The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 07, 1942, Image 1

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City Council
New Members Have
Accepted Positions;
Ready to Function
Administrative committees for
the regulation of College Station
civil affairs appointed by the city
council at its last meeting have
now been organized as to their
The utility committee will con
sist of M. C. Hughes, chairman;
I. G. Adams and E. L. Williams.
The zoning commission wil consist
of C. J. Finney, chairman; C. O.
Spriggs, H. W. Barlow, Guy Boy-
ett and E. J. Urbanovsky. The city
planning commission will consist
of Gibb Gilchrist, chairman; F. W.
Hensel, J. M. Rowlett and S. R.
Wright. The city park board will
consist of N. M. McGinnis, chair
man, G. W. Adriance and Mrs. F.
L. Thomas. The equalization board
will consist of N. M. McGinnis, T.
W. Leland and E. E. Vezey.
All of the appointees have been
notified and have accepted and
the commissions are ready to go
into operation immediately.
Orders About Air
Raids Released By
Official’s Office
Regulations regarding air raids
have just been released by the
commandant’s office listing ac
tions to be taken when the air
raid alarm is sounded.
When the alarm is sounded, all
men move to the second floor of
the dormitories and remain quiet
and orderly, keeping all lights
turned out until the “all clear”
alarm is sounded. A senior will be
posted at each outside entrance of
the dormitory to see that all per
sons remain inside the building.
All lights and radios will be
turned off at the sound of the air
raid alarm.
Telephones will not be used.
One man selected from each
dormitory will assist the tactical
officers in seeing that all men
seek shelter in the nearest dormi
tory and that all lights are kept
One man will be selected from
each organization by the organiza
tion commander to pull the light
switch in each fuse box which will
be found open. It will be the re
sponsibility of that cadet to guard
the fuse box until the “all-clear”
is sounded, when he will turn on
the lights.
These measures must be obeyed
and followed completely at all
Field Artillery Gets
Four 105 Howitzers
From Camp Polk, La
Field Artillery Unit received
four new 105mm howitzers from
Camp Polk, Louisiana, recently.
This marks the first appearance of
the 105mm howitzer on the cam
The lightness of the 75mm gun
and the greater destructive power
of the 155mm .howitzer are com
bined to form the 105 howitzer,
which weighs 6,000 pounds, while
the 75 weighs 3,000 pounds, and
the 155 weighs 7,600 pounds. One
75mm shell burst covers an area
of 10 by 30 yards; a 105 shell
burst covers 15 by 50 yards. Large
fragment radius of the 75mm is
150 yards, that of the 105mm is
300 yards. With a slight sacrifice
in weight twice the effectiveness
is gained.
Maintenance Deadline
Extended Until Today
Fiscal Department announced-
Monday that the deadline for pay
ing fees on room, board and laun
dry would be extended through
today, July 7. The original dead
line was yesterday, but due to the
holiday Saturday, it was decided
to extend the time an extra day.
Payments must be in by 5 p.m.
and those who have not paid will
be dropped from the rolls.
Busses Inaugurate
Service in College
Hills, South Side
Stops Made at Various \/
Points Inside City Limits;
Routes on Trial Basis
Bryan and College Traction Com
pany, at the request of the College
Station City Office, started yes
terday a new bus schedule to run
within the city limits of College
Station. The new bus routes are
entirely on a trial basis and will
operate only if the number of
passengers warrant them.
The new schedules are four in
number, two in the morning and
two in the afternoon of each week
day. The busses will run south on
Highway 6 and will enter College
Hills and then go by way of the
A. & M. Consolidated school into
Oakwood, College Park and South
Side, then to the YMCA building,
and from there to Bryan.
Stops in College Hills will be
made at Luke’s Grocery and on
Walton Drive at the intersections
_with Milner, Harrington, Puryear,
Faires and Francis. Stops will be
made on Francis Drive at inter
sections with Puryear, Milner and
In Oakwood and College Park
stops will be made at the High
School, on Lee at intersections with
Jersey, Shetland and Jackson; also
Jackson and Pershing, Burt and
Dexter, Dexter and Hereford,
Hereford and Ayshire, Ayshire
and Kerry, Kerry and Fairview,
and Fairview with Jersey.
Raffer Named
Chairman lAeS
At the third meeting of the cur
rent year, held Thursday, July 3,
the Institute of Aeronautical Sci
ences installed the new officers
for the year and elected two new
Dr. H. W. Barlow, the honorary
chairman, was introduced and
shortly after the installation took
place. The new officers are: Steve
Kaffer, chairman; Gene Kipp,
treasurer; and Ted Anderson, re
porter. August Lenert and Jack
Thomson were elected the senior
-and junior representatives, respec
tively, to the engineering council.
Two motion pictures, “Cyclone
Combustion” and “Wright Builds
for Air Supremacy,” were shown
to approvimately 100 members and
visitors through the courtesy of
the Wright Aeronautical Corpora
tion. It was also decided that the
next meeting of the Institute will
be held Thursday, July 16.
27 Poultrymen End
Recent Short Course
Twenty-seven poultrymen en
rolled in a recent short course
held by the'Poultry Husbandry De
partment, with sixteen earning
Flock Selecting and Pollorum
Testing agent’s licenses, and twel
ve finishing the course in chick
sexing with accuracies of 85 per
cent to 98 percent, E. D. Parnell,
in charge of the course, reports.
Twenty-two speakers appeared be
fore the group during the two
This course is given annually
for Texas hatcherymen and poul
try raisers, and the enrollment has
increased steadily year after year.
D. H. Reid, head of the depart
ment, introduced this special
course in 1937.
Boy Scouts Canvass
Homes for Rubber
Boy Scouts of Troop 102 of Col
lege Station will canvass all the
homes of College Station Thurs
day for scrap rubber in accord
ance with the Rearmament pro
At the same time the Boy Scouts
will deliver an OPM pamphlet,
“Know Your Wartime Price Con
July 7 to 13, Field Artillery
July 14 to 20, Coast Artil
lery Seniors.
July 21 to 27, Composite
Regiment Seniors.
Students Go
On Western
Ag Eco Trip
Cadets Use Half
United States
To Study Conditions
Sixteen students in the agricul
tural economics field tour left yes
terday morning to study all types
of agricultural conditions from
production to consumption in the
western half of the United States.
The tour is under the direction of
L. S. Paine, assistant professor in
the agricultural economics depart
ment, and is sponsored by the de
Six hours of college credit will
be awarded students completing the
trip, which will end August 14.
Complete cost of the trip includ
ing registration, transportation,
lodging, and meals was $142, lit
tle more than the cost of a six-
weeks summer course in residence.
The group, travelling in a new
bus owned by Paine, will visit
Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Min
nesota, North and South Dakota,
Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada,
California, Arizona, New Mexico,
and western Texas.
Cattle, dairy, and agricultural
methods will be studied in actual
practice in the regions visited, with
emphasis on correlations to Texas’
problems. The men will visit wheat
fields in Kansas, seeing the grow
ing and production of wheat, then
in Minnesota will see mills where
the wheat is processed and mar
keted. In the same manner they
will get the inside story on all the
agricultural methods of produc
tion, processing, marketing, and
consumption of goods- that come
from the western half of our na
Students making the ttip include
S. H. Brustein, Angus Dickson,
Bruce Frazier, Bruce Haile, H. M.
Howe, Rafael Huezo, K. C. Hyle,
Wilbur Lee, E. O. Lehman, C. B.
Morris, Coy Morris, W. P. Norvell,
J. P. Passons, Michael Schirm, R.
Court Ward and R. A. Ward.
Speak at Meeting
Of Cooperatives
Dr. O. W. Herrman, chief of co
operative research and service di
vision of the Farm Credit Admin
istration, of Washington, D.C., will
be one of the principal speakers
at the Texas Institute for Co
operatives to be held at A. & M.
August 10, 11 and 12.
National leaders in the coopera
tive field have been invited to ap
pear on the program for addresses
at the luncheons and banquet. The
larger part of the time, however,
will be devoted to round-table dis
cussions by delegates in attend
The first annual membership
meeting of the Texas Federation
of Cooperatives will be held dur
ing the Institute. Directors will be
elected, and a program of work
formulated for this newly charter
ed organization.
Matteson in Training
At Pensacola Station
Albert Lee Matteson, son of A.
P. Matteson of 1462 Godwin St.,
Houston, Texas, was recently ap
pointed Naval Aviation Cadet and
was transferred to the Naval Air
Station, Pensacola, Fla., for flight
training, according to an an
nouncement made by the public
relations office of that station.
Matteson, who attended A. & M.,
was sent to the Naval Reserve
Aviation Base in Dallas the middle
of February. There he successful
ly passed the elimination training
the first of April.
Upon completion of the inten
sive seven-month course at Pen
sacola, Matteson will receive his
designation as a Naval Aviator
with a commission as Ensign in
the Naval Reserve or as 2nd Lieu
tenant in the Marine Corps Re
serve and will go on active duty.
Wickard Proves Secretary Must
Know Odds and Ends at Farming
Don’t think that the secretary
of agriculture doesn’t know his
farming. He is well acquainted
with all agricultural problems of
this country and also of the other
countries of the western hemis
phere. Secretary Wickard quotes
figures like an adding machine
adds them; he can explain farming
problems of every state in the
union; in fact he is a good man
for the office he holds.
Mr. Wickard stopped over at the
largest agricultural school in the
United States on his way to the
second annual Inter-American Con-
Farm Pond Short
Course Held Here
Friday, Saturday
Dr Potter Delivers Talk
At Meeting; Committee
Appointed to ContinueWork
In a Farm Pond Short Course
held here July 3 and 4 under the
auspices of the Fish and Game de
partment, H. S. Swingle of the
Alabama Agricultural Experiment
Station discussed the construction
of farm ponds, methods and de-'
sirability of removal of weeds
therefrom. Dr. G. E. Potter, of the
Biology department, emphasized
the possibility of improved proc
essing of some of the products of
farm ponds, and making them more
widely available. Homer G. Towns
of the Soil Conservation Service
stressed the importance of the
Farm Pond Program, and referred
to the experimentation going on
in more than 200 lakes in four
A committee was appointed to
continue the Farm Pond Program.
Included in this committee were
Homer G. Towns, chairman, Mar
ion Toole, Texas Game, Fish and
Oyster Commission; G. E. Potter,
of the Biology department; W. J.
Green, Farm Security Administra
tion; R. E. Callendar, Extension
Service; C. L. Fuqua, Fish and
Wild Life Service; and a repre
sentative of the AAA who will be
selected by B. F. Vance, adminis
trative officer in charge.
Marion Toole, chief aquatic biol
ogist, outlined methods of obtain
ing fish for stocking. Hatchery
stock will be available when need
ed, he announced. He explained the
merits and habits of the different
Texas freshwater pond fishes.
Other speakers on the program
discussed different parts of the
Fish and Game department in
talks about other sections of the
The Farm Pond Short Course
was organized by the Fish and
Game department of A. & M. in
cooperation with the Extension
Service. Numerous other agencies
also cooperated.
W E Street Returns
From SPEE Meeting
W. E. Street, head of the en
gineering drawing department, has
returned from the annual meeting
of the Society for the Promotion
of Engineering Education held at
the Colleges and Universities of
New York City.
Street was elected editor of the
T-square page in the Journal of
Engineering Education for the
second successive year. This page
is devoted to the interests of en
gineering drawing.
The general theme of the meet
ing was “The task of the engineer
ing colleges in the war effort.”
September Graduates
May Apply for Degree
“Graduate and undergraduate
students who plan to finish in
September may now apply for their
appropriate degree,” it was an
nounced Monday by R. G. Perry
man, Assistant Registrar.
The applications are obtainable
in the Registrar’s Office and must
be made out in person in order to
be valid.
Dana Judges Horse
Show in Kerrville
B. R. Dana, instructor in the
animal husbandry department, went
to Kerrville this past week-end to
act as one of the judges in the
Kerr county horse show.
ference on Agriculture to be held
in Mexico City July 6-16. He was
impressed with the college and
especially with the size of the mili
tary department and the nine
branches of the ROTC. Mr. Wick
ard witnessed retreat formation
Friday night and then ate supper
in the mess hall with Cadet Col
onel Walter Cardwell and out
standing students in the school of
Mr. Wickard said that the pur
pose of the present conference in
Mexico City was to exchange ideas
and discuss problems relative to
the agriculture of the countries of
the western hemisphere. “There is
a need in this country for products
of South America and conversely
there are needs of South American
countries for products of the Unit
ed States,” he added, “and the aim
is to bring about the proper ex
change of commodities.”
According to the secretary the
rubber shortage is one of the acute
problems at the present time.
Brazil, the most productive of the
South American countries, can
supply the United States with only
10 percent of the yearly demand,
a demand which has increased due
to the war. Where the necessary
rubber will come from is a big
problem unless a substitute can be
Saturday morning Mr. Wickard
was honored at a breakfast in the
mess hall, and after touring the
campus he dedicated the new AAA
Seven Air Force
Preliminary Glider
Schools Established
Seven Air Force preliminary
glider schools have been established
in the Gulf Coast Air Force Train
ing Center, Major General H. R.
Harmon, commanding, announced
Already in operation, these
glider schools are preparing pilots
for the giant fifteen passenger
gliders to be used at advanced
schools, previously announced.
Preliminary schools are located
at Aberdeen, S. D.; Spencer, Iowa;
Pittsburg, Hays, and Goodland,
Kansas; Lonoke, Arkansas, and
Okmulgee, Okla., General Harmon
stated. They are operated by civil
contractors, the schools having the
same status as the civil elementary
flying schools, which were started
two years ago in connection with
the regular pilot training program
for the Air Forces.
Army operated advanced glider
schools now are under construc
tion at Dalhart and Lamesa, Tex
as. They will be in operation by
late summer. Meanwhile, advanced
training will be carried on at Am
arillo, Lubbock and Waco, Texas.
A unique plan has been devised
for the preliminary training course.
Light planes, powered with 45
horsepower motors will be utilized.
Student glider pilots will take off
in the normal manner, but upon
reaching sufficient altitude will
switch off their ignition system
and glide back to earth, with a
“dead stick.” Necessity for tow
planes, or other launching devices
is eliminated.
All private- flyers who hold a
CAA license are eligible to apply
for the special glider course, which
will be culminated with training
in huge motorless planes, capable
of carrying 15 passengers or 3000
pounds of supplies.
Penalty Rate For
Excess Cotton 8 Cents
Cotton marketing quota penalty
rate is 8 cents per pound for the
1942-43 marketing year.
Under terms of amendments to
the AAA Act, loans will be made
by the Commodity Credit Corpora
tion at 85 percent of parity price
on August 1, the beginning of the
marketing year, and will be ap
proximately 16 cents per pound.
While the cotton loan rate will
not be set until August 1, early
harvest in some sections of the
state necessitated immediate an
nouncement of penalty rate for
cotton marketed in excess of the
farm marketing quota, Fred Ren-
nels, assistant administrative of
ficer of AAA in Texas, said.
Amateur Show to Be Held
Friday on Goodwin Steps
Three Aggies Go
To Milwaukee For
ASAE Annual Meet
Boesch Elected President
National Student Group;
25 Schools Represented
Annual convention of the Na
tional Council Student Branch of
the A.S.A.E. met in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, June 29 to July 1, for
the discussion of the future of
agricultural engineering and the
post war opportunities that are
open for men taking the course.
Gus Boesch, Whitney; Donald Ol
son, Amarillo; and Emmitt Hole-
kamp, Comfort, were the three
representatives from A. & M.
At the meeting, officers were
elected for the coming year. Boes
ch of A. & M. was elected presi
dent; Clarence Boukup from Iowa,
vice-president, and E. Markwardt
from North Dakota was elected
second vice-president.
Each group had a part in the
program, A. & M. reviewed the re
cent developments in Texas in ag
riculture and what the Experiment
Station has done or is doing to
forward the methods of farming
for this section.
The meeting was officially over
July 1, but those that were inter
ested, were taken on a tour of the
J. I. Case Co. which was holding
a show depicting the development
of farm implements for the last
hundred years.
There were 25 representatives
from 28 different schools over the
country that offer a degree in Ag
ricultural Engineering. A. & M.
is the only school in Texas that
offers this degree.
All expenses for traveling and a
place to stay while there, were
paid by the student branch of the
ASAE. The A. & M. representa
tives left here June 27 and return
ed on July 4.
More Conservation
Is Wartime Aim
Of Texas Farmers
At least three times as much
soil-building work this year as in
1941 is one wartime aim of Texas
Total soil-building assistance,
established under this year’s farm
program, is approximately three
times as large as the 1941 allow
ance. The increase results from
shifting a portion of AAA pay
ments, which formerly were made
for planting within special allot
ment acreage, to the soil-building
allowance. Total assistance under
the 1942 program, which may be
used for carrying out approved
practices, is approximately $20,-
000,000 compared to $9,000,000 un
der last year’s program.
Faced with shortages of labor,
materials and equipment, farmers
must begin conservation work im
mediately if maximum payments
are to be earned this year, Fred
Rennels, assistant administrative
officer of AAA in Texas, has an
The conservation materials and
services program, which now is
operating in 150 counties, is a def
inite method by which farmers can
off-set shortages, he said. Under
this plan, winter legume seed, su
perphosphate and terraces are paid
for by AAA, with costs deducted
later from individual AAA pay
ments. Approximately 25,000 miles
of terraces, 3,000,000 pounds of
Austrian winter pea and vetch
seed, and 17,000 tons of superphos
phate have been requested under
this program.
Other positive conservation prac
tices which may be carried out
during the year include planting
summer legumes and non-legumin-
ous crops for green manure or
cover in some sections of the state,
contour listing, furrowing and
chiseling non-crop pasture, elim
inating destructive plants, build
ing earthen tanks and reservoirs,
drilling wells and mowing pastures.
$5 Prizes Donated
By Loupot; Progarm
Over in Time for CQ
Aggies will have an opportunity
to earn some ready spending mon
ey each week from the new Ama
teur Program that will be held
Friday evening after supper on
the steps in front of Goodwin
Hall, J. E. Loupot, originator of
the plan, stated Monday.
Five dollars in prizes will be
awarded to the three best perfor
mances each week. Any sort of an
act, regardless of how insignifi
cant it may seem, is eligible to
try for the prizes on the show,
Loupot added.
An entry blank will appear in
the Thursday issue of The Bat
talion and should be turned by
the organization first sergeants
to the corps headquarters office
in Ross Hall by 5 o’clock that af
Judges for the contest will be
the cadet corps. Judging will be
based on the amount of applause
that performance receives from
the audience.
The program will start right af
ter supper and will be over in
time for sophomores and fresh
men to be present at call to quar
ters. Loupot said that the ama
teur contests would continue as
long as the corps showed an in
terest in the program and there
were enough entries to make the
programs interesting.
Prizes awarded will be $3 for
first place; $2 for second, and $1
for third.
The yell leaders will be present
at the program to lead the corps
in yell and songs.
Fellowships Open
To Students Of
Spanish Descent
Awards Made by Institute
Of International Education
For Academic Year 42-43
In order to encourage students
from the Spanish-speaking peoples
of the Southwest to carry on ad
vanced study and to prepare them
selves for work among their peo
ple, the Coordinator of IMer-Am-
erican Affairs is offering a limit
ed number of graduate fellow-hips
for the academic year of 1942-43,
to be administered by the Institute
of International Education, 2 West
45th Street, New* York, N.Y.
The graduate fellowships w’ll
cover board, room, tuition and in
cidental expenses for the academic
vear, the exact sum depending on
the cost of the Institution sel 'ctej
by tho candidate.
In order to qualify, a candidate
1) be a citizen of the United
States of Spanish-speaking stock
and a native of the Southwest.
2) be not more than 35 years
of age.
3) be a graduate of an Amer
ican college of recognized stand
4) be of good moral character
and intellectual ability.
5) be in good health.
6) present an acceptable plan
of study related in some way to
proposed work among the people
of the Southwest.
7) have sufficient preparation
in his major field of interest to
guarantee success in graduate
The Institution will send appli
cation forms upon request, which
must be on file before August 1,
Election of Officers
Will Be Held at Sonh
Class Meeting* Tonight
An important meeting of the
sophomore class will be'held to
night at 8:15 in the Assembly hall,
according to Walter Cardwell, for
the purpose of electing officers
for the coming term.
All sophomores are urged to at
tend this first meeting of their
class. The election will be conduct
ed by the cadet colonel and his