The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 16, 1942, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Hollywood Will Bring Aggieland to Screen
Commando Course Will Be
Added to Military Facilities
Cross Country Movement Made as Difficult
As Possible Conditions Men for Soldiering
Attempting- to turn out physically fit men as well as
technically trained officers, the military department plans
soon to inaugurate a commando course which will be similar
in design and difficulty to those used in the training of the
British commandos. The proposed course was described to
a Battalion reporter yesterday by E. J. Urbanovsky of the
landscape art department.
Included in the drawings of the course are log hurdles
and a ten foot fence which the trainee must scale. Once over
the fence, the soldier proceeds through a group of natural
obstacles such as trees and dense underbrush. Ascention
and descention of a hill through a pipe, crossing horizontal
bars and taking hurdles in a thickly wooded area will help
Juke Box Prom
To Be Held In
Sbisa Saturday
Main Dining Room
Will Be Used Again
To Provide Ample Room
Another of the Juke Box Proms,
which have proved to be so popular
with the Aggies, will be held this
coming Saturday night from 9:00
to 12:00 in the main dining hall
of Sbisa. At the last prom, which
was the first one to be held in the
big room, it was found to be much
cooler as well affording more
dancing room.
Bobby Stephens, Social Secretary
of the Senior Class, said, “The
limiting of stags will be left al
most entirely up to the organiza
tions. Freshmen must have dates
and the respective organizations
will decide whether or not Sopho
mores will be required to have
The admission will be 35c and
the uniform for the dance will be
the No. 2, khaki pants and shirts.
Officers Guides
Available Through
Student Activities
Lawrence Boone, manager of
student activities, announced to
day that several payments have
been made already on the “Offi
cer’s Guide.” This book contains
general information, the purpose
of which is to act as a reference
book for new officers entering the
The sale of the book is being
handled this year through the Stu
dent Activities Office in the Ad
ministration Building, Walter
Cardwell, cadet colonel, stated
The deadline for those who plan
to buy their books in the first or
der is July 22. A payment must
be made before 5 p.m. on that
day if the book is purchased in
the first order. Cardwell also said,
“Cadet officers will find that this
book can help them in running
their organizations here on the
The “Officer’s Guide,” which is
published by the Military Service
Publishing Company, is designed
especially to aid new officers in
such subjects as correct uniforms,
military court proceedings, cus
toms of the service, and other gen
eral information.
Agronomy Society
Hears D L Cothran
In the- regular meeting of the
Agronomy Society at 7:30 tonight
in the Agricultural Engineering
building, Donald L. Cothran, State
Cotton Crop Supervisor will hold
an informal discussion with the
members of the Agronomy Society
on cotton crop insurance.
After the informal discussion by
Cothran, the club members will
discuss plans for an initiation of
new members, the date to be set
at the meeting.
Also plans for an agronomy pic
nic will be discussed at the meet
ing. Heretofore, there has been
only one picnic during the year;
however, the plans for the Agron
omy Society show more outings
for the future.
-enable the trainee to travel
cross country through the rough
est type of terrain without great
physical hardship.
Crawling on hands and knees
under a low bridge and through
a culvert pipe, and running
through a maize of barrel sections
similar to the staggered tires used
in football training will develop
agility, surefootedness and the
faculty of coordinating mind and
Completion of the course in
volves traversing deep under
growth, swinging over a trench
on a rope and entering a window
after first scaling a wall.
The military department will
use the course for developing the
bodies of the cadets to enable them
to meet any and, ’e h conditions
of physical exigency in the field
and during combaf.
Co-op Leaders
Hold Three Day
Meeting in August
Cooperative leaders representing
all types of associations from all
sections of the state are expected
to attend the Texas Institute for
Cooperatives to be held at A. &
M. beginning Monday, August 10,
and continuing to Wednesday
noon, August 12.
Plans for the Institute are near
ing completion according to J.
Wheeler Barger, head of the De
partment of Agricultural Econom
ics at the college, who is chairman
of the Institute Program Com
mittee. A few national leaders in
the cooperative movement have
been secured for special addresses,
including Ezra Benson, executive
^secretary of the National Council
of Farmer Cooperatives and Dr.
O. W. Herrmann, chief of the Co
operative Research and Service
Division of the Farm Credit Ad
Most of the time on the Insti
tute program will be devoted to
informal discussions of major co
operative problems by the dele
gates in attendance. Particular at
tention will be given to the new
responsibilities and problems of
associations that have arisen as a
result of the war. Time will also
be devoted to consideration of some
important organization and man
agement matters, to plans used
with success by some associations,
and to possibilities of cooperatives
working together on a number of
matters of common interest.
The first annual membership
meeting of the Texas Federation
of Cooperatives will be held dur
ing the Institute. Directors will be
elected and a program of work
formulated for this newly char
tered organization.
Kream and Kow Klub
Plans Fish Fry Soon
The Kream and Kow Klub voted
at the first meeting of this semes
ter to have some form of enter
tainment such as a picnic, dance,
fish fry or swimming party each'
month. The entertainment for June
was a picnic featured by a soft-
ball game between the students
and the professors of the depart
ment followed by an outside bar
becue at Hensel Park.
At the regular club meeting
Tuesday night the members voted
to have a fish fry for this months’
entertainment which is to be held
1 late Saturday, July 25.
Whatcha Drinkin’ Gal?
Scruggs Submits Winning Snapshot
As Longhorn Contest Gains Following
Universal’s Walter Wanger|j e Sanders wins
To Portray Ag Traditions
Movie Will Be Pull Length, All Star
Production Costing Around $750,000
Traditions which have been a part of the long and col
orful history of Texas A. & M. will live again on the screen,
it was revealed in an announcement made by President T. O.
Walton. He said that arrangements have recently been made
with Walter Wanger, film producer of Universal Pictures,
to produce a feature length picture on the dramatic history
of the school and its role in the military, engineering, and
agricultural scheme of the state of Texas and the nation.
It has been said that the film will include an all-star cast.
Approval of the board of directors and the faculty to
produce the film has been obtained, Walton announces. Pub
licity Director G. Byron Winstead has gone to Hollywood
C. G. Scruggs, P.O. 2835, is win
ner of the snapshot contest for
this week. In announcing the win-
Seniors Are Urged
To Fill Out Forms
For Job Placement
Seniors are advised by W. R.
Horsley, director of the placement
office of the Former Students As
sociation, to fill out the personnel
record form, and purchase the per
sonnel leaflets that the office will
issue as soon as they are received.
Horsley asks the senior classes
cooperation in. filling out these
forms especially since they are for
the purpose of helping obtain for
them employment whenever de
sired. He points out that when the
war is over and the country is in
a more normal economic condi
tion, there will be many seeking
positions in the field they studied
in college. At that time the place
ment office will be the most logi
cal place from which pertinent in
formation may be obtained.
If contact is kept up during the
time spent in the army, arrange
ments may be made before being
discharged that will place the job
seeker one step ahead of the oth
ers seeking the same position. Of
course there is no guarantee of a
position but with full cooperation,
Horsley is confident that a posi
tion that will best suit the appli
cant can be obtained. Even upon
promise of a job after graduation,
the information may sometimes be
of use in obtaining another.
To fill out the form much ac
curacy is asked in the information
which should be as complete as
possible. A picture is to be turned
in with it, which Horsley suggests
be taken the same time gradua
tion pictures are made.
“Let’s keep Americans the rich
est, happiest, freest and most self-
reliant people on the earth col
lectively by re-selling ourselves
individually on the principles and
practices that have made us great,”
so stated Stanley W. Foran as he
addressed juniors and seniors yes
terday morning in Guion hall and
underclassmen last night. An in
terested group of men heard Foran
deliver his famous speech “My
Country ’Tis of Thee and Me!”
Continuing, Foran said, “To do
that let’s resell ourselves on the
cooperative individualism which
has enriched us materially, cul
turally and spiritually beyond the
dreams of less blessed people, and,
by our unified, vitalized and out
spoken zeal for effectively func
tioning democracy, let’s regenerate
belief in freedom in all lands
where coercive collectivism is de
stroying personal liberty, equal
rights, freedom of speech and the
ner Longhorn Editor John Long-
ley urged the rest of the men to
turn in their pictures and try for
the chance of the one dollar prize
offered for the best picture of the
The pictures are for the Campus
section, and the best picture turn
ed in during the week will win a
prize. In addition all pictures have
a chance of appearing in the Long
horn at the time. It is printed the
latter part of this year.
The snapshots are judged by
Howard Berry, photographer of
the Experiment Station. They may
be turned in at the Student Activi
ties Office or placed in the boxes
placed in the lobbies of the new
and old “Y.” Any number of pic
tures may be submitted. The pic
tures should have a glossy finish
and should have the name and ad
dress of the contestant written on
the back of the picture. The con
test is open to everyone except
staff and commercial photograph
Highway Department
Engineer Speaks To
ASCE Tonight at 7
The American Society of Civil
Engineers will have George M.
Garrett, District Engineer for the
Texas Highway Department as a
speaker at its meeting tonight at
7:00 in the C. E. lecture room.
Garrett’s topic will be “The Ef
fect of Asphalt Freezing on Fu
ture Highway Construction.” He
is highly qualified to talk on the
subject due to his wide experience
in the field of highway engineer
ing. He is a graduate of A. & M.
in the class of ’23 and has been a
practicing engineer ever since that
All Civil Engineering students
are urged to attend the meeting
as it is on a subject which may
vitally concern all of them.
dignity of man.”
Speaking straight from the
shoulder without wasting any
words Foran traced the history of
socialism from its beginning
through its various stages to the
present time. He criticised the
American people as being the
dumbest people in the world, even
if they are the richest and the
most fortunate. Adding, he said
that in the light of past history
the American people are the most
foolish people in the world also.
Commenting upon the dictator
ships, Foran said that the great
est aid to Hitler, Stalin and Mus
solini is the stupidity of the ma
jority of the people in their coun
try. These dictators have been able
to instill a form of blind obedience
that has become a religion with
the people. This religious hold has
enabled these countries to accom
plish things which have been im
possible for other nations.
For the past four years Foran
has conducted what he calls a
Gala Opening
Of Dance Pavilion
Set for August 1
Excavations Near
Completion as Pouring
Of Foundation Begins
With construction of the dance
slab well under way, the Student
Activities Committee is making
plans for a gala opening August
1, according to L. D. Boone, acting
manager of Student Activities.
The Aggieland Orchestra will fur
nish the music.
Excavations for the slab are
two-thirds finished, and sand has
already been spread on the finish
ed portion. The slab will be fin
ished with a maroon top, and a
bandstand. The slab will be light
ed with soft lights, according to
Boone. There will also be a public
address system.
The slab would be available to
organizations for their dances if
they so’ desire it. The Student
Activities Committee announced
that organizations would be charg
ed a rental of ten dollars or five
per cent of the budget or expendi
tures for the dance. This charge
covers the use of the public ad
dress system, but the organization
will be required to furnish its own
Boone also announced that an
effort was being made to obtain
roller skates.
These skates are the kind that
are used on public rinks and are
equipped with fiber rollers. A nom
inal charge would be levied the
use of these skates, the revenue
thus derived going to! pay for the
public address system and upkeep
on the plant.
Filing Deadline
For Cotton Service
Set For August 1
More than 80 groups of Texas
cotton growers, organized for cot
ton improvement practices, have
filed application for free cotton
classification and market news
service for the 1942 crops, accord
ing to M. C. Jaynes, cotton work
specialist of the A. and M. Col
lege Extension Service.
“one-man crusade” to awaken Am
ericans to the value of the Amer
ican Way of Life. During that
period he has received more than
1600 invitations to deliver his now
famous talk on Americanism. He
has actually addressed more than
800 audiences located from the
Great Lakes to the Gulf and from
the Atlantic to the Rockies. In ad
dition he has made more than 250
radio broadcasts, and versions of
his speech have been printed in
millions of copies of newspapers
and magazines.
At the present time Foran is
serving as captain of the 19th
Battalion of the Texas Defense
Guard. During World War I Foran
was a pursuit pilot and held a
lieutenancy, at the end of the war.
For the last 25 years Foran has
devoted all his time, except the
period spent in the war, to his
work as a public relations and ad
vertising counsel. Since 1935 he
has headed his own advertising
agency in Dallas.
to complete arrangements with
Wanger. The picture will go into
production early this fall and will
be released to the nation’s screens
early in 1943. $750,000 has been
provided for the production of the
film. The tentative title, “American
Youth Has Never Been Licked,”
has been objected to by Dr. Walton
and will probably be changed, the
president’s office revealed.
Norman Reilly Raine, who wrote
the screen play for Wanger’s cur
rent production “Eagle Squadron,”
a story of the American boys in
the RAF, has been assigned to
the script and will arrive in Col
lege Station within the next few
days. He will spend several weeks
on the campus assembling back
ground data on which to base the
“We here at the college feel
confident that the portrayal will
be an inspiration to the youth of
America and will reflect credit on
the institution and the entire State
of Texas,” Walton wired Producer
Wanger on receiving advice from
Winstead that arrangements for
the production of the film had been
Combination Army
Navy CPT Course
Is Underway Here
Training Not Available
To Students; Trainees
Arrive at Gov’t Expense
Yesterday the new double phase
program of the C.P.T. got under
way. This program is divided into
two different groups: the Army
group, which is for men who have
reached their eighteenth year of
age but not their thirty-seventh,
and have been rejected for combat
flight duty; and the Navy group,
which is for members of the Naval
Reserve, secondclass seamen,
Class V-5, Aviation Cadets and
members of V-l who indicate then-
preference for flight work. These
courses are not open to Aggies.
Most of the Navy men are en
listed in V-5 and will be sent here
by the Navy, while the majority
of the Army men will be those who
have passed the C.A.A. physical
yet failed the Army combat phy
There will be no cost to the
cadet; all expenses being taken
care of by the government.
The courses offered in the C.P.T.
program will include 240 hours of
ground school training in such
courses as mathematics, physics,
civil air regulations, navigation,
general service of aircraft, radio
code, military and physical train
ing, aircraft identification, mili
tary science and discipline and
meteorology. This will be an eight
weeks course and will average 5
hours per day, 6 days per week.
All who are eligible and are in
terested in this C.P.T. course
should see Dr. Howard W. Bar-
low, Coordinator C.P.T., Aeronau
tical Engineering Depart.
Kyle Arrives Today
From Inter-American
Conference In Mexico
Returning from a two-week
stay in Mexico City where he has
been attending the second Inter-
American Conference on Agricul
ture, Dean E. J. Kyle of the school
of agriculture will arrive on the
campus sometime today, it was re
vealed by his office.
Presidency Of
Freshman Class
Boistrous Political
Coups Characterize
Election Meeting
Wednesday night in the Assem
bly hall the freshman class elect
ed the following officers: J. El
Sanders of Dallas, president; C.
E. McWilliams of Gainesville, vice
president; A. R. Orsinger of Sam
'Antonio, secretary; W. J. Terrell
of Navasota, treasurer; M. A,
Coulter, also from San Antonio,
historian; and J. D. Thompson as
Student Welfare officer.
A number of political parties at
tempted to railroad their men
through, the largest being the com
bined Field and Coast Artillery
with the Engineers winning four
out of six offices.
Cadet Colonel Walter Cardwell
emphasized everyone should be al
lowed to vote as he personally
wished, and that military organi
zations had nothing to do with the
■ qualities of a candidate. Cardwell
had a difficult time getting the
'uproarious fish quiet; however, the
election rolled off smoothly when
it finally got started.
Head yell leader, Chuck Chal
mers, talked to the fish on the
spirit of A. & M., which thoroughly
aroused them, and almost the roof.
Chalmers said he was glad to see
the new freshmen show real spirit
by their energetic yelling and good
Suggestions On
Curricula Changes
To Be Considered
A committee of outside college
executives will visit A. & M. to
make a survey of the various cur
ricula offered by the college at the
invitation of President T. O. Wal
ton, with the approval of the board
of directors. While on the campus,
the committee will conduct an ex
tensive inquiry concerning the
courses offered by the college and
will recommend various changes
which will improve the general
Represented on the committee
will be Dean A. A. Potter, dean of
the .school of engineering of Pur
due university; Dr, John J. Tigert,
president of the university of
Florida; and Dean H. L. Walster,
dean of the school of agriculture
at North Dakota State College.
Last March Dr. Walton present
ed a resolution before a meeting
of the board of directors to invite
these men to the campus. He felt
that since the curriculum of the
college had not been gone over in
several years, a survey should be
made with the view of making im
provements. He felt that outsiders
would be able to do this better
than members of the college, a
spokesman for the president’s of
fice revealed.
Members of the committee ar
rived here yesterday and will re
main on the campus for a week or
ten days gathering material for
their report. After gathering their
material, they will leave A. & M.
and will send in their report as
soon as it is prepared. Official
sources stated that the report to
be made will be similar to the
Griffenhagen report made several
years ago.
Holmgreen Addresses
Aero StudentsTonight
E. N. Holmgreen, business man
ager of the college and assistant
squadron commander of the local
Civil Air Patrol, will speak tonight
at 7 p.m. to the Institute of Aero
nautical Sciences in the Electrical
Engineering lecture room. All
members are urged to attend this
July 14 to 20, Coast Artil
lery Seniors.
July 21 to 27, Composite
Regiment Seniors.
'"My Country ’Tis of Thee and Me” Presented
Thousands of Times to Awaken Americans