The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 02, 1942, Image 1

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A. & M. College Opens Sixty Seventh Annual Session
Old Student Registration
Will Be Held Saturday
Classified Seniors
And 1st Sergeants
Register Friday
Old students will begin registra
tion at the Assembly Hall on Sat
urday beginning at 7 a. m. New
students will not begin registration
until Monday when they will begin
at the Assembly Hall at 7:30 a. m.
They will actually begin registra
tion at 8 a. m.
At 1 p. m. Friday all classified
seniors and first sergeants may
register. Assignment cards and
signature cards will be issued at
the Assembly Hall and heads of
departments will be located in theft:
offices to assist students in sign
ing for their courses. Registration
should be completed and assign
ment cards turned in to the Regis
trar by 5 p. m. Friday. College
authorities request that other old
students delay their arrival until
If students do not report at the
hour indicated they will be unable
to register until 3 p. m. after other
students who report at the speci
fied time have completed regis
A program has been arranged
for the freshmen covering the first
week of school. This has been done
to help the new student become
familiar with the various aspects
of college life before normal class
work begins.
Under college regulations no stu
dent is allowed to live off the
campus in project houses or private
homes until* all space in the dorm
itories has been filled. For the
summer semester it will not be
necessary for students completing
the 1941-42 session to reserve a
dormitory room in advance of reg
Since the time is so short be
tween the close of the 1941-42 ses
sion and the opening of the 1942-43
session the office of the registrar
will be unable to prepare the usual
report of the student’s academic
standing. All students in good
standing at the close of the 1941-42
session may register in accordance
with the above schedule without an
annual report or re-enrollment per
All old accounts with the college
must be paid before individual reg
istration can begin. To avoid a
delay in registration the student
should pay breakage bills at once
the registrar’s office advises.
Skiles Leaves
Student Activities
For Army Air Corps
Goes to Biloxi, Mississippi
To Accept Lt. Commission
Joe Skiles has vacated the of
fice of manager of student activi
ties to go into the Army Air Corps
at Biloxi, Mississippi. Skilesl came
Joe Skiles
to A. & M. at the beginning of
the 1941-42 term |o fill the place
left vacant by E. L. Angell who
took the office left by Ike Ash-
burn as executive assistant to the
Skiles was the third manager of
student activities as the office was
held by J. E. Angell, then by E. L.
(See SKILES, Page 10)
Battalion Staff Will
Hold First Meeting
All old members of the Battalion
staff are asked to meet Tuesday
night after supper in the Battalion
office. Plans for the coming year
will be made. Assignments and
promotions will be! announced. All
editorial writers and reporters who
have ever written for the news
paper or the magazine should come
to this first meeting.
Cryptography Now
Offered as Course
A valuable course now offered
by the Military Science depart
ment is M. S. 356, a 3 hour course
devoted to the study of the sci
ence of secret writing, Crypto
graphy. This study involves all the
methods and devices whereby an
intelligible message may be con
verted into a secret form, and the
ways of converting secret enemy
messages into intelligible form.
M. S. 356 is offered as a basic
course for Signal Corps students
and as an elective for military
students of other branches. Any
one desiring information about
the course may see Captain Lerner,
Signal Corps, or Dr. Bechtel or
Mr. Kidd of the English staff.
If the course is included in the
summer curriculum, any student
may register during the regular
registration period, or by special
permission within five days there
The Cadence
Published for
First Time
New Handbook
Of History, Customs
Will Aid All Aggies
In an attempt to simplify the
task of educating the incoming
freshmen to the Aggie way of life,
last year’s cadet colonel Tom Gil-
lis, aided by various members of
the cadet corps, conceived and
compiled a handbook of the col
lege. This book is designed to in
form the freshmen as to what is
expected of them and to give them
a background of the college, its
traditions, the campus, and brief
historical sketches of A. & M.
Publication of the handbook was
made possible by an allotment se
cured from the Board of Directors
amounting to $2,000. They will be
distributed free of charge to every
cadet in the college. Each year the
handbook will be revised and
brought up to date and a copy
given to each freshman. The cover
of the book bears the crest of the
senior ring. The date in the ring
will be changed each year to cor
respond with the year in which
that year’s freshmen will gradu
Since traditional bleed meetings
are no longer allowed under the
new speed up plan, it was felt
that there must be some means of
teaching the fish their responsi
bilities. Gillis and his staff felt
that the task would be too great
for the captain of an organization
to perform alone without some
guide and aid. For that reason,
everything that fish have been re
quired to know in the past has
been included in the new hand
In selecting a suitable name for
the publication a short name typi
cal of the college was sought. Af
ter careful consideration of several
names, The Cadence was selected
because if every Aggie should
read the handbook and govern
himself accordingly, he will have
little trouble in keeping in step
with Aggieland and its activities.
Mail Schedules Should
Be Known by Students
Outgoing mail to the north is
collected at South Station at 8:30
a. m. and at the main office at
9:00 a. m. Southbound mail is
picked up at South Station at 10:30
a. m. and 3:30 and 9:00 p. m.
Mail for the south is collected at
the main post office at 11:00 a. m.
and at 4:00 and 10:00 p. m. North
bound mail also leaves South Sta
tion at 9:00 p. m. and the main
office at 10:00 p. m.
Mail from the north arrives at
College Station at 7:15 in the
morning and at 1:15 in the after
noon. Letters coming from the
south are up by 7:15 a. m. and
again at 11:15 a. m.
Major John Hilger, Ex-Aggie
Led U S Bombers Over Japan
Cadet Colonel
Walter Cardwell, Jr., D Troop Cavalry, has been appointed Cadet
Colonel and will command the corps for the coming school year.
Cardwell is an animal husbandry major and comes from Luling.
For the past three years he has been very active in school affairs;
his appointment as colonel forced him to resign as editor of the
Agriculturist and presiaent of the Scholarship Honor Society.
Aggie exes are continuing to
lead the way in the fight against
the Japs. In the air raid of April
18 on Tokyo and other Japanese
cities, the second in command and
assistant to Brig. Gen. James H.
Doolittle was an Ex-Aggie of the
class * of 1932. Major John A.
(Jack) Hilger was the Aggie who
helped to spread havoc among the
Japs, and also to avenge the death
of his brother who was lost in
the Java Sea battle.
Hilger is a graduate in ME, and
is remembered by a number of
professors on the campus. He was
a member of the A.S.M.E. and
was a first lieutenant in B In
Major Hilger was educated at
Sherman High School, graduating
in 1926. He worked in Hcniston for
two years before he entered A. &
M. After graduating from here in
1932, he entered the army air
corps as a cadet. He finished at
Randolph Field in 1934 and was
commissioned a second lieutenant.
Hilger was assigned to March
Field, California, where he served
until 1941, when he was trans
ferred to McCord Field, Washing
ton. Later he was moved to Ore
gon and remained there until he
was given special assignments.
In bombing Japan Hilger aveng
ed the death of his brother Lieut.
Ted A. Hilger, who attended A. &
M. for one year before going to
the U. S. Naval Academy. He
graduated from there in 1935 and
was commissioned an ensign. He
was assigned to the cruiser Hous
Cardwell Appointed
Colonel; Commands
Corps for 42-43
Walter Cardwell, Jr., “D” Troop
Cavalry, will command the cadet
corps for the coming year. The new
cadet colonel is from Luling, Texas
and is a student in the school of
agriculture, being an AH major.
Cardwell was sergeant major on
the corps staff last year and was
outstanding in student activities
on the campus.
Before his promotion to cadet
colonel, Cardwell was the editor of
the Agriculturist and president of
the Scholarship Honor Society for
this year. Due to his promotion,
however, he was forced to resign
these positions, since he had more
points than the Student Activities
Committee allowed under the point
system used in student affairs.
Also, Cardwell is a member of
the Ross Volunteer Company, crack
military organization on the cam
Cardwell is from an Aggie fam
ily. His father graduated from
A. & M. in 1913, and from the
rest of his family he has had five
cousins who finished here. One of
these cousins was Bill Patton, who
was cadet colonel in 1929. Also
Cardwell is the first colonel of
the corps from the Cavalry since
that year.
An active member of the Saddle
and Sirloin Club and its secretary,
Cardwell has the desire to become
a rancher, but under present con
ditions he will serve in the army
upon graduation until the emerg
ency is over.
Boone Replaces Skiles
As Head of Activities
L. D. Boone of Houston has ar
rived to take over the post of head
of student activities. Boone re
places Joe Skiles who has gone
to the army air corps.
Boone has been employed with
the Burroughs Adding Machine
Company in the account and sales
department. He is a graduate of
Rice Institute, where he was out
standing in student activities.
While there he was manager of
the yearbook, chairman of the hall
committee, and in charge of all
New Dance Floor
To Be Constructed
For Summer Use
Is Outdoor Combination
Dance Hall, Skating Rink,
Tennis and Volleyball Court
In answer to the need for a
recreational program during the
summer months, the Student Ac
tivities committee has conceived
and planned an outdoor combina
tion dance floor, skating rink, ten
nis and volleyball court. At a cost
of $3600, the floor will be con
structed of specially finished con
Around the floor will be a fifteen
foot asphalt walk provided with
chairs so that those who prefer
to talk or “sit one out” will not
interfere with the dancers. Special
soft lighting is being installed in
order not to attract a great number
of bugs and insects to annoy the
dancers. Adequate lighting will be
provided on the band stand for
musicians to read their music.
In addition to a band stand, a
recording system is being installed
to provide music for skating, in
formal “Juke Box Proms,” and
(See DANCE FLOOR, Page 10)
Spirit of Freedom
Is Theme of the
New 1942 Longhorn
Greatest of all yearbooks pub
lished by the students of A. & M.
is the book recently released by
this year’s editors. Editor of the
book was R. L. (Rusty) Heitkamp
and his managing editor was H.
P. Lynn.
Together with their staff they
published the 544 page book. It
was printed by The Gulf Publish
ing Company located in Houston,
under contract. The theme carried
in The Longhorn of 1942 is the
“Bill of Rights” and the division
pages carry excerpts from this
document delivered by the fathers
of this country.
The dedication fits snugly into
this theme and the volume is dedi
cated not to any one man but to
the “Spirit of Freedom” which ex
ists in the United States. This is
the freedom which President
Franklin Roosevelt expressed.
Authorities Expect 1200
New Students to Register
Total Enrollment of Both New and Old
Students May Reach 4200 for Summer
Texas A. & M. College will open its sixty-seventh an
nual session this week as it goes on a year-round basis of
regular class work. This is the first time in the history of
the school that the opening has been in June. Last year the
college pledged its facilities to the National Defense effort,
and as a result a year-round program was established.
Due to the fact that school will be held during the sum
mer the enrollment will be less than during a regular term.
Also the draft will help to decrease^.
the total number of boys in school,
but in spite of these two reasons
there should be an average num
ber of boys to register.
Acting Registrar H. L. Heaton
expects that the total enrollment
for both old and new students will
reach approximately 4200. Heaton
also said that of this number
around 1200 will be freshmen.
New students are not supposed
to arrive until time to register for
classes on Monday. Beginning that
day the regular freshman week
will take place, so as to make it
easier for the new student to ori
ent himself at college. Normal
activities of past freshman weeks
will be held.
Old students will go to class for
the first time on Monday, having
registered Saturday. Classified
seniors and first sergeants can
complete their registration on Fri
day afternoon.
Under the new speed-up pro
gram students who enter this June
will graduate only two 1 years and
eight months from now, instead of
the regular four years. During this
time they can also train to be
come officers in any one of the
nine branches of the army which
have R.O.T.C. outfits here on the
New Baptist Church
Will Be Dedicated
Plans are now being made for
the formal dedication of the First
Baptist Church building and new
equipment on Sunday, July 12. Dr.
W. W. Melton, executive secre
tary of the Texas Baptist General
Convention, will be the main speak
The auditorium was opened for
the A. & M. Religious Emphasis
Week in February, at which time
Dr. Geo. W. Truett of Dallas
preached. Since that time services
have been held in the new build
ing using the old church furniture
on a concrete floor.
The new building will be com
plete and ready for worship serv
ices by the first Sunday that all
the students are on the campus.
For Uniform
Are Changed
No Cuffs Are to Be
Worn; (Tseas Caps
Optional for Seniors
Uniform regulations for the
summer semester authorize the
wearing of a white stripe on the
left sleeve to distinguish the mem
bers of the freshman class from
their upperclassmen. Classified
sophomores will wear the two
stripes of a corporal and sopho
mores who are unclassified will
wear one stripe as the stripe of a
private first class.
Juniors will wear the chevrons
of sergeants and seniors will wear
the insignia of cadet officers in
cluding the gold hat cord, boots
and buttons indicating the cade?’
rank on the shoulder. No sabers
will be worn until after the pres
ent hostilities cease it has been
ruled by the office of the com
Overseas caps will be worn op
tionally by seniors. These caps , will
be trimmed in the braid worn by
officers. The other classes will be
allowed to wear these caps as soon
as enough have been secured from
the office of supplies for them to
be issued to the sophomores and
freshmen. These caps will be trim
med in the braid appropriate to
the service in which the man is
being trained.
The sand colored khaki tie will
be worn in place of the black tie
formerly worn. If the ties arrive
in time for them to be issued the
sophomores and freshmen they
will be worn by all classes but
otherwise they will be worn only
by the juniors and seniors.
Orders state that the cadet will
wear sleeves down, cuffs neatly
buttoned, ties tied and endeavor to
be as neat in appearance as pos
In Memory of
Texas Aggie Graduates
19 4 2
Died—in the line of duty
More of Death’s grim toll,
A volunteer to their country’s cause
A name for the honor roll.
★ ★ ★
No eulogies have you to speak
All words are empty—vain,
The sacrifice they made
Gladly—and no thought of gain.
★ ★ ★
Your hearts are far too sad for words
Your countless friends who mourn,
But silent prayers must reach the stars
And those who now have gone.
★ ★ ★
And never shall their memory die
But rather always live,
In hearts, though saddened, still inspired
That you in turn, may also give.
William P. Adams,
Danbury, Conn.
May 13, 1942.
(Editor’s note: This poem was sent in a letter addressed to the
cadet colonel. The letter appears in the Open Forum column
on the editorial page.)