The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 09, 1942, Image 1
jp’ ii ► ♦ DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. VOLUME 41 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 1942. 2275 NUMBER 94 Cardwell Appointed Corps Commander for Next Year ft********** * * 5)1 ******* * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * Aggies Clinch Tie for Baseball Crown With 8-4 Triumph Galloway and Kaffer Are < Named Lieutenant Colonels Parks Johnson Brings Vox Pop Program Here; Broadcast from GuionHall Advance man for Vox Pop John G. Cole is on the cam pus interviewing applicants for the coming nation-wide broadcast. With headquarters in the YMCA, Cole was busy Friday questioning several hundred Aggies from whom ten will be selected to appear on the program. Time Is All Important The well-known Vox Pop program is a quiz contest oc- curing every Monday night. Six or eight contestants will be quizzed on various subjects—time is the deciding factor— and will then be awarded from $350 to $500 in prizes. Corps Invited The program will be in Guion Hall, Monday night, start ing at 7 p.m. and the cadet corps is invited to be in the aud ience. The doors of Guion Hall will be closed at 6:40 p.m. in preparation for the broadcast. Tickets can be obtained ■ffrom First Seageants in all Enlistment For Air Corps Reserve Gets Under Way Recommendations And Birth Certificates Needed by Next Week As the newly-appointed Faculty Air Force Advisor of A. & M., Major L. W. Marshall, Infantry, announced yesterday that it is imperative that all cadets who in tend to enlist in the Air Force Enlisted Reserves must secure their application papers from him at once. Major Marshall’s office is in Ross Hall and the forms may be obtained from him at any time during office hours. Major Marshall also stressed the fact that all enlistees must ob tain three letters of recommenda tion and also their birth certifi cates before the examining board reaches the campus. The board is scheduled to arrive some time next week and those interested should act at once, Marshall said. Appli cants enlisting either as pilots or as ground officers must meet the above Requirements. The Air Force Enlisted Reserve will provide opportunities for en listment on a deferred service basis so the aviation cadet can didates may continue their educa tion until actually required for army training. About 500 Aggies have already shown interest in the plan at the meeting held last week in the assembly hall. Those who are interested and who were un able to attend that meeting may still obtain information and ap plication forms at Ross Hall. Saddle, Sirloin Club Honors Seniors With Barbecue and Picnic Monday afternoon in Hensel Park, senior members of the Sad dle and Sirloin Club were honored with a barbecue given by the other members of the club. Dean Kyle presented medals to the Senior and Junior livestock teams and to the Meats Judging team. Also medals were given to the winners of the Freshmen and Sophomore judging contests. Each year a baseball game is held between the professors of the Ani mal Husbandry department and the seniors. The barbecue is an annual affair of the Saddle and Sirloin Club. or ganizations. First Seageants will be given tickets enough for forty per cent of the men in their or ganization. Any possessor of a ticket who will not be able to use it should see that someone gets to use it. Supper will be at 5:45 Monday night. Cole states that participants are selected who will be representative of the school—scholar, athlete, or dinary boy, and particuliarly any one with a Texas drawl. No qual ification is definite, but boys who speak clearly stand a good chance of being selected. The thirty-minute program will be conducted by Parks Johnson and Warren Hall. Johnson originat ed the program in Houston and has been with it for ten years. His new partner, Hall, is a minor cele brity of the stage, screen, and radio. The two conductors will hold a “warm-up session” about twenty minutes before the broad cast to get the contestants in a proper frame of mind. At the time, dollar bills will be given for questions asked, and two dollar bills will be given for questions correctly answered. War ren Hall will lead the contestants in songs, and Parks Johnson will ask old trick questions—those he used ten years ago. This session is for the benefit of the contest ants to wear off any nevrousness they might have, Cole stated. The broadcast will be over CBS with about 74 stations carrying it. Juniors Draw Year to Close With Annual Prom Wear Civies to Dance For First Time; Music Furnished by Raeburn Rhythms for dancing were furn ished by Boyd Raeburn and his orchestra last night as the Jun iors held their banquet and annual prom. Raeburn will also play for the Corps dance from 9 til 12 tonight. Observers stated that Raeburn's music made a hit with all couples who danced to his sweet tunes on the floor of Sbisa. Upon arriving at Sbisa the Jun iors and their dates were ushered to their respective organizations by a sophomore chosen by that organization. Junior class members wore No. 1 uniforms with shoulder straps but without saber chains to the banquet and were permitted to wear civilian clothes at the dance. The cadet corps may dance to Raeburn’s music tonight at the regular Saturday night corps dance. As an orchestra of this kind seldom comes to Aggieland many couples are expected to attend the function, according to the dance committee. At the University of Chicago Raeburn began his band during his sophomore year. He soon turned professional, and his name was associated with prominent ball rooms, hotels and theaters through out the country. He has recently completed a record breaking stay at the fam ous Chez Paree in Chicago. His orchestra has also played such spots as the Congress hotel in Chicago, the Nicollet in Minneap olis and the Muelbach at Kansas City. Rogers ThreejltOTC Chief Speaks RunHomerln TthlcesGame By Mike Haikin (Special to The Battalion) AUSTIN, May 8.—Cullen Rog ers’ three-run homer in the sev enth inning broke up a 4-4 dead lock to give the Texas Aggie nine an 8-4 victory here yesterday aft ernoon and clinch at least a tie for the conference crown. The Ags added another run in the ninth but it was unnecessary. It was Rogers’ only hit of the day, but that 363 foot circuit clout proved to be a telling blow. Only an inning before, Jack Stone had deadlocked the exciting tilt by smashing a homerun with Grady Hatton on, but the mighty Aggie left fielder more than made it up the following frame. The teams conclude the series this afternoon with Smokey Car- Singing Cadets Hold Annual Picnic, Vote The Singing Cadets will hold their annual get together and elect new officers for the coming year at 5 p.m. Wednesday at Hensel Park. Bit and Spur Overshadows Kentucky Derby in Austin C Chera Warfare Wins Baker Drill Trophy Company C of the Chemical Warfare won the coveted Baker Trophy this year, according to R. G. Powell, captain of the company. The winning platoon was com manded by Ternew Neu. Runner-up for the trophy was Company B headed by Russell Yankee. By Patty Miller (In The Daily Texan) When the microphone droned that; Shut-Out had won the Ken tucky Derby in a photo-finish yes terday afternoon, the crowd of horselovers about the riding ring at Camp Mabry, were too busy watching a breathless jumping ex hibition by the members of the Bit and Spur to cheer the champion. The mighty cheer that did echo around the ring, was for Mary Richey, the first of seventeen en trees and one of three riders,, to clear the four foot, eight inch jump. Jackie Warren and Janet Long topped the bar obstacle some contestants later. Nor did the show lack the glam our of the Derby. In the “road hack” class, for thoroughbred type horses only, and in the five- gaited class, the riders put their mounts into the beautiful and dif ficult “rack.” The frothing of the horses’ mouths, the arching of their heads and waving of manes —proud characteristics of Ameri can Bred Horseflesh in a very “moving” play. Liz Whitney received flowers for holding the winning Shut-Out, and Mrs. W. P. Bell received roses for “doing such a wonderful job with the horse-show.” Mrs. Gladys Henderson received red roses for being sponsor of Bit and Spur. And Patty Swigart presented Gene Barnwell yellow roses for “the excellent publicity work.” Along with her ribbons, Miss Swigart, president of the organiza tion, received a piece of silver to go with her almost complete set, in lieu of a silver trophy. Despite the threatening rain- clouds that hung over the event for the entire meet, there were many convertibles with tops down over-flowing with people joshing one another in an effort to see the out-side field jumping. There was the smell of the ring and peanuts, the cries of the ring master shout- (See BIT AND SPUR, Page 4) Score by Innings: A. & M. 001 201 301—8 13 0 Texas ...020 002 000—4 5 2 den on the firing line for the Cadets and Bill Dumke on the slab for Coach Bib Faulk’s nine. Charlie Stevenson and Charlie Tankersley dueled it out for six frames in which some 6,000 odd fans were kept on edge through out, but the Aggie hitters proved too potent. Leo Daniels started everything off with his mighty triple and before the day was over Leo had garnered another triple, a double, and a single to lead the 13-hit Aggie attack. Moore Becomes Mystery Man Of Fallen Corregidor No one yet knows just where General Moore is. One rumor has it that he is safe, another that he fell with his men at Corregidor. Rumor has it that the War De partment says General Moore is safe in Australia, having joined General MacArthur sometime be tween April 21 and the time of the island’s fall. However, on the darker side is the contention of the newspapers that Moore .has not moved from the island since his San Jacinto address. So far, neither the ad ministration office nor the com mandant’s office have any recent word about him. Spanish Club Elects Cordua President Members of the Spanish Club elected officers for the coming year in a meeting held Wednesday night in the Academic building. H. A. Cordua was elected presi dent of the club with W. F. Good man as vice president. The secre tary-treasurer for the coming year will be John Calvillo. Ward Wins First Place in Two Contests; Proficient in Math and Engl W. W. Ward of Houston won both firsts in the freshman con tests sponsored by the English and mathematics departments as the two departments held their annual final dinner Thursday night. Ward won the twenty dol lar first prize given by F. M. Law and the Robert F. Smith award of a gold watch in the mathematics contest. In the sophomore contests F. C. Keeney of Weslaco won the first prize of a gold watch as winner of the mathematics contest. C. A. Riggs, Jr., of Beaumont won a gold watch for second place in the contest and Jack Keith of Houston won ten dollars for third place. F. L. Aldrich of Houston, who also competed in the math contest, won second prize in the freshman division of the English contest. His award was five dollars. Hel mut Sommer of Dickinson and G. R. Rawley of Palestine were the sophomore winners of the William Morriss English contest. Their prizes were fifteen and ten dol lars respectively. The guests of honor at the Thursday night dinner were the forty-seven students who took the final examinations in the mathe matics contest and the seventeen who took the examinations in the F. M. Law English contest for freshmen and the William Morriss English contest for sophomores. At Commencement Exercises, May 15 565 Out of 741 Graduating Seniors Receive Commissions Brig. Gen. Frank E. Lowe, U. S. A., chief officer of the Reserve Officers Training Corps, has ac cepted an invitation to deliver the commencement address to the graduating class at A. & M. Fri day night, May 15, according to an announcement made here Tues day by Dr. E. P. Humbert, chair man of the Commencement Com mittee. Significant is the fact that of the 741 men to receive degrees at the May commencement, a total of 565 will receive commissions as second lieutenants in the Of ficers Reserve Corps and have been called to active duty May 17. All of them received their mili tary training under the R.O.T.C. program headed by General Lowe and the school again will turn out more commissioned officers for the army than any other institu tion of higher education in the na tion. Commencement exercises will begin Thursday afternoon, May 14 at 4:30 o’clock when the Texas Aggie concert band plays its final concert. That evening the tradi tional Senior Ring dance will be held in Sbisa Hall. On Friday morning, May 15, the Rt. Rev. Clinton S. Quinn, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Texas, Houston, will deliver the bacca laureate sermon at 10:30 o’clock in Guion Hall, the college chapel. That afternoon all departments of the college will be open for inspec tion by the friends apd parents of the students. Friday evening at six the com mencement processional will move into Kyle Field stadium and at 6:15 General Lowe will address the Class of 1942. Cadet Colonel Tom S. Gillis, of Fort Worth, ranking cadet in the corps, will deliver the valedictory. Gillis is the first student ever to gradu ate from Texas A. & M. with a perfect scholastic record of no grade below an A in four years of work. (See GRADUATION, Page 4) Preliminary Promotion List Issued Tentatively Pending Classification A release from the Military department late yester day, named Walter Cardwell of D troop Cavalry, Cadet Colonel for the coming two semesters. Cardwell, who is from Luling, has held the rank of master sergeant on the corps staff for the past year. The two lieutenant colonels of the corps staff are Bill Galloway of A Battery Field Artillery, Executive officer and S. C. Kaffer of C Company Engineers, assistant executive. Effective May 28 Promotions as announced yesterday will become effec tive May 28 and are only partial and tentative. All promo tions are subject to change and are contingent upon classi fication and enrollment in military science either as a holder of an advanced contract or as an elective, stated Major A. J. Bennett, Adjutant. Permanent and additional promotions and assignments will be announced as" soon as practicable. Other members of the corps staff are: Lee Woods, major; R. L. Rix, major; Russell Cook, maj or; A. J. Vicevich, major; Jack Baird, major; H. B. Cabell, major; and W. H. Chalmers, major. Regi mental commanders and their staffs were also announced. The promotions in the Infantry regiment are: W. C. Collins, lieu tenant colonel; J. E. O’Leary, maj or; A. J. MacNab, captain; H. O. Gainer, captain; N. J. Arisco, captain and W. G. Goodman, cap tain. Terrell Head Field The new regimental staff of the Field Artillery regiment consists of: R. Terrell, lieutenant colonel; Guy Johnson, major; T. S. Parker, master sergeant and D. W. Mc Intyre, master sergeant. Coast Artillery promotions to the regimental staff are: O. A. Nance, lieutenant colonel; Brooks Gofer, major; A. J. Specia, major; and R. R. Hidell, W. F. Dreiss and W. E. Huffhines, captains. The Engineer Regiment will be headed by G. B. Caperton as lieu tenant colonel and S. B. Dixon, E. R. Holekemp, J. C. Denny and R. P. Maceiras as captains on the staff. Composite Regiment staff offi cers are: William Biever, lieutenant colonel; Bill Adkisscfh, major; and D. G. Griffin, S. V. Burks, Dan Lansdon and R. J. Louffburrow, captains. George Driskill was promoted (See OFFICERS, Page 4) Aggie Officers Again Prove Worth on United Battle Front Approximately 2,500 A. & M. men served in the armed forces of the United States in World War No. 1, with 53 of these men mak ing the supreme sacrifice. Shortly after World War No. 1 the New York Times stated that a survey of the participation of college men in that war showed that A. & M. gave a higher per centage of its graduates to the armed forces than any other major United States college or univer sity. In addition the Times pointed out that the A. & M. college had many more men in essential war industries and government activi ties. In the present national emerg ency it is estimated by college au thorities that 3,000 A. & M. men are now in the armed forces of the United States. This includes men Active Duty Ordered For Seniors May 17 All R. O. T. C. appointees at A. & M. with the exception of those in the Ordnance branch will go on active duty effective the day fol lowing their academic graduation which will be May 17, according to word received from the Military department. Orders which were previously received will be altered accordingly where necessary. Men in the Ord nance will report to active duty May 29 at San Antonio. who have been called to active duty from civilian life, men who are regulars in the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, and scores of younger men who, of recent years, have graduated from the air corps flying schools. Over 400 members of this year’s graduating class have been called to active duty as reserve officers. At least 100 are in training for commissions in the air corps, navy, or the marine corps. There is no question that at the present time A. & M. continues to hold the first rank as in World War No. 1, in the percentage of its graduates who are in the! armed forces of the nation. Three of the comparatively few Brigadier Generals of the United States army are A. & M. men— these men being Generals J. A. Warden, ’08; D. B. Netherwood, ’08; and Howard C. Davidson, ’ll. George F. Mo-ore, ’08, is a Lieu tenant General. Younger A. & M. men in the present emergency are determined to carry forward the glorious tra ditions of military service estab lished by their comrades in World War No. 1. 'Evidence of that de termination came from a recent meeting of young A. & M. officers held at one of the nation’s largest military posts. That groiip of young officers declared it to be their ambition to carry on as glori ously in the present emergency as other A. & M. men did in 1917-18. Heaton Announces 842 New Students Have Been Enrolled Enrollment for Summer Semester Expected To Reach 4000 by June 2 Acting Registrar H. L. Heaton announces that 842 new student applications have been accepted for next semester. Old students will registrar May 29 and the new stud ents afterward. Heaton predicts that there will be approximately 4000 students enrolled at A. & M. next semester although no definite number may be had until after registration is completed. The complete registration sched ule for next semester is as fol lows: May 29, Friday, Entrance examinations; May 30, Saturday, Registration of old students; June 1, Opening of the first semester; Registration of new students and classes begin for old students; June 2, Tuesday, Classes begin for new students; June 12, Friday, 8- 12 a.m. Psychological test. Freshman Program: July 4, Sat urday, Independence Day; Septem ber 14, Monday, Entrance Exami nation for second semester; Sep tember 19, Saturday, End of First Semester. Gilchrist and McNew Set Forth New War Schedule Over Radio Gibb Gilchrist, dean of the- school of engineering, and J. T. L. McNew, head of the department of civil engineering will conduct a radio broadcast over the Texas Quality Network today at 4:30 p.m. The purpose of the broadcast is to inform the people of Texas about the war schedule here at A. & M. Announcements will be made about the new semester beginning June 1. . Appearing on the program with Dean Gilchrist will be four stu dents. They are Fred Smitham, head of Town Hall; Skeen Staley, head yell leader; William W. Ward, winner of both the freshman math and English contests, and Bob Shieffles. Clyburn Is Elected Head of Ex-4H Club Lloyd Clyburn was elected pres ident of the Ex 4-H Club at the last regular meeting Thursday night. Other officers elected at the meeting were Billy Kidd, vice- president; Howard Hahn, secre tary-treasurer; Jay Pumphrey, reporter; and Scott Lanford, club marshal. During the remainder of the meeting plans were discussed on> entertainment for this summer,, ways of increasing the enrollment of the club, and selecting another night of the week to meet instead of Thursday night. Bugs Tate, outgoing president, presided throughout the meeting.