Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1942)
Roy Bucek Not Expected in Meet Saturday INTRAMDRALS DUB OXFORD This is the time of the year when recommendations are being made for stripes, editors and but tons. And the freshmen should not be left out. Any freshman ■$ interested in be- ™ coming a sopho- as more intramural manager, will be vitally interested in the meeting which will be held Tuesday, May 5, at 7:30 in the gym. Of course, many men’s names have been turned in by their recreational officers but the Oxford FORFEIT DOGHOUSE Class A: G Field Artillery, Swimming 6 CHQ, Softball Class B: B Cavalry, Water Polo H Coast, Water Polo I Replacement Center, Wat er Polo C Field Artillery, Water Polo I Infantry, Water Polo 3 CHQ, Water Polo C Infantry, Water Polo B C.W.S., Water Polo C Coast Artillery, Water Polo H Replacement Center, Ten nis opportunities are open to any one who wants to try out for the spot. As Mr. Penny stated in his col- lumn last Tuesday, school is not all studies. And if yon want a chance to better yourself and serve your school, I know of no better way than to become a sophomore intramural manager. Don’t forget, Tuesday, May 5, at 7:30 is the hour of the important meeting. At this meeting, Mr. Penny will explain the workings of the system and the awards giv en for the work as a sophomore manager. Class A Baseball Playing to win, H Coast Artil lery beat F Engineers 2 to 1 in a tightly pitched baseball match on the side of the Coast Artillery. F Field and their pseudo arch enemy, I Field, played a wallop ing baseball game to beat the I battery boys 12-11. Making a rally in the fourth inning, A Coast beat 2 CHQ 9-4. C Infantry and B C.W.S. played a fast ball game, too. But the paddlefeet were just faster on their feet and won the game 7-6. Odds ’n Ends Perhaps I was singing too loud ly when I stated water sports were on the increase in participation . . . Look at the DOG HOUSE today . . . Luke Harrison, former assist ant intramural director, is now at an induction center near San An tonio ... He says that after marching on a six-mile hike three times a week, they still find time to play a little softball and volley ball . . . From now on, nearly ev ery other day, a final game will be played. University of California depart ment of hygiene has worked out a co-operative plan for emergency use of its facilities by the state and the city of Berkeley. IF IT’S CORSAGES YOU WANT, WE HAVE THEM! MAKE THE COTTON BALL A REAL SUCCESS FOR HER BY SENDING A CORSAGE FROM J. Coulter Smith FLORIST College Avenue Phone 2-6725 LUKES GROCERY AND MARKET ♦ SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY Libby’s Fruit Cocktail—No. 1 Tall—2 for 32< Softasilk Cake Flour t 25^ Light Crust Flour, 6 lbs - 350 Trappey’s Cut Stringless Beans, 2 for 270 Light Crust Pan Cake ... 100 Wheaties, 2 for ’ 250 Chocolate Covered Cherries 220 Cross & Blackwell Catsup, large size. Monarch Tomato Juice, 3 for , Luke’s Coffee, any grind, lb MEATS Bacon — Decker’s lowana, lb Roast, Boneless — No Waste, lb._ Weiners, Skinless, lb Pork Chops—Center Cuts, lb Smoked Bacon — Best Brand, lb._ ...190 -250 -260 ...350 -350 -240 -380 -280 VEGETABLES Lemons — 490 Size, Dozen- Lettuce, (California) 2 for Celery, Large Size Cabbage, lb. -120 -090 -090 -020 ALL OTHER VEGETABLES AND FRUITS LUKE’S WE DELIVER Phone 4-1141 Battalion Sports Page 6 -THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, 1942 More Dope on that Screwy 26-0 Score! Record Books Show That Ags Scored Largest Shutout in ’42 Anytime a “box-car” score shows up in any kind of a sports event it always raises the ques tion about whether or not that particular score is a record. Last week the Texas Aggie base ball team slaughtered the Rice Owls by the score of 26-0 but the outcome did not set a new record for runs scored by an Aggie base ball team. Defeat of S. M. U. 32-7 in 1936 is the mark. Records Kept in ’94 According to the record books kept by the A&M College Athletic Department, the game was first played as a recognized intercol legiate sport in 1894, the same year football got started, and that year the Aggies won three of the four played with a 16-1 score over Navasota the largest. There' are no more games record ed until 1904 and then the first Texas Longhom-Texas Aggie game shows up with a score of 8-4 for Texas. Wirt Spencer was the coach and H. E. Hanna, cap tain. In 1905, says the record book, the Aggie won the State Champ ionship. Hanna again was captain. Beat Trinity, 23-0 It was not until 1912 that the first “war debt” score showed up in the book, which relates that the Aggies defeated Trinity Uni versity, 23-0. Charley Moran was coach and Dutch Hohn the cap tain. In 1920 the Aggies defeated Texas, 20-8 for the next score in the twenty block. In 1924 the Ag gies downed Rice, 25-9 for another lopsider and lost that same year to Texas, 1-18 for the first big losing score up to that time. Texas also took them 15-1, 3-1 and 4-3 that same year.- Nightmare Year The year of 1936 was a night mare for, the official scorekeepers for that was the year that the Ag gies really broke loose in a big scoring yvay. Tops was the 32-7 victory over S.M.U. in the first of three games and was followed by a 28-3 win in the final game. The other game ended 10-3 for A&M. Rice was defeated 21-2 and 18-3 and 6-4 in that order. Texas Christian took a licking to the tune of 19-6 but got revenge by winning from A&M, 12-9 and 11-5. The Baylor series came out 13-11, 3-7 and 11-11 tie while Texas and the Aggies played the most sensible games of the year with scores of 3-4, 5-4 and 5-6. The Aggies al so took 10-4 and 17-1 licking from the Beaumont, Texas League club that year. In all, the Aggies play ed 23 games that year and scored 223 runs to the opponent’s 162 or a total of 385 runs for one season. The Aggies did not win the cham pionship even with those wild scores. In 1940 Texas raised the largest licking record with a score of 19- 6 bettering the 1920 top of 18-1. Largest Shutout So, for the fans who want ar guments settled, the largest shut out ever scored by an Aggie team WAS the 1942 Rice-Aggie game of last week with its 26-0 score. The largest victory was 32-7 over S.M.U. in 1936 and the worst Ag gie defeat was the 19-6 loss to Texas in 1940. The largest total runs score was in 1936 with the Seventh Annual High School Swim Meet to be Held at Natatorium May 2 Sponsored by the Texas A. & M. college athletic council, the sev enth annual high school swim meet will be held Saturday, May 2, in P. L. Downs Jr. natatorium. Preliminaries The preliminary heats will be run off at 2:30 and the finals will be held at 7:30. The entire meet is under the direction of Aggie swim ming coach Art Adamson and he has indicated that medals will be awarded, by the athletic council to the first, second and third place winners, including the relays. A trophy will be presented to the high point team and the winning relay team. The meet will be run under the rules of the national scholastic council and any records made will be accepted into the record books of the council. As has been the precedent, no admission will be charged. With the large group of swim mers entering, there is a good chance of many of the existing records falling and many near rec ords will be tabulated. Dallas Swimmers Enter Several Dallas swimmers have Aggie Netters Meet Baylor Here Saturday Playing the Baylor Bears Sat urday, the Texas Aggie tennis team will attempt to annex their fourth win. The netters have won three games, lost one and one of their matches was rained out. Aft er meeting Baylor Saturday, the net men will move out to Dallas on May 7, 8, and 9 for the con ference meet. The Aggie tennis players met Texas Tuesday and the T. U. rac ket handlers whitewashed Coach Manning Smith’s boys. The Aggie tennis team is coached by Mann ing Smith and the members are Xavier Fernandez, A1 Krezdorn, Jack Thomason, Bill Marshall, Pat Patterson, Toppy Pearce and Bob Schas. Women students at Hunter col lege, New York, are training to become weather observers at air ports and bureaus. signified their intention of enter ing. Conway Moore, the 220- and 100-yard free style favorite will be on hand, and Sonny Sweet will go round and round with Heaney of El Paso. Stephen F. Austin high school of El Paso is expected to have many strong entries. Jack Stiles of Sweetwater and Bullet Manalley of Fort Worth will also be on hand for the free style events. San Antonio Technical high school will enter Don Smith, Thomas Jefferson of San Antonio will boast of the swimming prow ess of Frank Scott, Frank Camp bell and Leonard Moise of Hous ton will swim for Lamar high school of that city. Entrants for the meet are still piling in and the sum total will probably be some 25 high schools participating in the meet. BICYCLE REPAIRS AND PARTS The Student Co-op Call 4-4114 DON’T END YOUR EVENING WITHOUT TRYING OUR GOOD * FOOD! If you’ve heard of it we have it NEW YORK CAFE — Bryan — Aggies leading 223 to 162. Also, to answer a question before it is asked—the Texas Aggies never have had an undefeated baseball season, even in 1931, 1934 and 1937 when they won the conference championship. Pulls Muscle Star Cadet Hurdler Out With Pulled Muscle Injury Hurt Leg Expected to Heal Before Conference Meet At Dallas May 8 and 9 Bad news for the Texas Aggie track fans came back home with the ten-man team which took part in the Drake Relays last Saturday, when it was revealed that Captain Roy Bucek, ace hurdler and relay performer, had pulled a muscle in his leg in the 120-high hurdles event at Des Moines, la. Coach “Dough” Rollins says that" he may have to scratch Bucek from the Little Conference meet at Houston this week and try to have him back in shape to defend his championships in the South west Conference meet at Dallas, May 7-8. With Bucek T>ut of the hurdles and 440 relay, several Aggie points will be lost as he was al most a certainty to win both the 120 and 220-yard hurdles and car ry his sprint relay team to a placing for more points. Bucek hurt his leg at the third hurdle but kept going and led as he went over the final hurdle. About five yards from the tape the muscle tightened up and he staggered across the line in third place in the event he had won up to the finish. He did not complain about the injury and ran the anchor on the winning shuttle hurdle relay team and then ran a leg on the sprint relay team. After the meet the leg stiffened and he was hardly able to walk when the train car rying the team arrived back here Monday. Examination showed the injury not to be too severe and it is hop ed that it will respond to the treatment it is being given. CORSAGES for the COTTON BALL and CORPS DANCE • WYATT’S FLOWER SHOP Dial 2-2400 Bryan BIG DRUG SALE! COUPON Colorful Design WASH .CLOTHS 5° With Coupon LIPSCOMB’S PHARMACY “Doc” Lipscomb, Ex Aggie PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS College Station Phone 4-1121 COcilquum dhjencij Drticj Store DOANS Diuretic PILLS 75c Size 43° EPSOM SALTS Medicinal 1-lb. Size 17 C Revelation TOOTH POWDER 50c Size 34° KLEENEX Cleansing TISSUES 2s25< Box 200 BAUME BEN-GAY Mild or Reg. 75c Tube 59° LIFEBUOY OR 10c LUX SOAP . 3:20 ASPIRIN TABLETS, High Quality, 100 MAR-O-OIL SHAMPOO, 60c SIZE . . BARBASOL 50c SHAVE CREAM W Tub? ld IT 37 l/pset Stomach? BISMADINE ANTACID • 50c Powder • 25c Tablets 75c rnc Value . Ou Centuar PLAYING CARDS 37 c Bridge or pinochle style. A Value! Cedar-Pak GARMENT BAG 19‘ Protects your clothes. Holds 3 garments. SCHICK Injector BLADES pkg. 12 46° s. s. s. HEALTH TONIC $1.2OSize0j) C iMI KLEK Bsads of SOAP a?!. 3828’ GLYCERINE Suppositories Adult or Infant Sot. 12 2 1° LIFEBUOY Shaving CREAM Sr.. 27 c For Smokers! GARCIA SUBLIME PERFECTO CIGARS f;so.... 123 Carton 50 BOOK MATCHES Safe for Home U»e •. FOR ANY EMERGENCY!! * PLASTIC FLASHLIGHT Completewith a qc Batteries OO fSfa'fi vPr'KsI Beam! “RISTLITE” FLASHLIGHT Completewith Q Qg Batteries . «IU FOUNTAIN 11* GetYour| FRESH U FILIVI 1 At Our Store Spring Tonic! 29 Odo-ro-no Cream Deodorant 1-ounce aq Size . . . 0%) VITAMIN Bi WINE TONIC FULL PINT Tl Dr. WESTS “VRAY” p| DentalCrCam ISf Formerly YEAST and IRON COMPOUND FULL PINT |47M|o^ Delicious! Tasty! FROSTED FUDGE SUNDAE 15 c Two big scoops of ice cream, creamy chocolate syrup and topped with whipped cream! CLIMAX Wallpaper Cleaner s° c e 3 s 28 M * u NOTICE! U.S. Government re gulations permit the sale of tooth pastes and shaving creams, only when a used tube is turned in.