* U' iy? Volume 42, No. 1 i ■ ON Fift e Cents A MAGAZINE OF Hl’MOR FOR TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE’S 4i0OO AGGIES IS' - ' ! ' n ! Brooks Cefer, Editor-ij John Hojman, Magazini L. B. Tennison, Associate PHIL BIBLE ^ JAMES MIMMS TANNER FREEMAN, JR. NELSON KARBACH ‘Deadline Doodling . . . MOST FIRST ISSUES of the Battalion Magazine have been concerned with but two things— freshmen and football. This year we can still bull with the fish, but thanks to the Japs, we are a little out of season for football. We hope we’ve made this de ficiency up in other ways, and we hope that even though it is as hot as grandma’s red draw ers, you can still grin a. little when perusing this magazine. During the past two years, and especially this past year, there have been some long and loud bleeds about how sorry the maga^ zine was getting. The main rea sons given by those doing the squawking were that the stories were too silly, and the jokes too stale. Well, we’ve set our hearts to correcting those ills. We will try to give you something enjoy able to read in the way of stories and articles, and something with a little of the spice of life in it down the line of jokes. If that isn’t sufficient, we’ll try some- —'L. Art .. Art Assdstant Senior Assistant Junior Editor if * ft i REGGI! DOU< R0G1 AL RAMIREZ izine Editor > - * > I SMITH AS LANCASTER KILLINGS WORTH > i U thing else. Naturally, all writers and humor men are fools, but maybe rwe can keep our copy from just plain stinking. If you don’t agree with us. and have suggestions or complaints, Jot them down on a post-card or in a letter and send them to Maga zine Editor, Battalion office, and don’t think they won’t be read. Also, we : want to urge anyone who Would like to join our staff either; td send in his contribur tions Or come around some blis tering night. Not* for the business at hand. » i / The cover drawing Is the work of Bible, whose work has v earned him the chair of the art editor. Pete Tumlinson. last yeatfs editor, and now serving Uncle S&m, left an appreciated supply of drawings and cartoons, among which are some Tumlin son? boys which will be used In later issues. A1 Raniirez and Tanner Freemanj deserve a pat on the back, and someone un- rtirfing umor Assistant Editor knownito us but trave Infe under the name of Fancy Nt n£y dust ed off‘the Cavalry .bo; s pn good style. Jack Ashworth,.1 ing a Batt staffman, left “Dr. H; clup and Mr. Jive” lying arouf)d| so we picked'-it up. We got 1 from no where,; and we have sontytt back to nowhere. Speaking of nothing H*om th$ dusty files in the Bat office we dug this little bit of poetry to end all bits of poetry. F -om the September, 1939, Batt .11 >n Mag azine,: comes: i. I think ! That ink /t Does blot " A lot. The natural comeback a classical germ was: j' » we’d here.-' I think You stin Or worse In verse. better let sckn to such I V I t air in Contents . . . \ h FANTASTIC. INDEED! FROM A BARRACKS BULL-SESSIOH , NO HARD FEELINGS. WE HOPE . |. ODE TO THE.CAVALRY I.... 1 ' - DR. HYCKUP AND MR. JIVE .1 . HOtV TO RfcAD THE BATT NEWSPAPER! EIGHT TYPES OF FRESHMEN t ON A GIRDLfe -f. f:.— The Battalion, publiahad monthly by th« Student PuMlaatkm. Dffk« o* the A,rtc«ltutml and Maehanleal ColWce of Teaaa. Kntorcd aa aaeond^laa. matter at the Poat Offic*' at Colleje Station. T**aa. ,«nder tha net of Conrrau. March I. 1*7». Subscription rate ll.O* par y«nr or 1« p*r Advcrtiaing rate* upon request. Repreaented nationally by W. B. Bradbury Company. New York City. Magaalp* off»®« 1" Building. Telephone 4-6444. Reprint righta with proper credit, afe hereby granted to all regular publicationa. AU atones or article* tul liration must be typewritten, double-spaced, and mailed to The Battalion Msgaxine, College Station. Texa* | „ Tanner Frfee|nan, Jr. —i i A jRamirez Yehudi, iToitunately Fahey Nancy Jacl^ A.shworth . The News|>aij>er Staff Pete Tumlinson, Rili Murray Edmunfl Waller %