The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 09, 1942, Image 3

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    Managers of Twlilight League Teams To
Meet Tonight at Adm. Building at 8:00
The Twilight League makeup and plans will get under
way tonight when the managers of the various teams en
tered meet in the Batt office of the Administration Build
ing at 8:00.
It is of utmost importance that every manager or a rep
resentative of the team in question be present as rules and
plans for the Twilight League will be discussed.
Don’t forget, managers, the meeting is tonight at 8:00
in Room 126 Administration Building. Be sure to be present.
The beginning of the school
term and other difficulties con
fronting the executive committee
has made it impossible for them
to pass on the Twilight League
question, but Dean Bolton has
made assurances that it will be
decided before this week is out.
Most of the members feel sympa
thetic toward the whole plan and
some have even asked your scribe
to keep up the interest in the deal.
At this time there are quite a
few boys that are doing a jam-up
job in organizing this Twilight
League. Orchids to every one of
you, but let me warn you that
this plan is not approved yet, and
many of us may have a letdown
yet. The prospects do look bright,
but there’ve been “upsets” in many
sports and enterprises before and
there may be one waiting for us
here. So let’s not count our chick
ens before they’re hatched, but
just work on with the Twilight
League until somebody says, “No
Sports Squibs From Here and There; Coach
Norton Expresses Thanks to Corps for Gift
Coach Homer Norton took time
out from his duties yesterday aft
ernoon to thank the Cadet Corps
for their grand gesture in pro
curing him the beautiful onyx desk
set . . . “It’s about the nicest thing
Colorful rich fabrics tail
ored for comfort with all
way stretch seat. Grip
per fasteners. Pre
shrunk . . . fast colors.
B.V.D. Shirts in low “V”
neck for sport shirts.
Doesn’t show.
400 550 600
College and Bryan
that I ever received,” Coach Nor
ton quipped, “and I thank the
corps, yell leaders and coaches
from the very bottom of my
heart.” . . . The Cadet Corps chip
ped in to buy Norton an onyx desk
set which, by the way, was pre
sented to him College Night last
Thursday . . . Here’s one for Rip
ley . . . Leo Daniels and his bride-
to-be Ruth Smith, secretary in the
Agricultural Engineering Depart
ment, were born on the same day,
both being 20 years old . . . They
will be married Sunday, June 22,
instead of June 21 as reported
by the column last Saturday . . .
36 Aggie football stars are en
rolled in the school, ready to com
ply with the new speed-up pro
gram ... it was reported earlier
that only 33 were at school, but
check-up disclosed that three more
registered in the past few days ...
Laddie Liska, freshman football
ace, was the latest one to sign up
. . . Others in school that were
unreported include Red Roman,
squadman back, and Jimmy
Knight, guard from LaGrange . . .
There’s still a possibility that
more will enroll before the dead-
Any step you can take
to guard it is a sound
109 S. Main, Bryan, Tex.
^ ^
Inspect Our Fine Watches
Before It’s Too Late
Expert Watch Repairing
We Offer Prompt, Inexpensive
’Mural Dept Working Out
Plans for Season’s Opener
Battalion Sports
Tuesday, June 9, 1942 Page 3
Plans are running smoothly for
the bigger than ever summer in
tramural program that is to have
its opening Monday, June 15.
The Intramural Department,
headed by W. L. Penberthy, has
been working hard and late trying
to make the program as attrac
tive and interesting as possible for
As has been previously announc
ed, the sports scheduled to com
mence Monday are: Class A and
B softball, Class A tennis and
water polo, and Class B swimming
and volley ball.
Each softball league will have
11 or 12 teams, and each organi
zation will play 10 or 11 games.
All softball games are slated for
4:15 p.m.
The tennis matches which will
be played on the concrete courts
every week day will take place at
4:15 and 5 p.m. Volley ball games
are scheduled to be played on the
new courts just west of the clay
tennis courts at 5 p.m.
The swimming and water polo
events will begin at 8 p.m. on week
nights in the P. L. Downs Nata-
torium. There will be nine swim
ming meets and eight water polo
games per night.
W. L. Penberthy, assisted by
Carlton (Spike) White, are plan-
(Continued From Page 2)
Benchley and Osa Massen.
“You’ll Never Get Rich” is the
story of a musical comedy direct
or, Astaire, who joins the army to
avoid complications which his di
rector has gotten him into. Rita
Hayworth plays the role of one of
the dancers in the Astaire show.
Fred spends most of his time in
the army locked up in the guard
house but manages to win his free
dom and his girl by conducting a
gala musical show for the selectees
of the camp.
The double talking of Cliff Naz-
arro and the antics of Robert
Benchley provide ample humor be
tween the dancing numbers of Rita
and Fred. Music includes several
catchy tunes, high-lighted by Cole
Porter’s songs.
The Lowdown:—You can get
“hep” on this one.
The other feature at the Campus
William Gargan and Irene Hervey.
The action of the movie takes
place almost entirely on board the
China Clipper. Gargan as a news
paperman, runs across a shipment
of diamonds and becomes involved
in discovering what foreign inter
ests are trying to steal them.
Gargan almost loses his pretty
bride-to-be, Irene Hervey, because
of his constant risk-taking to pro
tect the diamonds. But, when the
plane arrives at Manila, the crooks
are apprehended and the couple
again get together.
The Lowdown:—Good and peppy.
line, June 12, arrives . . . Coach
Art Adamson, coach and instructor
of swimming, invites anyone who
can swim to come out and try for
the swimming team . . . the tank
ers are slated to enter quite a few
meets this summer . . . Aggie
baseball stars seem to have caught
on to the ways of the semi-pros
without too much trouble . . . John
Scoggin and Les Peden are serving
quite a few notices playing with
the Waco Dons . . . Les won a
game a few weeks ago by hitting
a double with the bases jammed.
. . . Meanwhile, Sam Porter, for
mer Aggie first baseman signed
up with a Class D team at Hamil
ton, Ontario, and in his second
game hit a triple, two doubles,
and a single to help his team win
a 9-8 slugfest . . . Incidentally,
Porter’s single pushed over the
winning run . . . Cullen Rogers,
Aggie outfielder, is playing ball
with some semi-pro outfit, but at
present, haven’t heard anything
about him ... Leo Daniels jumped
into softball right away and is
going great guns with Varner’s at
Bryan . . . Brooks Cofer, Batt edi
tor, is Varner’s shortstop, and
from the reports of John Sidney
Smith, Bryan Eagle sports editor,
is doing quite a good job around
the keystone sack . . . The office
here was blessed with some female
visitors yesterday afternoon, but
the editor had priorities on that
deal . . . the boys were absolutely
distracted . . . It’s still a fight to
the finish between the Brooklyn
Dodgers and the St. Louis Card
inals in the National . . . they’re
slugging it out toe to toe but the
Brooks are still 7 games ahead . . .
This corner will still take the Red-
birds for a long shot . . . Don’t
say we didn’t warn you.
ning to sponsor some big tourna
ments for the students. As yet they
have not announced the type of
tournament they have in mind.
This is the biggest Intramural
Program ever planned, and the
Intramural Department is hoping
that the student body will co-ope
rate in making the program suc
Twilight League
Still Uncertain
For This Summer
Madeley’s Pharmacy Enters
Team; Swells Ranks Of
Contenders To Seven Teams
The ranks of the Twilight Lea
gue contenders were swelled to
seven yesterday, when Madeley’s
Pharmacy served notice that they
would have a team entered in this
year’s competition. It is hoped
that the faculty too will enter a
team, and possibly the naval and
marine contingents.
Plans for the starting of the
league have been delayed due to
the fact that the executive com
mittee has not yet granted per
mission to hold the tournament.
However, E. L. Angell, executive
assistant to the president, has
given his assurance that imme
diate action will be taken by the
executive committee on the Twi
light League.
It is expected that the commit
tee will approve the popular sum
mer-time attraction, and the lea
gue is slated to get under way in
the very near future. A meeting
will be held tonight to make final
plans for the league opening,
scheduled for the 15th of this
In addition to Madeley’s Phar
macy, the other six teams in the
league are Aggieland Pharmacy,
Lipscombs Pharmacy, Aggie
Cleaners, Campus Cleaners, Cam
pus Theatre and Loupot’s Trading
Civil Service Opens
Applications for Job
As Traffic Controller
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces open com
petitive examination for the posi
tion of Trainee Traffic Controller
(Airway and Airport), $1800 a
year, for employment in Region
Four, Bureau of Federal Airways,
Civil Aeronautics Administration,
Headquarters, Fort Worth, Texas,
(Comprising the States of Arkan
sas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tex
as, and that part of Louisiana west
of the Mississippi river), accord
ing to Anna V. Smith, postmis
The age limits for this position
are 20 to 45. The maximum age
limit does not apply to persons
granted military preference.
Competitors will not be required
to report to any place for a writ
ten examination, but ratings will
be assigned based on information
in the application subject to cor
Applications may be filed with
the Manager, Tenth U. S. Civil
Service District, Customhouse,
New Orleans, Louisiana, until fur
ther notice.
Further information and appli
cation forms may be obtained from
the Secretary, Board of U. S. Civil
Service Examiners, at any first-
or second-class post office in the
States of Arkansas, New Mexico,
Oklahoma, Texas, and that part of
Louisiana west of the Mississippi
River, from the Manager, Ninth
U. S. Civil Service District, New
Federal Building, St. Louis, Mis
souri; the Manager, Thirteenth U.
S. Civil Service District, Post Of
fice Building, Denver, Colorado; or
from the Manager, Tenth U. S.
Civil Service District, Custom
house, New Orleans, Louisiana.
College enrollment in French
classes has dropped 23.5 per cent,
and in German 11 per cent, since
last September.
Dr. Will Durant, philoscrpher and
author, speaking at University of
Pennsylvania, said he believes
President Roosevelt will be re
elected to his fourth term in 1944.
Chapter houses are maintained
by 3,881 academic fraternities and
sororities, a recent checkup re
Joe Vajdos. Aggie Track Workhorse. Due To
Duel It Out Again With T U’s Mac Umstattd
By Russell Chatham
Track season in the Southwest
Conference has been over for al
most a month now, and the Aggie
tracksters are just marking time
after having made it their most
successful season in years.
The Aggie team this year had
a number of individual stars. Am
ong them was workhorse Joe Va
jdos, then a sophomore,. standing
5 feet 10 and weighing 140 pounds.
Joe, while perhaps not as spectac
ular as some of the boys, always
put in a good day’s work in every
meet by running the 880, the mile,
the anchor lap on the mile relay,
and sometimes the two-mile run.
His schedule varied from meet to
meet, but the 880 was his special
The Intramural Departmental
Managers are working hard to
complete the immense job of
scheduling all of the coming in
tramural games.
The departmental managers are
headed by Dave Meyer, C Coast,
and “Pinky” Wilson of D Engin
eers. These two are the senior
managers for the current year and
will be assisted by a bevy of jun
ior assistants.
The entire Class A program,
from the time entry cards are
turned in until pictures are made
of the champions, will be ram-
rodded by Wilson. The same post
will be held down by Meyer in
Class B sports.
Wilson will be assisted by three
juniors, each of whom will be in
charge of one sport. The junior
managers in Class A and the
sports they 'will have charge of
are: David Gillory, G Coast, water
polo; Harry Blankfield, C Cav
alry, tennis; and John Fulbright,
G Coast, softball.
Meyer’s assistants in Class B
and the sports they will run are:
Joe Crownover, C Chemical War
fare, swimming; Johnny Mouser,
I Field Artillery, softball; and Le-
land Anderson, D Engineers, vol
ley ball.
Twilight League
Teams to Hold First
Practice This Evening
All teams entered in the Twi
light League will begin practice
this evening at 7 o’clock. Although
no action on the disapproval or
approval of the league was taken
by the executive committee, the
cutting down process will begin
today. Should the league be ap
proved, Saturday is the day all
rosters must be in. Fifteen play
ers constitute the limits of each
team. The league plans to start
Monday, June 15, should the execu
tive committee vote in the affirm
ative on the question.
Managers are urged to assemble
their teams on the drill field op
posite Law and Puryear Halls as
soon as possible if not today.
Wabash college officials have
announced formation of the Wa
bash college forum, a movement
in popular “off-campus” education
in which principles and problems
of American citizenship will be
He’s Right With You
This seemed unfortunate at first,
because the conference record
holder in the 880—bird-legged Mac
Umstattd of Texas—was still
around. Umstattd defeated Vajdos
every time they met, after a close
race, until they hit the conference
meet in Dallas.
There it looked as if Umstattd
would win again. In his usual man
ner, he built up a good lead with
a sizzling first lap. But, on the
second lap, Vajdos closed up the
gap and put on a finish that caus
ed the blond Texas flash to wilt
and drop behind. Joe won by a
good three yards in the time of
1:56.2. It was the most thrilling
and surprising race of the day.
Umstattd had lost the 440-yard
dash—an event he had been favor-
The remaining junior managers
will take charge of other sports
as soon as the leagues open. At
the present time these men will
have charge of the various open
tournaments to be conducted by
the Intramural Department. These
juniors are: Travis M. Kirkpatrick,
B Coast, Norris Miertschin, A
Chemical Warfare, Howard Hicks,
H Infantry, J. H. Lindsey, G Field
Artillery, and W. H. Bart, B
Chemical Warfare.
The junior managers have just
been awarded their sweaters
which are awards from the Intra
mural Department for their serv
ices as Sophomore Managers last
year. These awards were received
yesterday and are being issued.
At the present time the staff of
departmental managers are work
ing on the schedules which will be
ready in time for the opening of
the program Monday. The man
agers, some 20 or 25 of them,
have received over 400 entry cards.
This number means that between
eight and nine hundred games will
have to be scheduled in leagues
and assigned a time and place at
which to play.
ed to win—earlier in the after
noon. Both defeats gave him am
ple claim to the title of “biggest
flop” of the meet.
If Umstattd was tired when he
started the 880, he was no worse
than Vajdos. Joe had previously
won third in the mile run, but
was disqualified for accidentally
bumping another runner off the
track. Vajdos also ran the anchor
lap on the Aggies’ third place mile
relay team.
It would probably be hard to
convince Umstattd of the fact, but
Joe Vajdos is practically flat-
footed. His arches have troubled
him for several years and he runs
with them taped up. A painful
callous on the ball of his left foot
also made matters worse, but ap
parently didn’t slow him up any.
Joe hails from Karnes City and
Hobson, a. little town ' near there.
He got his greatest thrill in track
by winning the high school 880 at
the Border Olympics in Laredo,
while he was a junior in high
school. He still holds the record
there—2:04—some eight seconds
slower than his time at Dallas
this spring.
In his senior year, Vajdos won
third in the mile run in the State
Texas U. almost got Joe. He
even had a room reservation there,
but changed his mind on the ad
vice of his high school coach, J.
W. Johnsom Joe gives his high
school coach, and Coaches Dough
Rollins and Ray Putnam here,
much of the credit for his success
on the track.
Fish and game is Vajdos’ major,
and as he puts it, he hopes to
graduate if he ever passes English
Both Vajdos and Umstattd are
scheduled to be around next
spring, so the feud between them
promises to have a hot renewal.
A Loupot Trade
Is Money Made
Aggieland Studio
Joe Sosolik, Proprietor
Official Photographer For
The A. & M. College Longhorn
Kodak Finishing Picture Frames
North Gate of Campus, College Station
Military and Cowboy
See Us Right Away!
North Gate
Have Your Eyes
Lenses Duplicated
Dr. John S. Caldwell
Bryan, Texas
Conveniently Located Over the Exchange Store