The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 18, 1942, Image 4

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    Page 4
Official Notices
I, L. M.
henceforth be known
GALEWSKY, have officially
C, and
L. M. Gale.
LOST—An Elgin wrist watch, last Fri
day night, July 10th. Left on wash basin
in lavatory of basement of Y.M.C.A.
Please return for reward. Charles Graham,
H-2, Walton.
FOR RENT—One airy bedroom, private
entrance, private bath, 8 windows. Phone
4-4764. *
FOR RENT—6-room apartment, 3 love
ly bedrooms, screened-in porch, tile bath,
and garage. Phone 4-4764.
LOST—Black and grey striped Sheaffer
Lifetime fountain pen. Name in gold on
pen—“Paul S. Tani.” Reward for return
to Tani at C-7, Walton Hall.
Executive Offices
In order to encourage students from
among the Spanish-speaking peoples of
the Southwest to carry on advanced study
in institutions of higher learning and to
prepare themselves for work among their
people, the Coordinator of Inter-American
Affairs is offering a limited number of
graduate fellowships for 1942-43, to be
administered by the Institute of Interna
tional Education.
These fellowships are for study in such
fields as social studies, education, medi-
cine, agriculture, social work, at an ac
credited American university or profes
sional school.
See notice on bulletin board first floor
of the Agriculture Building.
E. J. Kyle, Dean
School of Agriculture
There will be a meeting of all agricul
tural faculty members and students in
Guion Hall at 11:00 a.m. Monday, July
20. Students will be expected to attend
and will be excused from classes missed. I
will make a report on the Second Pan-
American Conference on Agriculture held
in Mexico City July 6-16. I will also in
troduce Dean H. L. Walster who is making
a survey on agriculture for the College.
Any one interested is invited.
E. J. Kyle, Dean of Agriculture
NOTICE—Students having I.E.S. Mitch
ell desk lamps for sale, please contact the
B. & C. U. Dept, across the street from
the Exchange Store. Lamps should include
the shade and globe.—B. D. Marburger,
Commandant’s Office
Issue of Government Overseas Caps
1. R.O.T.C- first and second year basic
course students will draw overseas caps
from the Exchange Store beginning at
8:00 a. m., Monday, July 20, lO'iz, ana
continue through Friday, July 24, 1942.
To facilitate the issuing of caps, individ
uals will report to the Exchange Store
during vacant periods in the following
alphabetical order on the dates indicated:
Monday, July 20th A to E
Tuesday, July 21st F to J
Wednesday, July 22nd K to O
Thursday, July 23rd P to T
Friday, July 24th U to Z
and all others not able to report as sched
By order of Colonel WELTY,
Major, C.A.C., Executive
Those cadets who will complete R.O.T.C.
Training at the end of this semester and
who have attended summer camp are as
John B. Porter, F.A.
William H. Byrd, C.A.C.
Jack W. Brown, Eng.
George P. Candill, Q.M.C.
These cadets will report to Room No.
18, Ross Hall and make out their appli
cation for commission.
Radio Repairs
Student Co-op
Phone 4-4114
This Favorite
'Aviation Buckler 9 *
I^Iade of extremely soft
Norse, this plain toe one
buckle oxford is amazingly
comfortable ... Its heavy oil
treated sole can “take it”.
For civilian or military wear.
Otbtr EdgcrUnt $£ t» $6.8j
Salute This
“Military Leader”
The shoe that is worn by
officers in all parts of
the world. The shoe for
you “Ag-gies” who want
comfort and demand
service. The Military
Leader of all shoes.
f llaldropg(8
“Two Convenient Stores”
College and Bryan
will be an important meeting of the Fish
and Game club Monday night at 7:30 in
Room 115 of the Animal Industries build
ing. All students either majoring or minor-
ing in Fish and Game should be present.
Moving pictures will be shown.
A. & M. EX-4H CLUB meeting will
be held in Room 132, A. & I. Building at
6:45 p. m. Monday. A program has been
planned, so why not come and bring
someone with you.
IMMEDIATELY after the free show,
4:30 p. m. Sunday afternoon, July 19,
under the sponsorship of the A. & M.
Lutheran Walther Club there will be a
fifty-minute film, “The Power of God,”
shown. It is a story type film and all
are cordially invited.
Rev. D. Campbell Butler will preach in
the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning
at 11 o’clock. Mr. Butler was a former
pastor of this church. He resigned to go
as a missionary to China where he served
for many years. He is now Professor of
English and the tennis coach at East Tex
as State Teachers College in Commerce.
You are cordially invited to attend this
service in Guion Hall.
Church Notices
R. B. Sweet, Minister
Sunday: 9:45 a. m., the Bible classes;
10:45 a. m., the worship service; 7 p. m.,
the after-supper discussion group and at
8:00 p. m. the evening worship.
Wednesday: 7:30 p. m., the mid-week
prayer meeting.
All are invited to attend all these serv
ices. You will be most welcome.
800 S. College Avenue, Bryan
Rev. H. A. Traugott, Pastor
9:45 a. m., Sunday school and Bible
10:45 a. m., Morning service.
All are cordially invited to attend. Serv
ices will be over in time for students to
return to the campus for lunch.
Rev. Roscoe Hauser, Jr., Chaplain
7:00 a.m., Holy Communion.
9:00 a. m., Church school. The Coffee
10:00 a. m.. Morning prayer and ser
7:00 p. m., Lawn party on the Chapel
STATION, Rev. R. L. Brown, Pastor
Harvey Hatcher, Education & Music
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship service, 10:60 a. m.
B. S. U. Council 1:30 p. m.
Training Union, 7:00 p. m.
Evening worship service, 8:00 p. m.
All students are welcome to our serv
ices in the new Baptist church just one
block north of the North Gate, Post Of
Wm. H. Andrew, D. D. Pastor
Sunday School—9:45 A.M.
Morning Worship—10:50 A.M.
Evening Worship—6:30 P.M.
Baptist Training Union—7:30 P.M.
A cordial welcome to every Aggie. Meet
your friends at this church. Attend the
Dan Russell Sunday School Class, every
Sunday. Free bus from Project House
area at 9 :15 ; New area 9:20, old Y 9:26.
A family church for students.
Women’s Auxiliary of the College Pres
byterian church will meet Monday at 8
p. m. in the home of Mrs. L. S. Paine
with Mrs. C. A. Medberry as co-hostess.
All of the husbands are invited. Mrs.
D. W. Williams will give the program on
Foreign Missions.
Columbia university sophomores
studying humanities are permitted
to don earphones to listen to mu
sical recordings while they learn
their lessons.
(Continued from Page 3)
that those who are in the service
will be given leave to participate
in the game so don’t pass up a
player because you know he is in
the army. Last year Jim Thoma
son, Chip Routt, Ernie Pannell and
Dookie Pugh all played in the
game and Pannell made the start
ing team by getting the largest
number of votes for a tackle job.
Fill in the ballot below, or as
many other ballots as you can
find, and turn them in to your
First Sergeant, who in turn will
deliver them to Haikin at the Bat
talion Office in the Administration
Juke Box Prom Saturday...35 cents
Winged Horsepower
r— -
(Continued From Page 3)
Angelo squad will not bring their
own horses but will ride mounts
of the Cadets.
Strong Opponents
At the present time the San An
gelo team is one of the strongest
in the state, having recently de
feated Cecil Smith’s famous ag
gregation in a San Angelo tourney.
The San Angelo lineup will in
clude: Len Mertz, prominent San
Angelo rancher and horseman at
No. Ij Gene Linthicum at No. 2;
Dutch Evinger, rated at seven
goals, one of the nation’s top polo-
ists, at No. .3; and Lt. Bill Dent,
of Arizona polo fame, who had a
four goal handicap in the last rat
ing but is probably worth seven
now, will be at No. 4 spot.
A practice scrimmage will take
place at 3 p.m. Saturday, July 25,
and a game is scheduled for 2:30
p.m. on the following day. The A.
& M. Polo Field is located on the
Sulphur Springs road just west of
Highway 6. No admission will be
charged as an attempt is being
made to give the public some good
sports entertainment in the ab
sence of such major sports as foot
ball, basketball and baseball, says
Lt. North.
Juke Box Prom Saturday...35 cents
(Continued From Page 2)
the Near East there should be no
great fear for their destruction
there. For here they would have a
great area in which to maneuver
and several fine points from which
to receive reinforcements, supplies,
and material through the Red Sea
and the Persian Gulf besides the
possibility of aid from India, if the
British can keep from alienating
her. Here then, in the Near East,
the Russian-British-Indian and oth
er allied troops could be condi
tioned and made strong enough
over a period of time, possibly
years, to launch a victorious as
sault westward over the same trail
with perhaps the hoped for western
front giving aid. I doubt seriously
if the allied forces can open a suc
cessful western front before the
Russians are divided. What this all
boils down to then is a long drawn
out war (years) with a final spurt
to win the last battle to settle it
all. Where will this ultimate battle
field be? Anywhere from India to
France and probably in western or
eastern Germany with the ultimate
fall of Berlin.
(Continued From Page 3)
Within the next day or two a
recreational questionnaire will be
sent to the recreational officers by
the Intramural department. All
Aggies who are given one of these
forms to fill out are reminded that
this is an attempt to better the
local sport program. The question
naires have been made up by a
Park and Recreation Development
class of the Landscape Arts de
Come by and let us
supply your needs
LOUPOT’S Trading Post
North Gate
New Promotion List
Released by Dept
Military Science
Promotions in the corps of ca
dets were announced Wednesday
by the Commandant’s office. Most
of those promotions made were to
original vacancies which were not
filled on the original list at the be-
gining of school. Also promotions
of project house officers were
made. Following is the list of pro
Field Artillery Band
Sergeants: Jim B. Sharp, Ernest
H. Gras, Joseph F. Gordon. Cor
poral, Charles E. Phillips.
Cavalry Regiment
Headquarters Troop, Second
Lieutenant: Jimmie S. Knight, Jr.
Field Artillery Regiment
First Battalion Headquarters,
Second Lieutenant: James L. Rob
First Battalion Headquarters
Battery: Sergeant, Sam Rosen-
stein; Corporal, Grover C. Wright.
A Battery: Sergeant, Edward M.
B Battery: Corporal, Fred C.
C Battery: Sergeants, Mark L.
Browne, Ed Nelson.
Second Battalion Headquarters
Battery: Sergeant, Raymond E.
D Battery: Corporal, Harold
F Battery: Sergeant, George
Strickhausen, III; Corporals, Dave
G. Fox, Durward M. Stayton, Pat
rick H. Shovlin.
Third Battalion Headquarters
Battery: Second Lieutenant, Rob
ert A. Alford; Corporal, Edwin L.
G Battery: Corporal, Jarvis B.
Coast Artillery Regiment
A Battery: Corporal, Henry S.
D Battery: Sergeant, Flave A.
F Battery: Corporal, Robert W.
Engineer Regiment
A Company: Sergeants, Park R.
Birdwell, Jr., Raymond L. Welch;
Corporal, Claude W. Hanley, Jr.
B Company: Sergeants, Thomas
B. King, Harry L. Bruner; Cor
porals, James R. Curry, William
G. Hendrix.
C Company: Sergeants, James B.
Davies, Jr., Harold A. Berry.
D Company: Sergeants, Leland
R. Anderson, John L. Collier, Jr.
E Company: Sergeants, John W.
Reagan, Bland M. Woof ter.
F Company: Sergeants, James
A. Puckett, Roy R. Priest, Jr.
Composite Regiment
Signal Corps Battalion
First Signal Battalion: Techni
cal Sergeant, Robert H. Rudasill.
A Company: Second Lieutenant,
Gabriel W. Marnoch; Sergeants,
George M. Williams, George I.
B Company: Second Lieutenant,
Robert W. Knowles; Corporals,
Harry C. Dillingham, Frank R.
Nye, N. A. Tate.
Headquarters Company: First
Lieutenant, Chris J. H. Schaefer;
Second Lieutenant, Robert A. Bre
aux; Second Lieutenant, Tom H.
Robb; Sergeants, James D. Mont-
fort, Robert M. Shuffler; Corpor
als, Glenn E. Tanner, George T.
Chemical Warfare Battalion
C Company: Sergeant, Bernard
Sampson; Corporals, Morris Bank-
ler, Charles D. Williams.
Ordnance Unit
A Company: Sergeant, David S.
B Company: Sergeant, Martin E.
With the approval of the Presi
dent of the College and the Com-
Red Cross Announces
Personnel for Week
The Red Cross Chapter of Col
lege Station has announced the
women who will be in charge at
the Red Cross rooms for the com
ing week.
On Monday, July 20, Mrs. Gibb
Gilchrist, Mrs. Roscoe Hauser and
Mrs. Fritz Hensel will be in charge.
Mrs. H. R. Covington and Mrs.
Luke Patranella will be in charge
Tuesday, July 21. The women of
the department of building and
grounds and those of the Presby
terian church society will have
For Wednesday, July 22, the Ex
tension Service women and those
of the administrative group, and
the Baptist church society will
participate. Mrs. R. S. Miller, Mrs.
F. C. Bolton and Mrs. Roy Simms
are the key women.
Thursday, July 23, the women of
the Methodist church society will
have charge. Mrs. K. M. Curts is
the key woman.
Volunteers are welcome at all
times, the announcement said.
Bundles of wool scraps and old
clothes and shoes are asked to be
brought in for use in the Volunteer
Service office.
Lutheran Club Gives
Free Religious Show
Immediately after the frees show
Sunday afternoon in Guion Hall a
religious picture, “The Power of
God,” will be 'shown under the
sponsorship of the A. & M. Luth
eran Walther Club, H. O. Kunkel,
president, stated yesterday.
Although the picture carries a
religious theme, it is a fifty-min
ute feature type picture, produced
on the R.K.O. lots. All that are
interested are cordially invited to
The A. & M. Lutheran Walther
League is the student organization
connected with Bethel Lutheran
church in Bryan. It has been active
on the campus for the past four
M R Yezak Receives
Ensign Appointment
Mitchell R. Yezak, Bremond, re
ceived his appointment as an En
sign in the U. S. Naval Reserve
July 5. He was graduated with the
class of ’42, and took his oath of
office July 10. ■
Yezak was graduated in the
Landscape Art Department, and
was a member of the Scholarship
Honor Society, the Newman Club,
and the Landscape Art Club,
mandant of Cadets, the following
appointments of cadet officers as
project house officers are announc
Major: Paul P. Swearingen.
Company A
Captain, Leslie R. Hereford, Jr.;
First Lieutenant, Frank R. Craig;
First Sergeant, James C. Spiller.
Company B
Captain, Harold N. Carr; First
Lieutenant, Leonard Mason; First
Sergeant, Sidney H. McLean.
Company C
Captain, Thurman A. Head;
First Lieutenant, Robert S. Rob
erts; First Sergeant, Forrest E.
Company D
Captain, Emmett C. McLarty,
Jr.; First Lieutenant, Doyle R.
Nichols; First Sergeant, Robert C.
Company E
Captain, Thomas A. Duke, Jr.;
First Lieutenant, Joe W. Poland;
First Sergeant, Herman T. Varde-
Company F
Captain, Otheil J. Erlund; First
Lieutenant, Russell L. Chatham;
First Sergeant, Paul T. Goins.
(Continued From Page 2)
but gets fired because- he’s de
priving somebody that needs it of
a job. Playboy Fonda ends up buy
ing a hospital, his wife ends up
running it and everybody is happy.
The funny situations are well por
trayed and the story is filled with
funny bone ticklers.
The Lowdown: fun for all with
no holds barred.
“NAZI AGENT,” showing at
Guion Hall today only, portrays
Conrad Veldt in a dual role as
Nazi agent, and his twin brother,
a loyal American citizen. The cast
also includes Ann Ayars and Frank
“Nazi Agent” is something new
and original in the line of German
spy pictures so prevalent at this
time. Veidt does a masterful job
in his role as the two brothers.
The brother who is a spy is a
German consul, and he attempts to
use the small shop of his Amer
icanized brother as a clearing
house for the Nazi bund. Natural
ly, the two brothers, each loyal to
his country, have a fight and the
best man wins. To thwart the spy
ring the American assumes the
place of his brother and foils the
Germans’ plot to blow up the Pan
ama Canal.
The Lowdown: Nazi spies in a
s-nazi picture.
(Continued from Page 3)
to choose the boys for the differ
ent positions, but after due delib
eration, the managers made a wise
choice . . . Neither the A or B
teams can be classed as the first
or the second team since it was
the idea of the managers’ to di
vide the teams as evenly as possi
ble and still stand a grand chance
of drubbing the Bryan All-Stars
twice—something that is yet to be
done in the annual Bryan-A. & M.
series . . . Kyle Field is still being
considered as the site for the game
here but should that plan fall
through, Diamond No. 4, which is
across from Dean Kyle’s home will
probably be used . . . Word from
the athletic office and official ad
vices state that the Washington
unless something comes up which
neither team can control . . . the
Duke-A. & M. tilt could have been
played but each team desired to
schedule service organizations and
October 10 was the most conven
ient date for both.
Paying his tuition at University
of Cincinnati college of law with
102 silver dollars, a student ex
plained the money came from his
sideline as justice of the peace.
========= 1150 KC =========
Saturday, July 18
11:25 a.m.—Music.
11:30 a.m.—Treasury Star Parade.
11:45 a.m.—Brazos Valley Farm
and Home Program.
11:50 a.m.—A Moment for Reflec
tion (Bryan and College Sta
tion Pastors).
11:55 a.m.—The Town Crier.
12:00 noon—Sign-off.
Sunday, July 19
8:30 a.m.—Classical Music.
9:15 a.m.—Roans Chapel Singers
9:30 a.m.—Sign off.
(Continued From Page 3)
Lipscomb’s Pharmacy started out
like a house on fire but soon the
fire was put out by the rest of
the teams. The Campus Theatre
started with a losing streak and
lost their first four games but
since then have been winning
their share of the games. At the
present Madeley’s Pharmacy is
in the middle of a winning streak
which has carried up the ladder.
The closeness of the race is
shown by the fact that three teams
are tied for fourth place only
four games from the league top.
After Monday’s games the league
players will forget all differences
and the All Star selections will
try to defeat the Bryan All Stars
next Wednesday and Thursday.
Trade With Lou
Our Solicitor
In Your
WWf I; I
Summer Merchandise
Takes the Exit Route at PENNY’S
Men’s Sharkskin Suits
Men’s COOLAIR Suits
Men’s Straw Hats
Choice any hat now
Men’s Summer Slacks
Reduced to
$1.66 $2.66
Summer Materials Reduced to Clear
Bembergs, Ting-a-lings, Rayons, now
47*? 57*? 67*< yd.
Misses and Ladies Sport and Slack Shoes
in white and light shades, broken lots and
broken sizes
770 and $1.77
Bryan, Texas