The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 02, 1942, Image 2

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    Page 2-
ttalion The World Turns On
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station,
published three times weekly, and issued Tuesday, Thursday
id Saturday mornings.
By Dr. R. W. Steen:
Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870.
Subscription rates
upon request.
$3 a school year. Advertising rates
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service,
Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and
San Francisco.
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
1941 Member 1942
Plssocioted Cblle6iate Press
E. M. Rosenthal Editor-in-chief
D. C. Thurman Associate Editor
Lee Rogers Associate Editor
Ralph Criswell Advertising Manager
Sports Staff
Mike Haikin Sports Editor
W. F. Oxford Assistant Sports Editor
Mike Mann...... Senior Sports Assistant
Chick Hurst Junior Sports Editor
Russell Chatham Junior Sports Assistant
Circulation Staff
Gene Wilmetlx jt, Circulation Manage
F. D. Asburyl. Junior Assistan
Bill Huber, Joe Stalcup Circulation Assistant
Cedric Landon Senior Assistant
Photography Staff
Jack Jones Staff Photographer
Bob Crane, Ralph Stenzel Assistant Photographers
Phil Crown Assistant Photographer
Saturday’s Staff •
Ken C. Bresnen '. Junior Managing Editor
Keith Kirk Junior Editor
Jack Hood Junior Editor
Brooks Gofer Junior Editor
Robert L. Freeland Assistant Editorial Editor
W. A. Goforth Assistant Advertising Manager
Fox, Jack Keith, '
bach, Tom Leland,
uo..., XJCIOIIU, uwoira *. Keith
Kirk, Weinert Richardson, C. C. Scruggs, Henry H. Vollentine,
Ed Kingery, Edmund Bard, Henry Tillet, Harold Jordon, Fred
Pankay, John May, Lonnie Riley, Jack Hood.
Blood for America
President Roosevelt has stated that for the
successful winning of the war there will be
sorrow, bloodshed and losses. The head of-
our government is in accord with the atti
tude which the British Prime Minister took
soon after the conflict .started. That the
United States is resolved to do their part
’ and best we have no doubt, and by all means
Aggies are willing to cooperate in anyway
they can in the prosecution of the war.
Another suggestion has been made
whereby Aggies will be able to help in a
more materialistic way. This new plan is the
organization of a Blood Donor Committee.
With the new methods of medical science
blood can be preserved for an indefinite per
iod of time by proper treatment. There is no
question that blood is needed for America.
Through the Red Cross a system of
blood “banks” has been organized, and dif
ferent committees of local service groups
have contributed large supplies of blood to
be used by the army medical corps. Such
committees can be found on many college
Since Aggieland has some 5000 able
bodies, it seems that such a plan could be
adopted whereby Aggies could donate their
blood to be used in the treatment of the
wounded. One never knows but some ex-
Aggie soldier may be saved by a speedy
transfusion of blood.
Quotable Quotes
“Every high school, junior college and
college should provide selected courses des
ignated as National Service courses and
.should require every student t ( o select a se
ries of such courses that would prepare him
to meet the nation’s needs. Rigid standards
should be maintained and provision should
be made for refresher courses. Much of
what would be needed for such a program
already is available in our schools.
After the war camps, equipment and
technically trained men could be added to
such a program, and such a Civilian National
Service program might be the answer to
federal aid. The values of such a program
to the nation would be millions of children
and youth moving steadily through the
schools, trained and ready on call to meet
any national emergency our part in the post
war world may require.
If our schools rise to the challenge, de
mocracy never again will be branded as in
efficient nor will the children of our children
know the humiliation of those tragic words
—‘too little and too late’.” Dr. Frank W.
Hart, professor of education at the Univer
sity of California, believes armed might will
be necessary to prevent a recurrence of the
present world war, and armies must have a
trained civilian population behind them.
* * *
“It is a paradox that, although military
defense has been .a perennial problem of the
American people, there has been until re
cently no conscious, integrated and continu-
•ous study of military security as a funda
mental problem of government and society.
It is another paradox that, although we live
in a warlike world, there has been almost no
systematic consideration by American schol
ars of the role of war in human affairs.
As democracy is based upon belief in
the power of public opinion and other moral
sanctions, we have understandably given
great weight to the problem of collective
security. It is now necessary, without de
creasing our interest in post-war problems
of political and economic reorganization, to
restore a balance as between such studies and
studies of national power.
Indeed, there can be no permanent se
curity unless statemanship understands
the role which controlled and socially direct
ed military forces must play in maintenance
of order and stability.”—Edward Mead Earle
of the Institute for Advanced Study, Prince
ton, N. J., says de-emphasis on military
study has resulted in a missing link in
American security.
The President in his fireside chat on
Tuesday evening explained to the people his
program for preventing further inflation.
The consumer is quite happy to have prices
frozen before the dollar* loses all of its pur
chasing power, and the average citizen prob
ably approves most of the points in the pres
ident’s platform. In so far as taxation is
concerned the President probably asked for
more than he expects congress to grant.
His proposal to limit personal incomes
to $25,000 after taxes are paid has probably
caused more comment than any other pro
posal. Congress will probably set tlTe maxi
mum at a higher figure, perhaps $50,000.
Newspapers and individuals have had much
to say about the unfiairness of such a policy.
It should be admitted to begin with that a
policy of this nature will cause several dozen
families to greatly modify their standards of
living. There are a few families who can not
keep up their estates on $50,000 per year. In
almost every instance, however, these are
very wealthy families who can afford to
live on their capital for a few years if they
wish to continue the old standards.
One thing which should be kept in mind
is that during the next few years almost
every man who has a large income will re
ceive that income as a result of a war con
tract. Few persons in strictly private indus
try will make enormous incomes during the
next few years. Nobody should become weal
thy because of the war. It is certainly a
hardship for a man who makes $500,000 to
learn that he has to pay 90% of it to the
government. It is also a hardship for a mer
chant to learn that prices have been frozen,
and that his opportunity for large war time
profits is gone. There is one other point
which all of the columnists who have been
weeping over a few dozen wealthy families
have overlooked. That it, will be some
thing of a hardship for 4,000,000, or maybe
8,000,000 Americans to leave their peacetime
pursuits and serve their country in uniform.
The average man, is getting to be quite
serious about the war. Polls conducted by a
national magazine indicate that most Amer
icans favor: drastic income taxes, drastic
excess profits taxes, army or navy opera
tion of defense plants which fail to give
complete cooperation, and immediate military
service for laborers who fail to meet their
responsibilities. Victory is a long way in the
future, but the will to win seems to be de
veloping rapidly.
This Collegiate World
Dormitory students at Newcomb college,
New Orleans, have devised a type of “sweet
heart insurance” which, they believe, will
eliminate rivals in affairs of the heart.
Should a student suddenly become un
popular and wait to no avail for phone calls
from her “steady” she can consult the dormi
tory “date book.”
There,- in black and white, she may dis
cover the trouble. For in that book are re
corded all dates of dormitory girls, with the
exact time of departure and return and the
name of the escort.
Failure to sign out, or errors in sign
ing, are taken up by the Campus Honor so
ciety and delinquents are confined to the
campus for several days.
There is a way to beat the game, how
ever. If one girl’s boy friend takes a fancy
to another of the students, the “chiselers”
can have a strolling date on the large cam
pus, in accordance with regulations, without
recording the meeting.
coup dl:
‘Hey, Joe! Come here and hold your finger on this knot!”
Jack Hood
"Backwash: An agitation resulting from j»ocrL« action or oeourrenoe.”—Webster
CINCINNATI, Ohio—(AGP)—Lack of
uniform practices among colleges and uni
versities in Ohio in accepting students by
transfer from other institutions serves to
tempt transient students to “shop around
like a Yankee horsetrader” and go to the
campus where they can drive the best ad
vanced standing bargains.
Adding to this academic bargain hunt
er’s paradise are ‘ differences among the
state’s institutions of higher learning in to
tal amount of advanced standing by trans
fer, extension credit, semester load, methods
of evaluation, examination fees, and sources
or agencies considered acceptable for credit
purposes, the report brings out.
The Rock Aggies
The Corregidor Aggies gained
more national recognition in the
May 4th issue of Time Magazine.
FRONTS section of the weekly
is a paragraph
‘Lone Star on
the Rock.” Quot
ing from it:
“State - proud
Texans in the
garrison of Cor
regidor celebrat
ed the 106th an
niversary of the
Battle of San Ja-
cinto last week with Texas songs
and “appropriate” entertainment.
The Corregidor Chapter of the
Alumni Association of Texas A. &
M. (which had more commissioned
graduates in World War I than
West Point) held a meeting. Lieut.
General Wainwright, no Texan but
a man who loves a horse, duly
notified Senator Tom Connally of
these proceedings, and Texan Con
nally thereup, duly notified the
U. S. public that the Lone Star
State was on the job—a conclusion
already becoming obvious to war
correspondents who heard the Tex
as drawl and saw the Texas swag
ger in uniforms everywhere from
Belfast to Calcutta to Pearl Har
Those words in parenthesis are
mdsic to out ears ... we like to
see our FIGHTERS recognized . . .
and we would like to point out an
omission—General George F.
Moore is a Texan and a Texas Ag
gie . . . it’s reputed he selected
35 or 40 officers from our 1940
graduating class to take to Cor
regidor with him . . . Time also
states that in five mouths of
pounding, Corregidor’s guns still
rule Manila Bay, and no sizable
enemy ship has yet slipped past
The Rock . . . General Moore and
his Aggies are among the men be
hind those guns . . . the Aggies
will bet their boots that “Texas
drawl and Texas swagger” will
still shine at the final setting of
the Rising Sun.
straight and stern as he pinned
Iron Crosses on wooden crosses
. . . For the day before, just as
the first award was to be present
ed, a group of Russian guerillas
slipped into the back door of the
assembly hall, planted .enough dy
namite to blow the democratic
party out of office, and proceeded
to award the 40 German soldiers
the Wooden Cross for meritorious
cannon fodder . . . the double cross,
no doubt . . . Billy Fred Walker,
Private in the Marine Corps at
Pearl Harbor, T. H. (class of ’42),
writes in and says “Hello” to all
the Aggies, especially Warren
Ringo and John Hefley, his former
roommates in the Field Artillery.
Beg Pardon
AUSTIN, Texas — (AGP) — Unique
among college drama departments is the
University of Texas Modern Ar^^lm so
ciety, which brings to students fflqpbrtant
motion pictures of the past and present con
tributing to development of the motion pic
ture as an art and a social force.
In a series of five programs,.the M. A.
F. S. has shown the growth of the movies
from 1895 to 1930, with all stars of a past
era and all technical imperfections of the
industry’s infancy. .
Beginning with the 1895 production of
“The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots,”
the first program traced development of the
narrative through^ “Wash Day Troubles,”
“A Trip to the Moon,” “The Great Train
Robbery,” Pathe’s “Faust,” and the 1902
“Queen Elizabeth” with Sarah Bernhardt.
The federal government will need 67,000
men with engineering training by June 30,
1943, according to Dean W. R. Woolrich of
the University of Texas college of engi
“First College Course in Photography,”
an illustrated 286-page text by Prof. Kath
erine Chamberlain of Wayne university’s
physics department, has been published by
Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Aggies Everett Glazener, George
Mason, R. C. Atkins and Max Hun
ter scolded Morris Frank, Houston
sports scribe, for his mistake in a
feature on the Aggie-Rice baseball
game. According to Frank: “Ev
eryone scored but Reville, the mas
cot, and ‘he’ wasn’t there . . . ”.
Reville, crowding thirteen years,
is indifferent to such mistakes and
only cocked an eye, but the Aggies
felt it should be righted. From
Frank’s letter: “I very much ap
preciated your card and am indeed
sorry I. erred . . . Knowing that
A. & M. was NOT a co-ed institu
tion, I didn’t know if even any
female canines were allowed . . .
You have a school to be proud of,
and I know that you are.”
• • •
Sugar Blues: Aggies who intend
missing over twelve meals in the
mess halls will have to borrow
their War Ration Books from Chef
Hotard to take with them (after
June 1) . • • Novelette (Stolen and
adulterated): Forty German sol
diers stood at attention . . . chests
out heads up . . . modest grins on
their faces ... a general was
about to award them the Iron
Cross for meritorious service ’to
“der faderland.” . . . The next day
40 German soldiers (and a gen
eral) were horizontally at atten
tion . . . another general stood
Dr Cox States That
U S’s Safeguard
Lies in Good Health
Austin, Texas.—Commenting to
day on the wide spread interest
and cooperation shown by Texans
in the observance of Texas Chil
dren’s Week, Dr. Geo. W. Cox,
State Health Officer, said that
America has no better safeguard
for her future than the promotion
of good health in the youth of to
“Americans have done a great
deal in the past to make the Unit
ed States a better and safer place
in which to live the all-important
years of childhood,” Dr. Cox said,
“but in spite of all of this, Amer
ican childhood has not yet been
made as safe as it can be.”
Dr. Cox pointed out that the na
tional emergency naturally adds
to the health hazards that already
exist and urged parents of every
child in Texas to make sure that
their children have been immuniz
ed against such preventable dis
eases as diphtheria and smallpox.
Dr. Cox stressed the fact that
although most babies are born
physically sound, the foundation
for future health is laid in the
first six years of life. All parents
must realize that raising child
health standards is a, job for them
especially, Dr. Cox said, and add
ed that it is better to keep them
from getting sick than to try to
save their lives when they are ill.
By Jack Keith
Following the last showing of
“PARIS CALLING” today at the
Calmpus, the midnight prevue will
be Abbott and Costello in' “RIDE
’EM COWBOY.” The picture will
show at the regular run Sunday
and Monday.
This time the comedy team of
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello (Cos
tello’s the short fat one) forget
the war and pull their laugh pro
voking antics in the wild and
wooly west. Some scenes such as
the under-water scene and the big
Indian chase could be classed as
not only laughter-provoking, but
almost as riot-provoking.
Bud and Lou, as two hot-dog
vendors from “up East” find them
selves mixed up in the affairs of
Bronco Bob Mitchell (Dick Foran),
an author of Western novels. The
love angle is provided by Foran
and Anne Gwynne, a newcomer to
the screen. The script also man
ages to work in a couple of songs
by Foran, “I’ll Remember April”
and “Give Me My Saddle.”
For those who enjoy The Merry
Macs on the radio and nickelodeons
now is their chance to see them
in action. As the ranch hands and
as hostess of the Arizona ranch
which is the scene of most of the
story, the four Merry Macs find
plenty of opportunities to warble
out a song for the guests. Others
of the cast include Ella Fitzger
ald, Johnny Mack Brown and The
For 101 minutes of entertain-
Three New Books On
War Areas Published
Three books, all on areas now in
the war limelight, written by Uni
versity of Michigan professors
have been published within the
last few weeks.
First to appear was a 1,000-page
volume on “The Philippines, a
study in National Development” by
Joseph R. Hayden, professor of
political science and the last vice
governor and secretary of public
instruction under the pre-common
wealth regime from 1933 to 1935,
who is now serving on the board
of analysts of the federal office of
the co-ordinator of information in
“Latin America” by Preston E.
James, professor of geography, al
though written as a basic text for
use in courses in regional or eco
nomic geography of Latin Amer
ica, provides a means for all Amer
icans to become acquainted with
their neighbors to the south. The
author is now chief of the Latin
American affairs section of the
federal office of the Co-ordinator
of information in Washington.
Most recent of the three books
is “The Dutch in the Far East”
by Albert Hyma, history professor.
ment, Guion Hall offers “ANDY
TARY” this afternoon and to
night. This is another in the series
featuring Mickey Rooney as Andy
Hardy with Lewis Stone, Fay
Holden and Ann Rutherford.
Although “Andy Hardy’s Priv
ate Secretary” has a general theme
typical of all the Andy Hardy pic
tures, this one perhaps has more
real story than any of the others.
Rooney, as president and treasurer
of his high school senior class is
the typical “best all-around-guy”
of his school. In fact he has his
fingers in so many pies at once,
he appoints himself a private sec
retary—Katherine Grayson.
Miss Grayson and Todd Karns
play the parts of two motherless
children whom Rooney takes under
his wings to see that they have
their share of the graduation fes
tivities. Naturally, Rooney’s best
girl, Ann Rutherford, gets jeal
ous of his secretary and Mickey
has plenty of trouble on his hands.
Besides his “woman troubles,”'
Mickey manages to flunk an Eng
lish exam, a requisite for gradu
ation, and also causes his proteges'
father to lose his job. As usual, a
happy ending for everybody is con
trived in the end.
109 S. Main Bryqn
Dial 4-1181
Box Office Opens at 1 P.iyi.
A Chorlsi K. Feldman Group Production
Also Three Stooges
Musical — News Reel
Shots of Drake & Penn Relays
Trade With Lou
Musical—Hal Kemp & Orchestra
Short — News
Kiefer B. Sauls, treasurer of
Brigham Young university, re
ceived a letter containing 35 cents.
An accompanying unsigned note
explained the money was in pay
ment for fruit taken from the uni
versity’s orchard.
Saturday—‘Andy Hardy’s
Private Secretary,” with
Mickey Rooney, Fay Holden
and Lewis Stone.
Monday—“We Were Danc
ing,” starring Norma Shear
er and Melvyn Douglas.
Saturday—“Paris Calling,”
starring Elizabeth Bergner,
Randolph Scott and Basil
Saturday Midnite, Sunday
and Monday—Abbott and
Costello in “Ride ’em Cow
1:00 P. M., 6:45 and 8:30
Andy Hardy’s
Private Secretary
Enjoy one of Mickey Rooney’s
best pictures
REMEMBER: “Movies Are Your Best Entertainment”
4 ’ V
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