Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1942)
Summer Sports Festivities Open Monday Strength of Twilight League Teams Due To Increase Interest of Softball Here For the first time in years, Ag- gieland will have a softball league that will make College Statiom patrons stand up and take notice. Heretofore, Twilight League teams, had only a limited num ber of softball players to choose from. The enrollment during the summer sessions in years back were only a drop in the bucket compared to what it is today. Out of 5,000 students, there are cer tainly at least 120 top-nptch dia- mondeers, and that’s exactly how things stack up two days before the eleventh annual opening of the Twilight League. Every team in the league is studded with veteran softball stars —players who’ve had plenty of ex perience in the popular sport, and fans here about will be treated to the best softball play they’ve seen in many a day. The 7:00-8:00 deadline playing time may have been too little heretofore, but today, with these classy players doing their bit for their sponsors, it is quite possible that seven innings of play might be completed in the one hour per iod. No longer will spectators wit ness the everyday ragged softball played in past summers, but the fans will get a chance to see some thrilling top-notch tilts. At present it’s hard to pick out any one team that is slightly above the rest but if you put your money either on the Campus Cleaners, Loupot’s Trading Post, Campus Theater or Holick’s Boot Shop, you won’t be far wrong. Those are the teams that have the cream of the softball crop, and are due to make a merry battle of it all. Maples Switch Not Mere Heresay; Felix Bucek Due to Get Starting Call Next Fall The switching of Weldon Maples, the Aggies’ outstanding guard, to take the spot vacated by the de parture of Bob aTulis, only letter- man tackle on the grid squad, is not just hearsay, but, in all prob ability an actual fact. Loss of Tulis was a hard blow to the Aggie squad and necessi tated Norton in announcing that Maples would be placed in the weak spot of the team. Weldon looked great during spring train ing, dividing time at the guard post and the tackle slot. With Maples going over to the tackle spot, Felix Bucek will take over one of the guard positions. That particular spot is blessed with a wealth of material with such boys as Kay Mulhollan, Wayne Cure, E. Ogdee, and George Strohmeyer among others man ning the important post. Promising gridsters trying out for tackle include Don Leuthy, the probable other starter, Ben Stout, promising prospect from the Fish tJim, and Bill Andrews, con- vertedlback. Sports Squibs From Here aid There; Umps Needed to Call Games forBwilight League Anyone desiring to do some um piring in the Twilight League con tact this writer anytime between IBS LAMPS GET YOURS TODAY LOUPOT’S BARRACK BROWNS by CROSBY SQUARE These famed-for-fit Cros by Squares make a foot soldier feel like he’s in the air corps. And they keep you fly ing high for style. See these smart Military Barrack Brown Oxfords today. $6.50 Other Oxfords $4.95 to $11.50 Xi^cwliyStoni CLOCKuht* SHOE DEPT. B. C. Allen, Owner College and Bryan now Hi Monday . . . Three already haverften assured and five more are lEded . . . The “blindtoms” will H expected to be present ev ery IVwiday and Wednesday when the TMlight games are being reel ed off]. . . Gold baseballs for the Southwest Conference champion Aggies will arrive here soon and distributed to members of the team in the very near future according to an announcement made by Base ball Coach Lil Dimmitt ... re cent induction of Coach Matty Bell marks the first head coach to be called to the colors . . . Fred Thom sen at Arkansas may do likewise . . . It looks like the Brooklyn Dodgers and the St. Louis Card inals will get nothing settled until they face each other . . . both teams have been going like a house afire in the past few weeks, with the Dodgers winning 14 of their past 17 games and the Redbirds annexing 11 out of 15 . . . the Ag gie Polo team, which is the sole member of the Southwest Confer ence, is planning to schedule quite a few games this summer . . . Pos sibility of a football game being scheduled with the Corpus Christ! Naval Station before the regular season opens is quite promising. Class A And B ’Murals To Start Action Softball Due To Have Largest Participation Mon After over two weeks of gruel ing preparation the Intramural Department has given the word that intramural sports activities will commence Monday afternoon in both Class A and B competition. Softball leagues will probably attract the most attention as this sport is expected to have the largest participation. Both Class A and B leagues in softball will open Monday. Class A tennis and water polo, along with Class B swimming and volley ball, will round out the in tramural program for the present time. Other sports, which will start at a later date, will be an nounced sometime in the future. All softball games will be play ed on the diamonds in the old area and on the old practice football field south of the stadium. The playing fields in the new area will not be used this year as the grounds have been turned over to the navy and marine detachment for use in their physical training program. All softball games will begin promptly at 4:15 p.m. The tennis matches will be slat ed for 4:15 and 5 p.m. each week day and will be played on the con crete courts between the stadium and the project houses. Four new volley ball courts have been constructed! adjacent to the four courts which were built last term. These courts are located next to the clay tennis courts just across the street from the little gym. All volley ball matches will begin at 5 p.m. This late starting time is being used in an effort to bolster the participation in this sport. All water polo and swimming matches will take place in the P. L. Downs Natatorium and the first events will begin at 8 p.m. on week nights. It is planned to hold nine dual swimming meets and eight water polo matches each night. BATTALION Saturday, June 13, 1942 • Page 3 . . . Lt. Marty Karow, is one of the head physical education instruct ors there and the possibility of a grid clash between the sailors and the Aggies is distinct . . . Fish Discussion Groups Continued Freshmen discussion groups will get under way next week and will be held each week following. These discussions were started 14 years ago by M. L. Cashion, secretary of the local Y. M. C. A. The discus sions are under the leadership of professors and instructors of the school. The purpose of these discussions is to give the freshman an oppor tunity to get acquainted with many of the faculty members as well as a chance to get help from them concerning freshman academic COME BY Before You Buy and See Our Complete Line of Uniforms Seniors We have just the uniform for you. Com plete now for your best ap pearance and wear. Juniors For your best bet come in and see our line in Uni forms. The best quality in Uniforms. Made by LLLY-AMES UNIFORM MFG. LOUPOFS Trading Post Twilight League Schedule Madeley’s Pharmacy vs. Faculty June 15, July 8, August 3 Campus Cleaners vs. Lipscomb’s ” Loupot’s vs. Holick ” Campus Theater vs. Aggie Cleaners ” Madeley’s Pharmacy vs. Lipscomb’s..June 17, July 13, August 5 Campus Cleaners vs. Holick ” Faculty vs. Aggie Cleaners ” Campus Theater vs. Loupot ” Madeley’s Phar. vs. Ag. Cleaners....June 22, July 15, August 10 Holick’s vs. Lipscomb Pharmacy.... ” Faculty vs. Loupot’s ” ” ” Campus Clean, vs. Campus Theater ” Madeley’s Pharmacy vs. Holick’s....June 24, July 20, August 12 Loupot’s vs. Aggie Cleaners ” ” ” Campus Theater vs. Lipscomb’s ,. ” Faculty vs. Campus Cleaners ” ” ” Madeley’s Pharmacy vs. Loupot’s....June 29, July 22, August 17 Campus Theater vs. Holick’s ” ” ” Campus Cleaners vs. Ag. Cleaners ” ” ” Faculty vs. Lipscomb Pharmacy ” ” Madeley’s Phar. vs. Campus Theater July 1, July 27 August 19 Campus Cleaners vs. Loupot’s ” ” ” Faculty vs. Holick’s ” ” ” Aggie Cleaners vs. Lipscomb’s ” ” ” Madeely’s Phar. vs. Campus Clean July 6, July 29, August 24 Faculty vs. Campus Theater ” ” ” Loupot’s vs. Lipscomb’s Pharmacy.... ” ” ” Holick’s vs. Aggie Cleaners ” ” ” INTRAMORALS By Mike Mann The anxiously-awaited opening of the summer intramural program is rapidly approaching the “O” hour and the Intramural depart ment has announced itself to be in readiness for the activities. All schedules for both Class A and B leagues will be placed in the boxes at the Commandant’s office early Saturday morning and all recreational officers are urged to see that they obtain their copies in order that they may be in readi ness for the opening games Mon day. The Intramural Department has stated that the intramural pro gram has been revised to corre spond with the new speed-up col lege system. For the duration of the emergency the intramural pro gram will be run on a one-semester basis. The college champion will be crowned at the end of each se mester instead of at the end of a school year as has been done in the past. With the new plan in effect for feits will be much costlier than ever before. Recreational officers should make every effort to keep their teams from losing games because of a “no-show.” Whistles will be sounded at the starting time of all events and teams not ready to begin play at that time will be given a forfeit, Particular attention is called to the softball schedules. It will be noticed that all games of a certain league will, almost without ex ception, be played on the same diamond. Equipment will be issued before each game at the center of the playing area. The standard length for all soft- ball games will be seven innings. A whistle will be blown at 5:20 p. m. in the softball areas. When this whistle is, blown the teams playing at the time will finish the inning they are in; play one more inning and conclude the game. We Have Left 20 Bi-Swing Blouses LOUPOT’S Twilight League Opens At 7:00; Faculty Enters The Eleventh Annual Twilight League will open Monday nigth at 7 o’clock sharp. All games will be played on the old drill field. Open ing night will find the following teams encountering each other for the first time: Medeley Pharmacy vs. Faculty. Campus Cleaners vs. Lipscomb’s Pharmacy. 4 Campus Theatre vs. Aggie Cleaners. Loupot’s vs. Holick’s. Each team is limited to fifteen players chosen by their respective managers. Managers are urged to bring their complete rosters by to 39 Leggett by Saturday at 6 p.m. A $3 fee must also be payed by each team so that game balls (lively leather balls) can be ob tained from the Intramural De partment. The league will operate on a Round Robin schedule lasting through August 24. At the end of the season the four top teams will engage in a Shaughnessy playoff to determine the champion of the league. It is very important that all games be started on time as the field has to be cleared by 8 p.m. Teams are urged to show up on time and be ready to start at 7:00 promptly. A last minute change in the team members found the Faculty replacing the Aggieland Pharm- (See LEAGUE, Page 4) Come On Out and COOL OFF DINING DANCING AND COLD DRINKS AT THE AGGIES' FAVORITE NIGHT SPOT RDLICKA’S 1 Mile South On Old Highway work. The eight topics which are discussed at these get-togethers are those which are most common and most outstanding to all fresh men on the campus. They are chosen by each organization com mander. Leaders of these discussions make no effort to antagonize any one nor do they try to persuade the freshmen to believe as they do on certain issues. Over 100 faculty members have agreed to help lead these discussions but the organization commander is respon sible for the selection of the facul ty niember to lead his group. In past years 85 per cent of all freshmen enrolled in school have attended these meetings. Their at tendance is strictly voluntary as there is no effort made to force them to attend these discussions. Last year discussions were carried on in every organization on the campus except five. Texas’ first aerodynamics re search laboratory is being set up at the University of Texas, as part of the school’s newly established graduate program in aeronautical engineering. Annduncing OUR NEW AIR-CONDITIONED STORE For Your Convenience Perry Bros. Complete Line of Merchandise Come in and visit our new store. Look over our wide selection of room accessories and personal needs. Come in and get acquainted. Wearing Apparel • Shorts .. •_’Reg. Socks • Undershirts • Handkerchiefs Accessories • Shaving Tackle • Brooms • Sun Glasses • Window Shades ALSO VISIT OUR HEI LUNCHEONETTE & FOUNTAIN Mild Bittersweet Double Dip Chocolate SODA 15-oz. Chilled Glass AND TRY OUR Delicious Double Rich MALTED MILKS anv flavor with 10c Banana Split Regular Price 150 any flavor with Graham Wafers 15C New Location Next to Montgomery-Ward BRYAN