The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 14, 1942, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALION TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 14, 1942 STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE i The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published three times weekly, and issued Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at'College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Subscription rates $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally' by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone (-6444. 1941 Member 1942 Associated Golle6iate Press Brooks Gofer ~i— JEditor-in-Chief Ken Breenen - - Associate Editor Phil Crown Staff Photographer Sports Staff Mike Haikln Sports Editor Mike Mann Assistant Sports Editor Chick Hurst. - Senior Sports Assistant Advertising Staff Reggie Smith Advertising Manager Jack E. Carter Tuesday Asst. Advertising Manager Louis A. Bridges Thursday Asst. Advertising Manager Jay Pumphrey Saturday Asst. -Advertising Manager Circulation Staff F. D. Asbury, Jr. Circulation Manager Bill Huber Senior Assistant H. R. Tampke Senior Assistant Carlton Power Senior Assistant Joe Stalcup Junior Assistant Tuesday’s Staff Tom Vannoy Managing Editor Jack Keith Junior Editor Benton Taylor Junior Editor Tom Lei and .... Junior Editor Douglass Lancaster.... —Junior Editor Reporters Tom Journeay, Harry Cordua, Bob Garrett, Ramon McKin ney, John Baldridge, Charles Kaplan, Gerald Fahrentold, Bert Kurtz, Bill Jarnagin, Bob Meredith, Bill Japhet, Jack Hood, Jack Chilcoat, Bill Murphy, John Sparger, and Henry Holguin. Recreation Surveij Never before in the history of A. & M. has there been as great a need for a well-round ed recreational program as at the present time. There is a demand far exceeding ex pectations for recreational facilities. Be cause of this growing problem the student body is asked to help in finding and work ing out the solution. Through the cooperation of the land scape art and physical education departments questionnaires will be distributed to the various organizations and then passed on to the men to be filled out. The purpose of the questionnaire is to make a survey of the corps to find which sports are the most popular and which are in the most demand. After completing this check-up the recrea tional program will try to follow the choice of the corps and provide the facilities for the sports which are most popular with the students. The success of this undertaking will rest with the students. This question is import ant to every man who desires to develop himself physically. Fill out the question naire conscientiously, for your decisions will be final. Aims of a College Newspaper Thomas E. Cassidy of the department of English at St. John’s university, Collegeville, Minn., submits the following article written by an undergraduate, James Cullen: The college newspaper has two primary functions. (1) Asa newspaper it should serve as a clearing house of information and pub licity for the college and its activities. (2) As the organ of the institution it should in terpret the news, formulate and direct stud ent opinion and endeavor to reflect the best and the finest characteristics of the school In its articles so that it may favorably im press any “alien” readers. College news should contain all the ad jectives (complete, concise, accurate, un biased, etc., ad inf., ad naus.) used to describe good journalism. The style and con tent of the stories may be closely modeled on professional news work. Nonetheless, col lege journalism does differ from profession al work in that news is more personal and informal in a college paper. The smaller col lege and even the larger college paper can speak of an individual on familiar terms that will be almost completely understood by both the students and the faculty. The clever use of the feature story and the intimate community life of a college makes it possi ble to give writeups of famous visitors and important events an informal slant that would be far too familiar elsewhere. AH news stories in a college paper are subservient to the paper’s policy and may be utilized as tools to influence opinion or to create an impression. Favortism or prejudice toward an individual or group, “burying” or overplaying a story, or cheaply “press-agent ing” a college are flagrant violations of this privilege and as such are unethical. Giving a group a boost in its new campaign, help ing a team or coach out of a hole and taking the wind out of “swellhead” groups are il lustrative of the discreet use of this right. The place for criticism is on the editorial page or in the feature columns; elsewhere it is mere backbiting and cowardice.—AGP War Commentations — By Walter F. Goodman, Jr. Latins in their private life and in their pub lic or politic life are famous for their indif ference and mahana attitude. For years this has been willfully condoned and passed over with a smile by more energetic and more time-minded peoples as an inherent and in born trait but there are limits to everything, even national custom. Today Argentina is playing a dangerous game; she’s on the fence and from all as pects she refuses to get off. This fence runs between two enemy camps locked in mortal combat with each soliciting all the help and aid it can to help it to victory in its greatest The World Turns On PRIVATE BUCK By Clyde Lewis COVERING By DR. C. C. DOAK In Review—Two weeks ago an effort was made to show that the existence of modern science is contipgent upon constancy, and predictability of natural law. Last week an effort was made to show that in social groups predictable behavior, as exemplified in indi vidual and group disciplines, is essential to harmonious working together of animals In packs, people in groups, nations in leagues. Each in its turn depends for success upon the principle of disciplined loyalty of the constituents to the group. Picture, for in stance, what damage was threatened last week by the return of disloyal “American Citizens” (American traitors) in the role of Nazi saboteurs. What would happen if all our citizens should prove equally untrust worthy? Weigh in your mind the world shaking results of the vacillations of the French nation during the past two years. By her very unpredictability she has been in effect an ally of Hitler. Predictable behavior is based upon loy alties—Loyalty implies that one will react according to the pattern or law of his group even though he suffers individually from the act. Aggies fight for “Old Army.” The team will scrap for the college. The dean will defend “My Boys.” The teacher will stand by his class. The captain stays with his ship. We have not one but many loyal ties, and these pre-determine our actions. Anarchy is the result of loyalty to indi vidual self interest. The group counts for nothing; the individual is everything. Totalitarianism is the result of blind or forced loyalty to a leader. With the Nazi, group interest counts for everything; the life of the individual counts for nothing. In a democracy there are as many types of loyalty as there are individuals. Each per son is free to weigh his own information and act upon it. It is not surprising, therefore, that Americans range all the way from rank anarchists through all shades of loyal ties to blatant totalitarians such as those now being tried for treason. Growing Loyalties Versus Treachery— Democratic freedom implies freedom to change loyalties. When we look about us, we are astonished at the changes that have taken place in the minds and hearts of our people since Pearl Harbor. Suppose that on that fateful day all our loyalties had been frozen. Each man would have stuck by, and fought for, the views which he held at that time. Progress toward national unity would have been impossible. It is a sign of open- minded growth, and not a sign of weakness, to change views when circumstances are altered. Our former isolationists are not traitors for having abandoned the lesser for the greater loyalty. Reaction at Saturday’s Rally—You can predict an Aggie’s reaction to attacks upon his college. This proves our unswerving loy alty, but judged by certain reactions seen and heard at Saturday’s rally, individuals among us need to widen the fields of our loyalties. One is not less loyal to A. & M. be cause he is loyal to the navy, the army, or to the cause of democracy. One is not dis loyal when he admits that the enemy has some better fighting equipment than we have on our side. Somebody in the audience scored ZERO on the untimely “raspberry” about fighting planes. Signed replies to this column are solicit ed. of all struggles. Argentina, an asset which ever way she falls, refuses to succumb to either side’s beckons but seems to be court ing all the favors possible from both con tingents—in short, she’s playing “hard to get” and doing so profitably. Perhaps her government knows today which road she shall eventually take but finds it a lot more profitable to wait and receive all the gifts being given until which time one party Or the other loses all patience and pushes her out instead of trying to bait her any more. At the least it is a most mercenary attitude and an indiscreet use of her honor which she professes is untarnished. I venture to guess too, it will be a most unprofitable game if carried much further, as there’s a limit to everyone’s patience, and particularly to one of the strugglers who despite having Latin neighbors has no manana; for they must fight tomorrow’s battle today if they are to triumph. Now Argentina is probably more Euro pean than any other of the western hemi sphere nations, but still she’s ostensibly and basically Latin in every respect. However, this by no fashion is a plausible excuse for her recent and past actions in the field of international relations. Argentina is really within the limits of the camp of one of the two combatants but so far is only an onlook er, so she claims. It’s awfully hard to live with a man and not be compatible with him but if such a situation arises, there can only be one outcome, a definite a break between the two or an agreement of some sort with a complete understanding so as to put each other into the light as to what is the other’s position or feelings. If these men who are fighting are each seeking an answer from this Argentinian maid, all they can go on are her actions and insinuations if she refuses to speak orally. But the old adage is still revered and her actions do speak louder than words and Ar gentina must know it. And she must know that unless she revokes the implications given by them they are going to be final. And they are going to be final to such an extent that she’ll find herself an outcast of a group from which she can’t geographically escape, most unfortunately. No society wishes to have to contend with undesirables, so senorita, beware your step or thou may get spanked roundly and soundly and sent to bed for a very long time with only beef and mate for supper. FORT BLifeS “Stand by for a crash landing, Sarge!” caips distraeflONs JACK KEITH BACKWASH By Jack Hood, “Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster Keep It Waving In at least one college mess hall in the U. S. there is a clever method of persuading the diners to go easy on the sugar. At the University of Missouri they stick a small American flag in the mid dle of the sugar bowl as a re minder . . . and the idea works. The second teaspoon of sugar makes the tea or coffee taste bit ter—after a glance at the red, white and blue . . . and besides, the kids hate to take the sugar out and let the flag fall. Several New Jobs Available Under Civil Service The United States Civil Service Commission today issued a new announcement for Custodial Offi cers, junior grade, and modified its requirements for Junior Public Health Nurse. It also extended until further notice the acceptance of applications for Radio Monitor ing Officer, $2,600 and $3,200 a year, and for Bindery Operative for the Government Printing Of fice, 66 cents an hour. Custodial officers will be ap pointed to the Department of Jus tice’s Federal Prison service, the entire personnel of which is under civil service. The salary for the junior grade is $1,860 a year. Pro motions are made on merit and demonstrated ability. The work of appointees may include receiving inmates and instructing them , in prison rules; laying out work as signments and supervising groups of inmates employed upon con struction work, labor details, laun dry and other maintenance shops, and farm work; acting as referee and directing recreational .activi ties; and assisting in rehabilitative work. Applicants for custodial officer positions must be men between 25 and 58 years of age, in good physi cal condition, and of fearless and strong character. A written gen eral test will be given to measure aptitude for adjusting to the du ties. Applications must be filed with the Commission’s Washing ton office not later than August 11, 1942. For Junior Public Health Nurse positions, $1,800 a year, there are now no age limits. Registered nurses who have graduated subse quent to January 1, 1920, from an accredited school of nursing hav ing a daily average of 100 or more patients, and have completed or are enrolled in an approved course covering 1 academic year in Public Health Nursing, may ap ply. One year of supervised experi ence in general public health nurs ing may be substituted for one half of the year’s study in public health nursing. The physical re quirements have been greatly mod ified. No written test is required. Positions will be filled in the Pub lic Health Service and the Indian Service. Applications must be filed with the Civil Service Commission in Washington, D. C., and will be accepted until further notice. Full information as to the re quirements for these examinations, and application forms, may be ob tained at the post office at College Station, or from the Secretary of the Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, at any first- or second- class post office. Sweepings Our Hero: Ensign George Gay, who threw a real old-fashioned tear in front of Hart Hall Satur day . . . the only difference being, he “gave” and then “took” from everybody ... he had a fine time . . . A San Marcos student burst into class a half hour late, hair tangled, make-up absent, panting heavily, and displaying other symptoms of a delayed alarm clock. “You should have been here 30 minutes ago,” snapped the prof, “Why?” she returned. “What hap pened?” ... We always suspicion- ed it: A TSCW instructor recently phoned the commissary and asked them ta send out some brains for her class . . . This writer has a high school class ring (Ysleta, ’42) found on Kyle Field Sunday . . . call and identify . . . Correction: The number of Texans and A. & M. men in the Tokyo raid has been reported in at least four papers in four different ways (we reported two, which is wrong). This time we say there were 16 Texans in the raid, of which four are Aggie- Exes: Lt. Col. “Jack” Hilger, ’32; Lt. R. M. “Bob” Gray, ’41; Lt. W. N. Fitzhugh, ’36; Lt. James Par ker, ’41 . . . Aggie-Exes J. O. Alexander, George Gorzycki, and Marshal Spivey have transferred to the QMC and are roommates at Brownwood . . . Hold your nose, here it comes: Mary had a little lamb, it drank some gasoline, then it wandered near a flame, and since has not benzine . . . The new dance slab, scheduled to be finish ed for the big August 1 dance, will be maroon cement (94 by 110 feet) . . . the bandsand possibly will be white to carry out the school color scheme . . . START ANGLING now for a good date for the Aug ust 1 opening of the open air floor. It’s going to be one of the sum mer’s biggest and bestest . . . An old maid went for a tramp in the woods . . . the tramp got away. The story of a pair of twins in old Corsica is told in “CORSICAN BROTHERS,” showing at Guion Hall Tuesday and Wednesday. Stars of the movie are Doug Fair banks, Jr., Ruth Warrick and Akim Tamiroff. Fairbanks plays a dual role as the two twins, sons of Countess Franchi. At the birth of the twins, the entire Franchi family is wiped Civil Service Needs Personnel Officers The United States Civil Service Commission today issued a call for personnel officers, additional nurses, and operators of calculat ing machines and of tabulating equipment, to further war work in Federal agencies in Washington, D. C., and throughout the United States. Positions as Personnel Officer, at salaries from $4,600 to $6,500 a year, and as Personnel Assistant, $2,600 to $3,800, will be filled. For the $2,600 positions, at least 6 years of progressive experience in a personnel office, or administra tive office responsible for person nel functions, are required. Credit will be given for recognized col lege education, up to 5 years. Ex perience limited to routine inter viewing or supervision of clerical work will be considered only for the first 3 years of the required 6. At least 1 year in personnel or management work above that of routine clerical is required for the $2,600 positions. Higher positions require additional appropriate ex perience. There is no written test. Tabulating equipment opera tors are wanted for positions as supervisor, $2,000 a year, junior supervisor, $1,800 a year, and sen ior operator, $1,620 a year. Appli cants for supervisor positions must have had at least 1 year of appro priate supervisory experience which included responsibility for the wir ing or the setting of control pins of all equipment. At least 6 months of experience operating an alpha betic tabulating machine is re quired for the $1,620 positions. Ap plicants must be over 18 years. No written test is given. Junior calculating machine op erators paying $1,440 a year, will be given a practical test; exercises in addition, subtraction, multipli cation, and division must be per formed directly on the machine. The lower age limit is 18 years. Sufficient qualified persons to meet anticipated needs were not obtained from the recent calculating ma chine operator examination. Per sons who receive eligible ratings under the previous announcement need not apply again. The Commission is seeking ad ditional public health nurses for the Indian Service, including Alas ka, and the Public Health Service; and graduate nurses for general staff duty in the Indian Service, including Alaska. Registered nurses with appropriate nursing education and experience may ap ply. Graduation from high school is no longer required. out by their feuding enemies with the exception of the new-born twins. For safety’s sake, friends of the family separate the twins, bring one up in the Corsican for ests and the other in Paris. Twenty-one years later the twins meet in the forest and set out to avenge the deaths in their family caused by the Colonnas— their feuding neighbors. But these are not ordinary brothers. They are so bound together in their souls that each feels the emotions, pain and suffering of the other. Both brothers are in love with one girl, Ruth Warrick, as is their arch-enemy Akim Tamiroff, head of the Colonna family. One of the Corsicans comes through all the fighting and blood-shed and wins the hand of the fair lady. The Lowdown: we dare you not to like it. For those who read Damon Run yon’s stories of American gangster life, “BUTCH MINDS THE BABY,” shwing at the Campus to day anti tomorrow, is a true-to- form picturization of a typical Runyon story. Chief characters in the comedy are Broderick Craw ford, Dick Foran and Virginia Bruce. As a convict on parole, Broderick Crawford is ready to join his safe cracking buddies and follow the crooked and wide trail instead of the straight and narrow one, when Dick Foran the cop steps in and insists on Butch taking a legiti mate job. With his job as janitor in an apartment house, he comes in contact with a young widow and her baby. The rest of the story involves Butch and the baby. The Lowdown: will tickle your funny-bone. 18,000 Texas Homes Enjoy FSA Mattresses Eighteen thousand families on small farms and ranches in Texas enjoyed comfortable home-made mattresses and warm comforters during the past winter, according to Miss Mattie A. Trickey, state home management supervisor of the Farm Security Administration. “Under the direction of FSA home management supervisors, men and women from low-income farm families made 23,745 mat tresses and 34,474 comforters dur ing the past year and a half,” Miss Trickey said. Cotton and cotton goods furnished by the Agricul tural Marketing Administration, another agency of the U. S. De partment of Agriculture, went in to the mattresses and comforters. “Chaperone your cigarets—they should not be allowed to go out alone,” warns Marvin Hall, State Fire Insurance Commissioner, as he points out that a high ratio of residence fires are known to start from lighted cigarets carelessly tossed aside. QMmpiLS 4-1181 Box Office Open Till 10 P.M. Double Feature TODAY - TOMORROW “Three Cockeyed Sailors” 1:00 - 3:50 - 6:40 - 9:30 “BUTCH MINDS THE BABY” with Brod Crawford Dick Foran Virginia Bruce 2:18 - 5:08 - 7:58 - 10:48 Plus Porkey Pig Cartoon “Porkey’s Midnight Matinee” MOVIE Throwing lighted cigarets out of car windows is a violation of the law in California. WHAT’S SHOWING At the Campus Tuesday, Wednesday — “Butch Minds the Baby” with Broderick Crawford, Dick Foran and Virginia Bruce. Also, “Cockeyed Sailors.” At Guion Hall Tuesday, Wednesday—“The Corsican Brothers,” Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Ruth War rick and Akim Tamiroff. Guion Hall Tuesday and Wednesday 3:30 and 7:00 P. M. Corsican Brothers with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Ruth Warrick Akim Tamiroff Comedy and News Reel ][S=0 Coming Thursday and Friday LARCENY, Inc.