The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 14, 1942, Image 3

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Twilight League Managers to Meet Wed And
Select Players for Annual All-Star Affair
Following Wednesday’s Twilight League games, all
managers will meet in the lounge of the Y.M.C.A. for the
purpose of electing players to participate in the annual Twi
light League-Bryan All-Star game which will be held Thurs
day and Friday, July 23 and 24 in College Station and Bryan
It is important that each of the team heads be present
as a representative group is desired to represent this league.
If three or four managers are ab
sent, it is very likely that their
star players will get little if any
consideration to play in the forth
coming classic. So, don’t forget,
fellows, let’s all be present next
Wednesday, because whether you
are there or not, the selections for
the two all-star teams will be
Now as to the selections them
selves. There will be two different
teams, each composed of 15 play
ers. One will play in Bryan while
the other will play hosts at Col
lege. The method of selection of
these particular players will be all
left up to the managers.
Choosing all-star teams always
gives a headache to the selectors.
The best of players are on many
occasions left out, but as everyone
cannot be put on these particular
teams, the situation is unavoid
able. Wednesday, the present
league managers have their chance
to select a representative group—
teams that will go up against the
best competition, so think twice
before you choose a man.
This scribe has, along with the
other managers of the league, giv-
dn a good once over to every team
and the following is just the opin-
Step Out
Halt, men! Eyes right!
Barracks Browns steps
out in front. It’s an Of
ficer’s brown to suit the
taste of men in uniform.
Comfort? Say, comfort’s
built right into everv
pair. Go to W.S.D’s Col
lege or Bryan store. Look
at Barracks Brown. Then
you and Barracks Brown
will hitch up for the
Other Military Styled
Oxfords . . .
$4.95 to $8.95
B. C. Allen, Owner
College and Bryan
ion of the writer and nothing else.
I think the following boys would
stand up against any softball
league and make a good showing.
Here they are: A Team—Beazley
(Campus Theatre), and Hejl (Lou-
pot), pitchers; Taylor (Loupot)
and Bill Walker (Campus Thea
tre), catchers; Jennings (Campus
Cleaners) lb; Glass (Campus The
atre), 2b; Newberry (Loupot) ss;
and Frost (Holick’s) 3b; Leo Dan
iel (Campus Theatre), Sims (Lip
scomb’s Pharmacy), Roberts (Lip
scomb’s Pharmacy), and Zapalac
(Campus Theatre), outfielders;
Dunn (Campus Cleaners), Farmer
(Madeley’s Pharmacy), Carl! (Fac
ulty), utility men.
Here’s the B team—Winder (Fac
ulty), Lawler (Madeley’s) and
Rideout (Campus Theatre), pitch
ers; Lietz (Campus Cleaners),
Warren (Holick’s), catchers; Black
(Campus Theatre), lb; Atkins
(Lipscomb’s Pharmacy, 2b; Gran
tham (Campus Cleaners), ss; Jim
Daniels (Campus Cleaners), 3b;
Nesbit (Holick’s) Riley (Aggie
Cleaners), and Barton (Loupot)
outfielders; Reese (Loupot) and
L D. Smith (Lipscomb’s Pharmacy)
utility men.
Of course, this may not all be
your choice or selection, but I’ll
bet a dollar to a doughnut that
both of the teams mentioned could
go places in any softball league.
Sports Squibs From Here
And There; Porter Advances
To Class A Baseball League
Sam Porter, former hard-hit
ting Aggie first baseman has been
transferred from the' Hamilton,
Ontario team to Asheville, North
Carolina, a Class A team . . . Quite
a big jump for Sam, but after
looking over his .452 average in
28 games with the former squad,
’tis no wonder . . . Second Lieu
tenant Jim Thomason, one of the
greatest blocking backs ever pro
duced at A. & M., has been pro
moted to the rank of first lieuten
ant according to a report received
from Camp Wolters . . . Marion
Pugh, another Aggie t immortal,
suffered an emergency appendi
citis operation last Thursday . . .
Since then he has been transferred
from Camp Roberts, California, to
Killeen, Texas . . . Marland Jef
frey, former Aggie football pass
ing ace, reported from Sheppard
Field that the flyers will have a
strong football squad next fall . . .
The team already has games
scheduled with Hardin-Simmons
and Tulsa and is attempting to get
a^game with Baylor university . . .
Jeffrey is the athletic director at
Sheppard Field . . .
Smoking in defense factories is
being given serious consideration
by New York magistrates, who are
imposing heavy penalties for ‘no
smoking’ violations. - - •i v
There is more use of explosive
and inflammable matter today
than in any period in our history.
This is reason enough, Marvin
Hall, State Fire Insurance Com
missioner, believes, “to employ at
all times added protection against
the outbreak of fires.”
See Pop Shaw
Back of Legett Hall
For the Best Sandwiches
on the Campus
“TAKE ME”—Jimmy Dorsey
“THAT’S THE MOON, MY SON”—Andrews Sisters
Loupot Takes Over Twilight League Lead
Open Tournaments
Start Monday With
6 Different Sports
Schedules Posted at
Intramural Office; Games
At Player’s Conveniences
The Intramural department’s
open tournaments made their de
but in Aggie sports life yesterday
as the first round of matches in
the six different sports opened
play. Over 200 Aggies are entered
in these various contests which
call upon the participant’s initia
tive. Each contestant is required
to schedule his own matches at a
time most favorable to himself.
The entrants are given a week in
which to play each round of the
tournament. The first round of
contests must be played by Sun
day, July 19, or the match will be
At the present time the' tourna
ment schedules are posted on the
bulletin board in the main Intra
mural office. As soon as a bulle
tin board is erected adjacent to the
Intramural Clubroom in the north
east corner of the gym the sched
ules will be moved to that location.
Officials of the tournament wish
to remind entrants that no sched
ule cards or notices of any kind
will be sent out to each individual.
The entrants must come to the
gym; consult the schedules posted
there; and then contact their op
ponents in order to arrange a
Anyone desiring information on
the events may contact W. L. Pen-
berthy or “Spike” White at the
gym. Rules of the contests are
pasted with the schedule of each
W N Dowell Begins
Duties With ’Mural
Department Mon
W. N. Dowell, former director
of physical education at Abilene
Christian College started his new
duties in the intramural depart
ment here at A. & M. yesterday.
Dowell was appointed to fill the
vacancy left in the department
when Col. Frank Anderson was
called to active duty with the Field
Artillery at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
The appointment of Dowell is
only for the duration, said W. L.
Penberthy, head of the physical
education department, however
the ever-increasing physical fit
ness program of the college may
make his appointment permanent.
Penberthy said that he hopes to
develop badminton and archery in
the expanded intramural program,
and Dowell is considered an out
standing man in both of these
An addition has been made to
the staff of the Intramural De
partment in the person of W. N.
Dowell, formerly of Abilene Chris
tian College, who is replacing Col.
Frank Anderson. Dowell is an out
standing authority in the field of
physical education and may be
considered a most valuable addi
tion to the local department. Ar
chery and badminton will be two
sports to which Dowell will devote
much of his time. Any Aggies in
terested in these sports should get
acquainted with him as soon as
4th Stoop Quartermasters,
C Replacement Center, water
A Signal Corps, softball
E Engineers, softball
F Infantry, softball
5 Corps Headquarters, soft-
5 Corps Headquarters, volley
A Replacement Center, vol
ley ball
Yesterday marked the official
opening of the Intramural de
partment’s open tournaments. The
department wishes to caution en
trants that no schedule notices will
Statement Made by Norton In
’40 Turning Into Reality Now
Back on August 6, 1940, Coach
Homer Norton, head man of ath
letics at Texas A. & M. College,
made a remark that is becoming
more significant every day.
Country First
Interviewed by Frank Tolbert,
sports writer for the Fort Worth
Star-Telegram, at the high school
all-star game in Austin that year,
Norton di^ussed the possibilities
of his players .being called to serv
ice before they f’rished their eligi
bility and said, “Itk not worrying
about this conscription business.
If such an emergency develops
that my boys are needed, tn "m
football will become very unirrt-
portant to me.”
Since that time Norton has seen
somewhat of a parade of depart
ures for military and naval serv
ice. Men counted upon for the two
campaigns since have left for the
army or navy and now four of his
coaching staff have gone off to
the wars.
Four Leave In ’41
First to leave after the 1941
season ended were Leonard Dickey,
tackle, and Dennis Andricks, full
back. Both were lettermen and fig
ured to j?lay a lot of football this
year. At the end of the regular
school year Bob Tulis, only letter-
man tackle left, resigned from
school to join the fighting forces.
Since then Tom Pickett, letterman
wingback, has enlisted.
Freshman co-coach Charlie De-
Ware volunteered and at last re
ports was in the infantry as a
private at Camp Wolters. Back-
field Coach Marty Karow was
commissioned a lieutenant in the
U. S. Navy and then End Coach
J. W. (Dough) Rollins was re
called to active duty as a captain
of infantry. On his heels went Col.
Frank Anderson, golf and cross
country coach who was figured
upon to take over the track team
left by Capt. Rollins.
Dorm to Navy
And if that was not enough
Utay Hall, the dormitory assigned
to the athletes, was turned over to
house the Navy personnel assigned
to the college for training. All of
the Aggie athletes have gone back
to their respective companies, bat
teries or troops and now are scat
tered all over the campus instead
of being grouped in the one hall,
'.^ince that interview the Aggies
hai won another conference
championship and shared the title
with S.jiLU. and of the graduates
a total of twenty-seven have gone
into the service as commissioned
officers in the: army or navy. x
Marines Score 10-9
Softball W;in Over C
Coast Artillery Thurs
The initial contest between Ag
gies and members ^of the armed
services stationed hpre took place
Thursday night wher-i a team from
the College Station Marine de
tachment took on (p Battery Coast
Artillery. The gan»e turned out to
be one of the wildest and most
free-scoring contests ever seen in
these parts with/ the Marines em
erging on top of a 10-9 count.
A return matqm between the two
teams is scheduled for tomorrow
night and the C^ast Artillery boys
are hot for revenge.
be sent out. The participants
MUST contact their opponents and
arrange a time for their match.
The first round of games must be
played by Sunday, July 19. The
schedules are posted temporarily
in the main Intramural office,
pending the erection of the bulle
tin board in the northeast corner
of the gym.
* In Class B softball the L In
fantry freshmen ran wild over the
F Infantry team to wallop them
36-0. This is a strong bid for the
high-scoring honors in the softball
race. The 3rd Corps Headquarters
freshmen went down before the
onslaughts of C Cavalry to lose
18-10. B Field Artillery took I In
fantry 18-10.
The last two Class B softball
games, though not so spectrfbular,
were a pair of hard fought match
es. The American Legion team de
feated D Replacement Center 7-4
and C Field Artillery nosed out
G Infantry 8-7.
A Field Artillery took a Class A
softball game as they walloped F
Engineers 24-10. H Field beat
Headquarters Cavalry 16-9 and M
Infantry defeated D Replacement
Center 11-6.
G Coast Artillery whipped the
3rd Stoop Quartermasters 10-4
and D Infantry took A Signal
Corps 6-2 in the last two Class A
softball games.
Other intramural scores:
1 Hdq. F.A. 2, B Cav. 1
D Eng. 3, B R.C. 0
E Inf. 2, Art. Band 1
D F.A. 2, L Inf. 1
D Cav. 2, C R.C. 1
Volley Ball
E Inf. 2, B CAC 1
5 CHQ 2, A Eng. 1
H F.A. 2, E Eng. 1
A Cav. 2, B CWS 0
A Inf. 2, B Eng. 1
B S.C. 2, 2 Hdq. F.A. 1
Four Ex-Aggies Get
Promoted at Wolters-
Camp Wolters public relations
office announced today the pro
motions of Second Lieutenants
John P. Steel, Stratford, Claude D.
Emmons, Hico, James T. Ander
son, Garland, and Joseph W. Nel
son, Whitesboro, to the rank of
First Lieutenant.
All have been on active duty
after having received their com
missions here at A. & M. in May,
Lieutenant Steel recently mar
ried the former Mill Billie Hester
of Conlen, Texas, and the couple
now resides in Weatherford near
Camp Wolters.
The doctoral degree in education
will be offered for the first time
on the Los Angeles campus of the
University of California during the
coming year.
Fires prevented now insure con
tinuous production on the assem
bly line. Production must not stop
for fire.
Bicycle Repairs
and Parts
Student Co-op
Hejl Bests Beazley in 2-1 Duel; Ag
Cleaners, Holick and Madeley’s Win
Tuesday, July 14, 1942
Page 3
Twilight League Standings
Pet. GB
Loupot’s 7 2
Campus Cleaners 6 3
.667 1
Lipscomb’s Pharmacy 5 4
.556 2
Campus Theatre 4 5
.445 3
Holick’s Cleaners : 4 5
.445 3
Aggie Cleaners 3 5
.400 3^
Faculty 3 5
.400 3y 2
Madeley’s Pharmacy 3 6
.333 4
Monday’s Results
Loupot’s Trading Post 2 Campus Theatre 1
Holick’s Cleaners 3 Campus Cleaners 1
Aggie Cleaners 8 Faculty 6
Madeley’s Pharmacy 3 Lipscomb’s Pharmacy
Wednesday’s Schedule
Loupot’s Trading Post vs. Faculty
... Diamond 7
Campus Cleaners vs. Campus Theatre
.... Diamond 9
Madeley’s Pharmacy vs. Aggie Cleaners
... Diamond 4
Holick’s Cleaners vs. Lipscomb’s Pharmacy ....
.... Diamond 6
By Mike Mann
Loupot’s Trading Post showed
signs of developing into a real
threat for the Twilight League
crown last night when they bested
the Campus Theatre, 2-1, and took
over undisputed lead over the lea
Holick’s Beat Campus Cleaners
Holick’s Cleaners deserve a big
assist in putting Loupot’s in the
lead for their 3-1 victory over the
Campus Cleaners left the former
ahead by one game.
In other games, Lipscomb’s
Pharmacy fell further down by
losing to Madeley’s Pharmacy,
3-1 and the Aggie Cleaners climb
ed a notch with their 8-6 victory
over the Faculty.
But back to the Loupot-Campus
Theatre game. It was a sweet vic
tory for Johnny Hejl, ace hurler
for Loupot’s, who held the The
atre bunch to one scratch hit, a
bunt by Bill Black in the third
inning. For Charlie Beazley, fast
pitcher for the Campus Theatre,
it was a heartbreaker. He allowed
but three hits, but two walks plus
a timely blow by Catcher Jack
Taylor sent two runs scurrying
across the plate in the first inn
ing. The Theatre made their run
when Black got an infield hit and
came all the way home when J. R.
Adams dropped Leo Daniels long
Good Pitching
Some fine hurling by Buck
Hogge of Holick’s enabled Mopey
Smith’s ten to defeat the perenial
favorites, Campus Cleaners. The
former scored all its runs in the
third and fourth while the latter
managed for a tally in the first
inning. Hogge allowed but four
scattered hits while his mates
blasted the offerings of Jim Dan
iels for seven safeties.
The biggest upset of the day
goes to Madeley’s Pharmacy who
really put on a show defeating
the Lipscomb’s Pharmacy, 3-1.
Maxwell’s lusty homerun in the
first inning brought in Reed ahead
of himself to send Madeley’s away
to a 2t-l lead. Lipscomb’s had ac
counted for their run in the first
when Roberts drew first on an
error and came in on hits by Smith
and Punch.
4-run Rally
A four run rally in the sixth
inning enabled the Aggie Clean
ers to come through with an 8-6
win over the Faculty. The latter
had opened the game with a four
run outburst but three runs in the
first and four in the sixth was too
much as Doc Kerby whithered
through the last three innings
without allowing a run.
The teams play again Wednes
day with the following tilts on
Loupot’s Trading Post vs. Fac
ulty—Diamond 7.
Campus Cleaners vs. Campus
Theatre—Diamond 9.
Madeley’s Pharmacy vs. Aggie
Cleaners—Diamond 4.
Holick’s Cleaners vs. Lipscomb’s
Pharmacy—Diamond 6.
Survey of Preferences
In Sports Taken Soon
Recreational survey blanks will
be circulated in the near future,
the Parks and Recreation class of
the Landscape Arts Department
stated Monday.
This survey will endeavor to find
out what sports the students take
part in other than the Intramurals
and what types of sports students
would be interested in if the facili
ties were present. These blanks
will be filled out and turned in to
the organization recreation officer.
The United States has some 600
junior colleges.
Patronize Our Agent In Your Outfit.
D. M. DANSBY, ’37
I go to George’s
when I want
“New Y”
See Lou NOW!
While you can still get delivery
on your Junior Uniform
LOUPOT’S Trading Post
Forget Those
Important Birthdags