The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 25, 1942, Image 1
V* DIAL 4-5444 122 Aviation Under Way NEWSPAPER pTt OF STATION Stom BLEG. IT 42 CX)LLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURK ^ ' Co-spontored by A&M t Southern Flight To Simp ify Aero Wgr Production Problems * College S Alton becomes the capital of Southwest avia lion for a three-day period starting this morning, as Texas Aviation Week conferences g*t under way at various spots on the campuiL Co-spontc red by A&M aid Southern Flight, leading aviation magizine, the conferences bring together aircraft . manufacture! , contractors and twining chiefs of the South- ? .^west and mid-continent for thref days, during which time ' they will thresh out many problems of production and co- Model Contest Brings Planes From Far Points j . i II I 3 I J Gas and Rubber Driven Models Will Vie for Air Supremacy Over Campus Sponsored by the aeronautical engineering department a model airplane contaat 1 will be held here on Friday and Saturday. Model* entered in the rubber powered di vision will can}pete Friday and those entered in the gasoline pow ered division will compete Satur day. The contest will bring to a climax the activities otf Texas Av iation Week whirii is sow In prog- ress. li* More thaf tw > hundred contest ants have come from all parts of Texas. Teams' 4re to come from Houston. Wichita FaHs, Fort Worth, Mauison rille, San Aatonio. Dallas, and “th^ii points in Texas The'contestants vriU stay in the dormitories and eat in the mew hall. According to Charlie Baker, the contest has attracted state wide attention. The (ontest will he at- tanded by H. 1L Culfen, oil man and well kinr rn philanthropist from Houston; j il L» Lewis, execu tive director |of the Academy of Model Aeronhtt ics; and John E. Clemens, president of the South- western Gas h odel Association. Class WorkS RNING. JUNE i 1942 \ — DIAL 4-5444 official newspaper OF THE CITY 'OF COLLEGE STATION 2275 v II Michigan U Stores College T War Sav ng Plan ‘ 5 ^ Ann .Artor, Mk*.—(ACP)— War economies in use of trucks and automobOei are rapidly bear ing 'results at the University of Michigan, aceoiding to Edward C. Pardon, siiperi itendent, of build ings and grbhrds, who says when and by whhin university-owned vehicles are to be used. Six heavy trucks of 15 formerly used by the university storehouse and buildings and grounds de partments have been put in dead storage for the duration and will be used only in emergency. Pardon reports. \ J Si wilar reductions, he said, may be pijdu'ni Other departments as, sooi} as studies erf actual neods are completed. 1 AU university-o4aned passenger cars and eUtios wagons have been pooled and must be requisitioned for aae by staff members. Requisi tions are approved only when com mon carrier facilities cannot pro-J vide the eervi^ss needed, Pardon- - * 'orefination. , I i jl % Mr. Howard W. Barlow, head of A. 4 M.’s aero engineering de partment, and George Had da way, editor of Southern Flight, are co- chairmen of the projeet. which al so | includes meetings of Civilian Pilj>t Training eo-ordinstors and operator", the Civil Air (Patrol and Tegs* Private Flyer* association *ht>© for Vrjse Models In conjunction with the confer- enf<*#, the fourth annual Texas A 4 <M. College model airplane con tent will be held Friday and Kat- wtiay. with $600 in cash prises to hff distributed. Lectures on model plkne-building are scheduled for JVisUor*, expected to total close to 400, will be housed in Dormitory No. 12 and other quarters. Young- stbn\ entering the model contest will be housed in the halls with ItMm. ]'j i ■ |T»e first contingent of conferees, having arrived ' TMMsday night, wlU get their first taste of Aggie f^re at breakfast in Sbisa Hall Thursday moaning. ■ Four Types .of Conferences •Conferences scheduled fall into fm»r general clamifications -em- Ppyment in the aircraft industry, tfaininrf of aircraft aeronautical research and confer- eifces of aircraft manufacturers jTheae four subject* will be dis cussed separately Thursday and Mpday morning, and all will be o nbined for an open forum ses sion* Friday and Saturday. ; A meeting closed to the public Mill be held Friday morning, when vig. Gen. J. Watt Paige, head of ’fexas selective service, and Lieut, fjomm P. H. Winston, national se lective service board aide, will ex ile in to manufacturers official Aews on occupational deferment. 1 In one of the conferences on 4*n>nautical resuarth. experts will discuss the use of plywood in air craft—a new development in the mdnatry. General Speaks I Maj. Gen. H. R. Harmon, com- •lander of the Gulf Coast Air <|Orpt Training Center with head- <^aAers at Randolph Field, will igieak to the fim of two Civil Air patrol conferences Friday. On the Dsrnc program will be Maj. Jchn f. Morria, director of the CAP. » Speakers at every one of the Conferences—17 in all—ia a recog- ^ised expert in hia field. Many of them, such as Dr. Barlow, J.' T. L. flcNew, R. M. Pinkerton, H. J. H ■ "en, John F. Leahy. J. D. Lind- •F, C. J. Finney and Dean Gibb ^ilchriat, are members orf the Tex- «s A. 4 M. faculty, while the oth- »re represenutives of large manufacturers or government ■P^Maa. f Civilian Pilot Training co-ordi- ftators °f the fourth CAA region gill hold ihelr annual meeting Sat- ; (8m AVIATION, Page 4) t Practical Economist' Addresaei i Marketing And Finance Club Luther Sharp, of Agrleulturai Trade Relations, Inc^ will give am address before the Marketing and' Finance dub a its meeting in thW • Y.M.C.A. chapt I on Thursday eve-; aing, July 1 j |. \M Sharp is vie ^-president and di-j rector of the Texas organisation which engage^ in economic re-f search on ^ro 1 Jems relating par tkulariy to agdcultare. Sharp stadi«d for his Ph.D. Stanford uaiv<rsit]K and was foil some time bea< I of the department of economic* a Pomona college in, California. He also served as,ecoi nomk adviaor or one of the larg^ California fnm ers’ cooperative or* ganisations. lie ia' .prominently Identified with a number of agri-. cultural and < ivic ymovemenU ii^ Texas. j i Sailors Leave For Duty After Completing Course Presentation Made To Radiomen by Walton; Firet Group to Finish Wednesday morning the first contingent of sailors to graduate from A. 4 M. were handed their certificates by D«-an Gilchrist of the School of Engineering. The brief ceremony took place in the quadrangle formed by dormitories four, six and eight. U. Currier introduced President T. O. Walton who addressed the class. Walton, in his speech, en couraged the sailors in their pa triotic service for their country. He also said that whenever and wherever they may go in the serv ice of their country, the Agpies and A. 4 M. would ba behind them. Certificates sailors received by the sailors were signed by th^ faculty of the School of Engineer ing. It is not a degree but a cei - tification that the holder has com- plcted the required course. Thc- course taken is the prescribed Navy course in electrical engineci- ing. It is conducted by the A. 4 M. faculty under contract to the United States Navy. The men that (See SAILORS, Page 4) Rubber Collection Needs Small Pieces Announcing the rubber collec tion campaign had ranched the 47 peraonnel, ton mark, the director of the cam paign said that by the time the campaign officially closes June 30. it is expected that more than 100.- 000 pounds qf scrap rubber will be collected. x The drive is Concentrated on thov* who consider their contribu tion to© small to be of any sig nificance. The director pointed out that every heel or old rubber sole will play its part. It is urgent that every citiren take his contribution, however small, to the nearest serv ice station and turn it in. The serv ice stations are paying a cent a pound for this rubber'and it is urged thaj all scrap rubber be turned in. Technique in T B Cases Improved Greater accuracy in tuberculosis case finding with photoroqntgeuo graphy using 4- by 5-incli nega tives—photography of the chest image produced on a fluoroscopic screen by a combination of x-ray apparatus and a photo-roentgen unit—is now provided by new ac cessories permitting stereoscopic photoroentgenography. Two 4- by 5-inch photo-roent genograms can be taken of the same chest on a single 4- by 10- inch film. A film shifter auto matically shifts both film and x- r *y tube between exposures. The two 4- by 5-inch photoroentgeno grams are then viewed with a spe cial orthostereoscope, the General Electric X-Ray Corporation device which brings the chest pattern in to perspective as a three-dimen sional image. Holds Ph Contest n Homanceof Old Mexico Brings Love, Adventure to Town Hall 4 Ft c* From the moment the curtain up at Town Hall next Mon- .terrey, and a member of one night on “The Romance Old Mexico” uatil the final cur tain. there will be displayed the dash and color that only the Mex icans can add to a program. L This unique attraction is under e direction of romantic Colonel Ricardo de Escamilla, formerly one fit Pancho Villa's famous Dorados. The plan of the program is sim ple. The Colonel tells a story of Jvar and adventure, of exploration pr love. The Charm orchestral ac- gompaniment, the gay serapes. sombreros, gmucho trousers sparkle from the stage throughout the ■MpnaiLv ' ' Star attraction of tho evening will bo Senorita Greta Rubio. Sen- jpritn Rubio pom coses an Inca In- HfflrirH dian type of beauty; bom in Mon- of the oldest families of Mexico. She has studied extensively under fa mous American and European mu sic masters and has toured Eu rope, receiving the praise of their critics. On the program, she uses seven different costumes, one of them requiring 26 ounces of pure gold in the making. Others include the lovely Tehuana Maiden and the Feather Blanket, made from thousands of feathers represent ing every known Mexican bird. According to critics, Senorita Rubio brings to the stage one of moat beautiful voices ever to come out of.Mexico. Hot artistry is enhanced by her startling beau ty of face and figure, and dramatic ability. Dollar Prizes Awarded We|ek|y For Best Phojo j Rules for s snapshot contest which opens Monday, Ji u m, were announced today by Jofep Bj Long- ley, editor of the Longhorn, k prize will be given for the bes$ snapshot turned in during any on*#w 4k The pictures are for the camhuslsection of next January's Longhorn. En tries may be turned in afthe old or new YMCA or the Battojioa office. Prizes of $1 will be^ given for best picture each week. |n Addition the picture will appear; mi one of the issues of the Battal^nlfor the following week. At the present time fheve is no limit as to the numbeU of Weeks the contest will run, ageogding to Longley. Howard Berry gf jhe pho tographic laboratory at dtelExpen- ment Station will judg^ tm* snap shots, longley announced, j . I With the exception o| stlaff and commercial photographers,|he con test is open to all stigleAta. The contestant should turn ip a glossy- finish print only. Negptikes will not be accepted. All piotuAes must be in by Saturday no4 In order that they may be coniidped for that week's contest. F* ** msy enter as many pi wishes. All pictures su come the property of and the decision be final. In case prises will be awarded According to Longley^ bhxe* will be placed in the new andjold “Y” for the. convenience of the kIndents. Entries should be plaee^ m an en velope with the name address of the entrant on the 444dc. Snapshots may be of knir subject and will be considered firjthe cam pus section of the Loh^iom re gardless of position in m4 contest. There is no limit to the» number of shots that may-be enteipj, New Development Raises Ceiling :l{or Strato Aircraft • Turbosuperchargers am being produced in large numbdri by Gen eral Electric to raise 4hg ceiling to which airplanes can'apend ef ficiently. With a turbosi.p. M-harg- er, a 1000-hp engine Mil produce the full 1000 horseppWdk at an elevation of 26,000 fe^ 1 The de vice fends extra oxyg4 i into the engine’s carburetor, sea-levri atmospheric ^rgasure at althuderef five mile Sid Smith Wins Over Carrington For Presidency Andrew, lyey, 1 Cartwright, Womak Abo Hold jOfflea* v At an ordewy meeting of the junior class Tuesday night in the aaaembly hall. Sidney Smith was elected presided by a large ma jority over Vance Carrington. Bill Andrew was Alerted unanimously to fill the vicemresidanry, while in a close run-ofl Harold Ivey nosed out V ance ('agrington for seer* • tary of the junior class. Stewart (aftw right won over Haskel Lindled for treasurer, and Edwin Womuqk wa« elected his torian in a ru|-off with Joe Cool- idge. The thr4 juniors who were elected as welfare representative are Bob Williams, George Tasser and Rodney Rfachley. According tip Walter Cardwell cadet colonel,' there was a fan turnout for meeting. Cardwell al**i said that jp? believed the new ly elected offlfcri > of the junior class would co til their jobs ef ficiently. i ' on Friday Schedule to Be Followed | for Wickard Declaration Making Holiday Official * Precludes Necessity of Week End Passes li.vause of the ambiguous reference to July 4 in the college calendar for the current semester, the Executive Committee has voted. to Withdraw the announcement that class work would continue regularly through the morning* of July 4-. All class work 4ill be suspended on that day. and offices* need not be kept qpan.! J i On Friday preceding, the *«ol- lege Will be honored by a fish from the Secretary of Agfieultpre It is devirafile that the uch.tlul. for Friday afternoon. Including the supper formation, b« ranted out normally. The coopegatiof of the staff and student* tofthisiend is Teqae*tcd by the eomnnttea. Sine* this is an offichl-. holfciay. no padaes will be rcqulmnl from freshmen and sophomores Iwhn wish t«» leave Saturday rooming. Eco Club Hears Ex-Aggie Discuss Employers, Labor To Ag Conference In Mexico City I U9 KeprcHentation M ill Be Headed by Secretary Of Agriculture Wickard Dean E. J. Kyle, of tile fehool, of Agriculture, has been appointed I Monday evoking the Economic* | pf * * e '* ht **"&*** dub will hold a meeting to hear' 10 lh * ! ‘ , ‘ <ond I,,t * r • A^r,< ‘ r ^• ,, ^ C4>:, 1 ferenc* of Agriculture td bef held | in Mafejco City July 6-16, and will Gus C. Street pf Dallas, who is the regional director of the Wage and Hour Division in Texas and the surrounding »tptos. Street will talk on the “Adfljtinistration of Fair Labor Standards Apt” and “The Obligations of Employer* and the Rights of Engiloyeea." After hi? informal talk. Street will throw the meeting open to questions and a general group discusaion. , Street was. graduated from A. A M. in IWif. at which time he was the captqin of “A" Infantry. He was also 4 T-Mar on the foot ball team during his four year* here and then became a member ef the Athletic Council. Selective Service k Registration to Be Conducted Tuesday Cardwell Works Out Plan To Handle Registrants , - In Kalb of Ad Bu.Wiru; All atudenta who have to regis ter for the draft this month!will be able to do ao in th4 halla of ihe Admit istralion budding ! be tween 7 a m. and O'p.m^ Tueiday, • June 30, Registrar H. L. Heaton said yesterday. Cadet Colonel Wal ter Cardwell i* appointing the ca det officers that are to handle the registering of the boy* at that tim*. “All male citizens that were b<wn on or after January 1, 1922, a?»d on or before June 30. 1924,” stated a proclamation issued tha 2*4id by Governor Cole Stevenson, "are urged to conform to this reg istration program." • I Meeting of A & M Summer Swim Team To Be Held at 5(10 The A. 4 M. *umma| I wimming team will meet this aft moon at 5:10 on the stepa at tMJ *ek door of the P. L. Downs, Jr. Hktatorium to formulate plans for nuking the trip to the Southwe^n AAU meet held at Dallas 13-19, according to an ndoneement made by Coach Art Adam ion. Elec tion of captain will *li o be at tended to. Ail proapective swifqiers who desire to participate is intercol legiate swimming competition are especially invited to Frosh at LSU ihm Greater Intelligence Univemity. La.—< AGPb*—Fresh man intelligence is J “upward trend" at Loi university, according released after a freshman division aid Sisson, assistant Psychology, and graduate stodent. \ ^ ^nnrf the nine-yeai] eriod 15,- nt the university ‘ f ASME Ejects'New- Off icers Tonight The Amerifan Society of Me chanical Engineers will hold its first meeting wince the election of new officers tonight at 7 p.m. in the lecture room of the Electrical Fagiimwlnt baildinrf. A moving P*etur» entitted “The World’s Lnffsttt Electrical Workshop" will be shown. “Desirable Extension of the tiST. Operation of Farm rj. r r ! Ponds Comes Under —ill h. S^r-t—ry of t ^ Discussion Here culture Claude R. Wickard, who will pay an official viift |o A. Planning and operation of farm 4 M. July 3-4 on his way Max- ponds a* a source of food for farm >eo City Secretory Wickar^ will families epll be the subject of a address a mass meeting' of j agri- two-day conference July V-4, it cultural lender* of Texas 4'the was announced today by ^te col- eveniUg of July 3 in the Aggie l**ge extension service, football stadium, and will defiicatc Dr. W. P. Taylor of the A. 4 the new Agricultural Adjustment M Fish sad Game Department and Aga^r building Saturday, July 4. Dr. George E. Potter of the De- DeUn Kyiv was selected because partment of Biology, will co-opnr- of his experience in Latin Amer- nte with R. E. Calleadar. game ica. and because of the prominert management specialist of the Ex position of the Texas Agricultural tension Service and with repra- and Mechanical College ip tpe ed- i sentotives of the Texas Game, Fish ucatiOn of Latin Amerlcaq stu dents, according to-L. A W|eeler. director of the U.S.D.A. Office of Foreign Agricultural Relstugie. Tho theme of the Mexico City confarence is “The Impact #f the Emergency Situation on |he-Pres ent and Future Agricultural 'Econ omy of tha Western Hemisphere." Ross Volunteers Enter Activities For Fifty-fifth Consecutive Year Vities according to captain of* the or- the coming year, mpany will meet at E. building to make Aggieland'x track drill company, the Ross Volunteers, win soon be gin their Austin Na ganization f Tonight the 7:15 in the plans. Officers for this year besides Nance are Horace Jennings, sec ond in comtxjtnd; Gene Caperton and Henry King, lieutenants; and Bill Black, sarretory-troaaaiwr. The military organisation known ns the Ross Volunteers is the old est student fetivity at A. 4 M. The first co rut any, which was or ganized in lfe87, was called the Scott Volunteers in honor of Col. T. M. Scott, who was at that time business malinger of the college. The purpose of this organisation was to band together the most mil itary men in* school into a crack drill company. In 1891 when ex-Govemor Law rence Sullivai Ross became presi dent of the college, the name of the company Pas changed to Rom Volunteers. Following the death of President Ross in 1896, the name of the organization was changed to Poster Gorfrds in honor of L. L Foster, who. succeeded Ross ns president. During President Hous ton's administration the name se lected was Houston Rifles. In 1905 H. H. Harrington, son-in-law ef Governor Roes became president, and a movement was started to name the company after Harring ton, but at his request the com pany »gai» assumed the nnhie of R as Volunteers. f , At the time of organization the membership wss restricted to forty cadets chosen from the janifr and senior classes. New nu mbers are elected at the beginning of each scholastic year. Military obflity is the basis of acceptance, the present time membership In the company is limited to ISP. i The first uniform for !th« com pany sms of white duck with gold ornament. The headgear pm# a tin helmet which has been' by the lighter white mil Most of the time the been white duck except; ii 1907 when gray breeches, bljie] shirts and stetson hats were w<jmi . —A —>■ I- —— and Oyster Commission in leading j the conference. Representatives from the Agri cultural Adjustment Agency, Soil Conservation Service. Farm Se curity, Southern Methodist Uni versity, North Texas .'>te Teach er* College, State and Federal De partments of Vocational Educa- | Texas State Conservation Board have been invited to attend. In addition, the public is cordial ly invited to attend the meetings, Dr. Taylor said. Meetings will be held at 2 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. Saturday, both in the Animal In dustrie* building here. "Farm ponds, believe it or not, produce- more pounds of mast per acre tha a do dry pastures,'* Dr. Taylor said. “But ponds must be planned correctly, and care moat be token that, natural food for fish is provided. “We know tfiat fresh flab pro vides an enjoyable variety hi the farmer's diet, and we hope to im prove Texas farm ponds until ev ery farmer will be able to have fish in season." LONGHORN SCHEDULE June 25 to 59. Engineer gen- * iors. June 50 to July «, Osvhlry Seniors. July V to 15, Field Arti|ery Seniors. July 14 to 20, Const- Artil- Juljr 51 to i R«r«ne 27, Compos t«* ■* s -“«4; r Americans Still , Are Best Soldiers Iowa City, lows—(ACP)—The average American draftee is a pretty healthy fallow, stouter and stronger than his contemporary in G* English army. Prof. C. H. Me- Loy <rf the University of Iowa P"y»*c»l yMmtiig department ns- ■erts. Professor McLoy, now'doing re search work for the army air corps, declared “English yoetlMI aren’t neari, as well developed ns Am- lyytt °f the same age." 1 - * “Our boy- show better reflexes •nd quick reactions and are much heavier through the chest and shoulders." i • IF H •!