The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 23, 1942, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
OFFICIAL newspaper
New Civilian
Pilot Plan
Changes Increase
Number of Pilots
For Army and Navy
With the demand for combat
pilots and instructors^ growing
steadily, the U. S. government has
launched a new Civilian Pilot
Training Program, starting July
1, that is expected to take up the
slack, it was announced today by
Dr. Howard W. Barlow, head of
the aeronautical engineering de
partment and CPT co-ordinator.
Applications will be accepted
immediately for the new program,
Dr.. Barlow said. Enrollees in the
new program must be between the
ages of 18 and 3J and must pass
a mental and physical test and the
Civil Aeronautics Authority com
mercial examination.
Thousands of pilots with previ
ous flight experience will be able
to enter the new program at an
advanced stage. Many thousands
unable to pass the rigid aviation
cadet examinations may be accept
ed. Trainees who have taken CPT
courses and joined the enlisted re
serve will be called up for more
Six courses will be given—ele
mentary, secondary, cross-country,
Link-instrument, instructor and
flight officer. Approximately 50
percent of all trainees will be giv
en at least four courses and in 24
to 40 weeks will be eligible for
jobs . as civilian instructors—re
leasing seasoned army pilots to
combat service—service pilots or
airline co-pilots.- Each stage of
training tvill last 8 weeks, with
subsistence, health and accident
(insurance provided.
The U. S. navy will furnish 20,-
000 enlisted reservists to. the new
course, after which the majority
of graduates will be assigned naval
air stations for further combat
training, Dr. Barlow said.
The army, too, will utilize the
new program to train instructors,
glider pilots, co-pilots and ferry
Application blanks may be se
cured at aeronautical engineering
department, or at any CAA office.
Those who cannot be enrolled in
classes starting July 1 will be giv
en priority in later classes, Dr.
Barlow said.
Bill Parker, ’39
Killed in Far East
In Airplane Crash
Fortner Aggie Attended
Paschall High, NT AC;
Worked for Sun Oil
Lt. W. (Bill) Parker, ’39,
Fort Worth, has been killed in an
aircraft accident in the Far East,
the War Department has advised
his motiher, Mrs. R. L. Parker.
Parker was a graduate of Pas
chal Hijgh in Fort Worth and at
tended NTAC in Arlington before
graduating here in chemical en-
Immediately after graduation,
he went| to work with the Sun Oil
CompanV at Chester, Pa. He was
called til service a year ago, and
was stationed at Edgewood Ar
senal, Maryland, until last Novem
ber when he sailed with the Third
Chemica' Company for foreign
He wils not a flier, and it is
supposed that he was being moved
from to post to another when
the accident occurred.
Walton To Talk At
Forestry Meeting
Anothe r important sequence in
the forestry conservation move
ment in l|ast Texas will take place
at Beauirotmt on July 1 when the
Texas Fc restry Association gath
ers for it| 28th annual meeting to
'.sions on the part that
Ties from the region is
i the war, and the state
hear disc:
wood sup
playing ii
forestry ) irogram being developed
to help m
a list of
take part
Also mil
ike continued wood crops
for war and peacetime
ir Coke Stevenson heads
eight speakers who will
on the one-day program,
by Walter O’Neal, as-
resident, Texarkana.
|king < talks will be Dr'.
Paul W. Scoggins In
Navigation Training
An American Axis-blasting
bomber will one day follow the
victory course charted by Aviation
Cadet Paul W. Scoggins, 20, who
is training today to become a
“fingerman of the compass” in the
current Army Air Force class for
navigators here at the world’s
largest multi-motor flying school.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam J. Scoggins, of Tioga, Texas,
he is a graduate of Tioga High
School, class of ’39. He is also an
alumnus of Texas A. & M. where
he signed up to become an Axis-
smasher January 23, 1942.
From Ellington Field he will go
on to more advanced • schools for
navigators. His training completed
he will be commissioned a second
lieutenant in the Army Air Force
Reserve and ordered to immediate
active duty.
T. O. Walpon, president, A. & M.
College; 1. C. Dionne, publisher,
Gulf Coas/t Lumberman, Houston;
E. L. Kufth, president, Southland
Paper Mills, Lufkin; E. O. Siecke,
director, 1 Texas Forest Service,
College tftation; and O. M. Stone,
Tile m;eting is being arranged
by the Beaumont Chamber of Com
merce ur der the direction of Clar
ence DeBusk, who states that all
sessions will be open to the pub
“Considerable attention is being
focused Ion the meeting,” O’Neal
said, “i i
how Ion
the hea
view of ‘the enormous
of timber being cut from
pine ami hardwood timberlands in
East Tecas and the question as to
r the forests can withstand
fy drain without becoming
r depleted.”
Two [Former Students
At Stockton Field
Douglas H. Rubinstein Jr., At
lanta, Georgia, and Theo B. Jen
nings, Rowlett, Texas, both for
mer students of A. & M., will soon
graduaie from the Air Force Ad
vanced Flying School at Stockton
Field, California, and receive their
wings md commissions in the Air
Force Reserve.
Botl cadets will be placed on
active duty upon graduation. Cadet
Rubim tein attended Leihehau
High School in Hawaii, and later
came ;o the United States to con
tinue nis education at Texas A. &
M. Cdlege and Temple University
in Philadelphia, Penn.
Get Busy If You Haven’t Sent
A Letter to the Band Wagon
Have you written the Fitch Sum
mer Band Wagon yet? If you can’t
answer that question in the af
firmative sit down right this, min
ute and write a note to the show.
The address is:
Fitch Band Wagon
720 North Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois.
All you have to say in this let
ter is that in your opinion the
Aggieland Orchestra, under the
able baton of Curly Brient, is one
of the best orchestras you have
ever heard in this part v of the
Tell the addressee of that letter
that Texas A. & M. ought to be
well-known not only for its cham
pionship football and baseball
teams, but also for the swell brand
of?dance rhythms that Curly and
his boys put out.
If every Aggie writes that let
ter to the Band Wagon, not to
morrow but TODAY, the orchestra
will have a chance for nation wide
fame. Many, bands have been
“made” by a single appearance
on the coast to coast broadcast, so
let’s all give the Aggieland the
chance they have been waiting for,
alhance for them to prove to the
whole nation that here at A. & M.
we can produce champions in all
fields—on the gridiron, the dia
mond, and the bandstand! What
about that. Ole Army?
Of Milner
Leggett, Mitchell
To Be Included
In Work Program
Remodeling of Milner Hall has
gotten under way on a large scale
with all the occupants moved into
temporary quarters, E. N. Holm-
green, business manager of the
college, stated Monday.
The board of directors and
President Walton have wanted to
renovate the old halls so that they
will be on a par with the newer
dorms constructed in recent years
for a long time.
Similar remodeling of Leggett
and Mitchell Halls will be under
taken provided the work on Milner
is satisfactory. Difficulty is being
experienced in obtaining all the
necessary materials to complete
the work due to priorities on vital
The first two floors of Milner,
the first part of the $20,000 re
modeling job, is expected to be
finished in 30 days, according vo
Civilian Defense School Will Turn Out
Ninth Class Soon; Complete Course Given
Continuing with its policy of
complete cooperation with the de
fense effort A. & M. is about to
graduate its ninth class in Civilian
Defense training, it was announced
yesterday by Capt. Sam R. Mc-
Innis, secretary of the Civilian De
fense school. These graduates, rep
resenting 17 different states, will
go back to their communities as
instructors in civilian defense.
Lt. Col. H. R. Brayton is the
head of the school here, with Capt.
Eradication Of
Grasshoppers In
Plains Complete
Grasshopper control work con
tinued active in the South Plains
area through the week ending
June 13, with such good results
obtained by some farmers that no
further baiting will be needed, ac
cording to Cameron Siddall, ento
mologist of the A. and M. College
Extension Service.
Quoting from a report of Wil
liam J. Spicer, field supervisor of
the grasshopper control division,
USDA, Denver, Colorado, who is
working in the infested region, Sid
dall says that while baiting activ
ity seemed to be decreasing to
some extent over the whole area,
Lubbock, Hardeman and Child
ress counties increased the output
of bait over that of preceding
weeks. This was due to ’hoppers
moving in from other counties.
About 2,000 tons of wet bait were
mixed and spread in the Texas
jeontrol area during the week end
ing June 13.
In the Lubbock area, Siddell ex
plains, adult migratory grasshop
pers made up about 65 per cent
of the population, while in the
vicinity of Plainview about 35 per
cent had reached adult stage. In
Dickens County, the adult popula
tions have become so scattered
that they number only about a nor
mal population, whereas they
numbered 50 per square yard two
weeks ago.
A survey of Hemphill County
showed infestation by adults in
numbers high enough to include
that county in the control area.
The ’hoppers, which moved in from
the south, have caused marginal
damage to wheat and cotton.
Regardless of grasshoppers,
Spicer reports crops “looking fine”
over the south plains area, Siddall
says. Wheat harvesting has be
gun, and practically all of the cot
ton is planted in the vicinity of
Lubbock and 50 per cent of it is
IAeS Sees Film On
Streamlining At
Meeting Thursday
The film “Streamlining” was
shown to over 100 members and
guests of the Institute of Aero
nautical Sciences at its meeting of
last Friday, Steve Kaffer, acting
chairman of the club stated.
Kaffer asked that all members
who have not voted in the election
of officers for the club now being
held to do so as soon as possible.
Ballots may be received and cur
rent dues paid at the Aei'onautical
Engineering Office, Kaffer added.
The picture depicted the history
of aviation and the. development of
the airplane. It was furnished the
club through the courtesy of the
Thompson Products Company.
184 Aggies Sign
Up for Farm Work
Those 184 patriotic Aggies who
signed up in the Farm Labor Sup
ply program will soon be working
on the farms near College Station,
Phil Alford, student manager of
the movement has announced.
At present there is a temporary
slack period in the demand for
farm labor, Alford pointed out. A
demand for men to work this
year’s crops will come in the near
future, he added.
The U. S. Employment Service
in Bryan will turn their orders fox
farm labor over to the college and
they will be filled from the group
which has signed up in the Farm
Labor Supply program here.
Large Quantities
Of Nitric Acid
May Be Released
Quantities of nitric acid, vital
ingredient of high explosives, may
be released for war use if a new
process of treating stainless steel
proves commercially successful,
says Dr. Herbert H. Uhlig of
the General Electric Research Lab
oratory. d(<?scrib-M the process; teachers apd investigators in
Mclnnis, secretary. Instructors are
Capt. L. E. Harris, Capt. M. K.
Thornton, Capt. U. H. Turner, Maj.
C. C. Patterson, Dr. C. C. Hedges,
Dr. T. O. Walton, Dr. W. A.
Varvel, Prof. C. J. Finney, Prof.
E. L. Williams.
Those taking the course are
chosen by the Corps area office
upon recommendation of the gov
ernor of their respective states.
There are 50 members per class,
each one taking 10 days to com
plete the course. The course covers
complete instruction for civilian
defense. It includes courses in or
ganization charts, warning signals,
bomb protection, demolition in
struction, rescue work, decontami
nation and communication.
The class now in progress will
be completed tomorrow, the next
class will start Sunday, June 28.
The class in progress completed
one of its main branches last
night with a demonstration of
chemical bombs and other chemical
warfare equipment.
AAUP To Hold
Meeting June 39
Local chapter of the American
Association of University Profes
sors will hold its first meeting of
the summer semester at 8 o’clock
Tuesday, June 30, in the Men’s
Lounge, first floor, YMCA.
E. E. McQuillen, secretary of the
Former Students Association, will
speak to the group about the new
relationship of the Association
with the College,' especially in re
gard to the operation of the newly
inaugurated Alumni Development
The A. A. U. P. has as its object,
according to its constitution, “a
more effective cooperation among
Model Plane Contest Will
Attract Over 200 Entries
Socia) Calendar
Dates Chosen
In Near Future
Times | Available Limited
Greatly By Football Season;
Scarcity of Good Orchestras
Social Secretary Bobby Steph
ens announced Monday that in the
near futuie dates will be selected
for regimental balls and corps
dances for the social season. These
dates will be determined by the
dance com]
Due to
commanders and the
nittee of their organiza*-
the limited number of
some dances will be
held simultaneously, but all regi
ments will be given a separate
date. Since the best week-ends,
those with home football games,
are only ::hree in number there
will have to be some method of
deciding which organization will
hold its dance on tl^ese week-ends.
Also Stephens stated that or
chestras are being contacted and
that this will enter into the de-
at a recent meeting of fhe Elec
trochemical Society at Nashville,
Stainless steel, which consists of
18 per cent chromium, 8 per cent
nickel, and the balance iron, has
many military as well as civilian
applications. Both improve its ap
pearance and give it greater re
sistance to corrosion which might
cause a structure to fail, it is
usually treated with nitric acid, to
which a little hydrofluoric acid has
been added. This gives it a silvery
instead of a grayish color.
Dr. Uhlig explained that the
metal surface consists of micro
scopic peaks and valleys, and the
effect of the acid is to eat away
the peaks, while only slightly af
fecting the valleys, making the
surface smoother. Hydrochloric
acid, by itself, will produce a dif
ferent effect, he said, for it at
tacks both peaks and valleys, and
the appearance of corrosion resist
ance are not improved.
Class in Advanced
Drawing Starts Today*
At Bryan High School
A new class in advanced engi
neering drawing, offered by the
college under ESMDT sponsorship,
will open at 7 p. m. today in the
drawing room of Bryan High
School, it was announced today by
W. E. Street, head of the engineer
ing drawing department here.
Registrations may be made at
today’s class, Street said, or at
any time up to next Monday night
by calling the E. D. department
The new class will meet only
once a week for three weeks,
Street announced, and then will
have thrice-weekly sessions for the
next three, in order that students
in two drawing classes now near
completion may enter.
However, he found that by add
ing a chemical “inhibitor” to the
hydrochloric acid, the valleys are
protected, and this produces on the
stainless steel a surface equal to
that of nitric acid.
versities and colleges, and in pro
fessional schools of similar grade,
for the promotion of the interests
of higher education and research,
and in general to increase the use
fulness and advance the stand
ards and ideals of the professor.”
The local chapter will hold reg;-
ular meetings throughout the sum
mer for discussion of pertinent
topics. All interested and quali
fied members of the college staff
are welcome to join. Application
blanks may be obtained from the
president, J. H. Quisenberry, or the
secretary, G. J. Samuelson.
terminatior | of dates for the dif
ferent balls [. Because of this some
of the dar ces may be held this
summer an l take advantage of the
opportunity to have a big-name
Groneman Instructs
Convention Thursday
In Model Building
Two hundred boys from all over
Texas are expected to compete in
the model airplane contests held
here Wednesday through Saturday.
Teams are to come from Fort
Worth, Dallas, San Antonio and
other cities. The event is being
sponsored by the aeronautical en
gineering department under the
rules of the Southwest Gas Model
Association, Dr. H. W. Barlow
head of the department said.
Contestants will register tomor
row in the YMCA lobby.
Scale model contests will be held
Friday morning, directed by Mr.
Burgdorf. The indoor rubber model
contest will be held in the A. H.
Pavilion Friday morning at 8
Saturday from 8 to 4 the gas
model contest will go on, including
a beauty model contest, a stunt
contest—from 10 to 12—, and a G
line contest at 1 p.m.—alii held on
the cavalry -drill field.
The visiting competitors will eat
in the mess hall with sleeping
quarters in some of . the new dor
Prizes for the contests will total
approximately $600.
A&M Research Men Conduct Schools
Study 1 . Livestock For Food Handlers
ricultuml and livestock px
of th|'/El Paso Valley
wilrer^’uidied by research
Important Meeting
Of Junior Class Will
Be Held Tuesday
Walter Cardwell announces that
the junior class will meet Tuesday
night at 8:15 in the Assembly hall
for the purpose of electing offi
The election will be conducted
by the cadet colonel and members
of his staff. All juniors are urged
to attend this important meeting.
Rosenberg President
A&M Christian Class
The newly elected officers for
the A. & M. class of the First
Christian Church are president,
Wayne Rosenberg; vice-president,
Jerry Ferrel; secretary, Minnie
Warner; treasurer, Bill Hoff; song
leader, John Keller; reporter, Bar
ney Grime.
Snuggs to Teach
First Aid Class
The first meeting of a First Aid
Class to be taught by R. E. Suggs
of the chemistry department will
be held tomorxxxw evening at 7:30
o’clock in the agricultural engin
eering building.
Those men who are interested
in enrolling in the class may phone
M. L. Cashion at 4-1112, or Harry
Boyer at 4-5294 or report to the
first meeting tomorrow.
tion at Ysl
station No.
crops whic!
dition to lo
alfalfa and
Dr. Slos
gist, is su-
tton, after
ed by Dr
will serve
Dr. T. D<
The E
around Y 3
Agricultm^l and livestock prob
soon wiH^"" ludied ' by
specialists at yhe A. & M. College
Agricultura /Experiment sub-sta-
ed last January, Sub-
17 already has sundry
include guayule in ad-
rxg staple cotton, fruits,
feed crops.
i E. Jones, entomolo-
; xerintendent of the sta-
July 1 he will be assist-
Paul J. Lyerly, who
as agronomist, and by
maid Bell, animal hus-
svho will direct the re
Paso Valley region
leta is said to be one
of the oldest irrigated areas in
the United States.
Dr. Jones has studied at Clem-
son College, South Carolina, Texas
A. & M. College and Iowa State
College, Ames. Dr. Lyerly studied
at North Carolina State College
and at Icwa State College; while
Dr. Bell attended the University
of IdahoJ Washington State Col
lege and University of Wisconsin.
Dr. Jones has been with the
Texas x Agricultural Experiment
Station since 1930, and has had
several j ears of experience with
entomological problems of the
Winter I aven station and on var
ious assignments at College Sta
tion heaclqxxarters.
Health Officers
The E|1
Paso Valley ix’rigation
comprises 143,672 acres
and in 1941 produced crops valued
at $17,0 35,990, cotton accounting
for $13/ 09,527. A cala cottonseed
and lint per acre averaged $161.94
and the j yield was 1.42 bales per
Leo Daniels Weds Ruth Smith
In Military Affair Sunday
Surrounded by his teammates of
the gridiron, Leo H. Daniels, ace
Texas Aggie halfback, was mar
ried to Miss Lorena Ruth Smith
of Moulton and Bryan Sunday
morning at St. Mary’s Chapel, Col
lege Station. The wedding was a
military affair with all of the
male attendants attired in No. 1
Bob Tulis, former Aggie tackle
who recently resigned from school
to join the Naval Air Corps, was
best man, and Mrs. Murtiashaw,
the bride’s sister was matron of
honor. The groomsmen included
Bill Sibley, Willie Zapalac, and
Dalton AlbexT, all Aggie football
Leo ixxtends to continue with his
school work majoring in Account
ing and Statistics, while Mrs. Dan
iels will continue to work as secre
tary for the Agricultural Educa
tion Department. The couple will
make their home in College Sta
Other guests besides the rela
tives of the bride and groom in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. J. W. “Dough”
Rollins, Mr. and Mrs. Lil Dimmitt,
and Mr. and Mrs. Manning Smith.
Coach Homer Norton was unable
to attend.
In a vigorous war time campaign
- —l~6|lviastate health , level
by preVentipjiif the spread' of com
municable diseases which might be
transmitted by foods, the State
Department of Health is conduct
ing training schools for food rand-
lers in many sections of Texas, Dr.
George W. Cox, state health of
ficer/ announced today.
“Food handlers are being in
structed in sanitary methods of
preparing, handling, and serving
food for public consumption,” Dr.
Cox said. “Actual experience has
shown that an insanitary eating
establishment is one of the surest
sources of spreading infection.
Public health is menaced by the
lack of proper sanitation in food
handling and our goal is the edu
cation of cooks, waiters, butchers,
bakers, fountain men and all other
food handlers to such a level as
will insure an elimination of this
health hazard.”
The training schools consist of
elementary courses in bacteriol
ogy, communicable diseases, medi
cal zoology, foods, disinfection,
sterilization, personal hygiene, and
Special attention has been paid
to requests for schools in defense
areas, and classes have already
been held in Mineral Wells, Weath
erford, Anahuac, Liberty, El Cam-
po, Wharton, Bay City, Browns
ville, Harlingen, Corpus Christi,
Midland, Odessa, Gainesville,
Georgetown, and Taylor.
Cockrell Co-chairman
Students Conference
Bob Cockrell of Dallas was re
cently elected co-chairman for the
coming year of the Southwestern
Student Conference. The meeting
and election was held at Hollister,
Missouri, and the conference in
cluded students from Oklahoma,
Arkansas, Texas, Missouri, and
Breezy Jones, of Washington
University, St. Louis, was elected
as the other chairman.
June 23 to 29, Engineer Sen
June 30 to July 6, Cavalry
July 7 to 13, Field Artillery
July 14 to 20, Coast Artil
lery Seniors.
July 21 to 27, Composite
Regiment Seniors.