Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 16, 1942 Official Notices Classified LOST—Black Cocker Spaniel, female. Answers to Dinah. Reward. Franklin Simon. Phone 4-1146. LOST—A ’41 Troop D Cavalry Best Drilled medal. Liberal reward to D. C. Roges, 65 Puryear. FOR RENT—Bedroom with private shower bath, private entrance, garage; gentleman. College Hills. Phone 4-4739 after 5:30 p. m. WILL THE AGGIE who was to bring a pair of sun glasses lost in Madisonville please get in touch with H. S. Pace, 216 No. 7. -- Meetings HORTICULTURE SOCIETY—There will be an important meeting of the Horticul ture Society of Texas A. & M. College next Thursday night, June 18, at 7:30 o’clock in room 103 of the Agriculture building. Further plans for the- summer horticulture show will be discussed. All members and those who desire to be mem bers are urged to be present. NOTICE C. P. T. APPLICANTS—A meet ing of all C.P.T. applicants will be held in the Petroleum Engineering Lecture Room Thursday night at 7:00 o’clock for the purpose of discussing eligibility re quirements. All men who have made ap plication or intend to make application FATHER'S DAY JUNE 21 ° R ' GIN A t .4-f r OLD NO LINING PflL(H BfMTItS Ay /Aexui /AtuJHSfteAA? Show him you’re wise by giving him 4-Fold Palm Beach Ties. They’re smart . . new . . different . . washable . . and have that touch of American personality . . give him several. Other Gifts Dad Will Want Manhattan Shirts Manhattan Pajamas Manhattan Slack Suits Manhattan Sport Shirts Rabhor Summer Robes Evans House Slippers Catalina Swim Trunks Hickok Sport Belts Hickok Jewelry Swank Gift Novelties Meeker Bill Folds Meeker Toilet Kits are urged to be present. All Navy V-5 and Navy V-l men interested in gaining early flight experience are also urged to attend. K. K. K. MEETING—There will be a meeting of the Kream and Kow Klub Tues day night at 7:30 at the Creamery lec ture room. All students taking Dairy Hus- bandy and all faculty members of the department are urged to attend. Refresh ments will be served after the meeting. NEWCOMERS CLUB—The Newcomers club will meet at the home of Mrs. F. W. Peikert in North Oakwood Addition, Wed nesday afternoon. All first and second year newcomers as well as those new this semester are invited. DALLAS A. & M. CLUB—There will be a meeting of the Dallas A. & M. Club to night at 7:15 in the Electrical Engineer ing Lecture Room. The election of officers for the coming year will be held so it’s important that all members be present. BRAZORIA COUNTY CLUB—will meet Tuesday evening at 7:00 o’clock in Room 212, Academic building for the purpose of electing officers. Announcements RED CROSS—The schedule for the Col lege Red Cross sewing rooms for the week beginning June 15, is as follows. Monday—A. M., Volunteers; P. M., Christian ladies of the College Circle. Tuesday—A. M., Army and Presbyte rians ; P. M., Army. Wednesday—A. M., Extension Service ; P. M., Church of Christ. Thursday—A. M., Experiment Station ; P. M., Experiment Station, Project House Mothers, and Lutherans. Friday—A. M., Volunteers. If any group listed above desires to change their time for sewing, please ad vise Mrs. C. N. Shepardson, president, or Mrs. Cameron Siddall, secretary, before next week’s schedule is sent in for publi cation. Volunteers are welcome and needed at all times. Knitting supervisors are pres ent every day to help with knitting prob lems.—Signed: Mrs. Cameron Siddall, Sec retary. PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS—All new stu dents who failed to take the psychological test Friday, June 12, will be required to report for this test at 1 p. m. on Satur day, June 20. The examination will be con ducted in the lecture room of the Animal Industries building. All advanced standing students who have taken the American Council on Education psychological test at some other institution should write imme diately for the gross score made and have it sent to the Registrar’s Office. Scores for those students transferring from the North Texas Agricultural College are now on file in this office.—H. L. Heaton, Act ing Registrar. Commandant’s Office MEMORANDUM TO: All Senior Instruc tors 1. All recruiting of advanced course military students, contract and elective, must be completed by 5 p. m. Thursday, June 18, 1942. A supplementary schedule of enlistments is published herewith. Offi cers in charge of Junior military science classes will be responsible for carrying out this schedule. Tuesday, June 16— 8:00-9:00 a. m.^—Open to any Military Science Juniors having a free period at this time. 9:00-10:00 a. m.—Inf. Sec. 501 and F. A, Sec. 502. 10:00-11:00 a. m.—Inf., Sec 503,, and other M.S. Juniors having a free pe riod at this time. 11:00-12:00 a. m.—F. A., Sec. 503; Sig. C., Sec. 501 ; and Cav., Sec. 501. 1:00-5:00 p. m.—Men of all branches drilling on Tuesday and not designat ed at some other period on this sched ule. Wednesday, June 17— 8 :00-9 :00 a. m.—Inf., Sec. 502, and oth er M. S. Juniors having a free period at this time. 9:00-10:00 a. m.—F. A., Sec. 501, and C.A.C., Sec. 502. 10:00-ll :00 a. m.—Open to any M. S. Juniors having a free period at this time. 11:0012 :00 a. m.—F.A., Sec. 500 ; Sig. C., Sec. 500; Cav., Sec. 500; and C.A.C., Sec. 500. 1:00-5:00 p. m.—Men of all branches drilling on Wednesday and not desig nated at some other period on this schedule. Thursday, June 18— 8:00-11:00 a. m.—All men in M. S. Junior classes who failed to appear at scheduled times. 11:00-12:00 a. m.—QMC, Sec. 501; Ord., Sec. 601, C.A.C., Sec. 501. 1 :00-5 :00 p. m.—Final Period—All men in Junior M. S. classes previously un able to enlist. By order of Colonel WELTY: A. J. BENNETT, Major, C.A.C., Executive. OFFICIAL: A. J. BENNETT, Major, C.A.C., Adjutant. Nearly 150 New Mexico High lands university men, dozens of them college athletes, have en tered the armed services since 1940. riTaldrop&fo “Two Convenient Stores” College Station — Bryan Complete BICYCLE REPAIRS At STUDENT CO-OP 1 Block East of N. Gate Double Winner W. W. Ward of Houston walked off with both first prizes in the Freshman Math and English contests held the past semester. Ward won a $20 check and a gold watch for his efforts in the two con tests. Better Methods Of Farming Urged To Aid War Effort Maximum Production Suggested As Means Of Helping Nation Greatly Texas farmers are confronted with serious labor shortages. It is necessary, if crops and livestock are to be produced in quantities needed for a nation at war, that the best possible use be made of the available supply of labor and machinery. The research work of the Experiment Station has been held close to practical applications over a period of years. A number of comparatively simple practices that save labor have been found feasible. An enumeration of some of these should prove to be helpful in, providing a basis of discussion by groups of farmers and as a guide to the individual farmer in working out his own plan. Timeliness is an important ele ment in the efficient use of labor. During years of unseasonable weather some farmers have found it profitable to operate their trac tors almost full time during brief spells of favorable weather. Day and night use of labor-saving ma chinery may spell the difference between success and failure in any year, especially when the la bor supply is scarce and uncer tain. Custom operation of avail able farm machines can and should increase the annual output of ma chines and aid in meeting the la bor shortage. Other practices that have been found helpful are men tioned below. Each has applica tion primarily to certain areas of the State and to given condi tions of farming. In most cases, further information may be se cured from published bulletins and reports that have been issued by the Experiment Station. Cotton Production 1. Chopping. Under the usual methods followed in thinning and chopping, a comparatively large labor force is required. There are three substitute methods that may be successfully employed under certain conditions. (a) Mechanical cotton chopping may be practiced wherever physi cal conditions permit. Good stands and fields that are fairly level and free of stumps are the chief requirements. Where the labor supply is only partially adequate, cotton can first be blocked out mechanically and then be cleaned by hand labor. (b) Cross-cultivation, which is' less efficient than faechanical chopping, may be resorted to when labor is very scarce and a regular machine chopper is not available. Sweeps should be set flat and spaced so that one will follow each tractor wheel. A good uni form stand is necessary. Cross cultivation may be used in almost any well prepared land if it is not too rough or stumpy, and on which the contour is reasonably regular. (c) If cotton seed are delinted and only four or five seed dropped per hill by a hill-drop planter, chopping may be eliminated alto gether. 2. Cultivation. Unnecessarily deep cotton cultivation is a com mon mistake. Set the sweeps fair ly flat and cultivate only deep en ough to control grass and weeds. The time for deep plowing is dur ing the preparation of land pre vious to planting. Deep cultiva tion is expensive in terms of time, power and costs. 3. Harvest. Three general types of mechanical harvesters have been developed. For best results, all require the use of certain varie ties of cotton that are adapted to machine harvesting. These mach ines are: Longest Lasting Best Fitting Best Looking That’s why Mr. Lucchese’s Boots have always appealed to Aggies. Order The Perfect Ankle-Break Boot at the College Station Shoe Repair Shop i North Gate LUCCHESE BOOT CO.. Inc. 101 W. Travis St. San Antonio (a) The stripper-type machine harvester. This machine has not been placed on the market in quantity. It is adapted almost ex clusively to the cotton areas of northwest Texas and western Ok lahoma where early frost reduces foliage and makes for smoother operation. A very high percentage of the cotton has been harvested by this machine in experimental tests, although it should be re membered that no type of machine will harvest 100 per cent of the crop. (b) The picker-type harvester. Several makes of mechanical pick ers have been placed on the mar ket at various times. None are being produced in quantity at present. By growing types of cot ton suitable for mechanical pick ing, a fairly high degree of effi ciency is obtained with machines that have been developed. Mech anical cotton picking machines are much more complicated than the stripper-type cotton harvester. (c) Homemade sleds. Cotton sledding has been practiced in northwest Texas during periods of labor scarcity in the past. In 1926, sledding was a general practice in that section. Sleds may be, and usually are, built at home with whatever materials are available. Average losses on the ground run about 30 per cent of the yield, in addition to severe grade losses. Sledding is wasteful and should be considered only as a last resort. Other Machinery 1. There is in general too little attention paid to the care of farm machinery both during and before its use in the field. Power losses are often sustained because of the failure of the operator to adjust his cultivator, planter and other equipment. Proper adjustments often prevent costly breakdowns at times when hours lost would be very expensive. 2. Harvesting machinery of many kinds offers good oppor tunities to economize in labor if the machines are intelligently used. In addition to mechanical cotton harvesting, the following machine practices might be con sidered : (a) The extension of custom work covering complete opera tions. The man who owns a com bine is understandingly reluctant to let anyone else operate it. Yet, sometimes because of other jobs on his own place which need at tention, his combine might sit idle while a neighbor is unable to ob tain one. In such cases, the labor and small machine work of one farmer may be profitably ex changed for the combine opera tions of the other. (b) A wider use of the me chanical corn picker would help to eliminate competition with cot ton harvest. (c) The use of a side delivery rake will cut the harvesting labor involved in the peanut crop almost in half. A 4-bar rake should be used. (d) Combines may be used on such feed crops as kafir and hegari and other erect growing grain in stead of heading it by hand. It takes about four and one-half hours per acre to head milo by hand. Combines are not generally considered practical for harvest ing grain sorghums where the moisture content is high, unless some means are available to dry the grain. (e) A doubling-up of operations is sometimes feasible. In plowing, for example, a section of a spike- tooth harrow may be attached be hind a plow, provided power is adequate. Care of Livestock 1. Self feeding is a labor-saving practice that may be used in feed ing cattle and hogs. Senior Class to Meet Tomorrow at 7 O’clock The senior class will meet Wed nesday evening after supper at 7 o’clock in the Assembly hall, ac cording to Rocky Sutherland, new ly elected president of the class. Important business is to be dis cussed at this meeting and all sen iors are asked to attend. satisfactorily. 4. Planning is especially essen tial where the unit is a combina tion crop and livestock enterprise. For instance: (a) A sheep feeder in the High Plains who starts his lambs around October 1, will likely have to em ploy most of his labor at a time during a period of heaviest de mand for crop labor. Adjustments in feeding seasons may be requir ed. (b) Maximum labor require ments for the poultry flock occur during the brooding period. For young chicks this brooding period lasts approximately two months. Good planning would mean start ing in time to get the poultry out of the way before the heavy crop labor season. In most areas, Marclr 1 is a better starting date for poultry than May 1. (c) Better timing in milch cow breeding may help alleviate condi tions during peak labor seasons. A milch cow requires extra hours of labor every day during lactation periods. Wherever practicable, breeding should be planned with the aim of distributing this labor requirement through slack crop seasons. LISTEN TO WTAW — 115ft KC== Tuesday, June 16 11:25 a. m.—Music 11:30 a. m.—Treasury Star Pa rade (U. S. Treasury Dept.) 11:45 a. m.—Brazos Valley Farm and Home Program 11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier 12:00 Noon—Sign-Off. Wednesday, June 17 11:25 a. m.—Music 11:30 a. m.—Arms for Victory (Federal Security Agency) 11:45 a. m.—Brazos Valley Farm and Home Program 11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier 12:00 Noon—Sign-Off. Junior Class Holds Election Thursday The junior class will hold its first meeting of the year Thurs day evening after supper in the Assembly hall, at which time of ficers will be elected for the new session. All juniors are asked to attend this first meeting. The meeting will be conducted by the cadet colonel and the corps staff. For Good Eats visit COLLEGE CAMPUS SANDWICH SHOP Back of Leggett Hall Get the Newest in Both Styles on VICTOR and COLUMBIA RECORDS YOU MUST BE LOSING YOUR MIND—“Fats” Waller DOODLE LA DO DA—Vaughn Monroe HEAVENLY HIDEOUT—King Sisters TEMPTATION—Artie Shaw JOHNNY DOUGHBOY FOUND A ROSE IN IRELAND— Sammy Kaye HASWELL’S 2. A better arrangement of stock pens will often save labor. Pens should be placed on the driest land possible and so located as to avoid moving feed long distances. 3. Feed grinding is a labor con sumer that may sometimes be avoided. For the most part, sheep can do their own grinding, al though cattle are less efficient in this respect. Harvesting of grain sorghums by livestock is not al ways practical. Weather, birds and insects will sometimes harvest most of the feed before the stock reach it. Aftermath may be grazed Bryan (FLASH! JUST ARRIVED English 103—Opinions and Attitudes \ History 306—American Government Stay With Lou He’s Right With You LOUPOT’S Trading Post J. E. Loupot, ’32 Prove It To Yourself We Have THE Best!!! Drop In For a “Top-notch” CDDL-DFF at our modern SODA FOUNTAIN See our complete line of drugs and sundries Spotlighting This Week FATHER’S DAY GIFT SPECIALTIES Aggieland Pharmacy “Keep to the Right at the North Gate”