Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1942)
DIAL 4-5444 r jr IT W * DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF § Mi IS M m Ml # # dT# # M M B MM OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION JL JL ms Ms M* M* M> m m/ COLLEGE STATION 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. VOLUME 42 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 1942 2275 NUMBER 13 Secretary WickardtoBe Met by Escort Noon Friday Walton and Other Officials Meet • Group in Hearne Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. Wickard, accepting an institu tional invitation from President T. O. Walton to be a guest of the college, will be on the campus from noon July 3 to noon July 4, according to Director H. H. Wil liamson of the Extension Service. Wickard with his party of three will arrive at Hearne around noon Friday and will be met by a welcoming committee composed of Dr. Walton, Williamson and B. F. Vance, administrative officer of the AAA. They will be met at the east entrance by a cavalry escort and escorted to the board of directors home opposite Sbisa Hall where Secretary Wickard and his party will rest until 4:30. At 5:25 the cabinet officer will witness the retreat formation of the cadet corps in the old area and then will eat with the corps at Sbisa Hall. After supper the secretary will take a stroll around the campus or will hold a press conference at the board home. Promptly at 7:45 the visitors will leave for Kyle Field where Secretary Wickard is slated to make an address at 8. After the speech any of the vis itors will have an opportunity to meet the Secretary of Agriculture at Kyle Field. A breakfast for officials of the AAA, Extension Service, and the college will be held with Secretary Wickard as guest at the Old mess hall at 7:30 Saturday morning, followed at 8:30 by 1 a tour of the campus for the Secretary and his party. The tour will end at 10 o’clock at the new office building of the AAA where Wickard will make the dedic:tory speech for the new building. 1 (See WICKARD, Page 4) Senior Rings To Be Deliveied Wednesday Senior rings will be ready for delivery tcrtjorrow, the Registrar’s office state!. In order to distribute all the rinsJ as soon as possible, the office Requests that seniors come for tram tomorrow. There after rings will be delivered only in the mornings. The next order for rings will be taken tomorrow for the August 1 delivery. Orders are being made only on the first of the month in stead of the first and fifteenth as in previous years. Since September, 1941, 1417 rings have been ordered. The class of ’42-’43 has ordered 319 rings so far, mostly the 18 pennyweight type. Fish, Game Short Course Here July 3,4 Discussion to Be Centered on Farm Ponds & Fisheries Discussion of farm ponds and coastal fisheries resources will feature a short course sponsored by the Fish and Game department July 3 and 4. The first day’s sessions will close in time for the address by Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. Wickard. On the conclusion of the farm pond sessions a conference will be held on coastal fisheries resources with J. B. Arnold, director, Coastal Division, Texas Game, Fish and Oyster Commission; Gordon Gun ter, Marine Biologist; Dr. E. J. Land, University of Texas; Dr. George E. Potter, A. & M.; and others interested in attendance. Notable visitors to the confer ence include H. S. Swingle of the Alabama Agricultural Experi ment Station, nation-wide authori ty on the construction, stocking and fertilization of farm ponds; Charles L. Fuqua, Fish and Wild life Service, Austin; and T. S. Kibbe, Regional Supervisor of fish culture, Fish and Wildlife Serv ice, Albuquerque. The program of the meeting is as follows: A Blanced Farm Program in Wartime—H. H. Williamson, di rector, Texas Extension Service. The Agricultural Adjustment Agency and Farm Ponds—B. F. Vance, administrative officer in charge, AAA. Stocking Farm Ponds with Fish —H. S. Swingle, School of Agri culture, Alabama Polytechnical Institute. Fish for Stocking Farm Ponds —Marion Toole, chief aquatic biol ogist, Texas Game, Fish and Oys ter Commission, Austin. How the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Can Help—T. S. Kibbe, regional supervisor of fish culture, Albuquerque. The Extension Service and the Farm Pond Program—R. E. Cal lender, extension game manage ment specialist, College Station. Some Popular and Technical De tails—George E. Potter, professor of zoology, Department of Biology, Texas A. & M. ^ Fertilization of Farm Ponds—H. S. Swingle, department of zoology (See FISH, GAME Page 4) Registration for 18-19 Group Held Today Town Hall Presents Mexican Troupe Under Direction of Colonel Escamilla Presenting a new development in the field of entertainment, Col onel Ricardo Escamilla, former daredevil rider and soldier of for tune with Pancho Villa, last night brought to the stage of Guion Hall a unique enactment of his person al experiences colored by the songs and dances of some of the oldest known cultures. Aggies and local residents alike greeted the show with rounds of applause and deep appreciation for the art displayed by the members of the troupe. Narrations and commentaries were handled personally by the producer and director of the show, Escamilla. Original songs and dances and special music for the presentation were all conceived and interpreted by individuals in the cast. Elaborate costumes worth thousands of dollars and repre senting years of research and ar tistic development play a large part in carrying the audience into the spirit of the show and letting them forget for awhile the reali ties of the present world. At the same time a modern note was woven into the production by Colors Presented To B Engineers B Company Engineers, the hon or company for this year, received the colors in a regimental forma tion yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o’clock in front of Walton Hall. Also, the Troland trophy was presented to C Company. The tro phy is gh'en to' the company hav ing the best room inspection and the best attendance at drill and Military Science classes. Dr. C. C. Hedges presented the colors to B Company. He is largely responsible for the formation of the Engineers as a separate regi ment instead of being part of the composite regiment as was former ly the case. The honor company has the privilege of carrying the National and Regimental colors. This award is based on the best drilled organ ization! and was held last year by A Company. The Troland award was also in the possession of A Company last year. the “El Principio” number which opened the show. Raising a thrill of patriotism and a feeling of kinship among the nations of the new world, the company opened the evening’s entertainment with the singing of the National An them. One of the costumes worn by Senorita Greta Rubio as an Inca princess contains 24 ounces of pure gold. Her feather costume which has caused considerable comment in the famous theaters of the na tion is made from the feathers of every known Mexican bird. Musical accompaniment for the production was handled by a hand picked charro orchestra which Es camilla selected from the best musicians in Mexico. Applications For Drivers Licenses At City Office Application blanks for the re newal of driver licenses may be obtained anytime at the offices of the City of College Station. These applications must be filled out and mailed to the Department of Pub lic Safety at Austin, Texas. Applications and tests for new drivers’ licenses will be given by a State Highway Patrol officer on Monday, Friday and Saturday morning at the County Courthouse in Bryan. Baptist Church Gets New Electric Organ The First Baptist Church of Col lege Station has announced the in stallment of a new electric organ in their recently completed church building. The dedication of the church will be held July 12. Experiment Station Adds Poultry Expert Starting Tomorrow The Division of Veterinary Sci ence, Texas Agricultural Experi ment Station, is preparing to ex- padn its researches into the field of poultry pathology. Dr. John Paul Delaplane, graduate of the Ohio State University in Veterin ary medicine and Avian Pathology, has accepted the position and on July 1, 1942 will begin his re searches in the laboratories of the Division of Veterinary Science and the Division of Poultry Husbandry. Primarily the studies are intend ed to give the$ best account of feeding stuffs used by poultrymen. Dr. Delaplane was born in Greenville, Ohio and has served as graduate assistant at the Ohio University and has been at Rhode Island State College and Experi ment Station since 1931. He is author of a number of scientific papers and bulletins on poultry diseases and the various discoveries used in preventing and treating the maladies affecting poultry. Aggieland’s Reed Section Pictured above from left to right are Billy Anderson, Bill Murphy, Charley Bickley, and Dinkle Webb, the reed section of the Aggie- land Orchestra which the Aggies are backing in a campaign to put them on the Fitch Band Wagon program. In the back ground is Curley Brient, the Aggieland’s bass-playing leader. Army, Navy Confer With Aircraft Men In Aviation Week Conference Here Aviation Week Conferences sponsored jointly by A. & M. and Southern Flight magazine ended Sunday after a three day meet. Besides the model contests which were held over the three day pe riod, the Army, the Navy and the W.P.B. held conferences with rep resentatives of the aircraft indus try. Students Study Agricultural Conditions On Tour of Eastern States and Canada Twenty-two Texas agricultural students, clad in cowb’oy boots and five-gallon hats, returned Satur day from a six-week field trip of the North-East United States and part of Canada. L. S. Paine, associate professor of agricultural economics, said the field trip was successful and en joyable. He showed newspaper clippings from various eastern cities' which highly praised the famous Aggies for their serious study of agricultural conditions of the United States. Paine said, “Our big Texas riding boots and hats really made a hit on the eatern peole. Everywhere we went the people cordially entertained Texas. longhorn schedule June 30 to July 6, Cavalry Seniors. July 7 to 13, Field Artillery Seniors. July 14 to 20, Coast Artil lery Seniors. July 21 to 27, Composite Regiment Seniors. The boys took bed-rolls and us and praised our good work. We came in contact with farmers, producers, agriculutral managers, stock traders, college agricultural teachers and researchers, and countless other men who aided our study. In addition to our careful study of the states and conditions, we saw many interesting and historical scenes, including the Blue Ridge Mountains, famous un iversities, Gettysburg Memorial, Niagara Falls, Quebec Canada, and the Great Lakes.” As an example of the publicity the party spread through the eas tern states, the London, Ontario, Daily Free Press said: “Twenty- two of the famous Texas Aggies (students at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas), who arrived in London this morning to study agricultural conditions in this district, are shown above, (in a picture on the front page). Those big hats they’re wearing are a small edition of the regular 10- gallon hat and are called five-gal lon hats. The big boots in the front row are real Texas high-heeled riding boots. ■ “The Aggies made visits this af ternoon to various spots of inter est around London including the University of Western Ontario, the Weldwood Farm and the Queen Alexandra Sanatorium at Byron. They will pitch tents to night within the grounds of Won derland where all recreational fac ilities including the use of the dance floor and swimming pool will be extended to them without charge. Professor L. S. Paine, leader of the group, and the boys showed real interest in the part Canada is playing in the war. He said most of the boys were mem bers of the U. S. R. O. T. C. and would graduate with commissions to join the active army. “The f party will leave London tomorrow to return to the United States by way of Windsor. They entered the country by way of Niagara Falls.” Briefly the trip included Louisi ana, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennes see, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington, D. C., Pennsylvania, New York City, several New Eng land states, part of Canada, the Great Lakes, Michigan back through Illinois, Kentucky, and tents in their big yellow bus, camp ing out usually, except in the big cities. The party made detailed studies including guided trips and lectures through the T. V. A., North Carolina tobacco companies, the Stock Exchange in New York City, and the stock yards and plants of the Chicago Swift Com pany. The summer travel course in Agricultural-Business Economics was originated by Professor Paine and has been in operation five years, growing more popular each year. The purpose of the field study, said Paine, is to give the agricultural student a broad pic ture of the economical and agricul tural conditions of the United States as a whole, with special em phasis on how other states meet their problems of farming and marketing. The Eastern trip lasts from May 18 to June 27, while a similar trip of the Western United States will start July 6 and run till August 15. The complete course, including a written summary of the trips, gives each student 12 credit hours. The cost of the trips is $142, covering bus transportation, lodging, meals, and registration. College Station Negroes Study First Aid Courses “It can’t happen here,” but just in case it does the Negroes of Brazos County will not be caught unprepared to do their bit as air raid wardens or first aid workers. Under the sponsorship of Col lege Station Police Department, Eddie Chew, assistant groundkeep- er at the Kyle Field area for near ly 20 years, has completed all of the advance courses in first aid and now is conducting class him self. Eddie has qualified as an air raid warden and is assigned to the South College Station area along Old Highway 6. In addition, he has completed the standard, advanced and instruct^,/- Red Cross first aid course and is now conducting classes for Negroes at the Colored A. & M. Consolidated School, in South End, College Station. In stead of the required 30 hours of training, Eddie is requiring all his pupils to pass a total of 32 hours before he will issue them the cer tificates. Students who have completed the first aid course under Chew include: Iron Beverly, James Car rie, Roland Columbus, Mary E. Davis, Bessie M. Davis, Odesser Turner, Evelyn Elmore, Odessa Ford, Lucille Granville, Eva M. Green, Hattie Hill, Henryetta Jones, Hazel Thompson, Azala Thomas, Selestine Williams, Curtis Cheeks, Matilda Jones, Sam Pierce and Bettie Willborn. Fellowship Group Forced to Disband; No Labor Available The College Fellowship Lunch eon Club has had to discontinue its regular meetings every Thurs day noon because of a labor short age in the mess hall, Dr. L. G. Jones, chairman, has announced. The club has met every Thurs day noon for the past three years with fellowship among the teach ers, employees, and residents of the community as the main objec tive. It started under the leader ship of Dr. Chas. La Motte in 1939. Subsequent chairmans were Dr. R. L. Donahue, Professor C. H. “Dutch” Dillingham, Professor Harold Vance, and Jones. A Spanish table may be organ ized if there is enough demand for it when the club resumes its meetings as soon as labor difficul ties are overcome. The purpose of the^e conferences was to reach an understanding be tween the government and the air craft industry. Plans were made for a central pool of excess ma terials from which needed essen tials could be drawn in an emerg ency. Also new products were dis cussed for possible use in the war program. The highlight of Saturday’s dis cussions was the proposal to change the name of the Society of Automotive Engineers to the Society of Automotive and Aero nautical Engineers. The reason for this proposal was that the aero nautical engineers covered such a large field they should be incor porated into a separate society. In this new society there is going to be a senior and a junior branch in Texas with headquarters at the University of Texas and A. & M. More complete details will be giv en later. Another purpose of the meet was to consolidate the Civil Air Patrol, the Texas Private Flyers Assn, and others in order to work together toward the same goal of aiding the nation in its national defense program. About 350 people registered for the meet and approximately 100 planes Used the college airport. Most of the people representing the aircraft industry flew to the meeting. At the model contests several planes were lost and have not been recovered yet. Any person who has found a model should turn it over to the aeronautical engineering department as the models are reg istered in Washington and it is a federal offense to keep the planes, the department stated. Finhl results of the model meet have not been compiled but the complete list will appear in a later issue of The Battalion. Seniors To Sign Up Registrants; Cardwell Directs Cadets in Air Corps, ERC, Navy or Contract Srs Exempt from Signing Registration of all men born on or after January 1, 1922, and on or before June 30, 1924, will be conducted in the main hallway of the Administration building be tween 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. today un der the direction of Cadet Colonel Walter W. Cardwell and his cadet officers, Registrar H. L. Heaton announced. Men in the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the Air Corps Reserve and Naval Reserve Corps will not have to register. Also those men who have contracts or have received their commissions in the Medical Administrative Corps will not have to register, according to the Mili tary Department. Seniors, under the direction of Cardwell, will set up tables in the main hallway of the Administra tion building to take care of the large number of students expected to register today. Students are asked to come at their off periods as no excused absences will be per mitted for registration, Heaton said. “The building will remain open until 9 o’clock and men will be sent to the hospital to register the students interned there to as sure all concerned a chance to reg ister today,” Heaton added. Papers and all necessary infor mation will be forwarded to the local draft boards as soon as pos sible t^y the offices here. Only those men who have been accepted and have already taken their oath are considered in the reserves, said Major L. W. Mar shall, Infantry, who is in charge of enlistments in the Enlisted Re serve Corps. Long Island Estate Donated to IAS For Research Laboratory Texas A. & M. College members of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences have been informed that the IAS has been given a 162-acre estate on Long Island for estab- lishment of a new research lab oratory. Donor is Mrs. Daniel Guggen heim, whose late husband founded the Daniel Guggenheim fund for the promotion of aeronautics and whose son, Harry, acted as presi dent of the foundation. Besides laboratories which may be used to aid directly in war work, the IAS plans to house large li braries at the estate. Members of the IAS at Texas A. & M. are Gibb Gilchrist, dean of engineering; Dr. Howard W. Barlow, head of the aero engineer ing department; and R. M. Pink erton and E. J. Lesher of the aero engineering department. Safe and Sane Fourth Plea Of Health Officer A plea for a safe and sane Fourth of July was issued today by Dr. Geo. W. Cox, state health officer, who declared, “We should not forget that the glorious Fourth is the anniversary of American freedom—a freedom which is now in jeopardy. “This nation needs every man, woman and child at maximum phy sical strength. Unnecessary loss of life or time from careless accidents is a form of sabotage against oar total war effort.” Dr. Cox stressed the fact that hundreds of accidents occur each year among Fourth of July cele brants, including drowning, traffic casualties, and serious injuries from fireworks. He declared that every day’s time lost in this man ner will handicap the natioa’s war effort. “The celebration of American in dependence is a custom dear to the hearts of all Americans,” Dr. Cox said, “but this year as never be fore care should be taken to avoid accidents which cripple or kill since our maximum manpower is needed for the successful prose cution of a war to defend that same same American freedom.” “Using caution in water sports and in traveling on the highways will aid materially in cutting down the total number of accidents, and the cautious handling of all fire works will result in fewer painful injuries to small children,” Dr. Cox declared. Checks Ready For March Contract Men Military Science Department an nounced Wednesday that subse- sistence phecks were available for students who signed contracts ef fective March 17, 1942, and that these may be obtained by going to the Sergeant Major’s office in Ross Hall. About one hundred students are affected by this announcement.