The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 13, 1942, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Spring Rain
Labor Needs
129 Men Sign Up But
Others Are Needed;
Farmers Cooperating
“As a result of the extremely
heavy rains that have fallen this
spring, there is an urgent need
for farm labor. In an effort to
assure an adequate supply, many
Aggies have already volunteered
to work at current wages. How
ever it is estimated the 129 boys
who have signed up will not be
sufficient when local farmers com
plete their applications for help,”
said J. M. Orchard, assistant pro
fessor of agriculture education.
Of the 129 boys that have signed
up so far, most of them have said
that they would be willing to work
a few hours on Saturdays, with
29 saying that they could work
all day. The schedule of men who
have volunteered for week-day af
ternoons follow: Mondays, 39;
Tuesdays, 28; Wednesdays, 29, and
42 on Thursdays and Fridays. Some
100 men have said that they would
work on Sundays if there was the
need for it.
Almost all of these men have
a farm background of some sort
and experience in farm work. They
can do the things that are needed
most with very little effort on
the part of the farmers to show
them how. These boys realize the
need for this work and can be ex
pected to do what they offer to
do in a satisfactory manner, Orch
ard states. This is one way in
which the farmer can get the labor
that he needs and at the same time,
the students will be able to earn
a little extra spending money.
All students that are interested
in this plan should see their first
seargeant or drop by J. M. Orch
ard’s office in the basement of the
Agricultural Engineering building
as soon as possible.
Red Cross Radios
Soldier Messages
The American Red Cross, with
the cooperation of the Mutual
Broadcasting System and the Aus
tralian Broadcasting Commission,
has originated a daily series of
radio programs of personal mes
sages from American troops in
Australia to their families in the
United States. These programs
are broadcast by Mutual daily from
10:15 to 10:30 a. m., CWT, and
some stations, unable to carry the
program at that time, make trans-
scriptions to be broadcast at a later
period during the day.
National Headquarters makes
individual phonograph records of
each message and sends them to
the local chapter in the soldier’s
home, with the request that the
chapter deliver the record to the
person to whom it is addressed,
and, if necessary, provide a porta
ble phonograph so that the mes
sage can be played when delivered.
Since the messages are sent by
short wave from Australia there
will be times when the names and
addresses of soldiers are indis
tinct, and the chapter will have to
try to locate the person involved.
Registration Hits
High of 5,252 Men
As Final Figure
Room Reservations Over
Subscribed and Project
Houses Finally Opened
According to Registrar H. L.
Heaton, a total of 5,252 students
are now registered at A. & M.
which is a larger number than was
anticipated. Friday was the last
day for enrollment and it was also
the last day to drop courses and
take on others.
Room reservation will be
straightened out and the project
houses, which planned to remain
closed all summer are now opened
to accommodate the students.
Records of several departments
show that the number of students
has increased over the number reg
istered last semester. The Modern
Language department, according
to professors C. P. Campbell and
J. J. Woolket have all their courses
filled to capacity, as well as the
History department which has had
to create new sections.
Agronomy Society
Elects Officers
The Agronomy Society held its
first meeting of the year last
Thursday night in the Agricultural
building. As soon as the meeting
was called to order popular songs
and old favorites were sung by
the 18 student members of the
society, and the six members of
the Agronomy staff, that were
Plans for Jljjiture meetings were
made which Jlieluded several guest
speakers, a May to be put on by
the AgronoB* teaching staff, and
a moving Mcture of the recent
trip made the winners of the
cotton tomS^.'Ougbou* the south
ern part oBhe United States and
all of MexM. R. C. Potts, instruc
tor in agr»my, will talk about
the trip, aitl explain the different
parts of thflltour.
Speakers Aho will try to be ob
tained by the club include Colonel
W. K. Boles,' Dean E. J. Kyle, an
AAA director, and several speak
ers who hare not been decided
upon as yet.
R. C. Potts gave an interesting
talk on the most important and
most enjoyable parts of the cot
ton tour just recently completed.
In his talk, Potts stressed some cf
the problemsiof agriculture that
are being experimented with, in
the southern United States, and
also some of'The methods, prob
lems and practices of agriculture
as the men found them in Mexico.
Those who made the tour were E.
D. Wilmeth, F. G. Collard, A. B.
Waddle, G. C. McGouirk and R. C.
Potts. Wilmeth and McGouirk got
their orders, and were not able to
make the Mexico part of the trip,
but learned quite a bit about cot
ton and the United States before
reporting for duty.
Ex 4-H Club Students-
Form Campus Group
All students who were formerly
members of 4-H clubs' are invited
to attend the first meeting of this
chapter, to be held on Monday at
seven at the Animal Industries
building. AH freshmen who were
members in high school are espe
cially invited to attend.
Town Hall Reserved Seats
Being Sold Around Campus a
OEM Making Film
Of A & M Defense
ctivities Todav
Town Hall reserve seat tickets
for the summer series, which in
clude five attractions, are being
made available in every part of
the campus. Junior assistants are
acting as salesmen.
Season tickets sell for $2.00
(reserved) and entitle the owner
to attend programs by Henry
Scott, pianist-humorist; Romance
of Old Mexico, a history of Mexico
ing song, story, and dance; The
Jackson Jubilee Singers, a negro
quartet including John Garth of
“Porgy ’n Bess” fame, Jean Dick
enson, young American soprano
featured on “The American Album
of Familiar Music;” and a famous
swing band which will be an
nounced later.
Tickets purchased at the door
for each attraction would total
$5.50 for reserved, and $5.00 for
student tickets; thus, a saving of
$3.50 and $2.00 is possible by
purchasing the season tickets.
Season tickets will be on sale
in the Student Activities office
Saturday afternoon, and represent
atives of Town Hall will be in de
partmental offices, the Extension
Service Building, and the A.A.A.
building with tickets for sale
Monday afternoon.
Below is the program to be pre
sented by Henry Scott, who ap
pears June 16 with his original
“concert satire” selections.
Part I
Impressions of
1. Vincent Lopez 2. Eddie Duchin 3. Teddy Wilson
Juba Dance Nathaniel Dett
Second Hungarian Rhapsody Liszt
A Great Concert Pianist arr. by Henry, Scott
History of the Lost Chord written by Henry Scott
Boogie Woogie a la Mode “Lux” Lewis ^ Uonfrey Scott
The Three Dances arr. by Henry Scott
Pastoral Scarlatti
Sewing on a Button arr. by Henry Scott
Ballad - arr. by Henry Scott
Little Boy Genius Grows Up arr. by Henry Scott
Music Appreciation written by Henry Scott
Part II
Rumba and Swing Tango arr. by Henry Scott
Chopin in the Citrus Belt Ed ward Harris
C Sharp Minor Waltz Chopin
Eccentricities of My Pupils arr. by Henry Scott
Rythm at any Cost Henry Scott
Remarks.— - arr. by Henry Scott
Mittens on the Keys arr. by Henry Scott
Civil Engineers
Elect Officers
For Summer Term
At the first meeting of the year,
the A.S.C.E. elected officers for
the coming year and made plans
for future meetings. The meeting,
held Thursday night, was in the
Civil Engineering lecture room.
Officers elected were Joe Bauml,
vice-president; C. W. Reagan, sec
retary; C.> A. Riggs, treasurer; J.
B. Davies, reporter; and D. M.
Griffith, secretary of the state
chapter. J. C. Denny was elected
president at the close of the last
semester. G. M. Garrett, district
highway engineer of the Texas
Highway department, of Bryan,
was selected by the club as its
senior contact member.
The next meeting will be a bar
becue, Denny announced. The pres
ident expressed the desire to have
more freshmen civil engineering
students present at the meetings
in the future.
Kadet Kapers Presents Double
Program With Orchestra - Nuts
By Tom Journeay
Kadet Kapers offers tonight at
7:00 at the Assembly Hall the
premier of the 1942 Aggieland Or
chestra under the direction of Don
Hackney, with rhythms of the
hours sung by Miss Norma Jean
Jahn, popular vocalist who has ap
peared in the past with the orches
The Aggieland Orchestra has
been newly organized and several
changes have been made chief
among which has been the decision
to feature sweet hot swing in the
manner of Jimmy Lunceford.
Richard W. Jenkins, producer of
Kadet Kapers, has announced that
to the 1st, 100th and 500th person
to go through the door leading to
the greatest entertainment in Ag
gieland tonight will receive two
nice, fresh, fragrant, super deluxe
Madeley’s cigars as a gift abso
lutely free, no strings attached!
As promised last week on Kadet
Kapers, the first lesson in Love
Making 33|, a course open to Jun
iors and Fish only, will be offered.
The first meeting of the class will
be a lab with Maisy Stinkbottom,
Elmer, and Tony the Lover being
the chief lab assistants in this
ever-so-practical course.
A very important announcement
will be made about the Aggieland
Orchestra that might bring na
tional prominence to A. & M. and
to the orchestra.
Following the success of the
several navy boys on'Kadet Kap
ers last week, it is hoped by that
as many as possible of the mem
bers of the Naval contingent that
can will be present tonight. This
is a production magnifique, a pro
duction that is put on with all the
pomp and ceremony of a Zeigfield
show. Why, Kadet Kapers shuts
its door on no man or beast. Come
on over and bring your animals.
The humor is even low enough
that they will have a good time!
J C McCrary Dies
In Airplane Crash
J. C. McCrary, formerly of *1
Company Infantry, died when his
basic trainer crashed during a
routine flight at 12:30 a. m.
McCrary left school in Janu
ary and joined the air corps, be
ing sent to Kelly Field for pre
flight training. He took his pri
mary flight training at Uvalde,
and was transferred to the Waco
Army Flying School April 30. He
was a member of the first class
to report to the new Waco field
where he was scheduled to gradu
ate July 3.
McCrary, like many other Ag
gies, decided to make his services
available to Uncle Sam right after
the declaration of war. He was
in his third year, but decided to
give up his school work for the war
effort. McCrary was born in 1921
at Temple, but moved to Waco
soon after.
Navasota Pool Is
Open for Summer
The out-door swimming pool in
Navasota is open for the new sum
mer season. The hours are 3 to 10
p.m. on week-days and 3 to 7 p.m.
on Sundays. The pool is about two
years old and is up-to-date with
its equipment.
Navy and Marines May Be
Included In Pictures
If Permission Is Granted
Representatives of the Bureau
of Information of the Office of
Emergency Management arrived
on the campus Thursday to take
some moving pictures of the con
tributions A. & M. is making to
ward the nation’s war effort.
These pictures are to be incor
porated in a series of movie shorts
on what the American Colleges
are doing in the war. They are to
be shown to the public in many
theaters throughout the nation.
The films of A. & M. are designed
to show typical scenes on the cam
pus. The Aggies’ regular military
life and the many defense courses
are to be portrayed.
If a clearance can be obtained
from the Navy Department in
Washington, the sailors and ma
rines on the campus are to be
included in the film. The pictures
are scheduled to be completed late
Friday evening or early Saturday
Longhorn Pictures g
Made With Blouses §
All pictures for class sections in
the Longhorn will be made in No.
1 uniform with white shirt and
black tie, Editor John Longley an
nounces. There will be an assort
ment of blouses placed in the Ag
gie Studio for the use of fresh
men and sophomores. The charge
for these pictures will be $1.50.
Anyone desiring to use his last
year’s picture may arrange for it
by paying 50 cents at the studio.
Because of the speed up program
it has become necessary for all
work on the Longhorn to be speed
ed up. The editor requests that
every student cooperate by hav
ing his picture made according to
schedule. Any and all cooperation
on the part of the corps will be
appreciated, states Longley.
Candid camera fans may have
their snapshots placed in the Long
horn by submitting them at the
Longhorn office or to any mem
ber of the staff. There should be
a great many opportunities for
cameramen to get a lot of good
pictures this summer, and those
submitted will be appreciated,
states the editor.
Notices concerning Vanity Fair
and Senior Favorite pictures will
appear in a later edition of The
New Students Missing
Psychological Exams
Take Tests Saturday
New students who failed to re
port for the psychological test yes
terday will take it Saturday, June
20, at 1 p.m. The examination will
be conducted in the Animal In
dustries lecture room.
Students entering the school
with advanced standing who have
taken the American Council on
Education psychological test in
their former schools should have
their gross scores sent to the reg
istrar’s office, according to H. L.
Heaton, acting registrar. Scores
for transfers from North Texas
State Agricultural College are on
file in the registrar’s office. It is,
therefore, not necessary for these
students to have their scores sent
or to take the test.
Steel Shortage Causes
Change in Slab Designing
Critical Material Must Be Omitted From
Design Due To Priorities and Shortages
Basic designing for the new dance slab has had to be
changed because of the shortage of steel to be used in the
construction. This will cause some delay in the construction
but actual construction should begin within a week or ten
days, E. M. Holmgreen, business manager of the college
stated yesterday.
Because the steel cannot be secured without priorities
the new design must be made without the use of this mater
ial. Since the original plans called-f —
for the use of steel as reinforcing
in the concrete of which the slab is
to be constructed the structure is
under the process of re-designing
by Phil Norton, college architect.
When this design is completed it
will be submitted for bids and
construction started as soon there
after as is possible.
There will be no wire netting or
steel posts around the structure
as these cannot be obtained but
a plan must be worked out to fac
ilitate collection of admisions to
the functions to be held on the
Harris Agent Made
Ixtension Service
pecialist Recently
Appointment of Winifred Jones,
assistant county home demonstra
tion agent of Harris County, as
specialist in fo^'d preservation for
the A. & M. College Extension
Service was announced by Mil
dred Hortoiy vice director and
state home demonstration agent.
The tne 1 specialist, succeeds
Grace I. l^eely, who became
regional nmyiLipni^t for , the
Agricultural 7/Marketing Admin
istration o/ April 15. Miss
Neely will
as nutrition coun
selor and adviser for AMA’s dis
tribution pnpgi ams in 13 Southern
States, and hei\ headquarters will
be in Dallas. \
Miss Jones it a former Gold
Star 4-H Club ;j?irl from Dallas
County and in 19&3 was winner of
a 4-H college scholarship offered
by the State Fair of Texas. At the
Texas State College for Women,
Denton, where Miss Jones obtained
her B. S. degree, she was an out
standing student. In addition to
acting as student assistant in the
college Rural Arts Department,
Miss Jones was hostess in one of
the cooperative dormitories. The
house she supervised was operated
more cheaply than any other in the
For the past five years Miss
Jones has worked with the Exten
sion Service. She was assistant
county home demonstration agent
in Smith County and later was
county home demonstration agent
for Colorado County. In a volun
tary capacity she served as chair
man of the Colorado County unit
of home economists.
Day Students Should
Turn In Class Cards
Class schedules of students liv
ing outside the dormitories must
be turned in to the commandant’s
office by Monday, June 15, ac
cording to the commandant’s of
fice. Students living off the cam
pus should report to the comman
dant’s office as soon as possible
and fill in the schedule card which
will be given him.
George Gay Shows
That Aggie Spirit
Carries Through
Companions Died As He
Narrowly Missed Death
After Sinking Carrier
Further proof that the “Aggie”
tradition lived on in the hearts of
ex-Aggies was given when the
news of the battle for Midway
Island was received. By plopping
into the big middle of the battle
and furnishing a great eye witness
account of the proceedings, Ensign
George H. Gay, ’40, will long be
remembered for his action.
During the first day of the fight,
Gay, on sighting an aircraft car
rier attacked it and fired his tor
pedo a£ close range. Pieces of
shrapnel knocked his plane out of
commission and killed his two
companions. Pancaking his plane
on the water near the carrier, Gay
escaped drowning by grabbing the
plane’s rubber life raft. As he
floated around on the bullet-rid
dled raft, he was treated to the
sight of the burning of three Jap
anese aircraft Carriers, one of
which was sunk.
Gay suffered two injuries dur
ing the encounter, one a sear in
the leg by a piece of shrapnel and
the other a bullet wound in the
Born with an indomitable spirit
and an unquenchable desire for ex
citement, Gay from his early youth
wanted to join the Army Air
Corps. He entered A. & M. in the
fall of ’36 with the intention of
enlisting in the air corps as soon
as he graduated and was in Bat
tery A, Coast Artillery. With Ow
en Cook he built and flew a plane
during his stay at A. & M.
Leaving college in ’39, he enlist
ed in the Air Corpd but was un
able to pass the physical. Un
daunted, Gay went to work for a
construction company to toughen
himself up. Taking the physical
again in 1940, he found that he
had not toughened up enough, so
back he went to the construction
gang. The next time he tried for
the naval air force and was ad
As soon as he finished the
training course, Gay asked for im
mediate duty on an aircraft car
rier and got it. That is why he is
where he is now, and he likes it.
June 15 to 22, Infantry/ Sen
June 23 to 29, Engineer Sen
June 30 to July 6, Cavalry
July 7 to 13, Field Artillery
July 14 to 20, Coast Artillery
July 21 to 27, Composite
Regiment Seniors.
Aggieland Gets Another Lilliputian Fish
Squeaky has a successor! No
longer will C. H. Wallace, H In
fantry, have to put up with his
friends calling him Squeaky, for
last week Fish Powitsky, checked
in to the captain of E Infantry.
Fish Powitsky had to try hard
to get his 86 pound weight to make
the scale register the 90 pounds
necessary to meet the R.O.T.C.
requirements. He had to try hard,
stretching his back muscles to
meet the five foot minimum height
requirement, but—he dooed it!
Robert (Man Mountain Powit
sky they called him back home) is
a 16-year-old freshman from Bart
lett, Texas, who says about A. &
M. after his first week here, “I
like it, best of any place, fine.”
Fish Powitsky, because of his
size—rather, lack of size—has
been called everything from Man
Mountain to Half Pint, which cov
ers a lot of territory! He just
barely passed the physical as far
as size was concerned for the
Basic R.O.T.C. requirements here
but is no midget as far as educa
tion goes. At high school in Bart
lett, Fish Squeaky made good
grades, but here so far the teach
ers sometimes have difficulty
finding him amidst all those big
tall text books on the desks. He
hasn’t given up hope yet, though.
The first question everybody
asks Fish Squeaky is his age and
then when informed they don’t be
lieve him. Many have expressed
the opinion that he was a mascot
of some kind, sort of a second
Reveille. But, all this doesn’t phase
the Lilliputian in the least. Thru
all the wisecracks he has a “Yes,
sir” and a “No, sir” and a broad
Trigonometry and chemistry
seem to be giving most trouble,
academically speaking, while Eng
lish and drawing seem to come
easiest. The most perplexing prob
lem for Fish Powitsky so far to
solve has been the clothing one.
He has yet to find coveralls and
a trench coat. Also his G’.Is. are
about a foot too big in the waist,
but then that’s not too unusual.
Agricultural Engineering has
been chosen as Man Mountain’s
major but unless someone comes
to the rescue with a plan for get
ting those big text books off the
book rack, above his desk, Fish
Squeaky’s college life may come
to an end too soon.