Page 2 THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 2, 1942 The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published three times weekly, and issued Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Subscription rates $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone 1-5444. 1941 Member 1942 Dissociated Golle6iate Press Brooks Gofer 4- Editor-in-Chief Ken Bresnen Associate Editor Phil Crown Staff Photographer Sports Staff Mike Haikin T Sports Editor Mike Mann - Assistant Sports Editor Chick Hurst .C Senior Sports Assistant Advertising Staff Reggie Smith Advertising Manager Jack E. Carter Tuesday Asst. Advertising Manager Louis A. Bridges Thursday Asst. Advertising Manager Jay Pumphrey Saturday Asst. Advertising Manager Circulation Staff F. D. Asbury, Jr Circulation Manager Bill Huber Senior Assistant H. R. Tampke Senior Assistant Carlton Power Senior Assistant Joe Stalcup .'i Junior Assistant Thursday’s Staff Ken Bresnen Managing Editor Nelson Karbach Junior Editor Jack Keith Junior Editor Benton Taylor Junior Editor Tom Leland Junior Editor Reporters Ramon McKinney, John Baldridge, Tom Journeay, Charles Kaplan, Bob Garrett, Gerald Fahrenthold, Bert Kurtz, Bill Jar- nagin, Harry Cordua, Bob jyieredith. Bill Japhet, Jack Hood, and Jack Chileoat. '43 Longhorn When the college went on the twelve months school basis, Student Publications went on the same schedule. So far the schedule has been met, though hard on some occasions. But one of the most important publications of the student body is not receiving the sup port and cooperation that it will need if it is to be published. The Longhorn schedule for senior pictures has been announced and to date only 83 pictures have been taken for the senior class section. This number repre sents the total number of Infantry and En gineer seniors who have had their’s made. Us ually the number from these two organiza tions is around 225. The Longhorn is a senior’s most prized possession as it is the record of his final and outstanding year at A. & M. Because of this it was decided that each class should have a Longhorn when it graduates. To do so means that an eight month schedule must be follow ed instead of the regular twelve, and every senior should try and cooperate with the editor in meeting his deadlines. If the Longhorn is to be published, and every man so desires, there will have to be more cooperation and response on the part of the seniors. Remember, there will be a sen ior section in the 1943 Longhorn if the sen ior class wants one, and if there isn’t one it will be nobody’s fault but the class of ’43. This Collegiate World ■ 1 ASSOCIATED COLLEGE PRESS ====== Elmira college proposes to introduce next fall a new program for the training of young women who desire to enter the field of re tailing, President W. S. A. Pott announces. Arrangements have been made for a Tew weeks’ interneship in department stores in New York City and Elmira. * * * Medical schools in the United States have decreased by 50 per cent since 1905, and medical students by 18 per cent, accord ing to a survey by the Federation of State Medical Boards as reported by the Alabama health department. It lists 77 schools in 1940 as against 160 in 1905, and puts the present student body at 21,271, compared with a total of 26,147,- in 1905. * * * To fill a need often expressed by music educators, the Wayne University A Cappella choir will provide recorded choral music on a nationwide basis, through a recording technique just announced by its director, Prof. Harold Tallman. His two years’ investi gation has solved perplexing technical prob lems that long have retarded the recording of choral music. “Vocal-group music has proved far more difficult to record than instrumental-groups of music,” Professor Tallman explains, “be cause a voice is directional while an instru ment is not. Thus a microphone close to the group produces a recording distorted in fav or of the nearest singers; while a microphone far enough away to give an over-all impres sion produces a recording without warmth, one that is “tinny” and “mechanical.” The solution was an arrangement of studio microphones which preserved proper balance. Professor Tallman solved the prob lem last summer while teaching at the Uni versity of Southern California. He sought the approval of Hollywood sound technicians before releasing the recordings for sale to Gamble Hinged-Music company, Chicago, recorders of educational music. Royalties are to be returned to the university to further the choir’s musical activities. * * * Bowling Green State university has be come the first American college to offer a scholarship for horseback riding. The award, created by Boots and Saddle club and Hedden School of Riding, provides for university fees and riding lessons for nine months. The recipient will be the winner of a riding contest to be staged in May 2 for high school senior girls, provided she ranks in the upper third of her class. Man, Your Manners _ By I. Sherwood - _ There always has been, and always will be, in every country, things forbidden by cus tom. We have some funny customs that date back a long time, such as, a man may not keep his hat on in the house; he must turn to the right when meeting another person. Then, too, the ridiculous old customs that a man’s coat must button to the right, a wom an’s coat to the left; a man must have but tons on his sleeves for no reason at all. We might think the Polynesian absurd for pressing his nose against the nose of his guest by way of greeting or welcome, but we may appear just as absurd when we kiss and shake hands for the same reason. In this country we have no severe pen alties for rudeness or failure to show con sideration for others, but sooner or later the impolite person will incur the loss of respect and influence; he will sacrifice his popularity, and he may lose desirable social and business advantages. In any community one who does not ob serve the customs of the community in which he lives will suffer for it in one way or another. The answer as to what sort of citizens we will make is written in our hearts, our intellects, our sympathetic understand ing and willingness to conform. America’s paramount need in the midst of war is “a workmanlike spirit—not dra matics of the dreadful times—and a sense of humor,” says Dr. Helen White of the University of Wisconsin. Penny's Serenade By W. L. Penberthy This month A. & M. is losing two of the fin est track coaches, and finest men, the coun try has ever seen. I refer to Col. Frank An derson and “Dough” Rollins. Colonel “Andy” is called to active duty on July 11 and “Dough” is to be Capt. John W. Rollins and reports to Temple on July 2—the day this article appears in print. Col. “Andy” coached the track team for the twelve years from 1923-35 and in that time his teams hung up four conference championships. Since that time he served for two years as Commandant and is now Professor of Physical Education where he has done a grand job in helping the other men in the department carry the writer. Dough has coached the team since 1935 and although his teams have failed to win a championship, he has done a fine piece of work and has kept the other conference coaches jittery at the conference meet each year. To me their record of wins and losses is not important. The important thing is the impression they have made and the fine in fluence they have exerted on the boys they coached and on our student body in general. I happen to know many of the men who were coached by these men and when I see them off the campus they never fail to ask about their track coach. I have also read letters from some of these same men, and others, in which they expressed appreciation to the coaches for the help they had re ceived, and knowing these coaches as I do and having observed how they worked with “their boys,” I know the members of the team received a great deal of fine training that their own Dads couldn’t have given them. These coaches were the much needed Dads to the boys while they were here. These two men are a lot alike in many respects. They are two of the kindest, most generous, most sympathetic, most under standing, the biggest hearted and the most loyal men I have ever known. In my column last week I quoted the following little piece of philosophy: “I expect to pass through this life but once. If, therefore, there is any kind ness I can show or any good I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now for I shall not pass this way again.” When I read this I immediately think of these men because on this campus they have practiced it every day. Yes folks—we are losing a couple of mighty fine influences from our campus and Uncle Sam is getting a couple of the finest leaders I have ever known. Berneice Schlemmer, senior in journal ism at the University of Minnesota, is serv ing as a baseball reporter for the Minneap olis bureau of United Press. Something to Read ====== By Dr. T. F. May* ====== Five Roads Toward an Understanding Of Nature: Thomson’s Outline of Science. Entertaining account of evolution and char acteristics of worlds and creatures. Wonder ful illustrations and clear type. Of Big Business: Berle and Means The Modern Corporation and Private Property. The concentration of business changes con ditions and must change laws. The rise of corporations has given, to a small group, power without responsibility. Of Your Mind: E. D. Martin’s Psychol ogy. Twenty mental problems and theories including complexes, mob-mindedness and habit. Of Life: Fadiman’s I Believe. Twenty distinguished moderns explain their life philosophies. Read, then make up yours. Of Art: Van Loon’s The Arts. What, how, and why great artists paint, sing, and carve. Lively and conversational type. THE BATTALION f - PRIVATE BUCK By Clyde Lewis] COVERING campus disnacras By JACK KEITH It is seldom that the Southwest is honored by a visit from an im portant government official from Washington. But, tomorrow and part of Saturday A. & M. will be host to Secretary of Agriculture Wickard who is stopping on his way to conferences in Mexico. Ev ery effort should be made by the cadet corps and by local citizens to hear the talk by Secretary Wickard tomorrow night on Kyle Field. In another of the current pic tures depicting the funny side of army life as it is not lived, “YOU 'RE IN THE ARMY NOW” star ring Jimmy Durante is showing today and Friday at Guion Hall. “Schnozzle” Durante and his pal Phil Silvers are. vacuum-cleaner salesmen that are always in trou ble. When trying to make a sale to an army recruiting sergeant, they are tricked into enlisting in the infantry and are whisked away to camp. From then on life is another whirl of sergeants, k.p. duty and marching. “You’re in the Army Now” is a come-back picture as far as Du- rante is concerned. For thos^ who small pepper about the size of enjoy his slap-stick type of com- the end of the little finger—but edy, the picture should be entire- While discussing plights and ver y ( one 0 f these peppers in ly satisfactory. Phil Silvers also problems, a group of freshmen re- a 5 g a n on can 0 f soup WO uld gets in some pretty good laughs. cently dreamed make it too hot to eat) So Pancho The Lowdown— The plot is up their “Ideal had his men to gather a large threadbare, it’s been used so much. Girl” . . . the number of tin cans and fill them Ginger Rogers, in a new type of one who could with the peppers. . . and a small role, appears in “ROXIE HART,” burn their toast charge of explosives. These they beginning tomorrow at the Cam- every morning tossed over the walls of the de- p U s Theatre. The supporting cast “It’s a real nice gesture, Private Buck, but that’s one thing the government DOESN’T want traded in on defense bonds!” BACKWASH By lack Hood Montgomery, Spring Byington and Nigel Bruce. “Roxie Hart” is a satirical story of the roaring twenties in gang ster-controlled Chicago. Since that was a period of gin-swilling and lawlessness, the general law-de fying attitude of the characters seems almost obnoxious in the light of present-day customs. There are plenty of remarks and situations though that provide en ough laughs to keep the movie on the brighter side. Ginger Rogers plays the part of a flighty young wife whose hus band kills one of her admirers. She takes the blame for the killing and is tried in court, because a fast-talking press agent and a shyster criminal lawyer have con vinced her that such a course of action will give her publicity and enable her to establish a career for herself after the lawyer gets an acquittal. The Lowdown—plenty of ginger with Ginger around. “Backwash: An asritation resulting- from some action or occurrence.”—Webster Dream Girl James Madison Wood, 66 holds a record for longest tenure among presidents of Women’s colleges. He is rounding out his twenty- ninth year as head of Stephens college. and get with it. But wouldn’t lit be interesting Hood ta compare these require m e n t s with those of the same group of boys two years from now ? The blueprint: 1. Height, 5’2” to 5’6” or about two inches shorter than the boy. 2. Color of hair not important. 3 Weight, 110 to 118 pounds. 4. Graduated in first half of high school class. 5. From a family of two, three, or more. 6. She MUST be cultured, i. e., she should be readily adapt able to meet, with ease, all occasions. Some culture fea tures specified or desired. 1. Play tennis. 2. Play piano. 3. Swim. 4. Play violin. Quoting a professor’s opinion on the requirements, “It is very inter esting to me that beauty—abstract beauty—with no other admirable qualities was never mentioned. Whenever Aggies require culture first and beauty last, it is a very encouraging sign to those “old fogies” that think that modern boys look only for a beautiful face.” • • • Gentle Hint. . . . . . We pass on to seniors for what it is worth. Some seniors are going to be definitely disappointed when this year’s Longhorn comes out . . . their picture is not going to be in it. The Longhorn, in order to get published, has a definite schedule to follow . . . deadlines can be extended only so long. Of the In fantry, Engineer, and Cavalry regiments, only 83 seniors have had their pictures taken . . . • • • Colonel Escamilla . . . told some TALL stories backstage at Town Hall Monday p. m.. Like all world travelers, soldiers of fortune, etc., he had a brilliant personality—a good line of bull. The Colonel was one of Pancho Villa’s “Gold Leaf” men . . . there were BOO, organized from wealthy Mexican families . . . and he de scribed how 8,500 of Villa’s army took a city guarded by 44,000 troops: In Mexico there grows a away (g ee BACKWASH, Page 4) includes Adolphe Menjou, George Musical Meauderings By BILL MURPHY WHAT’S SHOWING At Guion Hall Thursday, Friday—“You’re In the Army Now” with Jim my Durante and Phil Silvers. At the Campus . Thursday, Friday, Satur day—“Roxie Hart” starring Ginger Rogers. Saturday Midnight—“Tex as” with Claire Trevor. For the first time since the Fitch Bandwagon campaign got under way, definite results have and are still being obtained. Last Thursday the Aggieland Orchestra received a questionnaire from the sponsors asking for various bits of inform ation concerning the orchestra. This is a definite move in the right direction and you are the ones to be praised. The orchestra feels that you are behind them all the way, and that YOU and YOU alone are their sponsors. Now I ask you, can anything fail with a spirit and a corps behind them, such as the one we are noted for? BUT there is a lot still to be done, and you will be called upon to help as in the past. Letters will be accepted up until Saturday, July 11, so its still not too late to get them in. Don’t forget, each letter you send in not only helps your orchestra, but* your school as well. The Twelfth Man has never failed. Thirty-Second Notes Reliable rumor has it that Phil Harris and his great band will play at least a one nighter here at the end of the summer session. If this is true, we will have to be “sandwiched” between his Dallas and Houston engagements. This is only rumor, mind you, as it hasn’t been confirmed by the Stu dent Activities office as yet. Har ris is known as the greatest show man in show business. In answer to many questions, Bill King was the founder and first leader of the Aggieland Orchestra. It was begun around 1923. He was followed by Jimmy Joy, who has since made a place for himself in the music world. The government clamped down on the manufacture of musical in struments this month by halting the manufacture of all musical in struments except violins, cellos, and some guitars. This means that if you possess any musical instru ment, hold on to it. Prices have gone sky high. The waltz is coming back. Yes, Dr. Richard W. Husband, an em inent psychologist reported last week that after a thorough survey of public opinion, he has come to the final conclusion that the pub lic is sick of jitter-bugging and would soon cater to the waltz. Brother, they’ll have to prove that —at least at A. & M. What a line! Tommy Dorsey now calls his band a Swyngphonic Or chestra. Floyd Smith, whom you will re- (See MEANDERINGS, Page 4) PALACE Wt' PHONE 2-8879 Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. BETTE DAVIS OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND in “IN THIS OUR LIFE” • • • Preview 11 P.M. Saturday Night GARY COOPER in “SERGEANT YORK” Shown Sun. - Mon. - Tues. m 4-1181 Box Office Open Till 10 P.M. TODAY ~ FRIDAY SATURDAY Cartoon - Short - Musical • • * PREVUE SATURDAY SUNDAY - MONDAY TEXMS If You Want to Look Right - For the 4th - Drop In and Let Us Fix You Up YMCA and Varsity Barber Shop On the Campus MOVIE Guion Hall THURSDAY - FRIDAY Jimmy Durante Phil Silvers You’re In the Army Now Comedy — News — Cartoon —COMING— SATURDAY Parachute Battalion * £ V s'*