an 8-3 victory over
Madeley’s Pharma’cy. The Clean
ers wasted no time in solving Wil
son’s offerings and sooned piled
up a lead on which Pitcher Doc
coasted easily along.
The teams resume their play
again next Wednesday with the
(See TWILIGHT, Page 4)
Only Pingpong And
Tennis Undecided
The intramural open tourna
ments drew rapidly to a close as
more champs were crowned. The
only sports that are left undecided
are tennis and pingpong singles.
Sports in which champions have
been crowned include Aggiemin-
ton, horseshoes and handball.
The horseshoes singles title was
won by Meyer of C Coast, when
he defeated Cifttis of A Coast.
Meyer and Dreiss teamed up to
win the doubles title from Boyd
and Barton of B Coast.
In tennis, semi-final matches
are to be played between Plang-
man of C Eng. and Whitacre of
D FA. The winner of this match
will meet Gilbert of A Inf. for the
singles championship. The doubles
championship will be decided
Whiteacre and Elliston of D FA
meet Stanley and Allen of A
The Aggieminton title was won
by Meyer of C Coast, when he de
feated Caro of 4 CHQ. The doubles
of Forrest and Lietz of G Coast.
The handball singles champion
ship was won by Mike Cokinos of
H FA when he defeated Kenny of
(See TOURNAMENT, Page 4)
By Mike Mann
Spike White, assistant director
of intramural sports brings news
of ex-Aggies who were prominent
in Intramural activities while at
tending A. & M. Spike visited Fort
Sill, Oklahoma, this week end and
while there saw Bob Myers, As
sistant Sports Editor of the Bat
talion, 1940-41, and Lt. Jack Tay
lor, 1941-42 captain of 3rd Head
quarters Field Artillery, who are
stationed at that post at the pre
sent time.
Lt. Myers is mess officer, hav
ing charge of the mess facilities
for three different groups of of
ficers. Lt. Taylor is organizing
an intramural program and re
quested that Spike send him rule-
books and various forms used by
the local department. Jack also
asked Spike to tell the boys in the
old outfit that he receives the
Batt regularly and doesn’t want
to see 3rd Headquarters Field in
the Doghouse or else - -
Incidentally, the size of the Dog
house is greatly reduced today.
Let’s hope this is an omen of fu
ture absences of teams from the
Doghouse. This time freshmen in-
tramurallists lead the Class A con
testants in the intramurals.
C Cavalry, volleyball
A Replacement Center, tennis
' F Coast Artillery, tennis
F Engineers, softball
B Signal Corps, softball
Stortz of D Engineers pitched
his team to a Class A softball vic
tory over B Signal Corps with the
final score reading 18-2. Maynard,
Owens, and Hill were the big guns
for the Engineers sluggers.
The H Field Artillery fish stag
ed an eight-run rally in the eight
inning hut it wasn’t enough to
overcome the lead held by B Caval
ry who won the game 20-18. A
last-inning comeback that did some
good was the one pulled in the
last of the sixth stanza to defeat
F Coast 16-15 in a Class B soft-
ball game.
The plans for the big open swim
ming tournament, which is spon
sored by the Intramural Depart
ment, have been completed. Any
body who is eligible to participate
in intramurals, is eligible to swim
in the meet. The tournament is to
be held Saturday August 15 start
ing promptly at 8:00 p. m. at the
P. L. Downs, Jr. Natatorium.
Following are the events to be
held in the tournament:
220 foot free-style—(2 lengths
of pool)
300 foot free style—(3 lengths
of pool)
600 foot free-style—(6 lengths
of pool)
200 foot back-stroke—(2 lengths
of pool)
200 foot breast-stroke—(2 len
gths of pool)
Diving—(3 required-front, back,
and half-twist) (3 optional)
4 Man free-style relay (each
man swims two lengths of
The Entry Blank printed in to
day’s newspaper has to be in the
Physical Education office by noon
Saturday, August 15.
Then- she decided to attend col
lege herself. She and her daughter,
Jean, are enrolled in the same
classes at Capital.
See Mr. Lucchese
The Uniform Tailor
North Gate
Aug. 11
404 No. 15
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